Department Details
Centre for Advanced Studies in Sanskrit
1) | Jha, U. (2023). Essentails of Ethics for Modern Man: Insights from Pūrvamīmā ¿ sa . In K.B. Archak(Ed.), Ethics for Modern Man in Sanskrit Literature (pp.69-77). India: Delhi Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 9788175741805. | ||
2) | Tripathi, D. (2023). Different ways of getting Sentential Meaning. In A. Joshi(Eds.), Ujjawal-Shastra-Vaibhavam (pp.193-201). Delhi: Shivalik Prakashan. ISBN: 9789391214449. | ||
3) | Joshi, A. V. (2021). Understanding Kautilya. In S. Apte(Ed.), कौटिल्य समजून घेताना (pp.9-30). Kautilya Study Centre, S.P. College: S.P. College. | ||
4) | Tripathi, D. (2019). Sanskrit and Bhojpuri. In J. Tripathi, Influence of Sanskrit on Indian Language and Literature (pp.111-120). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, SPPU. ISBN: 9789385788048. | ||
5) | Mohanty, D. (2019). Influence of Sanskrit on Prakrit Literature. In J. Tripathi, Influence of Sanskrit on Indian Language and Literature (pp.182-185). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, SPPU. ISBN: 9789385788048. | ||
6) | Jha, U. (2016). Theory of Grammar : Reflections of Purva-mīmāṃsā . In N. Misra(Ed.), Apurvajyotih: Glimpses of Indic Light (pp.263-273). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 817702390X. | ||
7) | Tripathi, D. (2016). The Concept of Shabdabrahman in Bhartrihar. In P. Dvivedi(Ed.), Amarayashahsaurabham (pp.664-673). Varanasi, India: Sharada Sanskrita Sansthana. ISBN: 9789381999844. | ||
8) | त्रिपाठी, देवनाथ (2015). पाणिनीयपदसाधुत्वोपायविमर्शः. In रायते(संपा.), वरिवस्या (pp.१४४-१४६). वाराणसी: नूतन बालक गणेशोत्सव समाज सेवा मण्डल. ISBN: ९७८८१९३१७४५१७. | ||
9) | Joshi, A. (2015). Pandurang Vaman Kane. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature (pp.840-845). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
10) | Dalai, B.K. (2015). Maharashtra and Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune: CASS. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
11) | Mohanty, D. (2015). Marathi Translation of Yoga Upanishad. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yogopanishads (pp.239-263). Pune, India: CASS, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9789385788000. | ||
12) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of R.A. Khandekar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.554-565). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
13) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Raghunath G. Navahaste to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.801-812). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
14) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Raghunath Manohar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.535-541). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
15) | Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of Sridharashastri Pathak to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.204-206). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
16) | Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Contribution of Vasudev Laxman Manjul. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.891-901). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
17) | Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Darshanopanishad. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Yogopanishad (pp.74-114). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9789385788000. | ||
18) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Mahakavi Muni Medhavratacarya to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.637-640). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
19) | Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of N.G. Suru to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.655-655). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
20) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Nilakantha Caturdhara to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.447-449). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
21) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Nilakantha Thatte to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.566-567). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
22) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Prof. Bala Gadagila to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.450-452). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
23) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Prof. K.R. Joshi to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.760-765). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
24) | Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of Dhundirajshastri Bapat to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.207-214). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
25) | Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of K.S. Arjunwadkar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.771-775). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
26) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Laxmanbhata Ankolkar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.542-545). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
27) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of M.D. Pandit to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.416-418). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
28) | Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Contribution of Mahadev Sakharam Aptikar. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.495-497). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit,, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
29) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2015). Contribution of Mahadeva Ramacandra Gadre to Pratisakhya Studies. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.198-203). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
30) | Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Contribution of A. B. Gajendragadkar. In B. K. Dalai(Ed.), Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.637-340). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
31) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Acarya Deokrishna K. Pandit to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.343-345). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
32) | Tripathi, J.U. (2015). Contribution of Acyutaraya Modak to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature, CASS (pp.568-575). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
33) | Muley, R.M. (2015). Contribution of Dharmanada Kosambi to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.463-465). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
34) | Muley, R.M. (2015). Belvalkar to Sanskrit Studies. Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrit Language and Literature (pp.828-839). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880. | ||
35) | Muley, R.A. (2014). Ahina-dvadasharatra- somayaga- svaroop. NA. (pp.25-27)Latur, India: Vidyabharti publication. ISBN: 9788178761718. | ||
36) | Tripathi, D. (2014). Ashtadhyayi as a single sentence. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Shatasaradiyam (pp.108-110). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809. | ||
37) | Muley, R.A. (2014). Vedic Doshavastah Padasya Svaranusarena Arthavivaranam,Studie. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Vedic Studies (Problems and Perspectives) (pp.256-261). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023503. | ||
38) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2014). Text-Critical Study of the Pativedanani hymns. In H.H. Hock(Ed.), Vedic Studies: Language, Texts, Culture and Society (pp.152-161). New Delhi, India: D.K. Printworld. ISBN: 9788124607275. | ||
39) | Muley, R.A. (2014). Satapth Brahmanatil Sarvakalikh vicharah ,Shatasharadiyam. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), The felicitation Volume of the late Prof. R.N.Dandekar (pp.256-261). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. | ||
40) | Muley, R.A. (2014). Shroutayaga va prayashchitta kalpana. NA. (pp.71-73)Latur, India: Vidyabharti publication. ISBN: 9788178761718. | ||
41) | Joshi, A.V. (2014). Sambhuya-Samutthana in the Yajnavalkya Smrti. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Satasaradiyam : Researches on Indology : Some Reflections (pp.188-191). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809. | ||
42) | Tripathi, J.U. (2014). Role of Kalpa Vedanga in interpreting Veda. Vedic Studies, Problem and Perspectives (pp.180-199). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023509. | ||
43) | Muley, R.A. (2014). Samavedateela Svarachinhe. In V. Deokar(Eds.), Samaveda Darshana (pp.159-172). Pune, India. | ||
44) | Tripathi, J.U. (2014). Rajimati: A Distinguished Woman. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), SATASARADIYAM Researches on Indology: Some reflection (The Birth Centenary Volume of Late Prof. R.N. Dandekar) (pp.473-476). Pune, India: SP Pune University. ISBN: 978 8180903809 . | ||
45) | Muley, R.A. (2014). Kanvamadhyandinasamhite Katyayanashrautasutram ch. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Vedic Studies (Problems and Perspectives) (pp.244-255). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023503. | ||
46) | Jadhav, K.N. (2014). Lakika sanskrit gadya lakshana vimarsha. In B. K. Dalai(Eds.), Introduction to Indian Poetics and Aesthetics (pp.270-275). Pune, India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, S.P. Pune University. | ||
47) | Dalai, B.K. (2014). Jaina Theory of Niksepa and Naya. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Satasaradiyam (The birth centenary volume of late Prof. R.N.Dandekar (pp.227-235). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809. | ||
48) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2014). Discrepancies in Interpretation: Analysis of Commentaries of the KausikaSutra' (with special reference to the Strikarmani section . In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Vedic Studies: Problems and Perspectives (pp.97-102). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177023503. | ||
