Department Details

Department of Geology

1)    Duraiswami, R.A., Kaur, G. (2024). Western Ghat Laterite India- Echoes of Heritage in India’s Western Ghats. In A. Elhing(Eds.), The First 55 Heritage Stone (pp.14-17). Germay: International Union of Geological Sciences. ISBN: 9783000793608.
2)    Duraiswami, R.A., Kaur, G. (2024). India- Sculpting India’s cultural diversity in stone. In A. Elhing(Eds.), The First 55 Heritage Stone (pp.198-201). Germay: International Union of Geological Sciences. ISBN: 9783000793608.
3)    Ghude, S.D., Nivdange, S., Chate, D.M., Karmalkar, N.R. (2023). Economic Impacts of Air Pollution and Fog in India and Prediction Efforts. In V. K. Gahalaut(Eds.), Social and Economic Impact of Earth Sciences (pp.189–200). Switzerland: Springer. ISBN: 9789811969287.
4)    Sahu, U., Wagh, V., Kadam, A., Panaskar, D., Gaikwad, S. (2023). Evaluation of Multi Indicators for Groundwater Recharges Conditions of the Asna River Basin, Maharashtra, India with Integration of Fuzzy Logic and GIS Tools. In C.B. Pande(Eds.), Surface and Groundwater Resources Development and Management in Semi-arid Region (pp.411-427). Switzerland: Springer. ISBN: 9783031293931.
5)    Jadhav, R., Umrikar, B., Tikone, N., Biswas, B. (2022). Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones and Resource Sustainability Through Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study of Kamina Sub-Watershed of Bhima River Basin, Maharashtra, India. In P. K. Rai(Ed.), Geospatial Technology for Landscape and Environmental Management (pp.XVII, 430). Singapore: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9789811673726.
6)    Krishnamurthy, V., Duraiswami, R.A. (2022). Delineation of Phreatic Basaltic Aquifers in the Upper Nira River Basin, India and Evaluating the Efficacy of Methodologies Used for Estimating their Groundwater Potential – A Case Study. In S. Das(Eds.), Water Resources of Western and Central Regions of India: Status, Issues and Strategies (pp. 247-259 (SP-12)). Bangalore, India: Geological Society of India. ISBN: 9789380998435.
7)    Gawali, P., Lakshmi, B.V., Hanamgond, P., Aher, S., Deshmukh, P., Herlekar, M., Sangode, S., Kamble, P. (2022). Monsoon Impacted Magnetic and Geomorphological Changes Along the Redi Beach, Sindhudurg District, West Coast of Maharashtra, India. In R. P. Singh(Eds.), Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Policy Decision Support (pp.113–136). Singapore: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9789811677304.
8)    Dongre, A., Dhote, P.S., Zamarkar, P., Sangode, S.J., Belyanin, G., Meshram, D.C., Patil, S.K., Karmakar, A., Jain, L. (2022). Short-lived alkaline magmatism related to the Réunion plume in the Deccan Large Igneous Province: inferences from petrology, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and palaeomagnetism of lamprophyre from the Sarnu-Dandali Alkaline Igneous Complex. In L. Krmicek (Eds.), Lamprophyres, Lamproites and Related Rocks: Tracers to Supercontinent Cycles and Metallogenesis (pp.381-411). United Kingdom: Geological Society Publications. ISBN: 9781786205438.
9)    Sangode, S.J., Meshram, D.C., Kandekar, A.M., Abhale, A., Gudadhe, S.S., Rawat, S. (2022). Late Holocene advancements of denudational and depositional fronts in the Higher Himalaya: A case study from Chandra valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. In N. Kumaran(Eds.), Holocene Climate Change and Environment (pp.89-103). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780323900850.
10)    Das, S., Sangode, S.J. (2022). Effects of Differential Tectonic Uplift on Steepness and Concavity Indices and Erosion Rates in Between the Major Thrusts in Bhagirathi-Alaknanda Catchments, NW Himalayas, India. In H. N. Bhattacharya(Eds.), Himalayan Neotectonics and Channel Evolution (pp.51-66). Netherland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9783030954345.
11)    Kale, M.G., Pundalik, A.S., Karmalkar, N.R., Duraiswami, R.A. (2021). Oxic-dysoxic Tidal Flat Carbonates from Sadara, Pachham Island, Kachchh. In S. Banerjee(Eds.), Mesozoic Stratigraphy of India (pp.241-267). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9783030713690.
12)    Umrikar, B. (2021). Hydrogeological Studies of Urban–Rural Interface in the Northwest Part of Pune Metropolis, India. In P. Sharma(Ed.), Geospatial Technology and Smart Cities (pp.130-141). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9783030719449.
13)    Kandekar, A.M., Gaikwad, S.W., Gaikwad, S.K., Kandekar, S.A., Shelar, A.N. (2021). Mapping of wastelands and significance of morphometric analysis in wasteland management - A remote sensing and GIS approach. In G. S. Bhunia(Eds.), Land Reclamation and Restoration Strategies for Sustainable Development (pp.115-153). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128238950.
14)    Das, S., Kadam, A. K., Umrikar, B.N., Sankhua, R.N., Varade, A.M., Kalshetty, M., Doad, A.P. (2021). Efficacy of Geospatial Technologies for Groundwater Prospect Zonation in Lower Western Ghats Area of Maharashtra, India. In P. P. Adhikary(Ed.), Geostatistics and Geospatial Technologies for Groundwater Resources in India (pp.97-118). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9783030623975.
15)    Pawar, S.K., Umrikar, B., Jarag, A.P., Dhage, S. (2019). Application of digital elevation models for morphometric analysis: a case study of ramnadi watershed, Pune. In S.D. Shinde(Ed.), Environmental Issues & Remedies (pp.181-197). Kolhapur, India: Prarup Publication. ISBN: 9788192721149.
16)    Shaikh, M., Herlekar M., Umrikar, B. (2018). Evaluation of Multiple Hydrometerological Factors for Prioritization of Water Stress Areas in the Upper Yerala River Basin, Satara, Maharashtra, India. In P. Pawar(Eds.), Techno-Societal 2016 (pp.37-51). Gewerbestrasse, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN: 9783319535555.
17)    Krishnamurthy, V., Duraiswami, R.A., Maskare12, B. (2016). Inter-basin Water Transfer and Surface Water/ Groundwater Interaction in the Basaltic Aquifers of the Upper Nira River Basin, Maharashtra, India. In R. N. Tiwari(Ed.), Hydrogeology and Watershed (pp.25-34). New Delhi, India: Excellent Publishers. ISBN: 9789384935832.
18)    Lalnuntluanga, P., Malsawma, J., Lalremruatfela, C., Tiwari, R.P., Sangode, S.J. (2014). Correlation of four magnetostratigraphically constrained sections of Miocene Bhuban Formation of Surma Basin in Mizoram, India. In R. P. Tiwari(Ed.), Indian Miocene: A Geodynamic and Chronologic Framework for Palaeobiota, Sedimentary Environments and Palaeoclimates (pp.87-100). India: Paleontological Society of India. ISBN: 9788192603322.
19)    Sangode, S.J. (2014). Magnetostratigraphic perspectives on Mio-Pliocene sedimentation in the Himalayan foreland and Bengal Basin. In R. P. Tiwari(Ed.), Indian Miocene: A Geodynamic and Chronologic Framework for Palaeobiota, Sedimentary Environments and Palaeoclimates (pp.65-86). India: Paleontological Society of India. ISBN: 9788192603322.
20)    Sheth, H.C., Ray, J.S., Kumar, P.S., Duraiswami, R.A., Chatterjee, R.N., Gurav, T. (2011). Recycling of Flow-Top Breccia Crusts into Molten Interiors of Flood Basalt Lava Flows: Field and Geochemical Evidence from the Deccan Traps. In B. Ghosh(Eds.), Topics in Igneous Petrology (pp.161-180). Netherlands: Springer Netherlands. ISBN: 9789048195992.

