Department Details

Department of Education & Extension

1)    Choukade, G.G. (2024). Flipped Classroom: A New Change in the Learning. In V. Punia(Eds.), Flipped Classroom: Evolution to Revolution (pp.17-25). New Delhi, India: Indu Book Services Pvt Ltd. ISBN: 9788119907137.
2)    Jadhav, V.G., Sonawane, S. (2022). Micro-Learning Planer (MLP). In A. Biswal(Eds.), Edureform Handbook for Innovative Pedagogy (pp.160-176). Italy: La Scuola. ISBN: 9788835059042.
3)    Shinde, G ,Chakravarty, D. (2022). Education 4.0-Future Education and way ahead with Hybrid Classroom. In H.M. Omprakash(Eds.), 21st Centiry Teach Treands:Higher Education (pp.63-74). Pune, India: Amitesh Publishers & Company. ISBN: 9781387797103.
4)    Choukade, G. (2021). Constructivism & Teacher Education. In R. Rani(Ed.), Innovative & Evolved Teacher Education in India (pp.14-19). Patiala, India: Twenty First Century Publications. ISBN: 9788195025855.
5)    Choukade, G. (2021). Education during COVID-19. In J. Bagul(Ed.), COVID-19: A Modern DEVIL (pp.139-141). Jaipur: YKing Books. ISBN: 9789387945982.
6)    Jadhav, V.G., Chambers, D., Tatpuje, D. (2020). Low-tech Assistive Technology to Support Students with Disability in Low-income Countries. In D. Chambers(Ed.), Assistive Technology to Support Inclusive Education. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. ISBN: 9781787695191.
7)    Shinde, G. (2019). Value based universal education. Inspiring teachers strengthening Generation (pp.106-115). Pune, India: MIT World Peace University . ISBN: 9789387665996.
8)    Shinde, G. (2019). Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s views on Equality and Democratic Socialism. In S. Taware(Eds.), Contribution of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, Mahatma Jyotirao Phule & Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at National & International Levels (pp.222-225). Pune, India: Snehavardhan Publishing House. ISBN: 9789387628427.
9)    Uplane, U., Wadegaonkar, A. (2017). Socialization skills. In J. Mete(Eds.), Inclusive Education (pp.10). New Delhi, India: APH Publishing. ISBN: 9789385876684 .
10)    Pachpol, M.G., Jadhav, V.G. (2014). Tribal Development: Programmes and Policies Reviews. In P.V. Gupta(Eds.), Indigenous People: Issues and Empowering Strategies (pp.271-276). New Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 9789350564837.
11)    Sonawane, S.A., Jadhav, V. (2014). Teacher Education and Globalization. Quality Improvement in Teacher Education. RET, International Academic Publicity. ISBN: 97889384148508 .
12)    Jadhav, V.G. (2014). Teacher Educator and Globalization. Quality Improvement in Teacher education. RET International Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9789384148508.
13)    Jadhav, V.G. (2013). Education for Deprived Section. Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of Education. Nashik, India: YCMOU. ISBN: 9788192301419.
14)    Uplane, M.M., Sonawane, S.A., Padmini, M.S. (2012). Computer Assisted Instruction for Secondary School Low Achievers . In S.S. Patil(Eds.), ICT in Education: Recent Trends (pp.36-44). Jaipur, India: Prateeksha Publication. ISBN: 9789380626659.
15)    Valvi, N.J., Chavan, K. (2012). Concept of Today’s education and entrepreneurship education A comparative vision. Empowering learner for Entrepreneurship (pp.38-40). Nashik, India. ISBN: 9789381354270.
16)    Jadhav, V.G. (2012). New approach of Action Research. Handbook of Action Research and Minor Research. Pune, India: State Council Educational Research and Training.
17)    Uplane, M.M., Sonawane, S.A., Padmini, M.S. (2011). Computer Assisted Instruction for Retention of Science content for Secondary School low achievers. In J.K. Dange(Eds.), ICT in Education: Recent Trends . Neha Publishers & Distributors. ISBN: 9789380626659.
18)    Valvi, N.J. (2011). Concept of eduction of today’s and Rabindranath tagore’s-comparative study . Perspective on Rabindranath Tagore (pp.396-399). Nashik, India. ISBN: 8189730208.
19)    Chavan, K., Rajmane, K., Valvi, N.J. (2011). Constructive Approach for water pollution awareness at secondary Level. Sustainable development water conservation (pp.54-55). Nashik, India. ISBN: 9381354278.
20)    Chavan, K., Valvi, N. (2011). The Effectiveness of Quizzactivity method for creativity . Innovation in Teaching Learning & Evaluation (pp.279-281). Nashik, India. ISBN: 9789381354094.
21)    Jadhav, V.G. (2011). System Approach in Education. Innovative Practices in Education. New Delhi, India: New Delhi Publication. ISBN: 97889381274064.
22)    Valvi, N., Sonawane, S.A., Chavan, K. (2011). Present status of mental health of P.G. teachers. Mental Health Role of Education (pp.221-224). Mumbai, India. ISBN: 9788192230719.
23)    Shinde, G., Madhuri, I. (2011). Problem of Mental Health and Erosion of values Amoung Students. In C. Chavan(Ed.), Mental Health Role of Education (pp.365-66). Mumbai, India. ISBN: 9788192230719.
24)    Jadhav, V.G. (2011). Effectiveness of Counseling on the depression level of failed adolescent students. Mental Health: Role of education. Mumbai, India: Ketaki Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 9788192230719.
25)    Chavan, K., Valvi, N.J. (2011). Mental health and social health. Social Health (pp.254-256). Nashik, India. ISBN: 9789381354209.
26)    Jadhav, V.G. (2011). Co-operative Learning in Mathematics. In S.P. Singh(Ed.), Innovative Learning Strategies. New Delhi, India: APH Publishing Corporation. ISBN: 9788131312452.

Publications Before 2011

27)    Jadhav, V.G. (2010). Open Universities & Dual Mode Universities: Need for Each Other. ODL: System in Transition Experiences & Reflection. New Delhi, India: Vikas Housing Publication. ISBN: 9788125944584.
28)    Jadhav, V.G. (2010). Nature and Concept of Teacher Education. Nature and Process of Teacher Education (pp.00). Nashik, India: YCMOU. ISBN: 9788180553622.
29)    Jadhav, V.G. (2009). Nature of Teaching Profession. Understanding of Teaching Profession. Nashik, India: YCMOU. ISBN: 9788180553479.
30)    Jadhav, V.G. (2009). Self Help Group. Self-Instructional Material (SIM). Nashik, India: YCMOU.
31)    Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M., Agase, L.A., Kamble, G.S. (2007). Study The Level of e-Culture and Integration of ICT in Teacher Education Institution of Pune City. In L. Vernal(Ed.), Research Studies on the Impact of ICT in Education (pp.104-111). Goa, India: College of Education.
32)    Sapre, N.R., Uplane, M.M. (2004). A critical Study of Teaching of Mathematics at Standard 1st and 2nd with respect to competency based curriculum and textbook of Maharashtra. In S.M. Joshi(Eds.), Management of Primary Education: A Challenge (pp.161-167). Vadodra, India: Good Companions.
33)    Shapre, N.R., Uplane, M.M. (2004). Technology For Elevating Quality of life. In K.M.Mohapatra(Ed.), Technology Environment and Human Values: A Metaphysical Approach to Sustainable Development (pp.39-43). New Delhi, India: Concept Publications. ISBN: 9788180690891.