Department Details

Department of Women And Gender Studies

1)    Tambe, A. (2024). “Knowing (the Affective Family) Well”: Moving Beyond the Ethical Concerns. Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. United States of America: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN: 9781529691153.
2)    Tambe, A. (2023). Caste Culture and Religion. In V. Diwakar(Ed.), BGS-012 Gender Based Violence (pp.22-34). New Delhi, India: Indira Gandhi National Open University.
3)    तांबे, अनघा (2023). यौन कर्म पर विमर्श: जाती, कलंक और यौनीक श्रम. In सा. आर्य (संपा.), भारत में महिला आंदोलन – चुनौतियां और विमर्श. दिल्ली : राधाकृष्ण प्रकाशन. ISBN: 9789391950293.
4)    भवरे, ललित (2023). एक सच्चा सत्यशोधक कार्यकर्ता आणि मार्गदर्शक. In एस. कोकाटे(संपा.), प्राच्यविद्यापंडित कॉ शरद पाटिल यांच्या आठवणी (pp.१३८-१४३). पुणे, भारत: रयत प्रकाशन.
5)    Gole, S. (2023). Women in Conflict with Law. In S. Patil, G. Kaur(Eds.), BGS 013 Gender and Governance (pp.221-231). New Delhi, India: Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Gender and Development. ISBN: 9789355688880.
6)    Gole, S. (2023). Women’s Movement and its Engagement with Law. In S. Patil, G. Kaur(Eds.), BGS 011 Understanding Gender and Law (pp.83-93). New Delhi, India: Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Gender and Development. ISBN: 9789355688118.
7)    Chatterjee, C., Dyahadroy, S., Ghatpande, N. (2022). Questioning Cultural Homogeneity: Negotiating Cultural Plurality by Young People in Formal Educational Settings in India. In L. H. Seukwa(Eds.), The Challenge of Cultural Heritage and Identitu for Inclusive and Open Societies (pp.57-79). Berlin: Peter lang. ISBN: 9783631864463.
8)    Gole, S., Nanda, M. (2021). Women’s Movement in Colonial India: Routes and Roots. In D. S. Roy(Ed.) , BSOC- 107 Sociology of Gender (pp.118-132). New Delhi, India: Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Gender and Development. ISBN: 9789390773831.
9)    Gole, S. (2021). Queer Movements. In D. S. Roy(Ed.), BSOC- 107 Sociology of Gender (pp.148-158). New Delhi, India: Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Gender and Development. ISBN: 9789390773831.
10)    Kharat, S., Tambe, A., Gohad, P. (2020). Post-Coloniality, social capital and difference trumps hierarchy: Non-Formal cultural education of youth in india . In L. H. Seukwa(Eds.), The Challenge of Cultural Heritage and Identity for Inclusive and Open Societies. Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783631864463.
11)    Tambe, A. (2019). (Hyper)Visible ‘Women’/invisible (Dalit) women: Challenging the elusive sexism in Indian Universities. In G. Crimmins(Ed.) , Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy (pp.129-149). Australia: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9783030048518.
12)    Tambe, A. (2017). Women's political participation in early 20th century. In K. Menon(Eds.), Women and political process (pp.49-68). New Delhi, India: MPDD, IGNOU. ISBN: 9788126668564.
13)    भवरे, ललित (2017). झोपडपट्टीतील स्त्री : लिंगभाव परिप्रेक्ष्यातून आढावा. In एस. पवडे(संपा.), Women: Image and Reality (pp.१७०-१७२). अमरावती, भारत: पायगुण प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८८१८९८३९९९४.
14)    Tambe, A. (2015). Devidasi and/or 'Prostitute': Analysing 'Jogtin Prostitute' in Post-colonial Rural Maharashtra. In U. Chakravarti(Ed.), Thinking Gender, Doing Gender (pp.165-189). New Delhi, India: Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 9788125000000.
15)    तांबे, अनघा (2014). स्री चळवळीतील लैंगिकतेच्या राजकारणाचे बहुसुरी कथन. In वंदना भागवत(संपा.), संदर्भासहित स्त्रीवाद (pp.142-149). Mumbai, India: Shabda Prakashan.
16)    Tambe, A. (2014). Multiple Narratives of the Politics of Sexuality in Women’s Movement (M). In V.M. Gitali(Eds.), Feminism Contextualized (M) (pp.142-149). Mumbai, India: Shabda Prakashan. ISBN: 9789382364191.
17)    Kamble, S.P. (2014). Nature, class, and the respect of the question of dominance pitrsattaka. In V.M. Gitali(Eds.), Sandarbhasahit Streewad. Mumbai, India: Shabda . ISBN: 9789382364191.
18)    भवरे, ललित (2013). महाराष्ट्रातील मुस्लिम समाजामध्ये धार्मिक आणि सामाजिक सुधारणा : मुस्लिम सत्यशोधक मंडळ. In व्ही. सुर्वे(संपा.), Minority Discourses Multidiscplinary Approaches (pp.१९५-१९७). औरंगाबाद, भारत: New Voice Publication. ISBN: ९७८९३८२५०४०४७.
19)    Kamble, S.P. (2011). Chatrapati Rajarshee Shahu ani samajik nyay vishayak drishtikon. In V. Balande(Eds.), Rajarshee Shahu Navya Disha–Nave Chintan. Aurangabad, India: Chinmay Prakashan.
20)    Rege, S. (2011). Women’s Studies Since the 1990s: Mapping New Conjunctures, Challenges and Strategies. In K. Roy(Ed.), Insights and Interventions: Essays in Honour of Uma Chakravarti (pp.39-74). New Delhi, India: Primus Books. ISBN: 9789380607221.

