Department Details

Centre for Advanced Studies in Sanskrit

1)    Mohanty, D. (2019,December, 20). Influence of Sanskrit on Prakrit Literature. In J. Tripathy(Ed.), Proceedings of Influence of Sanskrit on Indian Language and Literature(pp.181-185). CASS, SPPU: CASS, SPPU. ISBN: 9789385788048.
2)    Mohanty, D. (2019,December, 20). Prāṇa in the Brāhmaṇa Literature. In J. Tripathy(Ed.), Proceedings of Yoga Concepts and Theories(pp.333-339). CASS, SPPU: CASS, SPPU. ISBN: 9789385788024.
3)    Mohanty, D. (2019,December, 20). Tarkasamgraha: A Critique. In J. Tripathy(Ed.), Proceedings of Critics and Criticism(pp.285-293). SPPU, Pune: Centre of Advanced study in Sanskirt, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9789385788017.
4)    Joshi, A. (2017,January). A Note on गणितसारसंग्रह. In P. Pandhare (Eds.), Proceedings of Ancient Science and Technology : Retrospection and Aspirations(pp.22-27). Pune, India: Deccan College Deemed University.
5)    Jha, U. (2016). Lexicographical Importance of the Śābarabhāṣya. In J. Sathe(Ed.), Proceedings of Some Trends in Vedic Studies and Lexicography(pp.41-45). Pune; India: Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Pune.
6)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2016,June, 28-July, 6). Rugvedic Verses interpreted in the Maitrayani Samhita. In Hans Henrich Hock(Ed.), Proceedings of Veda and Vedic Literature(pp.17-34). Delhi, India: DK Publishers and Distributors. ISBN: 9788193231944.
7)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2016,June 28- July 2). The Kaisini Diksa: A Reappraisal. In Tiziana Pontillo(Eds.), Proceedings of Vratya culture in Vedic sources: Select Papers from the Panel on "Vratya culture in Vedic sources" at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference(pp.73-88). Delhi; India: DK Publishers and Distributors . ISBN: 9788193231937.
8)    Joshi, A. (2015). Animals and Birds in Ayurveda. In G. Mahulikar(Ed.), Proceedings of Animals and Birds in Sanskrit Literature(pp.127-134). New Delhi; India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation . ISBN: 8183152775 .
9)    Joshi, A. (2015). Contract of Deposit and Rajatarangini. In S. Bhat(Ed.), Proceedings of Sanskrit Sources of Indian History III(pp.149-154). Pune; India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. ISBN: 9788192730967.
10)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Contribution of M. D. Paradkar to Sanskrit Literature . In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature(pp.751-760). Pune; India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
11)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Contribution of M. R. Kale. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature(pp.656-661). Pune; India: CASS, S.P. Pune University . ISBN: 9788193146880.
12)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Contribution of Pro. V. N. Jha to Sanskrit Literature. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature(pp.522-526). Pune; India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
13)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Contribution of Prof. D.V. Jog to Sanskrit Literature. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature(pp.493-496). Pune; India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
14)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Contribution of Prof. Indumati Deshpande to Sanskrit Literature. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature(pp.797-801). Pune; India: CASS, S.P. Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
15)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Contribution of Ramachandra Pandit to Sanskrit Literature. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature(pp.453-458). Pune; India: CASS, S.P. Pune Universiy. ISBN: 9788193146880.
16)    Mohanty, D. (2015). Contribution of S.D. Ladu to Sanskrit Literature. In B.K. Dalai(Ed.), Proceedings of Contribution of Maharashtra to Sanskrti Language and Literature(pp.413-416). Pune; India: CASS, S.P.Pune University. ISBN: 9788193146880.
17)    Joshi, A. (2015,June, 28- July, 02). Eugenic Principles reflected in Dharmashastra. In U. Vaidya (Ed.), Proceedings of 16th World Sanskrit Conference(pp.11). Bangkok: International Association of Sanskrit Studies and the Sanskrit Studies Centre.
