Department Details

Department of Library & Information Science

1)    Nagarkar, S.P. (2021). Predatory Journals: Causes and Consequences. Academic Integrity and Research Quality (pp.131-142). New Delhi, India: University Grants Commission.
2)    Bansode, S. (2019). Cloud Computing for Storage of Electronic Resources. In U. Bhattacharya (ed.), Librarianship in the New Paradigm (pp.7-14). Kolkata, India: Jadhavpur University. ISBN: 9788192988641.
3)    Nagarkar, S.P. (2017). Biomedical Librarianship in the Post-Genomic Era. In Shri Ram(Ed.), Library and Information Services for Bioinformatics Education and Research (pp.1-17). Philadelphia: IGI Global. ISBN: 9781522518723.
4)    Bansode, S.Y. (2016). Cloud Based Utilities for Libraries and Information Centers. Library Landscape of Future (pp.124-139). Aurangabad, India: Library and Information Science Academy, Aurangabad. ISBN: 9788192453460.
5)    Bansode, S.Y. (2016). University Library Automation: An Analytical Study. In S. Sonwane, New Paradigms in Library Management (pp.175-182). Jalgaon, India: Atharva Publications. ISBN: 9789385026928.
6)    Bansode, S.Y. (2016). Permanent Access to Electronic Journals: Trends and Initiatives. In S. Sonwane, New Paradigms in Library Management. Jalgaon, India: Atharva Publications. ISBN: 9789385026928.
7)    Kumbhar, R.M. (2015). Value and utility of information sources in research venture . In D.K. Veer(Ed.), Advanced applications of ICT in academic libraries (pp.453-458). New Delhi, India: Agri-Blovet Press. ISBN: 9789384502065.
8)    Kumbhar, R.M. (2014). Professional development plan for successful librarianship . In U.V. Navlekar(Ed.), Innovative plan for professional development of college librarians in modern age. ISBN: 9789382664154.
9)    Kumbhar, R.M. (2014). Redefining library management in the digital era. In P.G. Tadasad(Ed.), Digital shift and libraries (pp.35-53). Bijapur, India: Prasaranga. ISBN: 9789383090174.
10)    Bansode, S.Y. (2013). Initiatives for permanent access to electronic journals. In S.M. Pujar(Eds.), Recent trends in Library and Information Science: A Way forward for the future (pp.99-110). Bangalore, India: LIS Academy International. ISBN: 9788192186641.
11)    Kumbhar, R.M. (2012). Reengineering of library services in the digital era. In J.N. Kulkarni(Eds.) , Modern techniques of library management (pp.191-196). Latur, India: Aruna . ISBN: 9789381190821.

Publications Before 2011

12)    Patil, S.K., Wadekar, P., Chikate, R. Joshi, S. (2008). Implementation of RFID Technology in Jayakar Library, University of Pune . In S. Ramchandran(Ed.), Radio Frequency identification in libraries : concepts and Cases (pp.111-129). Hyderabad, India: The ICFAI University Press. ISBN: 9788131414071.
13)    Deshpande, N.J., Pange, B.M. (2004). Selection of Materials for Digitazation in Academic Library. In S.K. Patil(Eds.), University and College Librarianship in India in 21st century (pp.190-197). Pune, India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Pune.
14)    Kumbhar, R.M. (2004). LIS education through distance mode-a structural analysis. In S.K. Patil(Eds.), University and College Librarianship in India in 21st century (pp.115-119). Pune, India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Pune.
15)    Kumbhar, R.M. (2003). Depth classification's application in thesaurus construction: a case study. In S. Gopalkrishan(Eds.), Information management: trends and issues (pp.227-235). New Delhi, India: Researchco Book Center. ISBN: 9788190178501.