Publications Before 2011

21)    Gole, S.S. (2009). Women's Movement Post 1990s. In S. Dyahadroy(Eds.) , Women's Movements and Organizations. Pune, India: Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, S P Pune University.
22)    Kamble, S.P. (2009). Streeyancha Rajkarantil Sahbhag Ani Streeyakarita Arakshan. In A. Tambe(Eds.), Streeya, Kayada Ani Rajkaran. Pune, India: Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Stree Abhyas Kendra Publication, University of Pune.
23)    Gole, S.S. (2009). Women and Health. In S. Dyahadroy(Eds.) , Social Empowerment of Women . Pune, India: Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, S P Pune University.
24)    Gole, S.S. (2009). NEP, SEZ and Other Policies . In S. Dyahadroy(Eds.), Women, Labour and Economy. Pune, India: Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, SPPU.
25)    Gole, S.S. (2009). Gender and development: Alternative Perspectives and Visions. In S. Dyahadroy(Eds.), Women, Labour and Economy. Pune, India: Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, S P Pune University.
26)    Gole, S.S. (2009). Gender and Environment . In S. Dyahadroy(Eds.) , Social Empowerment of Women. Pune, India: Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, S P Pune University.
27)    Gole, S.S. (2009). Gender and Human Rights . In S. Dyahadroy(Eds.) , Women, Law and Politics. Pune, India: Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, S P Pune University.
28)    Kamble, S.P. (2008). Samajshastriya Pariprekshatun Arakshan Ani ‘Creamy Layer’. In V. Balande(Eds.), Arakshan: Satya Ani Viparyas. Aurangabad, India: Chinmaya Prakashan.
29)    Kamble, S.P. (2008). Streewadi Drustikonatun Pani Dhornacha Adhava Ani Paryay. In V. Lele(Ed.), Stree. Pune, India: Apurva Publication.
30)    Tambe, A. (2008). Different Issues/ Different Voices: Organization of Women in Prostitution in India. In R. Sahani(Eds.), Prostitution and Beyond: An Analysis of Sex Work in India (pp.73-100). New Delhi, India: Sage. ISBN: 9788178297842.
31)    Tambe, A. (2008). Different issues/different voices. In R. Sahni(Eds.), Prostitution and Beyond (pp.73-97). India: SAGE Publications . ISBN: 9788178297842.
32)    Tambe, A. (2000). Crucial Questions in India: A Review of Feminist Discourse. In S. Rege(Eds.), The Debate over Prostitution: A Review of Feminist Discourse. Pune, India: KSP Women’s Studies Centre, University of Pune.
33)    Kamble, S.P. (0). Going conflict in higher education and samajikasasratila sensitivity and lingabhava. In N.T. Kambale(Ed.), Higher Education in Maharashtra. Aurangabad, India: Chinmay.