Department Details
Department Of Mathematics
1) | Singh, S., Kharat, V., Agalave, M. (2023,October, 19-21). On the µF-subgroups of Some Finite Abelian Groups. In V. S. Theresal(Eds.), Proceedings of Abstracts of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science 2023. Regunathapuram, India: AIJR Publisher. ISBN: 9788196562106 . | ||
2) | Bharathi, R., Shirwaikar, S., Kharat, V.S., Aher, G. (2017,July, 21-23). A cloud-based data analytical framework for medium scale scientific applications. In L. Rodrigues(Eds.), Proceedings of 11th International Conferences on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing and International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence(pp.213-222). Lisbon; Portugal: IADIS. ISBN: 9789898533661. | ||
3) | Bharathi, R., Shirwaikar, S.C., Kharat, V. (2017,November, 11-12). A distributed, scalable computing facility for big data analytics in atmospheric physics. In V. Tyagi(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences(pp.529-540). Ghaziabad India: Springer. ISBN: 9789811054266. | ||
4) | Shelar, M., Sane, S., Kharat, V., Jadhav, R. (2017,April, 21-22). Autonomic and energy-aware resource allocation for efficient management of cloud data centre. Proceedings of Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies(pp.1-8). Vellore; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781509056828. | ||
5) | Ghogare, T.T., Kartha, M.J., Kendre, S.D., Pathan, H.M. (2017,December, 26-30). Experimental and simulation study of growth of TiO2 films on different substrates and its applications. In A. Das(Eds.), Proceedings of 62nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. Mumbai; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735416345. | ||
6) | Bharathi, R., Shirwaikar, S.C., Kharat, V. (2016,December, 21-22). A distributed, scalable parallelization of fuzzy c-means algorithm. Proceedings of IEEE Bombay Section Symposium (IBSS). Baramati, India: IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISBN: 9781509027309. | ||
7) | Ramdasi, S., Shirwaikar, S., Kharat, V. (2016,August, 12-13). Attribute analysis using fuzzy association rules and interestingness measures. In M. Kuri(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing(pp.88). Bikaner; India: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN: 9781450342131. | ||
8) | Thakare, N.K., Waphare, B.N., Patil, A. (2016,December, 14-17). Comparability axioms in orthomodular lattices and rings with involution. In Rizvi S.T(Eds.), Proceedings of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics(pp. 241-257). Aligarh; India: Springer. ISBN: 9789811016509. | ||
9) | Nikam, R.V., Shirwaikar, S., Kharat, V.S. (2016,Decemeber, 21-22). Conceptual model for a data warehouse on the web. Proceedings of IEEE Bombay Section Symposium 2016(pp.7940201). Baramati; India: IEEE. ISBN: 9781509027309. | ||
10) | Khairnar, A., Waphare, B.N. (2016,December, 14-17). Zero-divisor graphs of Laurent polynomials and Laurent power series. In Rizvi, S.T(Eds.), Proceedings of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics(pp.345-349). Aligarh; India: Springer. ISBN: 9789811016509. | ||
11) | Sardesai, A., Kharat, V., Deshpande, A., Sambarey, P. (2014,May, 23-24). Fuzzy logic application in gynecology: A case study. Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, ICIEV 2014;(pp.1-5). Dhaka; Bangladesh: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781479951796. | ||
12) | Yadav, J.Y., Kharat, V., Deshpande, A. (2014,May, 23-24). Zadeh-Deshpande (ZD) fuzzy logic based formalism for linguistic description of air quality: A case study. Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision(pp.1-5). Dhaka; Bangladesh: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781479951796. | ||
13) | Yadav, J.Y., Kharat, V., Deshpande, A. (2013,October, 25-27). Do Experts Agree Significantly in Fuzzily Describing Air Quality? A Case Study. In Y. Chaba(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology(pp.107-113). Haryana; India : Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineer. ISBN: 9781634391207. | ||
14) | Patekar, S.C. (2013,September, 27-28). Path Eigenvalues of Some Graphs. In A.D. Godse(Ed), Proceedings of Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Computational Mathematics(pp.117-120). Vaijapur; India: Department of Mathematics Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s, Vinayakrao Patil College Vaijapur, Dist: Auranagabad(MS). ISBN: 54:68-6/9/14968. | ||
15) | Katre, S.A., Jadhav, V. (2012,December, 10-12). Computing primitive central idempotents in nite group algebra. In F. Surve(Ed.), Proceedings of Perspectives of Computer Con uences with Sciences 2012(pp.137-141). New Delhi; India: Excel India publisher. ISBN: 9789382062769 . | ||
16) | Katre, S.A., Phadke, A., Shinde, P. (2012,December, 10-12). Generating MDS code using Vandermonde matrix. In F. Surve(Ed.), Proceedings of Perspectives of Computer Confluence with Sciences (pp.127-131). New Delhi; India: Excel India publisher. ISBN: 9789382062769. | ||
17) | Bhalekar, S., Daftardar-Gejji, V. (2011,January ). A new chaotic dynamical system and its synchronization. Proceedings of Mathematical sciences in honor of Prof. A.M. Mathai (pp.1-20). Kerala; India. | ||
18) | Yadav, J.Y., Kharat, V., Deshpande, A. (2011,October, 9-12). Fuzzy description of Air Quality: A case study. In J.T. Yao(Eds.), Proceedings of 6th International conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, RSKT 2011(pp.420-427). Canada: Springer. ISBN: 9783642244254/0302-9743. | ||
19) | Sardesai, A., Khrat, V., Deshpande, A., Sambarey, P. (2011,January ). Initial screening of Gynecological diseases in a patient, experts knowledge base and fuzzy set theory: A case study in India. Proceedings of 2nd World Conference on Soft Computing(pp.258-262). Azarbaizan. ISBN: 9789952452372. | ||
20) | Patil, N., Mandhare, P., Kharat, V., Kadam, S. (2011,January ). Semantic Web Based Model for E-Learning: A Case Study. Proceedings of Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education. ISBN: 9788190964076. | ||
Publication Before 2011 |
21) | Katre, S.A., Wadikar, K. (2010,December, 16-18). Matrices as sums of cubes over a commutative ring with unity. Proceedings of Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application(pp.8-12). Tamil Nadu; India: Allied Publication. ISBN: 9788184246490. | ||
22) | Waphare, B.N. (2007). Society for special functions and their applications.. Pune; India. | ||
23) | Katre, S.A. (2002). The cyclotomic problem, in Current Trends in Number Theory. In S. D. Adhikari(Eds.), Proceedings of Number Theory(pp.59-72). New Delhi; India: Hindustan Book Agency. | ||
24) | Katre, S.A., Adhikari, S.D., Ramakr- Ishnan, B. (2000). Current Trends in Number Theory. Proceedings of Number Theory. New Delhi; India: Hindustan Book Agency. | ||
25) | Katre, S.A. (1985,January, 5-10). Jacobsthal sums in terms of quadratic partitions of a prime. In K. Alladi, Proceedings of Number Theory(pp.153-162). Ootacamund; India: Springer Verlag. | ||