Publications Before 2011

21)    Karmalkar, N.R., Duraiswami, R.A. (2010). Ultramafic xenoliths from Kutch, northwest India: samples of relic cratonic keel. In N.R. Karmalkar(Eds.), Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust (pp.237-260). New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing house. ISBN: 9788184870558.
22)    Karmalkar, N.R., Duraiswami, R.A., Hoffman (2010). Unusual rift related magmatism from southern Malawi, southeast Africa and its role in crustal evolution. In Ch. Sivaji(Eds.), Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust (pp.153-173). New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing House. ISBN: 9788184870558.
23)    Mookherjee, A., Srikantappa, C. (2010). Microthermometry of Fluid Inclusions in Apophyllites from Deccan Basalt Flows of Aurangabad, India. In N. R. Karmalkar(Eds.), Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust (pp.197-202). New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing House. ISBN: 9788184870558.
24)    Pawar, N.J., Pawar, J.B., Supekar, A., Karmalkar, N.R., Kumar, S., Erram, V.C. (2008). Deccan dykes as discrete and prospective aquifers in parts of Narmada- Tapi Zone, Dhule district, Maharashtra. In R. K. Srivastava(Eds.), Indian Dykes: Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geochronology (pp.189-198). New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing House. ISBN: 9788173198779.
25)    Pawar, N.J. (2007). Environmental Impact Assessment for hydropower Projects. In Md. Babar(Ed.), Environmental Changes and Natural Disasters (pp.25-33). New Delhi, India: New India publishing Agency. ISBN: 9788189422752.
26)    Thigale, S.S., Duraiswami, R.A., Umrikar, B.N. (2006). Some Hydrogeological aspects of the Shallow Beach rock (Calc-Arenite) Aquifers along Maharashtra Coast, India. In Y. Jun Xu(Eds.), Coastal Environment and Water Quality (pp.127-140). Chelsea, Michigan, United States of America: Water Resources Publ., LLC. ISBN: 1887201475.
27)    Kumar, R., Ghosh, S.K., Sangode, S.J (1999). Evolution of a Neogene fluvial system in a Himalayan foreland basin, India. In J. Quade(Eds.), Himalaya and Tibet: Mountain Roots to Mountain Tops (pp.239-256). United States: Special Paper (Geological Society of America). ISBN: 9780813723280.