Department Details

Centre for Advanced Studies in Sanskrit

1)    Jha, U. (2023). Essentails of Ethics for Modern Man: Insights from Pūrvamīmā ¿ sa . In K.B. Archak(Ed.), Ethics for Modern Man in Sanskrit Literature (pp.69-77). India: Delhi Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 9788175741805.
2)    Tripathi, D. (2023). Different ways of getting Sentential Meaning. In A. Joshi(Eds.), Ujjawal-Shastra-Vaibhavam (pp.193-201). Delhi: Shivalik Prakashan. ISBN: 9789391214449.
3)    Joshi, A. V. (2021). Understanding Kautilya. In S. Apte(Ed.), कौटिल्य समजून घेताना (pp.9-30). Kautilya Study Centre, S.P. College: S.P. College.
4)    Tripathi, D. (2019). Sanskrit and Bhojpuri. In J. Tripathi, Influence of Sanskrit on Indian Language and Literature (pp.111-120). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, SPPU. ISBN: 9789385788048.
5)    Mohanty, D. (2019). Influence of Sanskrit on Prakrit Literature. In J. Tripathi, Influence of Sanskrit on Indian Language and Literature (pp.182-185). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, SPPU. ISBN: 9789385788048.
6)    Jha, U. (2016). Theory of Grammar : Reflections of Purva-mīmāṃsā . In N. Misra(Ed.), Apurvajyotih: Glimpses of Indic Light (pp.263-273). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 817702390X.
7)    Tripathi, D. (2016). The Concept of Shabdabrahman in Bhartrihar. In P. Dvivedi(Ed.), Amarayashahsaurabham (pp.664-673). Varanasi, India: Sharada Sanskrita Sansthana. ISBN: 9789381999844.
8)    त्रिपाठी, देवनाथ (2015). पाणिनीयपदसाधुत्वोपायविमर्शः. In रायते(संपा.), वरिवस्या (pp.१४४-१४६). वाराणसी: नूतन बालक गणेशोत्सव समाज सेवा मण्डल. ISBN: ९७८८१९३१७४५१७.
9)    Joshi, A. (2015). Pandurang Vaman Kane. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature (pp.840-845). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
10)    Dalai, B.K. (2015). Maharashtra and Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune: CASS. ISBN: 9788193146880.
11)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Marathi Translation of Yoga Upanishad. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yogopanishads (pp.239-263). Pune, India: CASS, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9789385788000.
12)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of R.A. Khandekar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.554-565). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
13)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Raghunath G. Navahaste to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.801-812). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
14)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Raghunath Manohar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.535-541). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
15)    Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of Sridharashastri Pathak to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.204-206). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
16)    Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Contribution of Vasudev Laxman Manjul. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.891-901). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
17)    Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Darshanopanishad. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Yogopanishad (pp.74-114). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9789385788000.
18)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Mahakavi Muni Medhavratacarya to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.637-640). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
19)    Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of N.G. Suru to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.655-655). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
20)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Nilakantha Caturdhara to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.447-449). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
21)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Nilakantha Thatte to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.566-567). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
22)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Prof. Bala Gadagila to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.450-452). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
23)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Prof. K.R. Joshi to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.760-765). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
24)    Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of Dhundirajshastri Bapat to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.207-214). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
25)    Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of K.S. Arjunwadkar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.771-775). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
26)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Laxmanbhata Ankolkar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.542-545). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
27)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of M.D. Pandit to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.416-418). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
28)    Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Contribution of Mahadev Sakharam Aptikar. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.495-497). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit,, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. ISBN: 9788193146880.
29)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2015). Contribution of Mahadeva Ramacandra Gadre to Pratisakhya Studies. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.198-203). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit. ISBN: 9788193146880.
30)    Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Contribution of A. B. Gajendragadkar. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.637-340). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
31)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Acarya Deokrishna K. Pandit to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.343-345). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
32)    Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Acyutaraya Modak to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.568-575). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
33)    Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of Dharmanada Kosambi to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.463-465). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
34)    Muley, R.M. (2015). Belvalkar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.828-839). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
35)    Muley, R.A. (2014). Ahina-dvadasharatra- somayaga- svaroop. NA. (pp.25-27)Latur, India: Vidyabharti publication. ISBN: 9788178761718.
36)    Tripathi, D. (2014). Ashtadhyayi as a single sentence. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Shatasaradiyam (pp.108-110). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809.
37)    Muley, R.A. (2014). Vedic Doshavastah Padasya Svaranusarena Arthavivaranam,Studie. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Vedic Studies (Problems and Perspectives) (pp.256-261). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023503.