18)    Jha, U. (2015). Karmayoga : The Philosophy of Wellness. In R.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Science of Consciousness, Psychotherapy and Yoga Praxis(pp.235-245). New Delhi; India: Vidyanidhi Prakashan. ISBN: 9789380651972.
19)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2015,February, 15-16). Knowledge and Values of Indian culture (An analysis of Travelogues). Proceedings of Antarastriya- Samskrita-Mahasammelanam(pp.78-81). Goa; India: Tapobhumi.
20)    Jadhav, K.N. (2015). Science of Stealing (Chauryashastra). Proceedings of Science in Sanskrit Literature (pp.43-46). Sangamner; India: S. N. Arts, D.J. M. Commerece and B.N. S. Science College, Sangamner. ISBN: 9789381921449.
21)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2014,January, 23-25). Beyond the Taboos. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Proceedings of Aspects of Brahmana Literature(pp.206-211). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune.
22)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2014,February, 7-8). Implicit sources of history (Manuscript Preambles, Colophons and Post-Colophonic Statements)" . In S. Bhat(Ed.), Proceedings of Sanskrit Sources of Indian History (pp.135-145). Pune; India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. ISBN: 9788192730950.
23)    Joshi, A. (2014,April). Mudra: A Mode of Non-Verbal Communication. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Proceedings of Introduction to Indian Poetics and Aesthetics(pp.202-206). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune, Pune. ISBN: 9788193146859.
24)    Joshi, A. (2014,December). Sunahsepa : A Svayamdatta (Self-Given) Son. In B.K. Dalai(Eds.), Proceedings of Aspects of Brahmana Literature(pp.200-205). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune. ISBN: 9788193146866.
25)    Joshi, A. (2014). Vyavahara : A Source of Ancient Indian Legal History (With Special Reference to the Rajatarangini. In S. Bhat(Ed.), Proceedings of Sanskrit Sources of Indian History(pp.153-162). Pune; India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. ISBN: 9788192730950.
26)    Joshi, A. (2013,September). Contract of Deposit in Classical Sanskrit Literature (With Special Reference to the Pancatantra). Proceedings of The contribution of Sanskrit Literature in the Development of Indian Culture and Environment(pp.245-249 ). Nanded; India : Abhinav Bharat Shikshan Sanstha’s Netaji Subhashchandra Bose College. ISBN: 9788192121376.
27)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2013,March, 8-9). Madhuravijayam: An Important Source of Vijayanagara History . In S. Bhat(Ed.), Proceedings of Sanskrit Sources of Indian History (pp.143-153). Pune; India: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. ISBN: 9788192730905.
28)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2013,February, 15-16). Proper-names and Naming Styles in the Post- Colophonic Statements of Manuscripts (in comparison to inscriptions). Proceedings of Language Contact in India(pp.120-128). Pune; India: Deccan College, Pune.
29)    Joshi, A. (2012,August). Chandomanjari : Its Scope and Contribution. In B. Pataskar(Ed.) , Proceedings of The Studies in Chandahsastra(pp.159-165 ). Pune; India: Vaidik Samshodhan Mandal, T.M.V. Colony, Pune .
30)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2012,February, 15-16). Monolingual Translation: Paraphrases in the Brahmana Texts. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Translation: Theory and Application(pp.59-70). Pune; India: Director, Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit.
31)    Joshi, A. (2012,February, 13-15). On The Translation of ManuSmrti. In U. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Translation: Theory and Application(pp.109-114 ). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune, Pune . ISBN: 9788193146835.
32)    Joshi, A.V. (2012,October). Role of Consciousness in Ayurveda. In U. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Models of Understanding Consciousness(pp.245-251 ). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit. ISBN: 9788193146842.
33)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2012,April, 12). Sanskrit and Malvani Interface. In M.R. Kolhatkar(Ed.), Proceedings of Sanskrit and Its relations with Indian Languages (pp.111-117). Mumbai; India: The Asiatic society of Mumbai.
