Department Details

Department of Chemistry

1)    Bhatkar, M.Y., Roy, S., Roy, R., Satsangi, G.P. (2023,February, 24-25). Age-Specific Deposition of Indoor Particulate Matter in the Human Respiratory Tract. In P. Kulshreshtha(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd Asian Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality, ACIEQ 2023(pp.41-50). Singapore: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. ISBN: 9789819946808.
2)    Bhatkar, M.Y., Roy, S., Roy, R., Satsangi, G.P. (2023,February, 24-25). Indoor Particulate Matter Pollution on Oxidative Stress Pathways: Role of Chemical and Biological Constituents. In P. Kulshreshtha(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd Asian Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality, ACIEQ 2023(pp.79-86). Singapore: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. ISBN: 9789819946808.
3)    Mokashi, V.B., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2023,November, 21-24). Influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in Copper-quineoxime complexes on the chemoselective catalytic oxidation of alcohols. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA-2023). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
4)    Mahadik, V.B., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2023,November, 21-24). Metal-free Organic Novel Alkylomino substituted 1,4-naphtoquinones as a photosentizer in TiO2 and ZnO based dye-sensitizer solar cells. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA-2023). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
5)    Beedri, N.I., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2023,November, 21-24). Natural Photosensitizer Extraction from Delonix Regia Flower for Future Photosensor Appplications via DSSCs Fabrication. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA-2023). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
6)    Kamble, A.D., Kumbhar, A.A., Kulkarni, R.P., Kulkarni, A.A. (2023,March, 1-31). Potential Hypoglycemic Secondary Metabolites from Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer Influencing Human Gut Health. In Jun Lu(Eds.), Proceedings of The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Biomedicines(pp.42). Switzerland: Medical Sciences Forum. ISBN: 2673-9992.
7)    Mahadik, V.B., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2022,October, 18-20). Amino Substituted 1,4-Naphthoquinones as Photosensitizers in TiO2-Nanograin-Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA MAVARICK 2022). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
8)    Beedri, N.I., Deore, D.P., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2022,October, 18-20). Benzo[α](phenothiazine and phenoxazine) sensitized Tio2 photoanode based dye sensitized solar cells. In H. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications (AMSCA MAVARICK, 2022). Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University.
9)    Beedri, N.I., Mokashi, V.B., Mahadik, S.A., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2022,October, 20). Electron Transfer Property of Naphthoquinoneoxime sensitized TiO2 Photoanodes for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. In H. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications (AMSCA MAVARICK, 2022). Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University.
10)    Kabadi, E.M., Pingale, S.S. (2022,January, 1). Investigating cyclic cooperativity in ring stabilization of (HCN)n and (HNC)n: n = 3–11 clusters. In A. Srivastava(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Nanomaterials and Devices for Energy and Environment(pp.599-601). Netherland: Elsevier. ISBN: 2214-7853.
11)    Khatavkar, S., Haram, S.K. (2022,July, 13). Investigation of bi/reduced graphene oxide electro-catalyst for CO2 reduction reaction. In Wee-Jun Ong(Eds.), Proceedings of Materials Today: Proceedings. Elsevier. ISBN: 1369-7021.
12)    Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S., Sahoo, S., Chadar, D. (2022,October, 18-20). Ionic Benzo[α]phenoxazines an Emerging Source of Phtosensors through DSSC Device Fabrication. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA MAVARICK 2022). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
13)    Mahadik, V.B., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S., Pandey, P. (2022,October, 18-20). Phyridibe Substituted Naphthoquinones as a Photosensitizer in Dye Sensitized Solar cell. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA MAVARICK 2022). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
14)    Obaleye, J.A., Nnabuike, G.G., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2022,March, 20-24). Some mixed anti-inflammatory drugs metal complexes: Synthesis, structural elucidation and their antimicrobial investigation. Proceedings of ACS spring National Meeting and Events. San Diego, United States of America: American Chemical Society.
15)    Ankamwar, B. (2021). Hydrothermal synthesis of rod shaped iron oxide nanoparticles. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080002). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
16)    Rathod, P.B., Mhaske, P.D., Athawale, A.A., Pandey, A.K (2021,March, 22-26). Preparation of Thiol functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for sorption of Pb, Cd and As. Proceedings of Proceedings of the ninth DAE-BRNS biennial symposium (webinar) on emerging trends in separation science and technology. Mumbai; India: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
17)    Gaikwad, S., Pardeshi, S., Lokhande, P.D. (2021,November, 14). Synthesis of a novel series of substituted1‐(3,6‐dimethyl‐4‐ phe‐nyl‐1 H‐indazol‐5‐yl) ethan‐1‐one derivatives and evaluations of their antimicrobial, antioxidant activity with Insilco docking study. In J. A. Seijas(Eds.), Proceedings of The 25th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Switzerland: Chemistry Proceedings. ISBN: 2673-4583.
18)    Satpute, S., Salunke-Gawali, S., Harihar, S., Mone, N. (2021,April, 5-16). Temperature-dependent metal complexes synthesis of vitamin K3 analog phthiocol (2-hydroxy-3-methylnaphthalene-1,4-dione), evaluation of the anticancer activity. Proceedings of ACS spring National Meeting and Events. Atlanta, GA, USA: American Chemical Society.
19)    Shelar-Lohar, G., Joshi, S. (2020). Amidoximated functionalized sodium alginate graft copolymer: An effective adsorbent for rapid removal of cationic dyes. In S. Logothetidis(Eds.), Proceedings of Materials Today: Proceedings(pp.3357-3362). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 2214-7853.