38)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2014). Text-Critical Study of the Pativedanani hymns. In H.H. Hock(Ed.), Vedic Studies: Language, Texts, Culture and Society (pp.152-161). New Delhi, India: D.K. Printworld. ISBN: 9788124607275.
39)    Muley, R.A. (2014). Satapth Brahmanatil Sarvakalikh vicharah ,Shatasharadiyam. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), The felicitation Volume of the late Prof. R.N.Dandekar (pp.256-261). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan.
40)    Muley, R.A. (2014). Shroutayaga va prayashchitta kalpana. NA. (pp.71-73)Latur, India: Vidyabharti publication. ISBN: 9788178761718.
41)    Joshi, A.V. (2014). Sambhuya-Samutthana in the Yajnavalkya Smrti. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Satasaradiyam : Researches on Indology : Some Reflections (pp.188-191). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809.
42)    Tripathi, J.U. (2014). Role of Kalpa Vedanga in interpreting Veda. Vedic Studies, Problem and Perspectives (pp.180-199). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023509.
43)    Muley, R.A. (2014). Samavedateela Svarachinhe. In V. Deokar(Eds.), Samaveda Darshana (pp.159-172). Pune, India.
44)    Tripathi, J.U. (2014). Rajimati: A Distinguished Woman. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), SATASARADIYAM Researches on Indology: Some reflection (The Birth Centenary Volume of Late Prof. R.N. Dandekar) (pp.473-476). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 978 8180903809 .
45)    Muley, R.A. (2014). Kanvamadhyandinasamhite Katyayanashrautasutram ch. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Vedic Studies (Problems and Perspectives) (pp.244-255). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023503.
46)    Jadhav, K.N. (2014). Lakika sanskrit gadya lakshana vimarsha. In B. K. Dalai(Eds.), Introduction to Indian Poetics and Aesthetics (pp.270-275). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, S.P. Pune University.
47)    Dalai, B.K. (2014). Jaina Theory of Niksepa and Naya. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Satasaradiyam (The birth centenary volume of late Prof. R.N.Dandekar (pp.227-235). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809.
48)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2014). Discrepancies in Interpretation: Analysis of Commentaries of the KausikaSutra' (with special reference to the Strikarmani section . In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Vedic Studies: Problems and Perspectives (pp.97-102). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023503.
49)    Mohanty, D. (2014). Dvaitadvaitas' Criticism on Jaina Philosophy. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Shatasaradiyam (The Birth Centenary Vol. of Late Prof. R.N. Dandekar) (pp.453-458). Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809.
50)    Mohanty, D. (2014). DvaitÁdvaitas’ Criticism on Jaina Philosophy : A Critique. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Satasaradiyam (pp.278-288). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809.
51)    Dalai, B.K. (2014). Dhyana :A jaina Perspective. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (pp.144-160). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022600.
52)    Tripathi, D. (2014). Astadhyayi as a Single Sentence . In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Satasaradiyam (pp.108-110). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809.
53)    Jadhav, K.N. (2014). Authorship of Sarva-darśan-sangraha. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Satasaradiyam: Researches on Indology: Some Reflections: The Birth Centenary Volume of Late Prof. R N Dandekar (pp.299-309). ISBN: 9788180903809 .
54)    Dalai, B.K. (2013). What is Beautiful: An Indian Approach. In S.C. Dash(Eds.) , Sabdabrahma: Wisdom Indologica:A. C. Sarangi Felicitation Volume (pp.155-168). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022070.
55)    Mohanty, D. (2013). The Concept of Dharana in Indian Philosophy. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (An indepth study of less known yoga concept) (pp.282-291). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022599.
56)    Muley, R.A. (2013). Shuklayajurveda-bhashyakarnam vyakhartha-tattvani. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics theory and Application (pp.190-203). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962.
57)    Tripathi, J.U. (2013). Sahityasara: A little Known Test on Dramaturgy. In S.C. Dash(Eds.), Sabdabrahma: Wisdom Indologica (A. C. Sarangi Fel.Vol.) (pp.161-168). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Publication. ISBN: 9788177022070 .
58)    Tripathi, D. (2013). Hermeneutics Vis-a-Vis Commentaries of Mahaabhaashya. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics Theory and Application (pp.204-209). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962.
59)    Tripathi, J.U. (2013). Indian Hermeneutics vis-a- vis Commentaries on Kāvyaprakāśa’,. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics: Theory and Application (pp.170-183). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962 .
60)    Joshi, A.V. (2013). Indian Hermeneutics Vis-à-vis Hindu Law of Partnership. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics :Theory and Application (pp.184-189). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962.