34)    Jha, U. (2012). Social Position of Women in Smrti Texts. In S.K. Mohanty(Ed.), Proceedings of Proceedings of the National Seminar on Women(pp.178-192). Himachal Pradesh; India: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
35)    Jha, U. (2012). Translation : Theory and Application. In U. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Translation : Theory and Application(pp.1-14). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune, .
36)    Joshi, A. (2011,March, 22-24). Right to Fair Wages. In U. Jha(Ed.) , Proceedings of Dharmashastra and Human Rights(pp.130-137). Pune; India: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. ISBN: 9788183151610.
37)    Joshi, A. (2011,January). Symbolic Language and Dharmashastra. In K. Mande(Ed.), Proceedings of Language and Identity(pp.31-34 ). Pune; India: Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages.

Publication Before 2011

38)    Jha, U. (2010). Ancient commentaries on the Aitareya Aranyaka. In B.A. Pataskar(Ed.), Proceedings of The Studies in the Aranyakas(pp.233-256). Pune; India: Vaidik Samshodhan Mandal.
39)    Jha, U. (2010). Atharvavediya Manduki Siksa. In B.A. Pataskar(Ed.), Proceedings of Studies in the Siksas and Pratisakhyas(pp.187-200). Pune; India: Vaidik Samshodhan Mandal.
40)    Kulkarni, N.R. (2010,September, 20-25). Manuscript Transmission and Discrepancies in Interpretation. In M. Nencescu(Ed.), Proceedings of Travaux De symposium International Lelivre(pp.220-232). Bukharest, Romania: Le Symposium International Le livre. ISBN: 2068-9756.
41)    Joshi, A.V. (2010,December). Socio-Cultural aspects reflected in the Taittiriya Aranyaka. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Proceedings of The studies in the Aranyakas(pp.257-272 ). Pune; India: Vaidik Samshodhan Mandal. ISBN: No.
42)    Joshi, A. (2010,February ). Svarabhaktilaksanaparisistaśiksā. In B. Pataskar(Ed.), Proceedings of Studies of the Siksa-s and The Pratisakhya-s(pp.201-208). Pune; India: Vaidik Samshodhan Mandal . ISBN: No.
43)    Muley, R.A. (2007,March). Vedica Samhita Grantheshu Pratibimbitam Manaviya-Jivanamulyam. Proceedings of Kalichakr a Kumarnelur Pooram Committee.
44)    Jha, U. (2003). Intentionality of Language and Pūrvamīmāmsa. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Intentionality and Verbal Understanding(pp.23-32). New Delhi; India: Indian Books Centre.
45)    Jha, U. (2000). Lady Seers of the Veda. In S.S. Raghunathacharya(Ed.), Proceedings of Veda Agama and Shilpa(pp.111-118). Tirupati; India.
46)    Kulkarni, N.R. (1999,January, 29-31). Sasanas and Social Welfare. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Kautilya’s Arthasastra and social Welfare (pp.326-328). New Delhi; India: Sahitya Acdemy. ISBN: 8126007729.
47)    Kulkarni, N.R. (1997,March, 27-29). Is there Salvation for women. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Jaina logic and Epistemology (pp.145-154 ). Delhi; India: Indian Books Centre. ISBN: 9788170305187.
48)    Kulkarni, N.R. (1992,December, 5-6). Samyoga-sambandha in Nyaya-Vaisesika. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of Relations in Indian Philosophy (pp.1-9 ). New Delhi; India: Indian Books Centre.
49)    Jha, U. (1991). Attitude and Feelings of Man as Reflected in Dharmagranthas. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental Awareness Reflected in Sanskrit Literature(pp.78-86). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune.
50)    Kulkarni, N.R. (1991). Man and nature relarionship reflected in the Sukla Yajurveda. In V.N. Jha(Ed.), Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental Awareness Reflected in Sanskrit Literature(pp.1-6). Pune; India: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune.