Department Details

Department of Physics

1)    Deore, A.B., Jagtap, K., Jadkar, S.R., More, M.A. (2024,July, 15-17). In-Situ Growth of Silicon Nanowires Array and Its Field Emission Behavior. In R .Murakami(Eds.), Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites(pp.47-56). Tokushima, Japan: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9789819971527 / 9789819971534.
2)    Phadnis, P.P., Pathan, H.M., Shelke, H.D., Kulkarni, S.A. (2024,July, 9-11). Facile synthesis and characterization of ZnS quantum dots by simple colloidal method. In A, Katti(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering(pp.160-165). Pune, India: SPIE. ISBN: 9781510682948 / 0277-786X.
3)    Ghule, P.G., Bholane, G.T., Kumar, R., Joshi, R.P., Dahiwale, S.S., Shelke, P.N., Dhole, S.D. (2024,December, 7-11). Simulation and theoretical evaluation of gamma radiation shielding efficiency of Phthalonitrile /WO3 composites. In A. K. Gupta(Eds.), Proceedings of 68th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physic(pp.1237 -1238). Rorkee, India: Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
4)    Sathe, G., Pathak, A.M., Jadkar, S., Bhalla, V., Dattangire, R. (2024,July, 24-26). Advancing Temperature Prediction for Pune City: Machine Learning-Enabled Temperature Prediction. In IEEE, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT). Trichirappalli, India: IEEE. ISBN: 9798350369090.
5)    Premkumar, S., Mathe, V.L. (2023,August, 17-18). (Sr, La) doped PZT / NZFO and lead-free BCZT / NZFO based magnetoelectric composite. In H. Shankar(Eds.), Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials: Icapsm 2023(pp.1-5). Coimbatore, India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735447646 / 0094-243X.
6)    Chattopadhyay, S., Kshirsagar, A. (2023,July, 23-27). Comparative study of CdTe bulk system co-doped with two different transition metal atoms using different exchange-correlation energy functionals: GGA, GGA+U and Hybrid Functional. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics(pp.1-4). Cleveland, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). ISBN: 9781665463249 / 2375-0448.
7)    Khanzode, P.M., Halge, D.I., Kaawash, N.M., Thabit, M.Y., Narwade, V.N., Dadge, J.W., Dahiwale, S.S. Bogle, K.A. (2023,December, 22-24). Development of a paper-based wearable UV photo-detector device using ZnO nanostructure. In K. Kumar(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Multifunctional Materials(pp.951-954). Hyderabad: Materials Today: Proceedings. ISBN: 2214-7853.
8)    Mahadik, V.B., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2023,November, 21-24). Metal-free Organic Novel Alkylomino substituted 1,4-naphtoquinones as a photosentizer in TiO2 and ZnO based dye-sensitizer solar cells. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA-2023). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
9)    Beedri, N.I., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2023,November, 21-24). Natural Photosensitizer Extraction from Delonix Regia Flower for Future Photosensor Appplications via DSSCs Fabrication. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA-2023). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
10)    Kumar, R., Bholane, G.T., Ganesapandy, T.S., Dahiwale, S.S., Attar, F.M.D., Dhole, S.D. (2023,December, 9-23). Statistical error analysis of neutron induced activation cross-sections for Bromine. In S. K. Pandit., Proceedings of 67th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.743-744). Indore, India: Cotton University.
11)    Pandey-Pommier, M., Paul, S., Roy, N., Marcowith, A., Guiderdoni, B. (2023,December). Unveiling the non-thermal radio emission in Galaxy Clusters and Future Prospects with the SKA. Proceedings of Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics(pp.67-69). French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Sf2a).
12)    Mali, A., Kshirsagar, A. (2023,July, 23-27). First Principles Calculations of Cu Doped ZnO: a Potential Spintronic Material. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics(pp.1-4). Cleveland, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). ISBN: 9781665463249 / 2375-0448.
13)    Beedri, N.I., Deore, D.P., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2022,October, 18-20). Benzo[α](phenothiazine and phenoxazine) sensitized Tio2 photoanode based dye sensitized solar cells. In H. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications (AMSCA MAVARICK, 2022). Pune, India: Savitribai Phule Pune University.
14)    Bharud, V.D., Phatangare, A.B., Thorat, A.B., Patil, B.J., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Cross sections of Indium isotopes through (γ, γ’) reactions induced by bremsstrahlung with an end point energy of 6 MeV. Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics. Assam, India: Cotton University.
15)    Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S., Sahoo, S., Chadar, D. (2022,October, 18-20). Ionic Benzo[α]phenoxazines an Emerging Source of Phtosensors through DSSC Device Fabrication. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA MAVARICK 2022). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
16)    Ganesapandy, T.S., Bholane, G.T., Patil, S.H., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, S. V., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Measurement of 76Se(n,2n)75Se reaction cross section with detailed uncertainty analysis at 14 MeV neutron energy. In S. K. Pandit(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.605-606). Assam, India: Cotton University. ISBN: 9788195922512.
17)    Mahadik, V.B., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S., Pandey, P. (2022,October, 18-20). Phyridibe Substituted Naphthoquinones as a Photosensitizer in Dye Sensitized Solar cell. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA MAVARICK 2022). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
18)    Gawari, B., Kahane, S., Mahamuni, S. (2022,February, 26-27 ). Significant Enhancement in Electrical Conductivity of Al doped ZnO Nanocrystals. Proceedings of Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contents, Computing & Communication (ICCCC-2022)(pp.1-12). Nashik, India: Elsevier.
19)    Kumar, A., Hinge, S., Dixit, H., Kanawade, R., Kulkarni, G. (2022,January, 22-23). Skin mimicking solid optical tissue phantom fulfillment and its characterization. In B. Choi(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings Volume 11934, Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2022(pp.146-149). United States: SPIE. ISBN: 9781510647398.
20)    Bholane, G.T., Ganesapandy, T.S., Patil, S.H., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Measurement of photoneutron flux at the medical LINAC by activation analysis. In S. K. Pandit(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.1260-1261). Assam, India: Cotton University. ISBN: 9788195922512.
21)    Bansode, P.S., Tanti, H.A., Joshi, A.C., Gaikwad, Y.J., Aiyer, R.C., Gangal, S.A. (2022,June, 9-11). Microstrip patch antenna as a paper moisture sensor. In P.K.Ghosh(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Current Trends in Physics & Photonics 2022(pp.012061). Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISBN: 1742-6588.
22)    Aleksandrova, M.P., Kolev, G.D., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S.R., Dobrikov, G.H. (2022,September, 13-15). Fabrication and Study of Infrared Detectors with Lead-Free Perovskite Films at Different Electrode Designs. Proceedings of 2022 XXXI International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET)(pp.1-16). Sozopol, Bulgaria : IEEE.
23)    Hinge, S., Banpurkar, A.G., Kulkarni, G.R. (2022,February, 20-24). Optical trapping of cord blood and adult blood: RBC. In A. Tarnok(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings Volume 11964, Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XX(pp.62-66). United States: SPIE BIOS.
24)    Mahadik, V.B., Pathan, H.M., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2022,October, 18-20). Amino Substituted 1,4-Naphthoquinones as Photosensitizers in TiO2-Nanograin-Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, (AMSCA MAVARICK 2022). Pune, India: Department of Physics, Savitibaibai Phule Pune University.
25)    Patil, S.H., Bholane, G.T., Ganesapandy, T.S., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Measurement of neutron and bremsstrahlung induced activation cross-section for tantalum with statistical error analysis. In S. K. Pandit(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics. Assam, India: Cotton University. ISBN: 9788195922512.
26)    Nair, V., Joy, J., Paul, J., Ranjith, A., Francis, J., Kakre, M., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). A novel fast charging technique using supercapacitors. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040007). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
27)    Kore, K.B., Tandale, P.U., Rondiya, S.R., Jathar, S.B., Bade, B.R., Nasane, M.P., Barma, S.V., Nilegave, D.S., Kurhe, N.V., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Charge - discharge cycle performance of lead acid battery for energy storage application. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040002). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
28)    Chopade, P., Jagtap, S., Gosavi, S. (2021). Effect of Zn precursor on structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnSe nanoparticles. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080003). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
29)    Jitkar, N.R., Bagul, P.P., Kakade, P.M., Kachere, A.R., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhosale, S.V., Mandlik, N.T. (2021). Effects of 6 MeV energy electrons on lattice parameters of CaSO4:Eu nanophosphor. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080009). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
30)    Bansode, S.R., More, M.A., Sharma, R.B. (2021,July, 5-9). Electron emission from a solvothermally synthesized ZnS-RGO nanocomposite field emitter. In S. Purcell (Eds.), Proceedings of 2021 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC)(pp.1-2). Lyon; France: IEEE. ISBN: 9781665425896.
31)    Khatavkar, S.N., Sartale, S.D. (2021). Fabrication and evaluation of symmetric flexible solid state supercapacitor device based on α-Fe2O3 thin films by LPD. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040008). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
32)    Bhopale, S.R., More, M.A. (2021,July, 5-9). Field emission behaviour of fresh and aged Sb2Te3 nanosheets. In S. Purcell (Eds.), Proceedings of 2021 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC)(pp.1-2). Lyon; France: IEEE. ISBN: 9781665425896.
33)    Barma, S.V., Rondiya, S.R., Bade, B.R., Nasane, M.P., Jathar, S.B., Kore, K.B., Tandale, P.U., Nilegave, D.S., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Phase stability investigation of CsPbI3 perovskite for solar cell application. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040001). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
34)    Wani, P.N., Yawale, P.R., Shelke, P.N., Sharma, V., Khollam, Y.B., Jadkar, S.R. (2021). Precipitation assisted-hydrothermally derived TiO2 nanostructures for DSSC application . In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080008). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
35)    Pawar, M.S., More, M.A., Late, D.J. (2021,July, 5-9). PtSe2 Nanosheets as Efficient Field Emitter. In S. Purcell (Eds.), Proceedings of 2021 34th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC)(pp.1-2). Lyon; France : IEEE. ISBN: 9781665425896.
36)    Mandlik, N.T., Jitkar, N.R., Bagul, P.P., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Sahare, P.D., Kachere, A.R., Kakade, P.M. (2021). Study of luminescence characteristics of K2Ca2(SO4)3:Eu microphosphor by electron and gamma irradiation. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080014). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
37)    Nair, S., Bhorde, A., Kulkarni, R., Bade, B., Punde, A., Vairale, P., Hase, Y., Jadkar, S. R., Waghmare, A., Waykar, R., Deshpande, M., Prasad, M. (2021,july, 19-21). Synthesis and characterization of inorganic K3Bi2I9 perovskite thin films for lead-free solution processed solar cells. In Dr. P. K. Singh(Ed.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Materials, ICSEM 2019(pp.684-689). Greater Noida: Materials Today: Proceedings. ISBN: 2214-7853.
38)    Kumar, R., Rubano, A., More, M.A. (2021). Synthesis, characterization and field emission studies of NiO-rGO nanocomposite. In N.V. Kulkarni (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Chemistry–2020 (Materials Today: Proceedings)(pp.2906-2910). Kerala; India: Elsevier. ISBN: 2214-7853.
39)    Rupiasih, N.N., Jagtap, S.S., Vidyasagar, P.B. (2021,October, 27-28). The effects of UV-C radiation and microgravity environment on wheat seedlings at the early germination. In S. D. Astuti(Eds.), Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics: The Spirit of Research and Collaboration Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic, ICTAP 2021. Surabaya, Indonesia: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 0094-243X.
40)    Suryawanshi, N.R., Martin, S.S., Dahatonde, A.D., Deshmane, K.S., Kakre, M.T., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). An innovative approach for waste heat utilization from municipal biogas plant. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040011). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
41)    Pathak, A., Bhosle, A., Baste, P., Kurhe, N., Suryawanshi, N., Marathe, A., Jadkar, S. (2021,July, 23-24). Performance Comparison of CPC based solar installations at different locations in India and analysis of variation pattern. Proceedings of IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Second International Conference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow (SESBT 2021)(pp.012039). Chennai; India: IOP Publishing. ISBN: 1755-1315.
