Department Details
Department of Library & Information Science
1) | Bangar, M.S., Panage, B.M. (2017,January, 24-25). Women empowerment through academic libraries. In M. Perin(Eds.), Proceedings of Enhancing the role of the library in teaching and learning(pp.75-81). Mumbai; India: Aarhat Publication. ISBN: 9788193114582. | ||
2) | Nagarkar, S.P., Kumbhar, R.M. (2016,February, 24-26). Sharing Information search knowledge with Corporate users: An Experience. Proceedings of Libraries in the changing information marketplace. Mumbai; India: SNDT, Mumbai. ISBN: 9788193114537. | ||
3) | Kharat, S.A., Panage, B.M. (2015,December, 11-12). Academic Libraries with Augmented Reality Applications. In D.R. Patil(Eds.), Proceedings of Innovative and Emerging Trends in Academic Libraries(pp.18-21). Shirpur; India: Atharv. ISBN: 9789384093669. | ||
4) | Desale, S. K. (2015,October, 9-10). Challenges and opportunities for college libraries in digital India. Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Conference on “Impact of Information Technology on College Libraries”. | ||
5) | Bansode, S.Y. (2015,April, 12). Economics of cloud computing: with special reference to IaaS for Libraries. In M. Tank(Ed.), Proceedings of Advancement in Library Science(pp.21-25). Solapur; India : Rayat Shikshan Sansth's L.B.P.M. Mahavidyalaya. ISBN: 2319-8435. | ||
6) | Wadekar, P.P., Deshpande, N.J. (2015,Novemebr, 24-26). Licensing of electronic resources in Jayakar Library, Savitribai Phule Pune University. In H.K. Kaul(Eds.), Proceedings of NACLIN 2015(pp.247-259). New Delhi; India: DELNET. ISBN: 97893282735069. | ||
7) | Desale, S.K. (2015,June, 12-13). Need and utility of automated depth classification scheme. Proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Computerization and Automation in Library”. Ambajogai, India: Yogeshwari Mahavidyalaya. ISBN: 9788192564920. | ||
8) | Shinde, S., Shinde, D. (2015,March 17-18). Publisher's policies on archiving in Institutional Repositories. In L. Khare(Eds.), Proceedings of ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Impact of e-publications on higher education and librarianship(pp.41-53). Pune, India: Modern College. | ||
9) | Bansode, S.Y., Chikate, R. (2014,December, 20). A study of best library practice in Jayakar library, Savitribai Phule Pune University . In B. Chavan(Ed.), Proceedings of Role of Librarians in Modern era(pp.103-105). Sangamner; India: S.N. Arts, D.J.M. Commerce & B.N.S. Science College . ISBN: 9789381921418. | ||
10) | Bansode, S.Y. (2014,December, 20). Digital Shifts Treats for LIS Professional. In B. Chavan(Ed.), Proceedings of Role of librarians in modern era(pp.43-48). Sangamner; India: S.N. Arts, D.J.M. Commerce & B.N.S. Science College . ISBN: 9789381921418. | ||
11) | Desale, S.K. (2014). Effect of Government Regulations on Academic Libraries. Proceedings of Modern Trends in Academic Libraries. | ||
12) | Wadekar, P.P., Joshi, S.M. (2014). Federated search : Single window search solution. In N. Khot(Eds.), Proceedings of Chanding Trends in academic libraries and librarianship in digital environment (pp.391-394). Kolhapur; India: Shivaji University. ISBN: 9788184865233. | ||
13) | Wadekar, P.P., Joshi, S.M. (2014). Online databases : challenge before the librarians. In R. Mendhe(Eds.), Proceedings of Emerging trends, advancements and challenges of academic and public libraries(pp.74-76). Dhule; India: NMIMS KLA . ISBN: 9789384093136. | ||
14) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2014,September, 5-6). Responses expected from academic libraries in digital era. In S. Sulsule(Ed.), Proceedings of Impact of IT on academic libraries in digital era(pp.259-267). Ahmedpur; India: Mahatma Gandhi Mahavidyalaya. ISBN: 9789380876672. | ||
15) | Desale, S.K., Londhe, N.L. (2014,January, 16-17). Technical issues in book digitization. In R. Mohanty(Eds.), Proceedings of National conference on Digital libraries(pp.1-9). New Delhi; India: Allied Publishers. ISBN: 9788184249019. | ||
16) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2014,April, 12). Top ten trends in today's library systems and services. In V. Hanchinal(Ed.), Proceedings of Reshaping the academic libraries: trends and issues.(pp.266-272). Mumbai; India: SKM.s Jashabi Manganbjai Patel College Commerce. ISBN: 9788192878607. | ||
17) | Londhe, N.L. (2013,March, 13-15). E Resource subscription model for Jayakar Library. Proceedings of International conference on electronic publishing . Pune; India: Jayakar library and Department of Library and Information Science, University of Pune. | ||