61)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2013). Indian Hermeneutics Vis-à-vis the Brahmana Texts . In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics Theory and Application (pp.37-46). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962.
62)    Mohanty, D. (2013). Hermeneutics and the role of Lakshana. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics: Theory and Application (pp.149-161). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation (New BBC). ISBN: 9788183151962.
63)    Tripathi, J.U. (2013). Concept of Yama . In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (An Indepth Study of Less Known Yoga Concept) (pp.81-95). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Publication . ISBN: 9788177022599.
64)    Dalai, B.K. (2013). Concept of Yoga and its Meaning. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (pp.16-23). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022599.
65)    Muley, R.A. (2012). Yajnavidhi Ani Tyanchee Prayojane. Brahma-varchaskama smaranam (pp.13-16). Latur, India: Somayaga Smaraneeka. ISBN: 9788178761039.
66)    Muley, R.A. (2012). Tripurarahashya granthanusaram citisvarupam. Models of Understanding Consciousness (pp.234-244). Pune, India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146842.
67)    Muley, R.A. (2012). Vedic chandansi tesam kanicana vaishishtyani. The Studies in Chanadashastra (pp.242-256). Pune, India: V.S.M..
68)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2012). The Chandodosas (Metrical Errors). In B. Pataskar(Ed.), The Studies in Chandahsastra (pp.197-204). Pune, India: DVaidika Samsodhana Mandala.
69)    Muley, R.A. (2012). Sanskrute kavyanuvada visheshah. Translation Theory and Application (pp.321-336). Pune, India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146835.
70)    Jha, U. (2012). Rigvedatil Shakuna Sankalpana. In R.A. Muley(Ed.), Avalokan,Rigveda-Darshan (pp.151-156). Nashik, India: Sundar Sanskar swadhyay Mandal.
71)    Muley, R.A. (2012). Rugvedasamhitetil tattvacintan. Rugveda Darshana (pp.49-56). Nashik, India: Sundara Sanskara Ani Svadhyaya .
72)    Jadhav, K.N. (2012). Non-Cognitive Tools of Translation . Translation : Theory & Application (pp.302-320). Pune, India. ISBN: 9788193146835.
73)    Muley, R.A. (2011). Yamanachikatasoh upakhyanam. Samarpanam (pp.143-145). Pune, India: Gayatri prakashanam. ISBN: 9788191032445.
74)    Mohanty, D. (2011). The rights of prisioners. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dhamashashtra and Human Rights (pp.77-91). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 8183151612978.
75)    Mohanty, D. (2011). The Rights of Prisoners. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharamsastra and Human Rights (pp.70-76). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610.
76)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2011). Towards Svasakti (Self empowerment of Women): Education, Health and Decision-making in Ancient India. In SJ Kurian Kunnumpuram(Ed.), Towards the full flowering of the human (pp.89-103). Mumbai, India: The Bombay Saint Paul Society. ISBN: 9789350150900.
77)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2011). Sanskrit Translations of the Marathi Drama . In S. Jeurkar(Eds.), Significant Facets of Modern Sanskrit Literature (pp.82-94). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180902680.
78)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2011). Role of Dharmasastra Texts in the Age of consent Bill. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharmasastra and Human rights (pp.203-213). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610.
79)    Tripathi, D. (2011). Rights of Teachers and Students. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharmashaastra and Human Rights (pp.147-155). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610.
80)    Jadhav, K.N. (2011). Death Penalty & Human. Dhamashashtra and Human Rights (pp.77-91). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 8183151612978.
81)    Muley, R.A. (2011). Dharmashastreshu soochitah Grahakanam Adhikarah. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharmashastra and Human Rights (pp.382-391). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610.
82)    Muley, R.A. (2011). Bhgvad Geetokta Daivee Sampad. Samarpanam (pp.133-136). Pune, India: Gayatri prakashanam. ISBN: 9788191032445.

Publications Before 2011

83)    Tripathi, J.U. (2010). Siksaprakasa. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Studies on The Siksas and the Pratisakhyas (pp.483-494). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandala.
84)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2010). Pratisakhya Commentators Survey and Contribution. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Studies on the Siksas and the Pratisakhyas (pp.247-284). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandal.
85)    Jha, U. (2010). Atharvavediya Manduki Siksa. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Studies on the Siksas and the Pratisakhyas (pp.187-200). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandal.
86)    Jha, U. (2009). Text without an Author : Discourse Analysis of Ancient India. In S.R. Banerjee(Eds.), Essai Sur La Indologica: A Volume Presented to The Memory of Acharya Gaurinath Sastri on the Occasion of His Birth Centenary Year (pp.99-108). Delhi, India: Sasta Sahitya Mandal Prakashan.