42)    Dalsaniya, M.H., Sharma, A., Chaure, N., Jha, P.K. (2021). Synthesis and simulation of surfactant free chemically derived highly polycrystalline lead iodide. Proceedings of Materials Today: Proceedings(pp.1624-1628). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 2214-7853.
43)    Wani, P.N., Ray, A.P., Rokade, A.V., Jadkar, S.R., Shelke, P.N., Chabukswar, V.V., More, P.S., Verma, A.J., Khollam, Y.B. (2021,March, 25-26). N719 Sensitized Solar Cell Features of Photoanodes Prepared with CDS Coated Hydrothermally Derived Anatase Tio2 Nanobelts. Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems (ICCCEBS)(pp.012231). Coimbatore; India: IOP Journal of Physics Conference Series. ISBN: 1742-6596.
44)    Bade, B.R., Rondiya, S.R., Hase, Y.V., Nasane, M.P., Jathar, S.B., Barma, S.V., Kore, K.B., Nilegave, D.S., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Hydrothermally synthesized CuO nanostructures and their application in humidity sensing. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.100001). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
45)    Bhopale, S.R., More, M.A. (2021). Field emission behaviour of hexagonal Sb2Te3 micron sized platelets of nanometric thickness. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080004). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
46)    Pandharkar, S., Punde, A., Nasane, M., Doiphode, V., Shinde, P., Vairale, P., Hase, Y., Bhorde, A., Waghmare, A., Rondiya, S., Prasad, M. (2021,july, 19-21). Soft annealing effect on the properties of sputter grown Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films for solar cell applications. In Dr. P. K. Singh(Ed.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Materials(pp.690-696). Greater Noida: Materials Today: Proceedings. ISBN: 2214-7853.
47)    Baste, P.A., Jadkar, S.R., Pathak, A.M. (2021,January, 27-29). Weather Station for Solar PV Power Plant Using Arduino Mega. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics(pp.1-6). Coimbatore; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781728158754.
48)    Barma, S.V., Rondiya, S.R., Bade, B.R., Nasane, M.P., Jathar, S.B., Kore, K.B., Tandale, P.U., Nilegave, D.S., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Investigation of optical and structural properties of ZnSe nanocrystals for heterojunction solar cell applications. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040003). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
49)    Mahadik, S., Pathan, H., Salunke-Gawali, S. (2020,March, 22-26). Construction of dye sensitized solar cell of 2-bromo-3-(methylamino)naphthalene-1,4-dione photosensitizer on TiO2 nanorod photoanode. Proceedings of ACS spring National Meeting and Events. United States of America: American Chemical Society.
50)    Salunkhe, S., Paul, S. (2020,February, 14-15). Discovery of Radio-relic and the diffuse emission sources in merging and non-merging galaxy clusters. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-9). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
51)    Kamble, S.A., Harpale, K., Bhopale, S.R., Ghorui, S., Bhatacharjee, D., Bhoraskar, S.V., More, M.A., Mathe, V.L. (2020,February, 14-15). Effect of plasma parameters on the morphology and electron emission properties of nanocrystalline LaB6 particles. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-23). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
52)    Mahalunkar, S., Gosavi, S.W. (2020,February, 14-15). FA–Cur@Au-PVP Nanoprobe Mimicking Peroxidase Activity: A Step towards Developing Colorimeteric Biosensor. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-28). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
53)    Vyas, A.N., Sartale, S.D. (2020,February, 14-15). Growth of Palladium Nanoparticles and Their Application in Ethanol Electrooxidation. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-1). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
54)    Shaikh, I., Sartale, S. (2020,February, 14-15). Investigation of SERS activity of industrial pollutant on thermally reduced spin coated Ag nanoparticles . Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-3). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
55)    Ghadage, P.A., Bagal, L.K., Nadargi, D.Y., Kambale, R.C., Suryavanshi, S.S. (2020,January, 29-31). Structural and magnetic behavior of ctab assisted bifeo3 by selfcombustion route. In C.M. Kanmadi (Ed.), Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Multifunctional and Hybrid Materials for Energy and Environment, MHMEE(pp.2725-2729). Satara; India: Elsevier Ltd. ISBN: 2214-7853.
56)    Ghemud, V.S., Kshirsagar, A. (2020,February, 14-15). Structural and Optical properties of Cu doped SnO2: A computational study. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-4). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
57)    Keswani, B.C., Patil, S.I., Kolekar, Y.D. (2020,February, 14-15). Studies on Magnetoelectric Properties of Lead-free Piezoelectric and Magnetostrictive Cobalt Ferrite Composite Multiferroics. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.TP-04). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
58)    Kadhane, P.S., Phulsundar, D.M., Baraskar, B.G., Darvade, T.C., Jadhav, T.K., Kambale, R.C. (2020,February, 14-15). Studies on structural and ferroelectric properties of lead-free Ba0.97Ca0.03Ti1-xSnxO3electroceramics. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-5). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
59)    Bagekari, Y.G., Jadhav, A.P., Thorat, A.B., Yengantiwar, A.P., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2020,February, 14-15). Study of Electrical Properties of Graphitic Carbon Nitride using Low Energy Ion Irradiation Technique. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.77). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
60)    Phatangare, A.B., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2020,February, 14-15). Study on advance oxidation processes for the degradation of water pollutants using 6 MeV electron irradiation. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-11). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
61)    Puranik, S.S., Mathe, V.L., Bhoraskar, S.V., Rane, S.B. (2020,February, 14-15). Synthesis of Copper Chromium Oxides (Cu-Cr-O) using thermal plasma route for propellant application. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.PP-63). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
62)    Gaikwad, T.T., Jadhav, A.P., Thorat, A.B., Sidhaye, D.S., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S. (2020,February, 14-15). Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and their Size optimization using Low Energy Ar+ Ion Irradiation Technique. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.99). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
63)    Thakur, P.S., Durganandini, P. (2020,February, 14-15). The effect of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on entanglement in a transverse magnetic field spin -1/2 XXZ chain. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-2). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
64)    Tatikondewar, T., Kshirsagar, A. (2020,February, 14-15). Ultra thin excitonic solar cells from transition metal dichalcogenides. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-12). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
65)    Gagare, S.S., Pawar, A.R., Madhe, R., Patil, S.I., Kekade, S.S. (2020,February, 14-15). Visible light induced BiVO4 photocatalyst for MB dye degradation. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.PP-70). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
66)    Beedri, N.I., Jadkar, S.R., Supeka, A.T., Pathan, H.M. (2020,February, 14-15). Effect of Nb2O5 Blocking layer on ZnO Photoanode based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.PP-43). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
67)    Raut, S.A., Premkumar, S., Bhoraskar, S.V., Mathe, V.L. (2020,February, 14-15). Thermal Plasma Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Ferrofluid Based Applications. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.TP-03). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
68)    Bhalwankar, M., Mastud, S., Jadkar, S. (2020,December, 14-15). A Review of Factors Affecting Thermal Conductivity and Societal Applications of PPS Matrix Nanocomposites. In P. M. Pawar(Eds.), Proceedings of Techno-Societal 2018 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications(pp.625-636). India: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9783030169619.