18) | Bansode, S.Y. (2013,August 22-23). E-learning content development using Microsoft Learning Content Development. In N. Bankar(Ed.), Proceedings of Innovations and best practices in library administration(pp.169-175). Vaijapur, India: Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya. ISBN: 9789380876412. | ||
19) | Gaikwad, V., Bansode, S.Y. (2013,February, 24-27). Endorsing the use of Electronic Journals among students: A case study of Indira College of Engineering and Management. In B. Ramesha(Ed.) , Proceedings of 58th ILA International conference on Next Generation Libraries: New insights and Universal access to knowledge(pp.289-295). Dharwad; India: Karnatak University Dharwad. ISBN: 8185216460. | ||
20) | Shinde, S. (2013,January, 5 ). Information literacy: librarians' role in information literacy programmes. In S. Kamble(Eds.), Proceedings of Information literacy in academic libraries in digital era(pp.151-156). Nagpur, India: Sai Jyoti Publication. ISBN: 9789381432372. | ||
21) | Murari, D., Nagarkar, S.P. (2013,August, 17-23). Information Needs of Women Entrepreneurs in Pune city. Proceedings of IFLA World Library and Information Congress. Singapore: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. | ||
22) | Wadekar, P.P., Deshpande, N.J. (2013,March, 13-15). Information retrieval from online databases subscribed by Jayakar Library, University of Pune . Proceedings of International conference on electronic publishing. Pune; India: University of Pune. | ||
23) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2013,August, 22-23). Innovative strategies to enhance library use. In N. Bankar(Ed.), Proceedings of Innovations and best practices in library administration(pp.163-168). Vaijapur; India: Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya. ISBN: 9789380876412. | ||
24) | Bansode, S.Y. (2013,September, 20-21). Marketing of Library Resources and Servies using web 2.0 tools. In M. Sutar(Ed.), Proceedings of New Challenges for Libraries in Internet age(pp.86-89). Jalna; India: R.G. Bagadia Arts, S.B. Lakhotia Commerce & R. Bezonji Sci. College. ISBN: 9788192318189. | ||
25) | Bansode, S.Y., Chavan, B.N. (2013,September, 27-28). Scientometric Indicators: The measurement of Research. In B. Chavan(Ed.), Proceedings of Modern Trends in Academic Libraries(pp.154-160). Sangamner; India: S.N.Arts, D.J.M.Commerce & B.N.S. Science College . | ||
26) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2013,January 7-8). Validating 'best' for modern librarianship by Rudyard Kipling's six honest servants. In B.S. Khemchandani(Ed.), Proceedings of Changing paradigm of academic libraries in the e- environment(pp.391-395). Ulhasnagar; India: Seva Sadan's College of Education. ISBN: 9788192253411. | ||
27) | Shinde, S., Deshpande, N. (2012,October, 26-27 ). Applications of Mobile Technology for Providing Library Services. In S. Kataria(Eds.), Proceedings of Future of libraries in digital age(pp.120-124). New Delhi; India: KBD Publication. ISBN: 9788190799928. | ||
28) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2012,July, 27-28). Challenges and opportunities of Information Technology for the academic libraries. In J.A. Sakalkale(Ed.), Proceedings of Academic libraries as Knowledge hub in the new millennium(pp. 5-6). Akola; India: S.K. Arts, Science and Commerce College. ISBN: 9789381948185. | ||
29) | Bansode, S.Y. (2012,October, 13-14). Choosing appropriate information resources for research and role of librarian in Promoting its use. In S. Dongare(Eds.), Proceedings of Research Libraries: Need of the Time(pp.1-10). Aurangabad; India: Deogiri College. ISBN: 9788192132754. | ||
30) | Shinde, S., Shinde, D. (2012,November, 22-23 ). Evaluation of Canadian academic libraries’ mobile sites. In N. Wanasundara(Eds.), Proceedings of Changing Library Strategies for the New Generation of Users(pp.59-70). Sri Lanka: National Institute of Library & Information Sciences, University of Colombo. ISBN: 9789551183011. | ||
31) | Shinde, S. (2012,December, 26-27 ). Exploitation of web 2.0 tools in IIT Libraries websites. In S. Kadam(Eds.), Proceedings of UGC sponsored national conference on “Redesigning libraries and information centers in digital era” (pp.475-478). Nanded; India: Degloor College. ISBN: 9789351040682. | ||