20)    Mahadik, S., Pathan, H., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2020,March, 22-26). Construction of dye sensitized solar cell of 2-bromo-3-(methylamino)naphthalene-1,4-dione photosensitizer on TiO2 nanorod photoanode. Proceedings of ACS spring National Meeting and Events. United States of America: American Chemical Society.
21)    Ginikachukwu, G., Joshua, A., Misitura, L., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2019,December, 11-14). Intercalation and Antioxidant studies of Co(II) Complex of Mefenamic Acid: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies. Proceedings of XVIII, International Conference on Modern Trends in Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India. Guwahati, India.
22)    Harihar, S., Chadar, D., Pawar, B., Khan, A., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2019,December, 11-14). Metal complexes of vitamin k3 analog as topoisomerase II inhibitors. Proceedings of XVIII, International Conference on Modern Trends in Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India. Guwahati, India.
23)    Pipal, A., Satsangi, P.G., Taneja, A. (2019,December, 9-13). Synoptic scales of atmospheric aerosols in urban atmosphere of India: Implications for regional climate change. Proceedings of AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019.
24)    Barve, P., Joshi, S., Terdale, S. (2019,January, 8-10). Synthesis of gold nanoparticles and their antioxidant activity. Proceedings of International conference on advances in materials science and applied biology. Mumbai, India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
25)    Sahoo, S., Salunke-Gawali, S., Pathan, H. (2018,December, 14-15). Benzo[a]phenoxazine dyes as efficient photosensitizers in DSSCs, Advanced Material Sythesis, Characterization and Applications (AMCA-2018). In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications(AMSCA-2018). Pune, India: Department of physics, SPPU.
26)    Gaikwad, M., Mone, N., Adhav, V., Pal, B., Satpute, S., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2018,December, 11-14). Bi(III) and Sb(III) complexes of hydroxy naphthoquinones: Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial studies. Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India. Guwahati, India.
27)    Sur, U.K., Ankamwar, B., Karmakar, S., Halder, A., Das, P. (2018,February, 16-18). Green synthesis of Silver nanoparticles using the plant extract of Shikakai and Reetha. In D. Bhattacharjee(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Materials Science(pp.2321-2329). Tripura, India: Elsevier. ISBN: 2214-7853.
28)    Sahoo, S., Chadar, D., Innamuddin, A., Pathan, H., Salunke, S. (2017,July, 11-15). Application of Benzol[α] phenoxazine derivativesM-5B, M-6B] as a photosensitizer in TiO2 based dye sensitizedsolar cells. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of 8th International conference on Advanced Materials Development and performance, Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India. Pune, India: Department of physics, SPPU.
29)    Chadar, D., Chakravarty, D., Satpute, S., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2017,December, 11-14). Metal complexes of vitamin k3 analogue phthiocol: Coordination of naphthoquinone and naphthosemiquinone form of ligands in Ni(II) complex. Proceedings of XVII, International Conference on Modern Trend in Inorganic Chemistry, National Chemical Laboratory Pune, India. Pune, India.
30)    Ponkshe, A., Thakur, P. (2017,December, 6-8). Significant mineralization of beta blockers propranolol and atenolol by TiO2 induced photocatalysis. In K. Pal(Ed.), Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations and Initiatives(pp.1162-1175). Roorkee, India: Elsevier. ISBN: 2214-7853.
31)    Nandi, A.K., Pandey, R.K., Waghmode, S.B. (2017,November, 23-25). Synergetic Approach Towards Utilization of Effluent of TATB Pilot Plant for Effective Leaching of Crude Amorphous Boron Power. Proceedings of 11th International High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits(pp.1-6). Pune; India.
32)    Bagade, A.V., Paul, D., Rikame, T., Giri, A.P., Dhotre, D., Pawar, S., Kodam, K.M. (2016,June, 19-23). Diversity of arsenic resistant bacteria from Lonar lake: A meteorite impact alkaline crater lake in India. In P. Bhattacharya(Eds.), Proceedings of Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (pp.113-114). United States: CRC Press. ISBN: 9781138029415.
33)    Ankamwar, B. (2016). Fast detection of pathogenic bacteria using biosynthesized silver nanoparticles as the SERS substrate. In K. K. Kar(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living(pp.333). Singapore: Research Publishing.
34)    Kuppa, A., Jagtap, S., Khan, A. (2016,January, 9-7). Imaging of normoxic and hypoxic cells using extract obtained from the flowers of the plant Nycanthes arbortristis. Proceedings of Herbal and Synthetic Drug studies. Pune; India.
35)    Tapase, S., Patki, S., Kodam, K. (2016,June, 19-23). Oxidation of arsenite by using aerobic bacterial granules: A comparison with single bacterial culture. In P. Bhattacharya(Eds.), Proceedings of 6th Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability(pp.119-120). Stockholm; Sweden: CRC Press. ISBN: 9781315629438.
36)    Kanagare, A.B., Singh, K.K., Kumar, M., Shinde, V.S. (2016,May, 17-20). Synthesis of potassium cobalt hexacyanoferrate encapsulated polymeric beads for extraction of Cs from acidic solution. In A.C. Deb(Eds.), Proceedings of The seventh DAE-BRNS biennial symposium on emerging trends in separation science and technology(pp.280). India: INIS. ISBN: 4708-6163.
37)    Patil, A.S., Bhand, S., Pawar, K., Pathan, H., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2015,July, 30 - August, 1). 2-Methylamino-1,4-naphthoquinone sensitized ZrO2 based dye sensitized solar cell. Proceedings of International Photovoltaic Solar energy Conference (IPSEC) Solar Asia -2015. Pune; India.
38)    Rajdeo, K.S., Ponrathnam, S., Pardeshi, S.K., Tambe, S.S., Chavan, N.N. (2015,January). Adsorption of strontium metal ions using core-shell polymeric supports. Proceedings of Proc. Natl. Conf. EIBPI-2015. Thane: Dnyanasadhana College. ISBN: 8189217135.
