Teacher Details

Sanjeev Arjunrao Sonawane

Department of Education & Extension


1)    Gaikwad, R., Choukade, G. Sonawane, S. (2022). Trans-disciplinary Learning: Education of the 21st Century Learners. Education and Society, 46 (1), 72-78. ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
2)    Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2022). Skills of Pre-service Teachers Towards Inclusive Education. Education and Society, 45 (4), 12-19. ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
3)    Sonawane, S., Valvi, N.J. (2021). Challenging issues of Tribal students of Savitribai Phule Pune University. EduInspire: An international e-Journal, 8 (8), 2-10. ISSN(print/online): 2349-7076, URL/DOI: https://ctegujarat.org/eduinspire/issue.html
4)    Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. A., Jadhav, P. (2020). Preparing Inclusive Class for the Children with Special Needs during COVID -19 Crisis. Educational Quest : An international journal of education and applied social sciences, 11 (3), 183-187. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 0976-7258/2230-7311, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30954/2230-7311.3.2020.5
5)    Pandey , S., Sonawane, S.A. (2019). Relationship between life skills and mental health of adolescent boys. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 4 (1), 1190-1192. ISSN(print/online): 2456-0057, URL/DOI: https://www.journalofsports.com/pdf/2019/vol4issue1/PartZ/4-1-312-354.pdf
7)    Bansode, S., Sonawane, S., Valvi, N. (2017). Pedagogy of dance,music,drama for special needs children. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 4 (30), 30. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
8)    Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2017). Attitude of Pre-service Teachers Towards Inclusive Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 4 (32), 160-165. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
9)    Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2016). Analysis of Teacher Education Curriculum With Respect to Inclusive Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language, 3 (16), 3821-3831. ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083, URL/DOI: http://oaji.net/articles/2016/1201-1470645456.pdf
10)    Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2016). Teachers Role And Inclusive Classroom Skills. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language, 3 (15), 3753-3763. ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083.
11)    Chen, Z., Sonawane, S. (2015). The new understanding and analysis of features and contents of grounded theory. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 3 (19), 344-351. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
12)    Jadhav, V.G., Valvi, N.J., Sonawane, S. (2015). Role of teacher in the implications of constructivist approach on classroom management. Golden Research Thoughts, ISSN(print/online): 2231-5063.
13)    Wadegaonkar, A.S., Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M. (2015). Theoretical Framework of Socialization For Inclusion of Visually Impaired. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1 (1), 28-45. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808, URL/DOI: http://srjis.com/srjis_new/images/articles/MAY-JUNE2015/5.%20Ashwini%20Wadegaonkar.pdf
14)    Jadhav, V.G., Sonawane, S.A. (2013). Effect of Co-operative Learning on Self-concept in Mathematics of Secondary School Students. Shikshan Tarang, 1-10. ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
15)    Sonawane, S. A., Soohee Cho (2013). Mind-Body Management Education (MBME) Programme: A Scientific Approach. Teacher Education Browser: A Refereed and Reviewed Journal, 6-15. ISSN(print/online): 2278-6708.
16)    Pethkar, V., Naik, S., Sonawane, S. (2012). Relationship between students' and teachers' attitude towards physiacl activity and physical fitness. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 12 (3), 385-390. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 2247-8051/2247-806X, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2012.03057
17)    Sonawane, S.A., Vartak, L.R., Uplane, M.M. (2012). Project Based Learning (PBL) Approach Training for teaching, learning, assessment and Developing 21st century skills among pupil teachers. Teacher Education Browser: A Refereed and Reviewed Journal, 1 (1), 9-22. ISSN(print/online): 2278-6708.
18)    सोनवणे, संजीव., उपलाने, मेघा (2012). शैक्षणिक संशोधन अर्थसहाय्य. शिक्षक मित्र, (), ४६-४८. ISSN(print/online): 2230-8989.
19)    Gaikwad, S., Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M. (2011). Enhancing Scientific Attitude of Secondary School Students. CTE National Journal, IX (1), 54-58.
20)    Valvi, N., Sonawane, S., Chavan, K. (2011). To check the present status of Mental Health of PG teachers. Journal of Mental Health, 221-224. ISSN(print/online): 0963-8237/1360-0567.
21)    Uplane, M.M., Sonawane, S.A., Padmini, M.S. (2011). CAI: An Effective Instructional Method for Secondary School Low Achievers. Edutracks, 10 (7), 25-30. ISSN(print/online): 0972-9844.
22)    Chavan, K., Sonawane, S., Valvi, N. (2011). Developing Entrepreneurship Teaching Approach Using “Picture” Games for Educational Psychology in B.Ed Classroom. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, (1), 1-6. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
23)    Chavan, K., Sonawane, S., Valvi, N. (2011). A Journey from Behaviour to Attitude towards Inclusive Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1-7. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.