32) | Londhe, N.L. (2012,February, 25). Information Commons: New role. In M.V. Mete(Eds.), Proceedings of Conference on electronic services in libraries (pp.147-149). Nagpur; India: Pimplapure Book Distributors. ISBN: 9788192191478. | ||
33) | Rajendra, A., Panage, B.M., Bonde, H.S. (2012,February, 23-25). Widening the horizon of library services with the help of mobile phones at University of Pune (India) Library. Proceedings of 57th All India Library Conference of Indian Library Association(pp.1-13). Mangalore; India: Indian Library Association. | ||
34) | Bansode, S.Y. (2011,January, 28-29). CLOCKSS: A solution for Archiving Digital Materials. In G. Shaikh(Ed.), Proceedings of IT Applications for TQM in Library(pp.239-246). Beed; India: Kesharbi Sonajirao Kshirsagar Alias Kaku Arts, Commerce & Science College. ISBN: 9788196549554. | ||
35) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2011,February, 17-18). Digital resources: technologies and issues. In V. Kamble(Eds.), Proceedings of Recent trends in library and computer science(pp.19-24). Aurangabad; India: Chinmay Publication. ISBN: 9788190549563. | ||
36) | Bansode, S.Y., Kumbhar, R.M. (2011,November, 26-28). E-learning initiatives at the DLIS: a Moodle-based experiment. In J. Sing(Eds.), Proceedings of LIS education, research and training: vision 2020(pp.227-234). Patiala; India: Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science. ISBN: 9788192045610. | ||
37) | Patil, S.K., Thorat, S.V. (2011,March, 2-4). Institutional repository: A proposed model for Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune. Proceedings of 8th International CALIBER-2011. Goa; India: INFLIBNET Centre. ISBN: 9789381232019. | ||
38) | Pange, B.M. (2011,April, 8-9). Library automation and its impact. Proceedings of Role of information technology in library(pp.34-36). Karad; India: Venutai Chavan College. | ||
39) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2011,October, 14-15). Library outreach programmes: ways to advertise our libraries. In L.P. Deshmukh(Eds.), Proceedings of Impact of information techonolgy on college libraries(pp.1-6). Jalgaon; India: Nutan Maratha College. ISBN: 9789381546215. | ||
40) | Kumbhar, R.M., Bansode, S.Y. (2011,November, 26-28). Research Support offered by Library Assocations: a Brief Survey. In J. Sing(Eds.), Proceedings of LIS education, research and training: vision 2020(pp.322-328). Ahmedabad; India: Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science. ISBN: 9788192045610. | ||
41) | Nagarkar, S.P. (2011). Web based information services to Bioinformaticians: Challanges for librarians.. IFLA. | ||
Publication Before 2011 |
42) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2010,August, 30-31). Application of the 5S technique in library management. In D.B. Dalve(Eds.), Proceedings of New dimensions in library management(pp.23-28). Aurangabad; India: Educational Publisher and Distributors. ISBN: 9789380876009. | ||
43) | Rajendra, A., Pange, B.M. (2010,February, 23-26). Digital Library at University Library: With special reference to Pune University Jayakar Library: A paper for ICDL,2010. Proceedings of Digital Library 2010(pp.228-239). New Delhi; India. | ||
44) | Nagarkar, S., Murari, D. (2010,January, 18-19). Embedded Librarian: a new role for library and Information professionals. Proceedings of Empowering library professionals in managing the digital resources and providing extension activities(pp.375-381). Mangalore; India: St Agnes College. ISBN: 9788109854. | ||
45) | Meshram, R., Pange, B.M. (2010,July, 14-15). Future of Libray and Information Science profession with reference to university libraries. Proceedings of Social Sciences (ICULA-2010)(pp.47-55). Sri Lanka. | ||
46) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2010,January, 2-3). Infrastructure to services: an awaited paradigm shift for academic libraries. In M.R. Kherde(Ed.), Proceedings of Academic libraries on new horizon(pp.52-55). Amravati; India: Library and Information Science Study Circle. | ||
47) | Rege, R., Nagarkar, S. (2010). Krishi Mitra: A case-study of a user-centered ICT solution for low literacy farmers in Maharashtra State of India . In A. Joshi(Eds.), Proceedings of IHCI'10 Proceedings of the 2010 International conference on Interaction Design & International Development(pp.65-72). United Kingdom: British Computer Society Swinton. ISBN: 1477-9358 . | ||
48) | Nagarkar, S., Patil, S.K., Trisharan, A., Patil, A. (2010,November, 17-19). Moodle based courses for students of University of Pune. Proceedings of XXVII IATLIS National conference on Emerging Challenges and Lingering Issues in LIS Education, Research and Training. Pune; India. ISBN: 9788192045603. | ||