39)    Inamdar, Y., Beedri, N., Kodam, K., Shaikh, A., Pathan, H. (2015,January, 6-8). Aggregation of ZnO nanocrystallites using polyol process for dye (reactive red) sensitized solar cell. In B. Bhattacharya(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Engineering(pp.52-57). Greater Noida, India: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 1022-1360.
40)    Dhuny, R., Sajeevan, G., Pardeshi, S. (2015,May, 6-8). An open framework to geotag and locate plants around the world. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM)(pp.153-158). Avadi, India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. ISBN: 9781479998555.
41)    Patil, V., Mahajan, S., Kulkarni, M.V., Patil, K., Coronas, A., Rode, C. (2015,January, 15-16). Antibacterial Activities Of Silver Ionanofluids For Bacillus Cereus And Escherichia Coli Bacteria. Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Ionic Liquids: Advanced Energy Applications. Tarragona, Spain.
42)    Rajurkar, N.S., Mandhare, V.B., Zatakia, N.H. (2015,February, 12-14). Assessment of iodine status in school children of Baramati region (Maharashtra) using radioimmunoassay technique. Proceedings of Frontiers of Chemistry and Materials. Baramati; India.
43)    Bhand, S., Chadar, D., Pawar, K., Pathan, H., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2015,July, 30-1). Benzo[a]phenothiazine sensitized ZrO2 based dye sensitized solar cell. Proceedings of International Photovoltaic Solar energy Conference (IPSEC) Solar Asia -2015. Pune; India.
44)    Chadar, D., Rao, S., Bhand, S., Khan, A., Gejji, S.P., Weyhermüller, T., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2015,January, 11-15). Benzo[a]phenoxazines of vitamin K3: synthesis, molecular structures, DFT studies and antiproliferative activity. Proceedings of 10th International conference on Bio-Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science and Education. Pune; India.
45)    Tagad, C.K., Sabharwal, S.G., Aiyer, R.C. (2015,March, 8-10). Detection of acid phosphatase activity using ATP conferred protection of AgNPs against salt induced aggregation. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors, Proceedings(pp.173-176). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
46)    Dhale, R., Dhongade, V., Aiyer, R.C., Kodam, K.M. (2015,March, 8-10). Development of optical fiber based chlorophyll and anthocyanin coated carbon dioxide biosensor. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS 2015(pp.39-42). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
47)    Gupta, S., Athawale, A. A., Gupta, S. (2015). Emi Shielding by Conducting Composites. Proceedings of IEEE COMCAS Conference. Telaviv, Israel: IEEE.
48)    Rathod, N.V., Kamble, J.H., Malkhede, D.D. (2015,May, 26-29). Liquid liquid extraction of Th(IV) and its complexation study by Calix(4)pyrole. In A. V. Reddy(Ed.) , Proceedings of Proceedings of the BRNS-AEACI first symposium on current trends in analytical chemistry: book of abstracts(pp.262). Mumbai; India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
49)    Rajurkar, N.S. (2015,February, 12-14). Radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy. Proceedings of frontiers of chemistry and materials. Baramati; India.
50)    Bhorde, P., Kumbhar, A.S. (2015,March, 12-14). Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes and their DNA Interactions. Proceedings of Recent Trends in Drug Development. Pune; India.
51)    Gaikwad, S.V., Patil, A.M., Lokhande, P.D., Nikalje, M.D. (2015,November, 1-30). Synthesis of 1, 3–diketoketones as a novel antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidants agents. In J. A. Seijas(Eds.), Proceedings of 19th International Electronic conference on synthesis organic chemistry. Switzerland: MDPI. ISBN: 9783038421450.
52)    Dhumal, G., Kate, A., Kumbhar, A., Patil, Y. (2015,March, 12-14). Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and DNA interaction studies of Cu(I) and Co(III) thiosemicarbazone complexes. Proceedings of Recent Trends in Drug Development. Pune; India.
53)    Chadar, D., Bhand, S., Pawar, K., Pathan, H., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2015,July, 30- August, 1). Vitamin K3 Analogue as a Photosensitizer for ZrO2 based Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. Proceedings of International Photovoltaic Solar energy Conference (IPSEC) Solar Asia -2015. Pune; India.
54)    Rajurkar, N.S. (2014,March, 24-25). Application of radiopharmaceticals in diagnosis and therapy. Proceedings of Advances in the Drug Design and Discovery. Pune; India.
55)    Dhavale, D.D. (2014,May, 4-9). Carbohydrates to iminosugars: synthesis, glycosidase inhibitory activity and pharmacological chaperones of mutant human lysosomal β-Galactosidase. Proceedings of Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Italy.
56)    Deshpande, A.S., Adhyapak, P.V., Nikumbh, A.K. (2014,June). Ceramic processing of silicon carbide: Preliminary result. Proceedings of 3rd International conference on Chemistry for Sustainable Develop ment : Indian (pp.38). Dubai.
57)    Pingale, S.S. (2014,February, 12-14). Computational chemistry for material science. Proceedings of Frontiers of Chemistry and Materials. Baramati; India.
58)    Palake, A. R., Prasanth, H., Pandey, R.K., Kodam, K.M. (2014,February, 6-8). Effects of TiO2 and boron nanoparticles on bacterial growth. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on High Energy Materials Conference and Exhibits. Trivandrum; India.
59)    Waghmode, S.B. (2014,February, 6-8). Enantioselective synthesis of various neolignans: Virolongin by proline catalyzed alpha aminoxylation reaction. Proceedings of Global opportunities for latest developments in chemistry and Technology. Jalgaon; India.