Publications Before 2011

24)    Sonawane, S.A., Vartak, L.R., (2010). Peer Tutoring - Using Poster & Computer Presentations. Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemporary Issues, 8 (3), 22-38. ISSN(print/online): 2229-581X.
25)    Aher, S. S., Sonawane, S. A. (2010). Effect of Physical Activity Programme on Health Related Physical Fitness of Obese Boys. Entire Research, 2 (4), 17-19. ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
26)    Kale, S., Sonawane, S., (2010). Effectiveness of Activity - Based Teaching Method Used for the Development of Knowledge of Science of Students. Entire Research, 2 (4), 75-77. ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
27)    Sonawane, S. A. (2010). Search for New Perspective. Variorum, 1 (2), 1-6. ISSN(print/online): 0976-9714, URL/DOI: http://www.ghrws.in/charity/Variorum/Variorum%20Vol.-01%20Issue%20II%20November%202010/Dr.%20Sonavane.pdf
28)    Sonawane, S. A. (2010). Analysis of Research Finding of Use of ICT & Effectiveness in T-L. Shikshan Tarang, 86-95. ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
29)    Pethkar, V., Naik, S., Sonawane, S. (2010). Attitudes toward Physical Activity & Its Measurements. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 28 (4), 30-36. ISSN(print/online): 2247-8051/2247-806X.
30)    Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M., Choukade, G.G. (2009). Development of Textbook Based Self Instructional Package to teach Mathematics for the VI Standard students – A study. Entire Research, 1, 20-23. ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
31)    Sonawane, S.A., Vartak, L.R. (2009). Perceptions of the M.Ed. Students Regarding the Role of The Teacher and the Challenges Faced in Teacher Education. Researching Wholistic Education, 152-165.
32)    Uplane, M. M., Sonawane, S. A., Padmini M. S. (2009). Computer Assisted Instruction for low Achievers In Physics. Entire Research, 1, 30-34. ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
33)    Toka, S.M.S., Rana, M.S., Sonawane, S.A. (2009). Study of Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Components of Tehran University and Pune University Students. Journal of Research Bi- Annual for Movement, 27-35. ISSN(print/online): 0973-1989.
34)    Sharma, U., Moore, D., Sonawane, S. (2009). Attitudes and concerns of pre-service teachers regarding inclusion of students with disabilities into regular schools in Pune, India. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 37 (3), 319-331. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 1359-866X/1469-2945, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13598660903050328
35)    Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M., Shinde, M.M. (2009). Study of level of e-culture and integration of ICT in Teacher Education Institutions of Pune city. Journal of Research Studies on the Impact of ICT in Education, 55-59.
36)    Bera, M., Sonawane, S.A. (2008). Traditional Yoga for Value Education. Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemporary Issues, 70-83. ISSN(print/online): 2229-581X.
37)    Sonawane, S.A. (2008). Talent Identification and Development in India: Suggestions for Developing Sports Talent. Journal of Research Bi- Annual for Movement, 25, 23-31. ISSN(print/online): 0973-1989.