Department Details

Department of Health Sciences

1)    Kudale, A. M. (2023). Psychosocial Aspects in Leprosy. In B. Kumar(Eds.), IAL textbook of leprosy third edition (pp.673 - 680). New Delhi: JAYPEE Brothers Medical Publishers. ISBN: 9789354654541.
2)    Dongre, V.V., Kudale, A.M. (2023). Human Rights and Stigma in Leprosy. In B. Kumar(Eds.), IAL textbook of leprosy third edition (pp.665- 672). New Delhi: JAYPEE Brothers Medical Publishers. ISBN: 9789354654541.
3)    Ranganadha Rao, P.V., Kudale, A.M. (2023). Community-based Initiatives in Comprehensive Leprosy Work. In B. Kumar(Eds.), IAL textbook of leprosy third edition (pp.696 - 709). New Delhi: JAYPEE Brothers Medical Publishers. ISBN: 9789354654541.
4)    Patwardhan, B. (2022). Introduction. In D. Ghosh(Eds.), Fenugreek - Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses (pp.13-14). United States: C R Press, Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 9781003082767.
5)    Patwardhan, B., Thakur, A. (2021). Academic Integrity and Research Quality. Academic Integrity and Research Quality (pp.1-7). New Delhi, India: University Grants Commission.
6)    Patwardhan, B., Datta, H.S. (2021). Ayurveda and Brain health. In D, Ghosh(Ed.), Nutraceuticals in Brain Health and Beyond. Australia: Academic Press. ISBN: 9780128205938.
7)    Nagarkar, A. (2019). Reproductive health of practices among urban high caste women. In A. Nagarkar(Eds.), Sexuality, sexual behavior, and reproductive health : social sciences perspective (pp.352-362). New Delhi, India: Concept publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 9789386682918.
8)    Kudale, A. M. (2019). Sexual Behaviour of Migrant and Non-migrant Youth. In R.K. Mutatkar(Eds.) , Sexuality, Sexual Behaviour and Reproductive Health: Social Science Perspectives (pp.166-185). New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 9789386682918.
9)    Nagarkar, A. (2019). Menopause as multivariate issue. In A. Nagarkar(Eds.), Sexuality, sexual behavior, and reproductive health : social sciences perspective (pp.303-314). New Delhi, India: Concept publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 9789386682918.
10)    Nagarkar, A. (2019). Gender construction and rural health. In A. Nagarkar(Eds.), Sexuality, sexual behavior, and reproductive health : social sciences perspective (pp.269-282). New Delhi, India: Concept publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 9789386682918.
11)    Sznajder, K., Naughton, D., Kar, A., Nagarkar, A., Mashamba, J., Shuro, L., Leshabari, S., Diop, F. (2018). Fostering Dialogues in Global Health Education: A Graduate and Undergraduate Approach. In M.S. Winchester(Eds.), Global Health Collaboration: Challenges and Lessons (pp.21-31). United States: Springer. ISBN: 9783319776842.
12)    Patwardhan, B. (2017). Food Supplementation: A Pseudo Solution. In V. Shiva(Eds.), Annam: Food as Health (pp.127-143). New Delhi, India: Navadanya.
13)    Patil, D., Patwardhan, B., Kumbhare, K. (2016). Why and How Drugs Fail . In R. Chaguturu(Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery: Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting (pp.23-64). Netherlands : Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128018149.
14)    Gautam, M., Patwardhan, B., Gairola, S., Jadhav, S. (2016). Vaccines and Immunodrugs Discovery. In R. Chaguturu(Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery: Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting (pp.315-341). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128018149.
15)    Chandran, U., Mehendale, N., Patil, S., Chaguturu, R., Patwardhan, B. (2016). Network Pharmacology . In R. Chaguturu(Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery: Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting (pp.127-164). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128018224.
16)    Patwardhan, B., Chaguturu, R. (2016). Preface . In R. Chaguturu(Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery: Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting (pp. xxix-xxxvi). Netherlands : Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128018224.