69)    Kuiri, D., Mithun, T., Dey, B. (2020,February, 14-15). Effect of impurities on Vortex dynamics in two-component BEC. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.PP-18). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
70)    Wadhai, S.M., Limaye, A.V., Banpurkar, A.G. (2020,February, 14-15). Aqueous Droplet Manipulation by Electrowetting on Dielectrics. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.TP-05). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
71)    Berad, K., Shafreen, S., Patil, S.I., Kekade, S.S. (2020,February, 14-15). Phase transition study of BiVO4 Photocatalyst. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future(pp.PP-30). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
72)    Hase, Y.V., Ghule, S., Jadkar, S.R. (2020,February, 14-15). Effect of annealing temperature on structural and optical properties of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.PP-86). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
73)    Kulkarni, P., Gavhane, K.H., Bhadane, M.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S., Dhole, S.D. (2020,February, 14-15). Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescence studies of β-NaGdF4: Tb 3 phosphor crystals. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-14). Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
74)    Walave, P., Phatangare, A.B., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2020,February, 14-15). Development of Schottky junction type betavoltaic nuclear battery using SiC nanowires. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.PP-48). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
75)    Gavhane, K.H., Bhadane, M.S., Jadhav, A.P., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S., Dhole, S.D. (2019,December, 18-22). A study on thermoluminescence dosimetric properties of CaMoO4:Cu nanophosphor. Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030177). College Park; Maryland: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735418516.
76)    Mandal, R., Sengupta, D., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2019,November, 17-22). Cross-section measurement of nuclear reaction induced by Cf-252 neutrons using activation analysis. In R. Acharya(Eds.), Proceedings of International conference on modern trends in activation analysis(pp.43). India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
77)    Keswani, B.C., Kolhe, S.G., Dhole, S.D., Patil, S.I., Kolekar, Y.D. (2019,December, 18-22). Effect of gamma irradiationon structural, morphology and magnetic properties of Co-Mnferrite. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030506). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
78)    Thorat, A.B., Sonawane, A., Jadhav, A., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,July). Effect of Low Energy Ar+ Ion Irradiation on Polycarbonate. Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030328). College Park; Maryland: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735418516.
79)    Kolhe, P., Bankar, P., Mutadak, P., Maiti, N., Sonawane, K., More, M. (2019,December, 18-22). Enhanced field emission behavior of BiVO4-MoS2 nanocomposite. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019. Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
80)    Chavan, K.B., Desarada, S.V., Chaure, N.B. (2019,December, 18-22 ). Impact of post-annealing on structural and optical properties of CZTS thin films by DC sputtering. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030626). Jodhpur; India : American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
81)    Bankar, P.K., Mutadak, P.R., Gavhane, D.S., Kolhe, P.S., Sonawane, K.M., More, M.A. (2019,December, 18-22). Improved field electron emissionbehaviour of Ag nanoparticles supported Bi2S3 nanowires. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030473). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
82)    Ghone, D.M., Mathe, V.L., Patankar, K.K., Kaushik, S.D. (2019,December, 18-22). Magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of sol-gel prepared Y substituted cobalt ferrite. Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030503). College Park; Maryland: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735418516.
83)    Mutadak, P., Bankar, P., Kolhe, P., Phase, D., More, M. (2019,December, 18-22). Modulation in work function of CdS-Bi2S3 heteroarchitecture and its correlation with FE behavior. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.) , Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019 (pp.030475). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
84)    Tikote, K., More, M.A., Chaure, N.B. (2019,December, 18-22). Polycrystalline and stoichiometric growth of CZTS by hydrothermal method. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030669). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
85)    Thorat, A.B., Taware, M.S., Bharud, V.D., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,December, 18-22). Reduction of graphene oxide using low energy (40 keV) argon ion irradiation. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030293). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
86)    Gavhane, K., Bhadane, M.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,December, 18-22). Study of dosimetric properties of Yb and Ce doped BaF2 nanophosphor. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030121). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
87)    Rathod, P.V., Pingale, R.S., Kshirsagar, A., Pingale, S.S. (2019,November, 18-20). Substituent Effect on the Electronic Structure and UV/Vis. Spectroscopic Properties of Polyacetylene Oligomers for Photovoltaic Devices: DFT and TD-DFT based investigations. In A. Srivastava(Ed.), Proceedings of International Workshop/Conference on Computational Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science: Materials of Energy and Environment, IWCCMP 2016(pp.6359-6363). Gwalior: Materials Today: Proceedings. ISBN: 2214-7853.
88)    Bhadane, M.S., Gavhane, K.H., Dahiwale, S.S., Patil, P.S., Dhole, S.D. (2019,December, 18-22). Synthesis and study of kinetic parameters of BaF2:Dy phosphor for dosimetry application. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030174). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
89)    Thorat, A.B., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,January, 15-19). Design and characterization of Einzel Lens system for its use in low energy ion accelerator system. In S. P. Ramanjaneyulu(Eds.), Proceedings of Biennial DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear and radiochemistry(pp.307). India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
90)    Mandal, R., Sengupta, D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Vijayaraghvan, P.R. (2019,November, 17-22). Boron depth profiling using neutron activation analysis. In R. Acharya(Eds.), Proceedings of International conference on modern trends in activation analysis(pp.13). India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
91)    Wadhai, S., Kanase, A., Deokar, R., Yedewar, P., Banpurkar, A. (2019,December, 14-15). UV-resistant superhydrophobic surface on copper foil. In K. Bajpai(Eds.), Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Multidimensional Role of Basic Science in Advanced Technology, ICMBAT 2018(pp.030037). India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735418363.