60)    Rajurkar, N.S., Rathod, V. (2014,December, 15-17). Evaluation of antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of Glochidion Ellipticum. Proceedings of 33rd Annual conference of Indian Council of Chemists. Dhanbad; India.
61)    Rajurkar, N.S., Rupnavar, K.M., Gaikwad, K.N. (2014,March, 24-25). Evaluation of antioxidant activity, elemental content and bioaccessibility of Chlorophytum Borivilianum. Proceedings of Advances in the Drug Design and Discovery. Pune; India.
62)    Shinde, R.N., Pandey, A.K., Acharya, R., Rajurkar, N.S. (2014,January, 20-24). Inorganic arsenic speciation using membrane based separation in conjunction with HPLC and NAA. In R. Acharya(Eds.), Proceedings of Nuclear Analytical Chemistry (NAC-V)(pp.110). Mumbai; India.
63)    Ranade, S., Kulkarni, G. (2014,January, 22-25). Molecular studies on ARX gene in syndromic and non syndromic mental retardation. Proceedings of Human genetics and 39th Annual meeting of Indian society of human genetics. Ahmadabad; India.
64)    Ranade, S., Bajaj, S., Gambhir, P. (2014,January, 22-25). Molecular studies on NIPBL gene in Cornelia de lange Syndrome using MLPA. Proceedings of Human genetics and 39th Annual meeting of Indian society of human genetics. Ahmadabad; India.
65)    Patil, A., Agarwal, G., Khomane, S., Gonnade, R., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2014,December, 4-5). Naked eye determination of metal ions by naphthoquinone based chemosensors ligands. Proceedings of Structural and Inorganic Chemistry. Pune; India.
66)    Rajurkar, N.S. (2014,January, 28-29). Novel adsorbents for removal and recovery of metal ions from waste water samples. Proceedings of Environmental Conservation by adopting new technologies. Pune; India.
67)    Patil, A.B., Pathak, P.N., Mohapatra, P.K., Shinde, V.S., Babain, V.A. (2014,February, 25-28). Novel dipicolinamide-ionic liquid based solvent system for actinide extraction. In D.K. Singh(Eds.), Proceedings of The DAE-BRNS biennial symposium on emerging trends in separation science and technology(pp.281). India: INIS. ISBN: 4507-7631.
68)    Muchate, N.S., Rajurkar, N.S., Nikam, T.D. (2014,February, 20-22). Physiological response of Sesuvium Portulacastrum salinity stress. Proceedings of Energy and Environmental security through cutting edge technology. Pune; India.
69)    Tayade, S., Kumbhar, A.S., Dhawale, V.M., Kurungot, S., Nather, C. (2014,December, 4). Proton Conduction In Metallosupramolecular Self Assembled Structures. Proceedings of Structural and Inorganic Chemistry. Pune; India.
70)    Rajurkar, N.S. (2014,December, 15-17). Role of modern analytical techniques in quality control of ayurvedic bhasma. Proceedings of 33rd Annual conference of Indian Council of Chemists. Dhanbad; India.
71)    Khan, A.A. (2014,February, 10-12). Role of reactive oxygen species in apoptosis induced by (Cu II) complexes of Esculetin and its derivatives. Proceedings of Herbal and Synthetic Drug Studies. Pune; India.
72)    Ottoor, D.P. (2014,August, 20-22). Simultaneous determination of antihypertensive drugs with closely overlapping fluorescence spectral profiles: A chemometric approach. Proceedings of Recent trends and challenges in Science and technology. Ahmednagar; India.
73)    Rajurkar, N.S., Kute, M.M. (2014,December, 15-17). Studies on obstruction effect for diffusion of ferric ions in agar gel medium containing transition metal sulfates. Proceedings of 33rd Annual conference of Indian Council of Chemists. Dhanbad; India.
74)    Nainani, R.K., Thakur, P.R. (2014,September, 25-28). Study of Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye using Prepared TiO2 and RGO-TiO2. Proceedings of Advanced Oxidation Process AOP 2014.
75)    Dhavale, D.D. (2014,January, 12-17). Sugar amino acids as turn mimetic and as potent HIV-protease inhibitors in linear and cyclic glycopeptides. Proceedings of 27th International conference on Carbohydrate Chemistry (ICS-27). Bangalore; India.
76)    Waghmode, S.B. (2014,February, 6-8). Synthesis and antioxidant activity of tetrahydro-5H-pyrido[1,2,3-de]-1-4-benzoxazines via reductive cyclization of 2-(8-quinolinyloxy)ehtanones. Proceedings of Global opportunities for latest developments in chemistry and Technology. Jalgaon; India.
77)    Kale, D., Thakur, P. (2014,September, 25-28). Synthesis of ZnO-Reduced Graphene Oxide composites for enhanced degradation of Methylene Blue Dye. Proceedings of Advanced Oxidation Process AOP 2014.
78)    Dar, U., Bhand, S., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2014,December, 4-5). Synthesis, characterization and molecular structure of 2-bromo-3-hydroxy-1,4-napthoquinone: Spectral and electrochemical studies of its first row transition metal complexes. Proceedings of Structural and Inorganic Chemistry. Pune; India.
79)    Sangale, D., Shinde, Y., Thakur, P.R. (2014,September, 25-28). Synthesis, Characterization and Photochemical Advanced Oxidation of Synthetic Wastewater by TiO2 and their Composite with Graphene Oxide. Proceedings of Advanced Oxidation Process AOP 2014.
80)    Gugale, G.S., Nagawade, A.V., Nikumbh, A.K. (2014,June). Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal behaviour of dicarboxylato complexes leading to superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O . Proceedings of 3rd International conference on Chemistry for Sustainable Develop ment : Indian(pp.40). Dubai.