49) | Nagarkar, S.P. (2010,February, 14-17). Multimedia Applications and Development: essential competencies for librarians. In E. IsakssonEds.), Proceedings of Library and Information Services in Astronomy VI: 21st Century Astronomy Librarianship, From New Ideas to Action(pp.145). Pune; India: IUCAA & NCRA. ISBN: 9781583817469/9781583817476. | ||
50) | Bansode, S.Y. (2010,August, 30-31). Present status of Open Access Repositories in India: A review. In D. Dalve(Ed.), Proceedings of New dimensions in library management(pp.366-371). Aurangabad; India: S. B. Science College & Department of LIS BAMU. ISBN: 9789380876009. | ||
51) | Rajendra, A., Panage, B.M. (2010,February, 18-20). Re-engineering of Reference Service. In J. Arora(Eds.), Proceedings of Re-engineering of library information services in digital era: 7th Convention Planner 2010(pp.300-311). Ahmedabad; India: INFLIBNET Centre. ISBN: 9788190207997. | ||
52) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2009,January, 22-23). 50 Years of LIS education at Pune University: analysis of curricular responses to stakeholders' expectations. In S.K. Patil(Ed.), Proceedings of Library and Information Services in Changing Era(pp.396-404). Pune; India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Pune. | ||
53) | Nagarkar, S.P. (2009,April, 4-9). Information needs of small scale farmers: role of ICTs and Information professionals. Proceedings of Human-Centered computing in International Development conducted during the international conference CHI 2009 : Digital Life New World. Boston, USA. | ||
54) | Pange, B.M. (2008,July, 18-20). Application of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan's Five Laws of Library Science to Digital Library. Proceedings of Social Sciences(pp.1-8). University of Kelaniya; Sri Lanka. | ||
55) | Nagarkar, S.P., Parekh, H. (2008,October, 1). Database of fungal species : a participatory approach. Proceedings of The Challenges for Participatory Design in the Developing World organized in conjunction with the Participatory Design Conference 2008. Bloomington; Indiana. | ||
56) | Patil, S.K., Desale, S.K., Londhe, N.L. (2008,November, 12-15). National Knowledge commission: Inputs for development of LIS education and libraries. In M. Koganuramath(Ed.), Proceedings of Knowledge for all: Role of Libraries and Information Centre(pp.479-483). Mumbai; India: Sita Publications. ISBN: 9788186052006. | ||
57) | Umarani, A., Nagarkar, S.P., Jagtap, V. (2008). Usability testing of three web OPACs from three different countries. Proceedings of Information and Knowledge Management. Kathmandu; Nepal : International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management. | ||
58) | Sayyed, F., Panage, B.M. (2007,February, 17). Digital preservation: some issues. In S. Hosamani(Ed.), Proceedings of Teaching methodologies and libraries in digital age(pp.190-196). Mumbai; India: Sree Narayana Guru College of Commerce. | ||
59) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2007,October 5-6). Imparting education beyond classroom: the role of the library. In T. Kalayani(Eds.), Proceedings of Managing academic challenges: the role of libraries and physical education(pp.13-19). Nagpur; India: Lady Amritbai Daga College. | ||
60) | Patil, S.K., Wadekar, P., Chikate, R., Joshi, S. (2006,February, 2-4). Implementation of RFID technology in Jayakar Library university of Pune : Problems and perspectives. Proceedings of 4th International Convetion CALIBER 2006(pp.584-594). Ahmedabad; India: INFLIBNET Centre. | ||
61) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2006,November, 11-12). LIS student's performance: Assessing innovatively. In P.S.G. Kumar(Eds.), Proceedings of Quality assessment and quality indicators for LIS education(pp.181-184). Nagpur; India: Department of LIS RTMU. | ||
62) | Patil, S.K., Chikate, R.V., Wadekar, P., Joshi, S.M. (2006,September, 27-30). Measuring impact of Web sources in conference proceedings: A citation analysis. In H.K. Kaul(Eds.), Proceedings of Knowledge, Library and Information Networking NACLIN 2006(pp.142-153). New Delhi; India: DELNET . | ||
63) | Patil, S.K., Chikate, R.V., Wadekar, P., Joshi, S.M. (2005,August, 22-25). Electronic information management in library and information science :an analytical study of LISA. In H.K. Kaul(Eds.), Proceedings of Library and Information Networking NACLIN 2005 (pp.366-374). New Delhi; India: DELNET . | ||
64) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2005,January, 22-23). Referral service in academic libraries: a way to practice cooperative reference seervice. In S.P. Potdar(Ed.), Proceedings of Qualitative services in academic libraries(pp.52-53). Amravati; India: LIS Study Circle. | ||
65) | Deshpande, N.J., Pange, B.M. (2004,February, 11-13). Digitization of photographs. Proceedings of 2nd International CALIBER-2004(pp.290-297). Ahmedabad; India: INFLIBNET Centre. | ||
66) | Patil, S.K., Wadekar, P., Joshi, S., Chikate, R. (2004,November, 23-26). Nature and Quality of Digital Information Hunting :a case study of University of Pune . In H.K. Kaul(Eds.), Proceedings of Library and Information Networking NACLIN 2004 (pp.293-305). New Delhi; India: DELNET . | ||
67) | Deshpande, N.J., Pange, B.M. (2003,February ). Digital library software packages. Proceedings of Caliber 2003. Ahmedabad; India. | ||
68) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2003,February, 28 - March, 1). Role of Librarians, Library schools and library associations in the context of digitization . In A.A. Vaishnav(Eds.), Proceedings of Impact of digitization on development of information professionals. Aurangabad; India: Department of Library and Information Science Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. | ||
69) | Nagarkar, S., Parekh, H., Manjul, V.L. (2003,September, 28- October, 2). Study of 13-17th century Marathi manuscripts: author generated metadata and it’s mapping with Dublin Core. In S. Sutton(Eds.), Proceedings of DCMI International conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications for Supporting Communities of Discourse and Practice-Metadata Research & Applications(pp.245-246). Washington; United State: Information Institute of Syracuse. ISBN: 0974530301. | ||
70) | Nagarkar, S., Parekh, H. (2002,October, 13-17). Development and Application of Dublin Core Metadata Standards in Marathi. Proceedings of Proceedings of the International conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications for E-communities(pp.235-236). Italy: Firenze University Press. ISBN: 8884530431. | ||
71) | Kumbhar, R.M. (2002,January, 12-13). Infopreneurship education: adding value to Library and Information Science curricule in India. In S.P. Potdar(Ed.), Proceedings of Academic libraries in Information Technology Environment(pp.113-117). Amravati; India: LIS Study Circle. | ||
72) | Deshpande, N.J., Pange, B.M. (2002,February ). Internet based reference service. Proceedings of Caliber 2002. Jaipur; India. | ||
73) | Nagarkar, S., Gandhe, K., Geoffrey, B. (2001,October, 24-26). Design and Implementation of Metadata for Indian Fungi (Heterobasidiomycetes): Lessons From Library and Information Science Field. In K. Oyama(Eds.), Proceedings of Dublin Core and Metadata Applications(pp.75-80). Tokyo; Japan: National Institute of Informatics (NII). ISBN: 4924600989. | ||
74) | Deshpande, N.J., Pange, B.M. (2001,March). Digitization of Marathi manuscripts. Proceedings of Caliber 2001. Pune; India. | ||
75) | Deshpande, N.J., Pange, B.M. (2000,March, 1-3). Digitization: vision and task. Proceedings of DRTC Annual seminar on Electronic sources of information(pp.1-9). | ||
76) | Kumbhar, R.M. (1999,September, 25-26). Relevance of thesaurus in indexing in the IT age. In B.K. Bhosale(Ed.), Proceedings of Librarianship in the era of IT(pp.317-321). Amravati; India: LIS Study Circle. | ||
77) | Kumbhar, R.M. (1998,September, 23-25). Book trade's contribution to bibliographic control in India. In M.B. Konnur(Eds.), Proceedings of Book industry and librarianship(pp.31-38). Pune; India: Department of Lepartment of Library and Information Science University of Pune. | ||
78) | Kumbhar, R.M. (1998). Three plus two year pattern of LIS education. In A.V. Murthy(Eds.), Proceedings of Sustainable library and information service(pp.320-327). Delhi; India: Indian Library Association. | ||
79) | Kumbhar, R.M. (1995). IT oriented LIS education: need of the time. In A.A. Vaishnav(Ed.), Proceedings of Impact of information techonolgy on libraries(pp.66-68). Aurangabad; India: Department of LIS Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. | ||
80) | Mahajan, S.G., Panage, B.M. (1992,November 3-5). Data input formats developed in India for library automation. Proceedings of 10th National IATLIS seminar(pp.159-163). Pune; India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Pune. | ||