49) | Mohanty, D. (2014). Dvaitadvaitas' Criticism on Jaina Philosophy. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Shatasaradiyam (The Birth Centenary Vol. of Late Prof. R.N. Dandekar) (pp.453-458). Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809. | ||
50) | Mohanty, D. (2014). DvaitÁdvaitas’ Criticism on Jaina Philosophy : A Critique. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Satasaradiyam (pp.278-288). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809. | ||
51) | Dalai, B.K. (2014). Dhyana :A jaina Perspective. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (pp.144-160). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022600. | ||
52) | Tripathi, D. (2014). Astadhyayi as a Single Sentence . In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Satasaradiyam (pp.108-110). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180903809. | ||
53) | Jadhav, K.N. (2014). Authorship of Sarva-darśan-sangraha. In R.A. Muley(Eds.), Satasaradiyam: Researches on Indology: Some Reflections: The Birth Centenary Volume of Late Prof. R N Dandekar (pp.299-309). ISBN: 9788180903809 . | ||
54) | Dalai, B.K. (2013). What is Beautiful: An Indian Approach. In S.C. Dash(Eds.) , Sabdabrahma: Wisdom Indologica:A. C. Sarangi Felicitation Volume (pp.155-168). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022070. | ||
55) | Mohanty, D. (2013). The Concept of Dharana in Indian Philosophy. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (An indepth study of less known yoga concept) (pp.282-291). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022599. | ||
56) | Muley, R.A. (2013). Shuklayajurveda-bhashyakarnam vyakhartha-tattvani. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics theory and Application (pp.190-203). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962. | ||
57) | Tripathi, J.U. (2013). Sahityasara: A little Known Test on Dramaturgy. In S.C. Dash(Eds.), Sabdabrahma: Wisdom Indologica (A. C. Sarangi Fel.Vol.) (pp.161-168). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Publication. ISBN: 9788177022070 . | ||
58) | Tripathi, D. (2013). Hermeneutics Vis-a-Vis Commentaries of Mahaabhaashya. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics Theory and Application (pp.204-209). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962. | ||
59) | Tripathi, J.U. (2013). Indian Hermeneutics vis-a- vis Commentaries on Kāvyaprakāśa’,. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics: Theory and Application (pp.170-183). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962 . | ||
60) | Joshi, A.V. (2013). Indian Hermeneutics Vis-à-vis Hindu Law of Partnership. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics :Theory and Application (pp.184-189). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962. | ||
61) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2013). Indian Hermeneutics Vis-à-vis the Brahmana Texts . In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics Theory and Application (pp.37-46). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151962. | ||
62) | Mohanty, D. (2013). Hermeneutics and the role of Lakshana. In U. Jha(Ed.), Indian Hermeneutics: Theory and Application (pp.149-161). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation (New BBC). ISBN: 9788183151962. | ||
63) | Tripathi, J.U. (2013). Concept of Yama . In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (An Indepth Study of Less Known Yoga Concept) (pp.81-95). New Delhi, India: Pratibha Publication . ISBN: 9788177022599. | ||
64) | Dalai, B.K. (2013). Concept of Yoga and its Meaning. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Yoga Traditions (pp.16-23). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177022599. | ||
65) | Muley, R.A. (2012). Yajnavidhi Ani Tyanchee Prayojane. Brahma-varchaskama smaranam (pp.13-16). Latur, India: Somayaga Smaraneeka. ISBN: 9788178761039. | ||
66) | Muley, R.A. (2012). Tripurarahashya granthanusaram citisvarupam. Models of Understanding Consciousness (pp.234-244). Pune, India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146842. | ||
67) | Muley, R.A. (2012). Vedic chandansi tesam kanicana vaishishtyani. The Studies in Chanadashastra (pp.242-256). Pune, India: V.S.M.. | ||
68) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2012). The Chandodosas (Metrical Errors). In B. Pataskar(Ed.), The Studies in Chandahsastra (pp.197-204). Pune, India: DVaidika Samsodhana Mandala. | ||
69) | Muley, R.A. (2012). Sanskrute kavyanuvada visheshah. Translation Theory and Application (pp.321-336). Pune, India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146835. | ||
70) | Jha, U. (2012). Rigvedatil Shakuna Sankalpana. In R.A. Muley(Ed.), Avalokan,Rigveda-Darshan (pp.151-156). Nashik, India: Sundar Sanskar swadhyay Mandal. | ||