81)    Kantak, S., Nesari, T., Rajurkar, N. (2014,January, 20-24). The analysis of synthesized copper bhasma using neutron activation analysis technique. In R. Acharya(Eds.), Proceedings of Nuclear Analytical Chemistry (NAC-V)(pp.196). Mumbai; India.
82)    Thakur, P.R. (2014,May, 25-29). TiO2 nanocmposites for the enhanced photocatalytic degradation of p-Chlorophenol. Proceedings of New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference (NDNC 2014). Chicago.
83)    Rajurkar, N.S., Mandhare, V.B., Zatakia, N.H. (2014,December, 15-17). Urinary iodine estimation from school children of Baramati. Proceedings of 33rd Annual conference of Indian Council of Chemists. Dhanbad; India.
84)    Shintre, S., Thakur, P. (2013,November, 21-23). A simple route for the preparation of Metal oxide activated carbon with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Proceedings of Advanced Oxidation Process AOP-2013. Patiala; India.
85)    Kute, M.M., Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,October, 4-6). Activation energy for diffusion of Fe3+ ions in agar gel medium containing Fe2(SO4)3. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
86)    Kale, S.R., Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,October, 4-6). Activation energy for tracer diffusionof transition metal ions in aqueous medium. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India.
87)    Rajurkar, N.S., Kantak, S., Rathod, V. (2013,October, 4-6). Analysis of rajat bhasma for its silver content during various stages of its preparation. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
88)    Ottoor, D.P. (2013,October, 4-6). Application of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and multivariate tools for the simultaneous analysis of drugs’. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India.
89)    Sabharwal, S.G. (2013,October, 4-6). Biochemical studies on acid phosphatase from the seeds of Macrotyloma uniflorum. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India. ISBN: 2322-5997.
90)    Kodam, K.M. (2013,September, 23-24). Bioremediation. Proceedings of Frontiers in Chemical and Biological Sciences. Tasgaon; India.
91)    Damle, B., Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,November, 28-30). Creating environmental awareness through audiovisual case study. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
92)    Terdale, S.S. (2013,October, 4-6). Densities of aqueous solutions of Tri-isobutyl methyl phosphonium Tosylate at 298.15 K-313.15 K. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India.
93)    Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,November, 25-27). Development of an effective method for removal and recovery of metal ions from waste water samples. Proceedings of Advances in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. Pune; India.
94)    Shinde, R.N., Pandey, A.K., Acharya, R., Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,October, 4-6). Development of arsenic speciation method using PHA-Fe(III) polymer membrane and 74As radiotracer technique. Proceedings of National conference on Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and biological sciences. Pune; India: Department of Chemistry, University of Pune.
95)    Pingale, S.S. (2013,October, 4-6). DFT Study of 2,4-diacetyl, 5-hydroxy, 3-(2’-nitrophenyl)-cyclohexanone: Structure and Energetics. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India.
96)    Pingale, S.S. (2013,October, 4-6). DFT study of intramolecular charge transfer in meta and para-4, 4’-dimethylaminobenzonitrile. Proceedings of National Conference on Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India.
97)    Nikam, S.K., Athawale, A.A. (2013,February, 1-2 ). Effect of base and dopant concentration on phase formation of LaFeO3. In S. Bhardwaj(Eds.), Proceedings of Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Material Science(pp.995-996). Rajasthan; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735411609/0094-243X.
98)    Rajurkar, N.S., Mandhare, V.B., Gaikwad, K.N. (2013,October, 4-6). Effect of gamma irradiation on antioxidant activity of Chinese and Indian tea. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India : Env. Observer.
99)    Rajurkar, N.S., Gaikwad, K. (2013,November, 28-30). Effect of gamma radiation on antioxidant activity of *Adiantum capillus -veneris. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
100)    Muchate, N.S., Rajurkar, N.S., Nikam, T.D. (2013,November, 28-30). Effect of salt (NaCl) stress on germination and early seedling growth of cyamposis tetragonoloba. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
101)    Dharmadhikari, D.V., Athawale, A.A. (2013,February, 1-2). Elucidation of reaction mechanism involved in the formation of LaNiO 3 from XRD and TG analysis. In S. Bhardwaj(Eds.), Proceedings of Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Material Science(pp.1017-1018). Bikaner; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735411609.
102)    kulkarni, S., Tagad, C., Aiyer, R.C., Kulkarni, A., Sabharwal, S. (2013,February, 22-23). Emerging Trends: Micro to Nano. Proceedings of Photo-conducting properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized with green chemistry approach. Goa; India.
103)    Shinde, R., Das, S., Acharya, R., Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,September, 16-18). Functionalized polymer membrane for removal of As(V) species from aqueous solution. Proceedings of Membrane Separation for Fuel Cycle Applications. Mumbai; India: BARC.
104)    Chougule, S.N., Dhumaland, K.N., Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,November, 28-30). Impact of environmental factors on mineral contents of nothapodites nimmoniana growing in western ghats. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
105)    Raste, M.N., Pardeshi, S.K. (2013,January). Investigation Of Magnetic Properties, Dielectric Study And Second Harmonic Generation Efficiency On Pure And Glycine Doped Bisthiourea Nickel Oxalate: A Novel Semiorganic Non-Linear Optical Materials. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences(pp.135). Pune; India: Soc. Env. Edu. Res. Mgmt. India.
106)    Jadhav, B.D., Pardeshi, S.K. (2013,January). New Preparative Methodology For The Synthesis Of Triaryl Bismuthines: Arylation Of Bismuth (Iii) Carboxylate By Sodium Tetraaryl Borate Salts. Proceedings of National Conference on Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences (pp.43). Pune; India: Soc. Env. Edu. Res. Mgmt. India.
