Department Details

Department of Sociology

1)    Ganguly, D., Krishnan, R. M. (2023). Class, Consumption and Culture: High Streets and the Neoliberal Imagination of the Indian Cities. In S. Jha, G. Bharat (Eds.), The Social Life of Streets in India: Histories, Contestations and Subjectivities (pp.143-168). New Delhi, India: Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9789354353895.
2)    Kolekar, S. (2023). Social Integration and Development of Denotified Nomadic Tribes in Post-Independence India. In J. Karade (Ed.), Marginal Communities: Issues and Challenges (pp.195-210). Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications. ISBN: 9788131612897.
3)    Ganguly, D. (2023). Internet Activism and the Populist Agenda. In M. Deshpande(Eds.), Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century (pp.1–6). Singapore: Springer. ISBN: 9789811698590.
4)    Parthasarathy, D., Chouhan, H.A. (2020). New coastal claims and socio-legal contestations in Mumbai: Artisanal fishers and the problematic of the urban environment. In M. Rao(Ed.), Reframing the environment (pp.100-110). United Kingdom: Routledge. ISBN: 9780367553166.
5)    Chouhan, H.A., Parthasarathy, D., Pattanaik, S. (2018). Coastal environmental vulnerability. In C. P. Heidkamp(Eds.), Towards Coastal Resilience and Sustainability (pp.14). London: Routledge Publication, Tylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780429463723.
6)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2018). Reflections on Mentoring: A Process of Complexity and Challenges. In G. Chadha(Eds.), Mapping and Marking Feminist Sociologies in India. New Delhi, India: Routledge.
7)    Mirchandani, K., Mukherjee, S., Tambe, S. (2018). Researching the ambiguous global elite: methodological reflections on the invisible realities and contradictory politics of neoliberal globalization. In K. Gallagher(Ed.), The Methodological Dilemma Revisited: Creative, Critical and Collaborative Approaches to Qualitative Research for a New Era (pp.137-155). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. ISBN: 9781351370844.
8)    Shirwadkar, S. (2018). Crossing the Boundary: Refugees and (Irregular/Nondocumented) Immigrants in India: Challenge of Integration. In H. Kury(Eds.), Refugees and Migrants in Law and Policy: Challenges and Opportunities for Global Civic Education (pp.529-553). United States: Springer. ISBN: 9783319721590.
9)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2017). Gendered Citizenship and Women's Movement . In S. Mohapatra(Ed.), Society and Culture in India A Reader (pp.403-431). New Delhi, India: Social Science Press. ISBN: 9789383166145.
10)    Mirchandani, K., Mukherjee, S., Tambe, S. (2016). Old Jobs in New Forms: Women's Experiences in the Housekeeping Sector in Pune. In S. Raju(Eds.), Women Workers in Urban India (pp.121-138). United States: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781316459621.
11)    Shirwadkar, S. (2016). Exploring hidden spaces: Sexual abuse of girl children in India. In H. Kury(Eds.), Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration (pp.875-904). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 9783319083988.
12)    Shirwadkar, S. (2015). "Lagaan or "Slumdog"? A Narrative of Classroom Experiences of Cultural Diversity. In E. Schlarb(Eds.), Begegnungen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (pp.407-413). Berlin, Germany: Lit Verlag. ISBN: 9783643130709.
13)    Shirwadkar, S. (2015). Barriers to Empowerment: A discussion on multidimensional approach. In B. Pattnaik(Eds.), Women’s Empowerment (pp.13-22). Delhi, India: Bookwell.
14)    तांबे, श्रुती (2015). सबलीकरनाच्या संभाषितापलीकडचे संघर्ष. In क. महाजन(संपा.), आगीशी खेळताना (pp.११-२२). पुणे: मनोविकास प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८९३८३८५०८९१.
15)    Tambe, S. (2014). City through the prism of social movements: Aurangabad from 1915-1960. In I. Modi(Ed.), Polity, Civil Society and Development: Modernization, Globalization and Social Transformation. Jaipur, India: Rawat . ISBN: 9788131606421.
16)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2014). Value Added Microfinance: A Programme for Gendered Social Transformation. In I. Modi(Ed.), Festschrift For Professor Yogendra Singh: Modernization, Globalization and Social Transformation: Gender Identity and Marginalities. Jaipur, India: Rawat .
17)    तांबे, श्रुती (2014). जागतिकीकरणाच्या पर्वातील स्रीप्रश्न: शक्त्या आणि पेच. In वि.म. गीताली(संपा.), संदर्भासहित स्रीवाद (pp.२०१-२१५). मुंबई: नव शब्द प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८९३८२३६४१९१.
18)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2014). Realising the Transformational Potential of Microfinance: Two case Studies . In T. Nair(Ed.), Developmental Promise of Indian Microfinance. United Kingdom: Routledge .
19)    Shirwadkar, S. (2013). Trends of Youth Sexuality in Globalizing India: Challenge for curriculum. In I. Modi(Ed.), Education, Religion and Creativity: Essays in Honour of Professor Yogendra Singh (Modernization, Globalization and Social Transformation). Jaipur, India: Rawat . ISBN: 9788131605714.
20)    Shirwadkar, S. (2013). Diaspora, embodied culture and the state. In G.Jathanna(Eds.), Body, Emotion & Mind. embodying' the experiences in Indo -Eropean Encounters(Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichete) (pp.137-152). Zurich, Switzerland: LIT VERLAG & Co.. ISBN: 9783643904263.
21)    Shirwadkar, S. (2012). Religion, Culture, Expression of Identity: Explorations of subversion by Indian women through literature. In J. Gladson(Eds.), Construction of the Other, Identification of the Self: German Mission in India (Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte). Zurich, Switzerland: LIT VERLAG & Co.. ISBN: 9783643902603.
22)    Shirwadkar, S. (2012). Journey of Sita’s Daughters. In W. Broomans(Ed.), Periphral Feminisms. Literary and Sociological Approaches. Netherlands: University of Gronningen.
23)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2012). Negotiating Gendered Citizenship and Social Exclusions: Microcredit Programmes in India. In T. Uys, S. Patel(Eds.) , Exclusion, Social Capital and Citizenship: Contested Transitions in South Africa and India. Mumbai, India: Orient Blackswan . ISBN: 9788125047780.
24)    तांबे, श्रुती (2011). गोविंदभाईंची कार्य: एक समाजशास्ञीय अध्ययन. In व्ही. एन. इंगोले(संपा.), मराठवाड्याचा आधारवड (pp.५४-५७). नांदेड: क्रिएटिव पब्लिकेशन. ISBN: ९७८९३८०७४५०७७.
25)    Kolekar, S. (2011). Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Ani Samajika Nyaya. In V. Balande(Eds.), Rajarshi Shahu: Navya Disha Nave Chintan (pp.436-445). Aurangabad, India: Chinmaya Prakashan.

