Department Details

Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension

1)    Tupe, N.B. (2022). Blended Learning: A Model For Developing Entrepreneurial Skills ( 1st ed. ). Pune, India: Universal Publication. ISBN: 9789389581096.
2)    तुपे, नवनाथ (2022). शिक्षण आणि सामाजिक बदल ( १ली. ,1 ). पुणे, भारत : Universal Publication. ISBN: 9789393372345.
3)    Tupe, N.B. (2020). A Handbook of Lifelong Learning Practicum ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University Press .
4)    Gupta, P.V. (2020). Facilitating Sustainable Livelihoods for the Impoverished ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Delhi, India: Akruthi Publications. ISBN: 9789354163166.
5)    Deshmukh, B.A. (2020). Tribal Totemism ( 1st ed. ). Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University.
6)    Gupta, P.V., Adhav, V. (2020). वंचित घटक: सक्षमीकरणाची रचनात्मक दिशा ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Jalgaon, India: शब्दवैभव प्रकाशन. ISBN: 9788194044458.
7)    Tupe, N.B. (2019). Learning Capabilities: Methods, Tools, Techniques and Learning Supports for Undergraduates ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9786200289728.
8)    Deshmukh, B. (2019). Sustainable Tribal Development : In context of Livelihood Education ( 1st ed. ). Mauritius: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9786139474950.
9)    Deshmukh, B. (2019). Tribal Equality : Inclusive Education and Multiculturalism ( 1st ed. ). Mauritius, United Kingdom : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9786139475841.
10)    Gupta, P.V. (2018). Social Inclusion of the Marginalized Tribal Women towards Career and Life Aspirations: An Analytical Study. Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University.
11)    Gupta, P.V. (2018). Women Empowerment: Some Reflections. New Delhi, India: Nation Press. ISBN: 9789387436299.
12)    Gupta, P.V. (2017). Dr. Bhalachandra Phadke and Social Education ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9789352677689.
13)    Adhav, S., Gupta, P.V.(Eds.) (2017). Empowerment of Deprived Sections ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Delhi, India: Arjun Publishing House. ISBN: 9788183306713.
14)    Gupta, P.V. (2017). Exclusion and inclusion of disadvantaged communities. Delhi, India: National Press. ISBN: 9788193466001.
15)    Gupta, P.V. (2017). Life skills and community development through lifelong learning. New Delhi, India: Swastik Publishers & Distributors. ISBN: 9788189981747.
16)    Adhav, V., Gupta, P.V. (2017). Social Transformation towards Inclusive Growth of Marginalized Communities ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Visakhapatnam, India: Uday Publishing House. ISBN: 9789385991233.
17)    Gupta, P.V., Adhav, V. (2017). Transformation of Marginalised Communities and Inclusive Growth ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Visakhapatnam, India: Uday Publishing House. ISBN: 9789385991073.
18)    Gupta, P.V. (2016). Book of Abstracts (Lifelong Learning for Life Skills and Community Development: Present Status and Future Paradigms) ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Pune, India: Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
19)    Gupta, P.V., Adhav, V. (2016). Book of Abstracts Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar contributions for Empowerment of Deprived Classes (On the eve of 125th Birth Anniversary of Bharataratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar) ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Pune, India: Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
20)    Gupta, P.V. (2016). Context Consciousness in Health Care: A Study ( 1st ed. ,Vol. 1 ). Pune, India: Centre For Social Sciences and Humanities, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
21)    Tupe, N.B., Jagtap, H.N. (2016). Curriculum, Pedagogy and Evaluation ( MSCERT-3/K ). Pune, India: Suvichar Publication Mandal.
22)    Adhav, V. (2016). Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar contributions for Empowerment of Deprived Classes (On the eve of 125th Birth Anniversary of Bharataratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar) ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University .
23)    Gupta, P.V. (2015). Adult education as new educational frontier. Haryana, India: The Associated Publishers. ISBN: 9788184291155.
24)    Tupe, N.B. (2015). Lifelong Learning of Women. Pune, India: Universal Publication.
25)    Deshmukh, B.A. (2015). Tribal Unwed Mothers. Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University.
26)    Gupta, P.V. (2014). Book of Abstract of National Seminar on Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension. Delhi, India: Bharti Publications. ISBN: 9789381212615.
27)    Gupta, P.V. (2014). Compendium of Abstract on the eve of International seminar entitled “Social Inequalities in Higher Education:Identifying Parallels in India and Brazil” during 23rd and 24th May, 2014 . Pune, India: Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
28)    Adhav, V. (2014). Dalit Issues: Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Development ( 1st ed. ). Pune, India: Yashodeep Publications. ISBN: 9789383471256 .
29)    Lokhande, D.B. (2014). Extension Education in India. Delhi, India: Sonali Publication. ISBN: 9788184115215.
30)    Gupta, P.V. (2014). Indigenous People: Issues and Empowering Strategies. Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Limited. ISBN: 9789350564837.
31)    Moon, S., Tupe, N.B. (2014). Leadership of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkarand Dalit Initiatives in Education(Translation of Dr. Elinar Zeliate‟s towarticle). Pune, India: Sugava Prakashan.
32)    Gupta, P.V. (2014). Perspectives of Tribal Education. Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Limited. ISBN: 9789350564820.
33)    Lokhande, D. (2014). Samaj Sudharakanche Yogadan ani Samajkarya ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Nashik, India: Alpha Computers. ISBN: 97881929031.
34)    Gupta, P.V. (2014). Souvenir of National Seminar on Dalit Issues: Strategies for Inclusive Growth and Development. Pune, India: Yashodeep Publications. ISBN: 9789383471256.
35)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Creeds of Education: Problems & Perspectives. Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Limited. ISBN: 9789350563199.
36)    Lokhande, D.B. (2013). Dnyanvistarachi Kshitije. Pune, India: Universal Prakashan.
37)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Empowerment of Tribes: Problems & Strategies Perspectives of Tribal Students. Germany: LAP Lambart Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9783659423191.
38)    Tupe, N.B. (2013). Horizons of Knowledge. Pune, India: Universal Publication. ISBN: 9788187552253.
39)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Resource Material for the Capacity Building Training Programme entitled the criticality of Social Science Research: Perspectives and Application in Research Methodology. Pune, India: Yashodeep Publications. ISBN: 9788192637488.
40)    Tupe, N.B. (2013). Scenario Based Learning : A BetterMethodology of Teaching English &Mathematics. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9783659430039.
41)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). The Spectrum of Literacy. Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Limited. ISBN: 9789350563182.
42)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Transformation of Tribes and Sustainable Development. New Delhi, India: Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 9788126160013.
43)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Tribal Development and Management: Problems and Empowering Strategies. Jaipur, India: Pointer Publishers. ISBN: 9788171327416.
44)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Changing Paradigms of Education and Hunan Development. Haryana, India: The Associated Publishers, Ambala City. ISBN: 9788184290745.
45)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Compendium of Abstract for the National Seminar on Tribal Issues and Strategies for Empowerment. Pune, India: Authors’ Avenue Publications. ISBN: 9788192498096.
46)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Creeds of Lifelong Learning: Dilemmas & Strategies Indian Perspectives. Germany: LAP Lambart Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9783659144011.
47)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Dimensions of Human Development: Problems and Prospects. Haryana, India: The Associated Publishers, Ambala City. ISBN: 9788184290776.
48)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Egalitarianism: Impact of Voter Consciousness. Germany: LAP Lambart Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9783659164842.
49)    Deshmukh, B.A. (2011). Adiwasi Vikas. Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University.
50)    Gupta, P.V. (2011). Continuing Education Programme Perceptions of Stakeholders and Learners. Haryana, India: The Associated Publishers, Ambala City. ISBN: 9788184290677.