107)    Patil, A.B., Pathak, P.N., Mohapatra, P.K., Shinde, V.S., Babain, V.A. (2013,February, 19-23). Novel dipicolinamide-dicarbollide synergistic solvent system for actinide extraction from nitric acid medium. In R. Tripathi(Eds.), Proceedings of The DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear and radiochemistry(pp.677). India: INIS. ISBN: 4412-1051.
108)    Waghmode, S.B. (2013,March, 23). Novel synthesis of Pd nanoparticles and their application. Proceedings of Nano Science and Nano Technology. Jalgaon; India.
109)    Kodam, K.M. (2013,November, 25-27). Physiological and proteomics studies of arsenic resistance bacteria to design new strategies for bioremediation of arsenic contaminated environments. Proceedings of Advances in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. Pune; India.
110)    Rajurkar, N.S., Pawar, M. (2013,December, 10-11). Removal of eosine Y dye from its aqueous solution using activated alumina. Proceedings of Water Cooperation and Conservation for Inclusive Growth. Pune; India.
111)    Rajurkar, N.S., Pawar, M. (2013,November, 28-30). Removal of indigo carminedye from its aqueous solution using hen feathers as an adsorbent. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
112)    Rajurkar, N.S., Pawar, M. (2013,October, 4-6). Removal of methylene blue dye from its aqueous solution using hen feathers. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
113)    Rajurkar, N.S., Ambekar, B.H. (2013,November, 28-30). Studies on Liesegang rings of lead carbonate. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
114)    Hake, B.T., Rajurkar, N.S. (2013,October, 4-6). Studies on obstruction effect for diffusion of fluorescein disodium salt in agar gel medium. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
115)    Yadav, S., Roy, R., Kodre, A., Satsangi, G.P. (2013,October, 4-6). Study of free radical generation by trace metals in PM’. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India.
116)    Rathod, A.B., Pardeshi, S. K. (2013,January). Study Of Various Proportions Of Manganese Cobalt Tartartate On Thermal Decomposition Of Ammonium Perchlorate. Proceedings of National Conference on Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences(pp.63). Pune; India: Soc. Env. Edu. Res. Mgmt. India.
117)    Pingale, S.S. (2013,October, 4-6). Substituent effect on aromaticity of polycyclic chain compounds: A DFT investigation. Proceedings of Frontiers in Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences. Pune; India.
118)    Shitole, K., Thakur, P. (2013,November, 21-23). Synthesis of RGO-TiO2 Composites for the degradation of Rhodamine B dye. Proceedings of Advanced Oxidation Process AOP-2013. Patiala; India.
119)    Rajurkar, N.S., Kumar, R.S., Zatakia, N.H. (2013,November, 28-30). Trace element studies in whole blood of women of different ages. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
120)    Rajurkar, N.S.,Mandhare, V.B., Zatakia, N.H. (2013,November, 28-30). Urinary iodine determination in pregnant women and children. Proceedings of Current Trends in Science and Technology. Pune; India: Env. Observer.
121)    Khadtare, S.S., Kathawate, L., Salunke-Gawali, S., Jadkar, S.R., Pathan, H. (2013,January, 31-2). Zinc metal complex of Heena as Photosensitizer for DSSC using ZnOPhotoelectrodes. Proceedings of Functional Nanomaterials: Synthesis. Pune; India.
122)    Rajurkar, N.S., Kumaree, D., Gokarn, A.N. (2012,March, 03-04). Radiation-induced graft copolymerization of monomer mixture onto sugarcane bagasse for removal of Cu(II) ions: a comparative study. Proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Pure and Applied Chemical Sciences (ICGTCS)(pp.5861-5864). Sahibabad, India: Asian Journal of Chemistry.
123)    Joshi, K., Selvaraj, K., Rathod, N., Malkhede, D.D. (2012,December, 11-15 ). A DFT based study on complexation behavior of hexasulphonatocalix(6)arenes with Zr(IV) and Th(IV) metals. In D. Tyagi(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS fourth interdisciplinary symposium on materials chemistry(pp.575). Mumbai; India: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. ISBN: 8188513504.
124)    Patil, A.B., Pathak, P.N., Mohapatra, P.K., Shinde, V.S. (2012,February, 27-March, 1). Am(III) extraction studies employing diamide extractants from different acid media . In P.N. Pathak(Eds.), Proceedings of DAE-BRNS biennial symposium on emerging trends in separation science and technology(pp.72). India: INIS. ISBN: 4401-7249.
125)    Ranade, S., Ganamukulwar, A., Ganapathy, S., Kulkarni, A. (2012,January, 12). Antibacterial activity of some medicinal and edible plants with special reference to Cassia fistula. Proceedings of Current trends in medicinal Plant research. Pune; India.
126)    Kodam, K.M. (2012,January, 12-13). Bioremediation- A tool for environmental cleanup. Proceedings of Recent Trends in Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences. Jalgaon; India.
127)    Alegaonkar, A.P., Kumar, A., Alegaonkar, P.S., Waghmode, S.A., Pardeshi, S.K. (2012). Characterizations on tetrakis (dimethyl amino) ethylene–treated– graphene. Proceedings of Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterization(pp.115-120). Coimbatore: Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 978983563365.
128)    KODRE, A.P., YADAV, S., RAO, P., SATSANGI, G.P. (2012,December, 11-13). Chemical characterizations of particulate matter in Pune. Proceedings of Proceeding of the IASTA-2012 conference(pp.144-146). Navi Mumbai, India : IASTA Bulletin. ISBN: 0971-4570.
129)    Pawar, R.A., Khanvilkar, M.B., Nikumbh, A.K. (2012,June). Co-precipitation technique for the preparation of nanocrystalline rare-earth zirconates. Proceedings of 2nd International conference on Trends in Chemical Sciences Going beyond Frontiers (pp.43). Malaysia.
130)    Sangale, M.D., Nagawade, A.V., Nikumbh, A.K. (2012,June). Effect of A-site cation disorder on charge ordering ferromagnetism of rare earth doped strontium cobaltites. Proceedings of Trends in Chemical Sciences Going Beyond Frontiers. Malaysia.
131)    Gugale, G.S., Deshpande, A.S., Nikumbh, A.K. (2012,June). Effect of cobalt and nickel doping on 1112 superconductors. Proceedings of 2nd International conference on Trends in Chemical Sciences Going beyond Frontiers(pp.43). Malaysia.
132)    Waghmode, S.B. (2012,February, 23-25). Intermolecular Oxa-Pictect Spengler cyclization stratergy to the synthesis of tricyclic benzomorphans analogues and isocromes. Proceedings of Perspectives of Chemical Sciences. Pune; India.
133)    Gupta, A.K., Singh, M., Meitei, S., Rathod, P., Vora, A., Jio, A., Gadgil, S., Bhanushali, P., Gupta, S., Puri, C., Sabharwal, S.G. (2012,March, 11-15). Isolation and characterization of neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) from different sources: human neutrophils, AKI urine and recombinant. Kunal Shukla. Proceedings of Technological Challenges in Developing Affordable In-Vitro Molecular Diagnostic. Mumbai; India.
134)    Tagad, C.K., Brahmankar, P., Aiyer, R.C., Sabharwal, S.G. (2012,March, 8-10). Macrotyloma uniflorum proteins as humidity sensing mater. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.232-235). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467310406.
135)    Ranade, S., Bajaj, S., Gambhir, P. (2012,March, 3-5). Molecular studies on Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Proceedings of Genes, Genetics and Genomics: Today and Tomorrow-Human Concerns. Chandigarh; India.
136)    Patil, A.B., Pathak, P.N., Mohapatra, P.K., Shinde, V.S. (2012,February, 27-March, 1). Permeation studies of actinides across supported liquid membrane impregnated with DMDOHEMA/N-dodecane as the carrier. In P.N. Pathak(Eds.), Proceedings of DAE-BRNS biennial symposium on emerging trends in separation science and technology(pp.274). India: INIS. ISBN: 4401-7312.
137)    Doshi, P.J., Adsule, P.G., Banerjee, K., Oulkar, D.P. (2012,January, 10-12). Phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and insulinotropic effect of grape. Proceedings of Current Trends in medicinal Plant Research. Pune; India.
138)    Ovhal, S.D., Thakur, P.R. (2012,March 8-10). Photocatalytic applications of room temperature rutile TiO 2 nanoparticles. Proceedings of Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.149-152). Pune; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467310437.
139)    Rajurkar, N.S. (2012,March, 3-4). Role of Radiopharmaceuticals in Diagnosis and Therapy. In R. K. Agarwal(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Pure and Applied Chemical Sciences(pp.5450-5452). Udaipur, India: Asian Journal of Chemistry. ISBN: 0975-427X.
140)    Nighot, D.V., Atharea, A.E., Nikumbh, A.K. (2012,June). Thermolysis of mixed metal dicarboxylato complexes in the solid state. Proceedings of 2nd International conference on Trends in Chemical Sciences Going beyond Frontiers(pp.44). Malaysia.
141)    Pawar, R.A., Chaskar, M.G., Adhyapak, P.V., Nikumbh, A.K. (2011,June). Chemical synthesis and characterization of rare-earth ruthenium pyrochlores. Proceedings of Global Challenge’s- the role of chemistry in giving their solutions(pp.47). Thailand.
142)    Nikam, S.K., Dharmadhikari, D.V., Athawale, A.A. (2011,December, 8-10). Comparative Study of Lanthanum Based Perovskites Synthesized by Different Methods. In P. K. Giri(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, ICANN 2011(pp.33 - 40). Guwahati: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. ISBN: 9783642342158.
143)    Pawar, O., Patekar, A., Khan, A., Puranik, V., Salunke-Gawali, V. (2011,June, 26-30). Correlation of Molecular Structures with Antifungal activity of Aminonaphthoquinone derivatives. Proceedings of The Chemistry of the Organic Solid State. Bangalore; India.
144)    Kumbhar, A.A., Franz, K.J. (2011,January, 30-4). Evaluation of photoactive ligands for light-activated alterations in copper complexation. Proceedings of Metals in Biology. California; United State.
145)    Joshi, V., Haram, S.K. (2011,February, 14-16). Exotic electrocatalytic activity by single strand of carbon fiber electrode: steady state and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) investigations. Proceedings of Supramolecular chemistry and nanomaterials. Pune; India.
146)    Nikumbh, A.K. (2011,June). Formation, characterization and rheological properties of alumina and zinc aluminate powders obtained from dicarboxylate precursors. Proceedings of Global Challenge’s- the role of chemistry in giving their solutions(pp.6). Thailand.
147)    Waghmode, S.B. (2011,January). Impact of noble metal morphologies on functioning of hydrogen mitigation catalyst. Proceedings of Renewable Energy (ICRE – 2011). Jaipur; India.
148)    Kodam, K., Nandre, V., Bachate, S., Salunkhe, R., Shouche, Y. (2011,November, 3-6). Isolation and physiological characterization of arsenite oxidizing bacteria isolated from soil. Proceedings of 52nd Annual conference on Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development. Chandigarh; India.
149)    Khan, A.A. (2011,February, 16-18). Mitochondria mediated apoptosis induction by binuclear ruthenium polypyridyl complexes. Proceedings of Carcinogenesis. Bengaluru.
150)    Patil, A.B., Shinde, V.S., Pathak, P.N., Mohapatra, P.K., Manchanda, V.K. (2011,February, 22-26). New synthesis route for N,N-dimethyl-N,N-dioctyl-2,(2-hexyloxyethyl) malonamide (DMDOHEMA) and its evaluation under simulated high-level waste conditions . In R.M. Sawant(Eds.), Proceedings of DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear and radiochemistry(pp.194-195). India: INIS. ISBN: 4207-4041.
151)    Doshi, P., Pathak, G., Tamhane, A., Dikshit, M. (2011,March, 26-27). Physical and thermochemical properties of solid fuel made from Jatropha curcas oilseed residue. Proceedings of Social Relevance of Chemical Sciences. Karnataka; India.
152)    Rajurkar, N.S., Dimya, K., Gokarn, A.N. (2011). Removal of Ni(II) ions from aqueous solution using Gamma irradiated acid treated sugarcane bagasse. Proceedings of Global challenges- The role of chemistry in giving their solutions. Bangkok; Thailand.
153)    Kumbhar, A.S. (2011,October, 17-20). Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes as DNA Condensing Agents. Proceedings of 3rd Asian conference on Coordination Chemistry. Pune; India.
154)    Bajaj, S., Gambhir, P.S., Ranade, S. (2011,February, 14-16). Simple sequence repeats in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome causing genes: distribution and comparison. Proceedings of Genomics, Genetic Diseases and Diagnostics and XXXVI Annual Conference of, The Indian Society of Human Genetics. Karnataka; India.
155)    Nighot, D.V., Athare, A.E., Nikumbh, A.K. (2011,June). Studies of thermal decomposition of transition metal (II) manganese tartarate complexes in the solid state. Proceedings of Global Challenge’s- the role of chemistry in giving their solutions(pp.124). Thailand.
156)    Rajurkar, N.S., Pandey, A.K. (2011,February, 22-26). Studies on arsenic sorption in organic-inorganic composite membrane using radiotrace. In R.M. Sawant(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry(pp.645). Visakhapatnam; India.
157)    Nikumbh, A.K. (2011,June). Synthesis and characterization of doped neodymium strontium cobaltite,Nd0.7-xPrxSr0.3CoO3. Proceedings of Global Challenge’s- the role of chemistry in giving their solutions(pp.47). Thailand.
158)    Nikumbh, A.K. (2011,June). Synthesis and characterization of substituted superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O compounds. Proceedings of Global Challenge’s-The role of chemistry in giving their solutions(pp.46). Thailand.

Publication Before 2011

159)    Arbuj, S.S., Varma, S., Wani, B.N., Mulik, U.P., Waghmode, S.B., Amalnerkar, D.P. (2010). Influence of vanadium doping on physicochemical properties of TiO2. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Materials Chemistry. Mumbai; India.
160)    Sanap, K.K., Varma, S., Bharadwaj, Waghmode, S.B. (2010). Mixed nobel metal on wire gauze based catalyst for mitigation of hydrogen. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Materials Chemistry.
161)    Borhade, S.R., Waghmode, S.B. (2010,January, 5-7). Synthesis of polyaryls using Pd-NiFe2O4 catalyzed suzuki reaction. Proceedings of Emerging Trends in Chemistry. Pune; India: Department of Chemistry, University of Pune.
162)    Thakare, Y.S., Khopkar, S.M., Malkhede, D.D. (2008,September, 15-18). Determination of Indium(III) by solvent extraction Spectrophotometrically. Proceedings of Solvent Extraction. United States.
163)    Murugan, M., Kokate, V.K., Athawale, A.A., Alhousami, M.H.M. (2008,November, 21-24). Epoxy resin modified urea formaldehyde and silicon urea formaldehyde as microwave absorbers. Proceedings of Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications(pp.480-483). Rajasthan; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781424426904.
164)    Murugan, M., Kokate, V.K., Athawale, A.A., Bapat, M.S., Alhousami, M.H.M. (2008,November, 26-27). Nanoparticles of barium and strontium titanates/epoxy resin as microwave absorbers. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, INCEMIC 2008(pp.457-462). Bangalore; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9788190357517.
165)    Arbuj, S.S., Waghmode, S.B., Varma, S., Wani, B.N. (2006,December, 5-8). Photocatalytic degradation of Methyleneblue using Titanates. Proceedings of Material Chemistry (ISMC-06).
166)    Padhye, S., Kulkarni, P., Anson, C.E., Powell, A.K., Sinn, E. (2002,April, 7-11). Crystal structures of new polymeric (4,5-diaza fluoren-9-one)CU(I) complexes. Proceedings of 223rd ACS National Meeting on American Chemical Society, Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry(pp.380-381). United States: American Chemical Society. ISBN: 0032-3934.
167)    Sainkar, S.N., Mashelkar, R.A., Lele, A.K. Badiger, M.V., Bhalerao, V.S., Shinde, V.S. (1999,December, 8-12). Mesoscopic morphologies in stimuli-responsive gels: Coupling between phase separation and gelation. In M. Lal(Eds.), Proceedings of The fourth Royal Society-Unilever Indo-UK forum in materials Science and Engineering Mesoscopic morphologies in stimuli-responsive gels: Coupling between phase separation and gelation(pp.119-138). UK: Imperial College Press and the Royal Society. ISBN: 9781860941900.
168)    Dhadke, P.M., Khopkar, S.M., Malkhede, D.D. (1999). Solvent Extraction Separation of some elements with Hexaacetato Calix(6)arene. Proceedings of Solvent Extraction. Barcelona; Spain.