87)    Jadhav, K.N. (2008). Abhijata Sanskrit Sahitya. In S. Bahulkar(Eds.), Sanskruti Parichaya (pp.20-24). Pune, India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth.
88)    Jha, U. (2008). Ancient Indian Cooperative Enterprise and Some Modern Principles of Management. In R. Tripathi(Ed.), Srutimahati Glory of Sanskrit Tradition (pp.626-634). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177021262.
89)    Jha, U. (2008). Ultimate Reality and Meaning in the Most Religiously Secular System of Indian Philosophy. In U. Jha(Eds.), Dimensions of Contemporary Sanskrit Research (pp.50-54). India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183150897.
90)    Dalai, B. K. (2008). Vakyasesa- A Less Understood Concept. In R. Tripathi(Ed.), Srutimahti Glory of Sanskrit Tradition (pp.259-265). Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177021262.
91)    Jadhav K.N. (2008). Mahakavye Va Purane. In S. Bahulkar(Eds.), Sanskruti Parichaya (pp.16-19). Pune, India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth.
92)    Tripathi, J.U. (2007). Vyanjana as a Vrtti. Studies in Sanskrit Linguistics (pp.81-85). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan.
93)    Mohanty, D. (2007). The Concept of Vakya in the Text Tradition of Indian Philosophy. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Studies in Indian Linguistics (pp.222-227). Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 978818901690.
94)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2007). Principles of Management in the Srauta Sacrifices. In K.B. Archak(Eds.), Science, History, Philosophy and Literature in Sanskrit Classics (pp.69-76). Delhi, India: Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 9788175741812.
95)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2007). Ethical Gleanings from Nitisataka. In K.B. Archak(Ed.), Ethics for Modern Man in Sanskrit Literature (pp.170-178). India: Delhi Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 8175741805.
96)    Jha, U. (2007). Dharma in Dharma- sutras. In K.B. Archak(Eds.), Science, History, Philosophy and Literature in Sanskrit Classics (pp.146-156). Delhi, India: Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 9788175741812.
97)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2006). A Myth of the Taittiriya Brahmana ( and Paippalada (5.16). In B.A. Pataskar(Ed.), Reflections of the Taittiriya-Brahmana (pp.57-69). Pune, India: Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala.
98)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2006). A Note on the Kausika Sutra 34.11. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Understanding the Vedas (pp.134-139). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandal.
99)    Jha, U. (2006). Purvamimamsa Thought Before Jaimini. In D.P. Chattopadhyaya(Ed.), History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in India Civilization: Vol. II pt. 6 (pp.25-35). Delhi, India: Centre for Studies in Civilizations. ISBN: 9788187586258.
100)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2006). On the Word Pramanda in the Kausikasutra. In U. Jha(Eds.), Nyaya-Vasistha: Felicitation Volume of Pro. V.N. Jha (pp.57-67). Kolkata, West Bengal: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
101)    Jha, U. (2006). Perception: 2000 AD to 200 BC. In U. Jha(Eds.), Nyaya-Vasistha: Felicitation Volume of Pro. V.N. Jha (pp.560-579). Kolkata, West Bengal: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
102)    Tripathi, D. (2005). Sanskrit-Catalan Dictionary. Encyclopedia Catalana. Barcelona.
103)    Jha, U. (2003). The Prabhā Commentary of Vasudeoshastri Abhyankar. In K. Kale(Eds.), Pramodasindhu : Professor Pramod Ganesh Lalye's 75th birthday (pp.127-137). Pune, India: Mansanman Prakashan. ISBN: 81861671359.
104)    Jha, U. (2003). Some Recent Mīmāmsa Works in Sanskrit. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Sanskrit Writings in Independent India (pp.287-296). New Delhi, India: Sahitya Akademi. ISBN: 9788126018123.
105)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2003). Dharma and Dharmaraja. In K. Kale(Eds.), Pramodasindhu : Professor Pramod Ganesh Lalye's 75th birthday (pp.243-259). Pune, India: Mansanman Prakashan. ISBN: 81861671359.
106)    Jha, U. (2003). Bhakti in Bhagavadgita. In N.B. Patil(Ed.), The Variegated Plumage: Encounters with Indian Philosophy (pp.294-303). Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi: Sant Samagam Research Institute and Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
107)    Dalai, B.K. (2002). On the Concept of Anyathasiddha. In K. Kale(Eds.), Pramodasindhu: PG Lalye Felicitation Volume (pp.151-161). Pune, India: Mansanman Prakashan.
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