51)    Adhav, V. (2011). Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: On Education & Globalisation ( 1st ed. ,1 ). Pune, India: Sugawa Prakashan.
52)    Tupe, N.B. (2011). Introduction of Research Methodology. Pune, India: University of Pune.
53)    Lokhande, D.B. (2011). Loksankhya Shikshan Ani Prabodhan.
54)    Lokhande, D.B. (2011). Sanshodhan Paddhati.
55)    अढाव, विलास (2011). चिरेबंदी कृषी बाजार आणि दुर्बल शेतकरी ( १ली. ,). पुणे, भारत: सुगावा प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८९३८०१६६२८५.
56)    अढाव, विलास (2011). महाराष्ट्राची कृषिव्यवस्था: धोरण आणि नियोजन ( १ली. ,). पुणे, भारत: सुगावा प्रकाशन. ISBN: ९७८९३८०१६६२६१.

Publications Before 2011

57)    Adhav, V. (2010). Mahila Sabalikaran ( 1 ,1 ). Pune, India: University of Pune.
58)    Lokhande, D.B. (2010). Swayamsevi Sanstha.
59)    Tupe, N.B. (2009). Senior Citizens: Reality & Problems. Pune, India: University of Pune.
60)    Tupe, N.B. (2008). Reading Perspectives. Aurangabad, India: Kailash Publication.
61)    Lokhande, D.B. (2008). Samaj Krantiche Agradoot : Gadge Baba. Aurangabad, India: Kaushalya Prakashan.
62)    Lokhande, D.B. (2008). Youth in Education and Community Services. Pune, India: Samajdarshan Prakashan.
63)    Gupta, P.V. (2007). Multi-Dimensional Approaches to Literacy Development. New Delhi, India: The Associated Publishers. ISBN: 8184290748.
64)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2006). कोकणा-कोकणी इतिहास आणि जीवन . पुणे : सुगावा पब्लिकेशन्स . ISBN: ८१८८७६४३४५ .
65)    Adhav, V.B. (2005). Krutishil Vicharwant ani Samajsudharak. Pune, India: Suyash Prakashan.
66)    Adhav, V.B. (2004). Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar : Education & Globalisation. Pune, India: Suyash Prakashan.
67)    Deshmukh, B.A. (2004). Tribal Education. New Delhi, India: Sonali Publications. ISBN: 9788188836567.
68)    Lokhande, D.B. (2003). Biography of Mahatma Phule. Pune, India: Phule Ambedkar Vichar Manch.
69)    Adhav, V.B. (2003). Samajkrantikarak : Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj. Pune, India: Suyash Prakashan.
70)    Adhav, V.B. (2002). Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar : Shikshan ani Samaj Prabodhan. Pune, India: Suyash Prakashan.
71)    Lokhande, D.B. (2002). Education of adolecents in family life. Pune, India: Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
72)    Adhav, V.B. (2002). Vichar Vaibhav. Pune, India: Suyash Prakashan.
73)    Adhav, V.B. (2001). Adhyanshil Samaj : Jivanvishayak Udhbodhak Vichar.
74)    Lokhande, D.B. (2001). Shikshak aani saksharata. Pune, India: University of Pune.
75)    Adhav, V.B. (1999). Sakriya Adhyan. Pune, India: University of Pune.
76)    Lokhande, D.B. (1998). Sakriya adhyayan (Sampark Adhikari). Pune, India: University of Pune.
77)    Lokhande, D.B. (1997). Literacy Kits for Urban Area. Pune, India: State Resource Centre.
78)    Lokhande, D.B. (1994). Gao-Kacheri. Pune, India: Collector Office.
79)    Lokhande, D.B. (1994). Mahila Mandal, TLC-Pune. Pune, India: Collector Office.
80)    Lokhande, D.B. (1993). Handbook for volunteers of Adult Education. Pune, India: Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, Savitribai Phule Pune University.