92)    Ukarande, A., Londhe, P.U., Chaure, S., Chaure, N.B., (2019,December, 18-22). Role of complexing agent on the properties of CdS thin films. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019 . Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
93)    Kandare, S.P., Dhole, S.D., Rao, R., Rao, M., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,December, 18-22 ). Synthesis of nano-Cu2CoSnS4 chalcogenide using microwave assist method. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030180). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
94)    Yedewar, P., Wadhai, S., Banpurkar, A. (2019,December, 18-22). AC and DC Voltage electrowetting on ferroelectric polymer for low voltage applications. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030309). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250.
95)    Sahoo, S., Salunke-Gawali, S., Pathan, H. (2018,December, 14-15). Benzo[a]phenoxazine dyes as efficient photosensitizers in DSSCs, Advanced Material Sythesis, Characterization and Applications (AMCA-2018). In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Applications(AMSCA-2018). Pune, India: Department of physics, SPPU.
96)    Beedri, N.I., Baviskar, P.K., Supekar, A.T., Inamuddin, I., Jadkar, S.R., Pathan, H.M. (2018,July, 11-15). Bilayered ZnO/Nb2O5 photoanode for dye sensitized solar cell. In M. More(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1840046). Pune, India: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9792.
97)    Chaure, N.B. (2018,August, 9-11). Deposition and characterization of zinc telluride thin film as interface layer for CdTe solar cells. Proceedings of Proceedings of the international conference on surface engineering. Bangalore, India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
98)    Shahane, S., Sidhaye, D. (2018,July, 11-15). Facile biosynthesis of reduced graphene oxide nanostructures via reduction by tagetes erecta (marigold flower) plant extract. In M. More(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on the Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1840068). Pune, India: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9792.
99)    Bhadane, M.S., Gavhane, K.H., Jadhav, A.P., Katre, K.T., Dahiwale, S.S., Asokan, K., Kanjilal, D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2018,December, 18-22). Nanoparticles of CaSO4:Dy as a sensitive TL material for 100 MeV O7+ swift heavy ions. In A. Biswas(Eds.), Proceedings of 63rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030143). Haryana; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735418516.
100)    Dalal, A., Mandal, A., Adhi, S., Adhi, K.P. (2018,July, 11-15). Study on integration of aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films with graphene oxide (GO). In M. More(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on the Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP)(pp.1840044). Pune, India: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9792.
101)    Vallabhapurapu, S., Du, S., Mahule, T.S., Chaure, N.B., Srinivasu, V.V., Roham, A., Tu, C., Srinivasan, A. (2018,October, 3). Resistive Switching Memory Effect and Conduction Mechanism in Nano-Silver Incorporated Type-A Gelatin Films. Proceedings of Open Innovations Conference(pp.281-284). Johannesburg, South Africa: IEEE. ISBN: 9781538653180.
102)    Shinde, O.S., Schenller, E.J., Jadkar, S.R., Ghaisas, S.V., Dhere, N (2018,June, 25-30). CIGSe Absorber Preparation: an Alternative to H2Se. Proceedings of IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference(pp.1701-1703). Washington, United States of America: IEEE. ISBN: 9781509056057.
103)    Koinkar, P., Ohsumi, Y., Kanazawa, M., Furube, A., Gavhane, D., More, M.A. (2018,July, 11-15). Field emission properties of laser ablated multi-walled carbon nanotubes. In M. More(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1840045). Pune, India: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9792.
104)    Kanazawa, M., Koinkar, P., Furube, A., Gavhane, D., More, M.A. (2018,July, 11-15). Enhancement in field emission of MoS2 nanosheets prepared in water using laser ablation method. In M. More(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1840064). Pune, India: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9792.
105)    Chavan, K.B., Chaure, N.B. (2018,December, 18-22). Structural and morphological properties of DC sputtered Mo thin films for solar cell applications. In A. Biswas(Eds.), Proceedings of 63rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030590). Haryana; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735418516.
106)    Sahoo, S., Chadar, D., Innamuddin, A., Pathan, H., Salunke, S. (2017,July, 11-15). Application of Benzol[α] phenoxazine derivativesM-5B, M-6B] as a photosensitizer in TiO2 based dye sensitizedsolar cells. In H.M. Pathan(Ed.), Proceedings of 8th International conference on Advanced Materials Development and performance, Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India. Pune, India: Department of physics, SPPU.
107)    Vallabhapurapu, S., Rohom, A., Chaure, N.B., Du, S., Srinivasan, A. (2017,November, 24-25). Bistable resistive memory behavior in gelatin-CdTe quantum dot composite film. In M.S. Shekhawat(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics. Bikaner; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735416482.
108)    Mandal, R., Pansare, G.R., Dighe, P.M., Mulik, V., Bhoraskar, V.N., Sengupta, D. (2017,November, 5-7). Cross-section values of formation of metastable states of 114In, 92Nb, 77Se and 73Se through (n,2n) reaction and the reactions 51V(n,α)48Sc, 115In(n,p)115Cd,60Ni(n,p)60mCo induced by neutrons generated through the 14 MeV neutron generator and the TALYS code. Proceedings of Marie Curie sesquicentennial conference. New Delhi, India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
109)    Thorat, A.B., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2017,October, 10-13). Development and characterization of a gaseous ion source (5 keV to 40 keV) for low energy Ion Accelerator System. Proceedings of International conference on high energy radiation and applications(pp.46-47). Vadodara, India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
110)    Rondiya, S., Rokade, A., Gabhale, B., Pandharkar, S., Chaudhari, M., Date, A., Chaudhary, M., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2017,December, 14-16). Effect of Bath Temperature on Optical and Morphology Properties of CdS Thin Films Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition. In F. Alam(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Power(pp.202-209). Melbourne, Australia: Elsevier. ISBN: 1876-6102.