17)    Kulkarni, P., Shinde, S., Padalkar, D., Mankar, M., Avalaskar, P., Kudale, A. (2016). Health Vulnerability & Risk among inter-state migrants in an industrial setting in Pune, Maharashtra: An Emic Perspective. In S. Gregory(Eds.), Sustainable Development, Praxis & Perspectives (pp.75-91). Pune, India: Indian National Confederation & Academy of Anthropologists. ISBN: 9789383088096.
18)    Tillu, G., Patwardhan, B. (2016). Holistic Lifestyle. In R. Chaguturu(Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery: Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting (pp.367-385). Netherlands : Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128018149.
19)    Chaguturu, R., Patwardhan, B. (2016). Drug Discovery Impasse: Pharmacognosy Holds the Key. In R. Chaguturu(Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery: Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting (pp.1-22). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128018149.
20)    Chaguturu, R., Patwardhan, B. (2016). Collaborative Strategies for Future Drug Discovery . In R. Chaguturu(Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery: Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting (pp.387-410). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128018224.
21)    Bomble, P., Jungari, S.B. (2015). Role and Importance of Accredited Social and Health Activists (ASHA) in accomplishing goals and successes of National Rural Health Mission. In S. Sharma(Ed.), Maternal and Child Health in India Policies and Challenges (pp.109-126). Delhi, India: Bookwell Publications. ISBN: 9789380574738.
22)    Patwardhan, B. (2015). Traditional Medicine-Inspired Evidence-Based Approaches to Drug Discovery. In P. Mukherjee(Ed.), Evidence-Based Validation of Herbal Medicine (pp.259-269). Netherlands: Elsevier . ISBN: 9780128009963.
23)    Kar, A. (2015). Birth Defects : An emerging public health issue in the field of child health in India. In M.K. Agarwal(Eds.), Public Health and Development in India. New Delhi, India: Northern Book Centre.
24)    Patwardhan, B. (2014). Ayurveda and Natural Product Drug Discovery. In G.P. Talwar(Eds.), Textbook of Biochemistry,Biotechnology, Allied & Molecular Medicine (pp.1383-1390). Delhi, India: PHI Learning. ISBN: 9788120351257.
25)    Patwardhan, B. (2014). Death of Drugs and Rebirth of Healthcare: Indian Response to Global Impasse. In R. Chaguturu(Ed.), Collaborative Innovation in Drug Discovery: Strategies for Public and Private Partnerships (Wiley Series on Technologies for the Pharmaceutical Industry). United States: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 9780470917374.
26)    Nagarkar, A. (2013). Medical anthropology and public health. In B.R. Vijayendra(Eds.), Exploration in Indian Medical Anthropology(2 Vol.). New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing . ISBN: 9788180699863.
27)    Puranik, A., Patwardhan, B. (2012). Ayurveda and Metabolic Diseases: Whole is greater than Sum of Parts . In S. Nair(Eds.), Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions for Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome (pp.443-458). United States: Elsevier Inc.. ISBN: 9780123850836.
28)    Joshi K., Chavan-Gautam P., Patwardhan B. (2011). Applications of biotechnology and molecular markers in botanical drug standardization and quality assurance. In R. J. Singh(Ed.), Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Medicinal Plants (pp.959-981). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. ISBN: 9781420073867.
29)    Patwardhan, B., Kambholja, K. (2011). Drug Discovery and Ayurveda: A Win Win Relationship between Contemporary and Ancient Science. In I.M. Kapetanovic(Ed.), Drug Discovery & Development: Present and Future (pp.9-25). Croatia - EUROPEAN UNION: InTech. ISBN: 9789533076157.

Publications Before 2011

30)    Nagarkar, A. (2010). A feeling of fulfillment at menopause: A study among urban menopausal women in Maharashtra. In V. Bhatt(Eds.), Studies on Bio-medical Anthropology: Profiles of Health Culture. Delhi, India: Aryan Publications. ISBN: 9788173053726.