71) | Muley, R.A. (2012). Rugvedasamhitetil tattvacintan. Rugveda Darshana (pp.49-56). Nashik, India: Sundara Sanskara Ani Svadhyaya . | ||
72) | Jadhav, K.N. (2012). Non-Cognitive Tools of Translation . Translation : Theory & Application (pp.302-320). Pune, India. ISBN: 9788193146835. | ||
73) | Muley, R.A. (2011). Yamanachikatasoh upakhyanam. Samarpanam (pp.143-145). Pune, India: Gayatri prakashanam. ISBN: 9788191032445. | ||
74) | Mohanty, D. (2011). The rights of prisioners. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dhamashashtra and Human Rights (pp.77-91). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 8183151612978. | ||
75) | Mohanty, D. (2011). The Rights of Prisoners. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharamsastra and Human Rights (pp.70-76). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610. | ||
76) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2011). Towards Svasakti (Self empowerment of Women): Education, Health and Decision-making in Ancient India. In SJ Kurian Kunnumpuram(Ed.), Towards the full flowering of the human (pp.89-103). Mumbai, India: The Bombay Saint Paul Society. ISBN: 9789350150900. | ||
77) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2011). Sanskrit Translations of the Marathi Drama . In S. Jeurkar(Eds.), Significant Facets of Modern Sanskrit Literature (pp.82-94). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788180902680. | ||
78) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2011). Role of Dharmasastra Texts in the Age of consent Bill. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharmasastra and Human rights (pp.203-213). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610. | ||
79) | Tripathi, D. (2011). Rights of Teachers and Students. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharmashaastra and Human Rights (pp.147-155). New Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610. | ||
80) | Jadhav, K.N. (2011). Death Penalty & Human. Dhamashashtra and Human Rights (pp.77-91). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 8183151612978. | ||
81) | Muley, R.A. (2011). Dharmashastreshu soochitah Grahakanam Adhikarah. In U. Jha(Ed.), Dharmashastra and Human Rights (pp.382-391). Delhi, India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610. | ||
82) | Muley, R.A. (2011). Bhgvad Geetokta Daivee Sampad. Samarpanam (pp.133-136). Pune, India: Gayatri prakashanam. ISBN: 9788191032445. | ||
Publications Before 2011 |
83) | Tripathi, J.U. (2010). Siksaprakasa. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Studies on The Siksas and the Pratisakhyas (pp.483-494). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandala. | ||
84) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2010). Pratisakhya Commentators Survey and Contribution. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Studies on the Siksas and the Pratisakhyas (pp.247-284). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandal. | ||
85) | Jha, U. (2010). Atharvavediya Manduki Siksa. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Studies on the Siksas and the Pratisakhyas (pp.187-200). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandal. | ||
86) | Jha, U. (2009). Text without an Author : Discourse Analysis of Ancient India. In S.R. Banerjee(Eds.), Essai Sur La Indologica: A Volume Presented to The Memory of Acharya Gaurinath Sastri on the Occasion of His Birth Centenary Year (pp.99-108). Delhi, India: Sasta Sahitya Mandal Prakashan. | ||
87) | Jadhav, K.N. (2008). Abhijata Sanskrit Sahitya. In S. Bahulkar(Eds.), Sanskruti Parichaya (pp.20-24). Pune, India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. | ||
88) | Jha, U. (2008). Ancient Indian Cooperative Enterprise and Some Modern Principles of Management. In R. Tripathi(Ed.), Srutimahati Glory of Sanskrit Tradition (pp.626-634). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177021262. | ||
89) | Jha, U. (2008). Ultimate Reality and Meaning in the Most Religiously Secular System of Indian Philosophy. In U. Jha(Eds.), Dimensions of Contemporary Sanskrit Research (pp.50-54). India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183150897. | ||
90) | Dalai, B. K. (2008). Vakyasesa- A Less Understood Concept. In Radhavallabh Tripathi, Srutimahti Glory of Sanskrit Tradition (pp.259-265). Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788177021262. | ||
91) | Jadhav K.N. (2008). Mahakavye Va Purane. In S. Bahulkar(Eds.), Sanskruti Parichaya (pp.16-19). Pune, India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. | ||
92) | Tripathi, J.U. (2007). Vyanjana as a Vrtti. Studies in Sanskrit Linguistics (pp.81-85). New Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. | ||
93) | Mohanty, D. (2007). The Concept of Vakya in the Text Tradition of Indian Philosophy. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Studies in Indian Linguistics (pp.222-227). Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 978818901690. | ||
94) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2007). Principles of Management in the Srauta Sacrifices. In K.B. Archak(Eds.), Science, History, Philosophy and Literature in Sanskrit Classics (pp.69-76). Delhi, India: Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 9788175741812. | ||
95) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2007). Ethical Gleanings from Nitisataka. In K.B. Archak(Ed.), Ethics for Modern Man in Sanskrit Literature (pp.170-178). India: Delhi Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 8175741805. | ||
96) | Jha, U. (2007). Dharma in Dharma- sutras. In K.B. Archak(Eds.), Science, History, Philosophy and Literature in Sanskrit Classics (pp.146-156). Delhi, India: Sundeep Prakashan. ISBN: 9788175741812. | ||
97) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2006). A Myth of the Taittiriya Brahmana ( and Paippalada (5.16). In B.A. Pataskar(Ed.), Reflections of the Taittiriya-Brahmana (pp.57-69). Pune, India: Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala. | ||
98) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2006). A Note on the Kausika Sutra 34.11. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Understanding the Vedas (pp.134-139). Pune, India: Vaidika Samshodhana Mandal. | ||
99) | Jha, U. (2006). Purvamimamsa Thought Before Jaimini. In D.P. Chattopadhyaya(Ed.), History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in India Civilization: Vol. II pt. 6 (pp.25-35). Delhi, India: Centre for Studies in Civilizations. ISBN: 9788187586258. | ||
100) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2006). On the Word Pramanda in the Kausikasutra. In U. Jha(Eds.), Nyaya-Vasistha: Felicitation Volume of Pro. V.N. Jha (pp.57-67). Kolkata, West Bengal: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar. | ||
101) | Jha, U. (2006). Perception: 2000 AD to 200 BC. In U. Jha(Eds.), Nyaya-Vasistha: Felicitation Volume of Pro. V.N. Jha (pp.560-579). Kolkata, West Bengal: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar. | ||
102) | Tripathi, D. (2005). Sanskrit-Catalan Dictionary. Encyclopedia Catalana. Barcelona. | ||
103) | Jha, U. (2003). The Prabhā Commentary of Vasudeoshastri Abhyankar. In K. Kale(Eds.), Pramodasindhu : Professor Pramod Ganesh Lalye's 75th birthday (pp.127-137). Pune, India: Mansanman Prakashan. ISBN: 81861671359. | ||
104) | Jha, U. (2003). Some Recent Mīmāmsa Works in Sanskrit. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Sanskrit Writings in Independent India (pp.287-296). New Delhi, India: Sahitya Akademi. ISBN: 9788126018123. | ||
105) | Kulkarni, N.R. (2003). Dharma and Dharmaraja. In K. Kale(Eds.), Pramodasindhu : Professor Pramod Ganesh Lalye's 75th birthday (pp.243-259). Pune, India: Mansanman Prakashan. ISBN: 81861671359. | ||
106) | Jha, U. (2003). Bhakti in Bhagavadgita. In N.B. Patil(Ed.), The Variegated Plumage: Encounters with Indian Philosophy (pp.294-303). Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi: Sant Samagam Research Institute and Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. | ||
107) | Dalai, B.K. (2002). On the Concept of Anyathasiddha. In K. Kale(Eds.), Pramodasindhu: PG Lalye Felicitation Volume (pp.151-161). Pune, India: Mansanman Prakashan. | ||
108) | Jha, U. (1999). Turning Points in Mīmāmsa Epistemology. In R. Tripathi(Eds.), Turning Points in Indian Sastric Traditions (pp.34-41). Delhi, India: Pratibha Prakashan. ISBN: 9788185268934. | ||
109) | Jha, U. (1999). Sambhuya Samutthana in the Arthasastra. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Kautilya's Arthasastra and social welfare (pp.329-336). New Delhi, India: Sahitya Akademi. ISBN: 9788126007721. | ||
110) | Kulkarni, N.R. (1998). On the Myth (TS 2.5.1) Narrating Origin of Menstruation. In R.K. Panda(Ed.), Researches in Indology: A New Perspective (pp.125-137). Delhi, India: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. ISBN: 9788186050224. | ||
111) | Jha, U. (1996). Woman in Dharmasastra. In V. N. Jha(Ed.), Dharmasastra and Social Awareness (pp.44-54). India: Sri Satguru Publications. ISBN: 9788170304760. | ||
112) | Kulkarni, N.R. (1996). The Concept of Ideal Teacher and His Role in the Society. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Dharmasastra and Social Awareness (pp.134-142). India: Sri Satguru Publications. ISBN: 9788170304760. | ||
113) | Tripathi, J.U. (1996). Service contracts between the Employer and Employees as Reflected in the Arthashastra. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Arthasastra of Kautilya (pp.180-184). Delhi, India: Sahitya Academy. | ||
114) | Jha, U. (1992). Jayanta on the Relation Between Word and Meaning. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Relations in Indian Philosophy: Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series-147 (pp.99-108). New Delhi, India: South Asia Books. ISBN: 9788170303299. | ||
115) | Jha, U. (1991). Prābhākaras on Negation. In H. Nakamura(Eds.), Kalyana-Mitta: Professor Hajime Nakamura Felicitation Volume (pp.265-268). New Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications. ISBN: 9788170302537. | ||