111)    Ghogare, T.T., Kartha, M.J., Kendre, S.D., Pathan, H.M. (2017,December, 26-30). Experimental and simulation study of growth of TiO2 films on different substrates and its applications. In A. Das(Eds.), Proceedings of 62nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. Mumbai; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735416345.
112)    Chavan, G.T., Pawar, S.T., Prakshale, V.M., Mane, M.S., Ezugwu, S., Kamble, S.S., Chaure, N.B., Maldar, N.N., Deshmukh, L.P. (2017,October, 6-7). Fabrication of nanocrystalline Cd(Zn, S)Se thin films for PV-application: An electrochemical approach. In L.P. Deshmukh(Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano(pp.1-5). Solapur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735417052.
113)    Ghemud, V., Kshirsagar, A. (2017,December, 26-30). First-principle study of effect of variation of ‘x’on the band alignment in CZTS1-xSex. In A. Das(Eds.), Proceedings of 62nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. Mumbai; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735416345.
114)    Bharud, V.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Attar, F.M.D., Patil, B.J. (2017,October, 10-13). Measurement of (n, 2n) cross section of metastable state for a short half lived of 140Ce at 14.8 MeV neutron energy. Proceedings of International conference on high energy radiation and applications. Vadodara, India: International Atomic Energy Agency.
115)    Bharud, V.D., Attar, F.M.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2017). Measurement of formation cross-section of 140Pr in 141Pr(n,2n) reaction at 14.8 MeV. In Y. K. Gupta(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.496-497). Mumbai, India.
116)    E.J., Bak, S.I., Ham, C., Myung, H., Shim, C., Shin, J.W., Min, K.J., Zhou, Y., Park, T.S., Hong, S.W., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2017,September, 13). Measurements of 89Y(n,2n)88Y and 89Y(n,3n)87Y, 87mY cross sections for fast neutrons at KIRAMS. Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology(pp.1-4). France: EPJ Web of Conferences. ISBN: 2100-014X.
117)    Min, K.J., Bak, S.I., Ham, C., In, E.J., Myung, H., Shim, C., Shin, J.W., Zhou, Y., Park, T.S., Hong, S.W., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2017,September, 13). Measurements of cross sections for the 209Bi(n, 4n) reaction by using high energy neutrons with continuous energy spectra. Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology(pp.11043). France: EPJ Web of Conferences. ISBN: 2100-014X.
118)    Kulkarni, S., Thombare, B., Patil, S. (2017,November, 11-13). MnFe2O4: Synthesis, morphology and electrochemical properties. In D.G. Kuberkar(Eds.), Proceedings of Functional Oxides and Nanomaterials AIP Conference Proceedings(pp.040044). Saurashtra University Rajkot, Gujarat: American Institute of Physics. ISBN: 9780735415072.
119)    Ghodke, N., Kamble, S., Raut, S., Puranik, S., Bhoraskar, S.V., Rayaprol, S., Mathe, V.L. (2017,December, 26-30). Oxidation behaviour of Fe-Ni alloy nanoparticles synthesized by thermal plasma route. In A. Das(Eds.), Proceedings of 62nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. Mumbai; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735416345.
120)    Prakshale, V.M., Chavan, G.T., Pawar, S.T., Bangi, U.K.H., Sikora, A., Kamble, S.S., Chaure, N.B., Maldar, N.N., Deshmukh, L.P. (2017,October, 6-7). Some characteristics properties of chemically grown Cd1-xZnxSe thin films. In L.P. Deshmukh(Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano(pp.1-3). Solapur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735417052.
121)    Diwate, K., Mohite, K., Shinde, M., Rondiya, S., Pawbake, A., Date, A., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2017,December, 14-16). Synthesis and Characterization of Chemical Spray Pyrolysed CZTS Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications. In F. Alam(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Power(pp.180-187). Melbourne, Australia: Elsevier. ISBN: 1876-6102.
122)    Mandal, R., Mulik, V., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Sengupta, D. (2017). Trends in (n,γ) reaction with atomic number(6 to 109) for most abundant isotope of each element using TALYS and EXFOR. In Y. K. Gupta(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.656-657). Mumbai, India.
123)    Kurhe, N., Funde, A., Gokhale, P., Jadkar, S., Ghaisas, S., Date, A. (2017,December,14-16). Development of Low Temperature Heat Engine for Water Pumping Application. In F. Alam(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Power(pp.292-297). Melbourne, Australia: Elsevier. ISBN: 1876-6102.
124)    Jadhavar, A., Pawbake, A., Waykar, R., Jadkar, S. R., Kulkarni, R., Bhorde, A., Rondiya, S., Funde, A. M., Patil, D., Date, A., Pathan, H. M. (2017,December, 14-16). Growth of Hydrogenated Nano-crystalline Silicon (nc-Si:H) Films by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE-CVD). In F. Alam(Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Power(pp.45-52). Melbourne, Australia: Elsevier. ISBN: 1876-6102.
125)    Bhand, G.R., Motwani, N., Chaure, N.B. (2017,May, 23). Effect of deposition time on the properties of Al doped ZnO films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering. Proceedings of AIP Conference Proceedings(pp.080054). New York: AIP Publishing.
126)    Jadhav, P., Bhand, G.R., Mohite, K.C., Chaure, N.B. (2017,May, 27). CdS quantum dots synthesized by low-cost wet chemical technique. Proceedings of AIP Conference Proceedings(pp.050146). New York: AIP Publishing.
127)    Parveen, F., Sannakki, B., Jagtap, C.V., Kadam, V.S., Pathan, H.M. (2017,October, 6-7). Surface plasmon enhanced performance of TiO2 photoanode for dye sensitized solar cell using silver nanoparticles. In L.P. Deshmukh(Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano(pp.1-6). Solapur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735417052.
128)    Keswani, B.C., Patil, S.I., Kolekar, Y.D. (2017,December, 26-30). Investigation of structural, ferroelectric, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of Ba0. 92Ca0. 08TiO3-BaTi0. 96Zr0. 04O3 lead-free electroceramics. In A. Das(Eds.), Proceedings of 62nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. Mumbai; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735416345.
129)    Ghone, D.M., Patankar, K.K., Mathe, V.L., Kaushik, S.D. (2017,December, 26-30). Influence of substitution of yttrium in cobalt ferrite on the structural, magnetic and magnetostrictive properties. In A. Das(Eds.), Proceedings of 62nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. Mumbai; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735416345.