31)    Patwardhan, B. (2008). From clinical evidence to mechanism of action: The development of standardized phytomedicines. In H. Peter(Eds.), Evaluation Herbal Medicinal Products (pp.95-104). United Kingdom: Elsevier Science. ISBN: 9780853697510.
32)    Nagarkar, A. (2008). Demographic Changes and Challenges of Population Ageing. In S.D. Gokhale(Eds.), Longevity-21stCentury Revolution (pp.32-61). Pune, India: International Longevity Centre-India , Delight Printers.
33)    Patwardhan, B. (2008). Ayurveda, Drug Discovery & Immunomodulation. In M. Eddouks(Ed.), Handbook of Ethnopharmacology (pp.393-420). India: Research Signpost. ISBN: 9788130802138.
34)    Nagarkar, A. (2007). Vayovardhanachi Prakriya. In Nigvekar(Ed.), Kalaji ani Sewa Jeshthanchi. Pune, India: Shailendra ILC -I.
35)    Patwardhan, B. (2007). Ethnopharmacological approaches to botanical immunodrugs and cancer chemoprotectants in cancer therapy. In F. Leung(Ed.), Alternative Treatment for Cancer: 3 (Annals of Traditional Chinese Medicine). Singapore: World Scientific. ISBN: 9789812709295.
36)    Patwardhan, B., Gautam, M., Diwanay, S. (2006). Botanical Immunomodulators and Chemoprotectants in Cancer Therapy. In M. Chorghade(Ed.), Drug Discovery and Development (pp.405-424). United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. ISBN: 9780471780106.
37)    Kudale, A. (2005). Youth, Migration, Sexual Behaviour and HIV/AIDS Risk . In R. K. Mutatkar(Ed.), Sexuality & Sexual Behaviour: Social Science Perspective (pp.203-223). Pune, India: Pune University Press.
38)    Nagarkar, A. (2005). Gender Construction of Gender and Its Impact on Health of Rural Women inMaharashtra. In R.K. Mutatkar(Ed.), Sexuality and Sexual Behaviour : Social SciencesPerspective (pp.296-306). Pune, India: Pune University Press.
39)    Klaus Krickeberg., Kar, A., Chakraborty, .A.K. (2005). Epidemiology in Developing countries . In W. Ahrens(Eds.) , Handbook of Epidemiology (pp.1545-1589). Springer Verlag. ISBN: 9783540005667.
40)    Nagarkar, A. (2005). Experience of Menopause : A Study among Middle Income Urban Women. . In R.K. Mutatkar(Ed.), Sexuality and Sexual Behaviour : Social SciencesPerspective (pp.327-338). Pune, India: Pune University Press.
41)    Nagarkar, A. (2005). Culture, Tradition and Modernity: Interpretation of Reproductive Health Practicesamong High Caste Urban Women.. In R.K. Mutatkar(Ed.), Sexuality and SexualBehaviour :Social Sciences Perspective (pp.89-105). Pune, India: Pune University Press.
42)    Patwardhan, B. (2002). Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In N.S. Deodhar(Ed.), Our Health in Our Hands. Pune, India: University of Pune Press.
43)    Potnis, M, Joshi, A., Kar, A. (1997). Drinking water quality and management of diarrhoeal diseases in a slum community in Pune city. In R. Tribhuwan(Ed.), Social problems and development issues of slum women (pp.63-69). Amruta Publishing .
44)    Rao, N.N., Kar, A., Roberts, M.F., Yashpe, J., Torriani-Gorini, A. (1994). Phosphate, phosphorylated metabolites and the Pho regulon of Escheria coli. In S. Silver(Eds.), Phosphate in Microorganisms, Cellular and Molecular Biology. Washington DC, United States: ASM Press. ISBN: 9781555810801.