Publications Before 2011

26)    Kolekar, S. (2010). On the Margins of the Excluded: Denotified Communities in Contemparary Society. In S.N. Tripathy(Ed.) , Inclusive Policies and Removal of Social Disadvantage (pp.299-309). New Delhi, India: Abhijit Publication. ISBN: 9789380031958.
27)    Tambe, S. (2010). Doing Away the Violence of Exclusion: The Test of Indian Democracy in the new Millennium. In S.N. Tripathy(Ed.) , Inclusive Policies and Removal of Social Disadvantage (pp.282-298). Delhi, India: Abhijeet Publications. ISBN: 9789380031958.
28)    Shirwadkar, S. (2009). Desh –Pardesh: Indian immigrants and Canadian domestic violence policies. In S. Shirwadkar(Ed.), Family Violence in India. Human Rights, Issues, Actions and International Comparisons. New Delhi, India: Rawat . ISBN: 9788131602249.
29)    तांबे, श्रुती (2008). भांडवली आधुनिकतेच्या पिंजऱ्यातल्या राजकन्या. In वि. म. गीताली(संपा.), कथा गौरीची (pp.१७८-१९५). मुंबई: मौज प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८८१७४८६७०४९.
30)    तांबे, श्रुती (2008). स्त्रीवाद: मुल्य बदलण्याची चळवळ. In एस. लांडे(संपा.), स्त्रीवाद (pp.१३४-१४०). श्रीरामपूर: शब्दालय प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८८१९०५८५७०५.
31)    तांबे, श्रुती (2008). स्त्रीवाद-स्त्रीमुक्ती: बाईपणापासून माणूसपणापर्यंतच्या प्रवासाची संधी. In एस. लांडे(संपा.), स्त्रीवाद (pp.११९-१२४). श्रीरामपूर: शब्दालय प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८८१९०५८५७०५.
32)    तांबे, श्रुती (2008). जागतिकीकरण आणि महिला: स्त्रीविषयक धोरण. In ज. कराडे(संपा.), जागतिकीकरण भारतासमोरील आव्हाने (pp.१२४-१४१). पुणे: डायमंड पब्लिकेशन. ISBN: ९७८८१८९९५९६२३.
33)    Kolekar, S. (2006). Boudh Dharmantaritanche Rajakiya Hakka. In J. Karade(Ed.) , Dhammakratichi Falashruti. Pune, India: Takshashila.
34)    Shirwadkar, S. (2006). Understanding Sexuality Issue: Need of rebuilding the curriculum. Sexuality and Reproductive Health.