130)    Pawar, S.T., Chavan, G.T., Prakshale, V.M., Sikora, A., Pawar, S.M., Kamble, S.S., Chaure, N.B., Maldar, N.N., Deshmukh, L.P. (2017,October, 6-7). Solution grown ZnSe: Co nanocrystalline thin films: The characteristic properties. In L.P. Deshmukh(Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano(pp.1-4). Solapur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735417052.
131)    Gosavi, S.W. (2016,December, 7-8). Development of Functionalized Nanocomposite based VOCs ( Volatile Organic Compounds) Profiler: An Aid on Early Diagnosis of Cance. In S. R. Kokare(Ed.), Proceedings of International conference on Advances in Materials Science(pp.16-20). Na. ISBN: 9789352544905.
132)    Gore, S., Rohom, A.B., Londhe, P.U., Chaure, N.B. (2016,December, 26-30). Effect of oxidizing agent on the properties of polyaniline thin films. In S. Singh(Eds.), Proceedings of AIP Conference Proceedings. Bhubaneswar; India: American Institute of Physics. ISBN: 9780735415003.
133)    Sabari, S., Dey, B. (2016,December, 26-30). Hydrodynamics of vortices and solitons in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate. In S. Singh(Eds.), Proceedings of 61st DAE Solid State Physics Symposium(pp.030007). Odisha; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735415003.
134)    Kulkarni, R.R., Pawbake, A.S., Waykar, R.G., Rondiya, S.R., Jadhavar, A.A., Pandharkar, S.M., Karpe, S.D., Diwate, K.D., Jadkar, S.R. (2016,October, 24-25). Properties of RF sputtered cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin films: Influence of deposition pressure. In N.N. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2015, ETMN 2015(pp.020088). Rajasthan; India: AIP Publishing. ISBN: 9780735413719.
135)    Reddy, P., Bhade, S.P.D., Kolekar, R.V., Singh, R., Pulhani, V., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2016,February, 22-25). Selective separation of iron interference from uranium in extractive liquid scintillation analysis. Proceedings of Proceedings of the international conference on radiological safety in workplace, nuclear facilities and environment(pp.83). Kalpakkam; India: Indian Association for Radiation Protection.
136)    Ghadage, P.A., Ghodake, U.R., Kambale, R.C., Suryavanshi, S.S (2016,November, 11-13). Structural and dielectric properties of pure and Dy3+ substituted BiFeO3 particles synthesized by auto-combustion method. In D.G. Kuberkar(Eds.), Proceedings of Functional Oxides and Nanomaterials AIP Conference Proceedings(pp.040039). Gujarat; India: American Institute of Physics . ISBN: 9780735415072.
137)    Rondiya, S.R., Rokade, A.V., Jadhavar, A.A., Pandharkar, S.M., Kulkarni, R.R., Karpe, S.D., Diwate, K.D., Jadkar, S.R. (2016,October, 24-25). Synthesis and characterization of DC magnetron sputtered nano structured molybdenum thin films. In N. N. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2015, ETMN 2015(pp.020089). Rajasthan; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413719.
138)    Shinde, O.S., Funde, A.M., Jadkar, S.R., Dusane, R.O., Dhere, N.G., Ghaisas, S.V. (2016,August, 26-29). Reliability and efficacy of organic passivation for polycrystalline silicon solar cells at room temperature. In N.G. Dhere(Eds.), Proceedings of Reliability of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, Components, and Systems IX(pp.99380G). United States: SPIE Digital Library.
139)    Harpale, K., Bansode, S., More, M., Late, D.J. (2016,July, 11-15). Field emission investigation of composites of Polypyrrole with graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and graphene nanoribbons. Proceedings of 29th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2016. Canada: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781509024193.
140)    Rokade, A., Rondiya, S., Date, A., Sharma, V., Prasad, M., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S (2016,December, 14-16). Electrochemical Synthesis of Core-shell ZnO/CdS Nanostructure for Photocatalytic Water Splitting Application. In H. Chowdhury(Eds.), Proceedings of Energy Procedia, Conference on Energy and Power, ICEP 2016(pp.121-127). RMIT University Melbourne; Australia: Elsevier. ISBN: 1876-6102.
141)    Joshi, P.D., Joag, D.S., Mulla, I.S., Late, D.J. (2016,July, 11-15). Single SnO 2 nanowire: Field emission investigations. Proceedings of 29th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2016. Canada: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781509024193.
142)    Keswani, B.C., Patil, S.I., Kolekar, Y.D. (2016,December, 7-8). Tuning the structural, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of lead free Ca - modified BaTiO 3 ceramics . In S. R. Kokare(Ed.), Proceedings of International conference on Advances in Materials Science(pp.18-24). ISBN: 9789352544905.
143)    Kadhane, P.S., Baraskar, B.G., Darvade, T.C., Kolekar, Y.D., Kambale, R.C. (2016,December, 7-8). Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Ba0.99 Ca0.01 Ti0.99 Sn0.01 O3 Lead - Free Piezoc eramic. In S. R. Kokare(Ed.), Proceedings of International conference on Advances in Materials Science (pp.51-53). ISBN: 9789352544905.
144)    Sarode, M.T., Khollam, Y.B., Jadkar, S.R., Kale, B.B., Mohite, K.C. (2016,September, 9-10). Eosin-Y and Rose Bengal sensitized solar cell characteristics of N-doped nanocrystalline TiO2 films. Proceedings of Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization Techniques(pp.1193-1198). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781509020812.
145)    Mandal, A., Shinde, S.D., Adhi, S.K., Adhi, K.P. (2016,February, 12-13). Enhanced line emission from Eu3+ ions doped in highly c-axis oriented, Pulsed Laser deposited ZnO thin films. Proceedings of Raman Memorial Conference(pp.118). Pune; India.
146)    Bhosale, S.V., Bhoraskar, S.V., Mathe, V.L. (2016,December, 7-8). CoFe 2 O 4 @SiO 2 core shell magnetic nanoparticles as a novel adsorbent for aqueous heavy meta l removal. In S. R. Kokare(Ed.), Proceedings of International conference on Advances in Materials Science (pp.66-68). ISBN: 9789352544905.
147)    Kulkarni, R., Rondiya, S., Pawbake, A., Waykar, R., Jadhavar, A., Jadkar, V., Bhorde, A., Date, A., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S (2016,December, 14-16). Structural and Optical Properties of CdTe Thin Films Deposited Using RF Magnetron Sputtering. In H. Chowdhury(Eds.), Proceedings of Energy Procedia, Conference on Energy and Power, ICEP 2016(pp.188-195). RMIT University Melbourne; Australia: Elsevier. ISBN: 1876-6102.
148)    Bhadane, M.S., Dahiwale, S.S., Hareesh, K., Gavhane, K.H., Asokan, K., Kanjilal, D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2016,December, 26-30). Structural, morphological, thermal and dosimetric properties of CaF2: Dy nanophosphor for 100 keV Cu− ion irradiation. In S. Singh(Eds.), Proceedings of 61st DAE Solid State Physics Symposium(pp.050124). Odisha; India: American Institute of Physics. ISBN: 9780735415003.
149)    Patil, G.P., Bagal, V.S., Deore, A.B., More, M.A., Chavan, P.G. (2016,December, 26-30). TiO2 nanotubes decorated by silver nanocubes: Extraction of high field emission current density. In S. Singh(Eds.), Proceedings of 61st DAE Solid State Physics Symposium(pp.050004). Odisha; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735415003.
150)    Beedri, N.I., Sayyed, S.A., Jadkar, S.R., Pathan, H.M. (2016,December, 26-30). Rose Bengal sensitized niobium pentaoxide photoanode for dye sensitized solar cell application. In S. Singh(Eds.), Proceedings of 61st DAE Solid State Physics Symposium(pp.040022). Odisha; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735415003.
151)    Inamdar, Y., Beedri, N., Kodam, K., Shaikh, A., Pathan, H. (2015,January, 6-8). Aggregation of ZnO nanocrystallites using polyol process for dye (reactive red) sensitized solar cell. In B. Bhattacharya(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Engineering(pp.52-57). Greater Noida, India: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 1022-1360.
152)    Rane, S., Gosavi, S., Awate, S., Uamrji, G., Arbuj, S., Rane, S. (2015,March, 8-10). Al2O3 modified ZnO composite thick film for ethanol gas sensing . Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors, Proceedings(pp.307-309). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781467380188.
153)    Late, D.J., Erande, M.B., Suryawanshi, S.R., More, M.A. (2015,July, 13-17). Black phosphorous nanosheets: Prospective field emitter. In Zou Q.(Eds.), Proceedings of 28th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC)(pp.94-95). Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou; China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781467393560.
154)    Kandare, S.P., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S. (2015,December, 21-25). Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoflakes prepared by one step microwave irradiation technique: Effect of Cu concentration. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.050084). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
155)    Tagad, C.K., Sabharwal, S.G., Aiyer, R.C. (2015,March, 8-10). Detection of acid phosphatase activity using ATP conferred protection of AgNPs against salt induced aggregation. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors, Proceedings(pp.173-176). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
156)    Dhale, R., Dhongade, V., Aiyer, R.C., Kodam, K.M. (2015,March, 8-10). Development of optical fiber based chlorophyll and anthocyanin coated carbon dioxide biosensor. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS 2015(pp.39-42). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781467380188.
157)    Gaikwad, S.K., Ghodekar, V.G., Ramdasi, O.A., Kharat, S.P., Kakade, S.G., Kambale, R.C., Kolekar, Y.D. (2015,December, 21-25). Effect of Zr4+ substitution on ferroelectric and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 ceramics. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.140061). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
158)    Gavhane, D.S., Bankar, P.K., Kolhe, P.S., Suryawanshi, S.R., More, M.A. (2015,July, 13-17). Efficient field emission from graphene nanosheets decorated with platinum nanoparticles. In Q. Zou(Eds.), Proceedings of 28th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2015(pp.114-115). Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou; China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467393560.
159)    Rokade, A.V., Rondiya, S.R., Jadhavar, A.A., Pandharkar, S.M., Karpe, S.D., Diwate, K.D., Jadkar, S.R. (2015,October, 24-25). Electrochemical synthesis of p-Cu2O/n-ZnO nanorods hetero-junction for photovoltaic application. In N.N. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2015(pp.020009 ). Rajasthan; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413719.
160)    Koinkar, P.M., Daisuke Yonekura., Ri-Ichi Murakami., More, M.A. (2015,July, 17-20). Field electron emission characteristics of plasma treated carbon nanotubes. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1540030-1540033). Busan, South Korea: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9849.
161)    Koinkar, P.M., Daisuke Yonekura., Ri-Ichi Murakami., More, M.A. (2015,July, 17-20). Field electron emission, Hydrogen plasma, Double walled carbon nanotubes. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1540030-1540033). Busan, South Korea: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9849.
162)    Bankar, P.K., Gavhane, D.S., Kolhe, P.S., Warule, S.S., More, M.A. (2015,December, 21-25). Field emission behaviour of manganese oxide nanorods synthesized by hydrothermal method . In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.120030). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
163)    Kori, P., Dhongade, V., Aiyer, R.C. (2015,March, 8-10). High temperature operable low humidity (10 to 20%RH) sensor using spin coated SnO2 thin films. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors, Proceedings(pp.200-203). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
164)    Kandare, S.P., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S. (2015,December, 21-25). Hydrothermally synthesized barium fluoride nanocubes for thermoluminescence dosimetry. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.050149). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
165)    Kakade, S.G., Kambale, R.C., Kolekar, Y.D. (2015,December, 16-20). Influence of pH on the structural and magnetic behavior of cobalt ferrite synthesized by sol-gel auto-combustion. In D. Bhattacharyya(Eds.), Proceedings of Solid State Physics: Proceedings Of The 59th Dae Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.130057). Tamilnadu, India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735413108.
166)    Bansode, A.S., More, S.E., Bhoraskar, S.V., Ajit, M.R., Mathe, V.L. (2015,May, 13-15). Interaction of atomic oxygen species generated using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma with thermal protecting system (TPS) material. In Narayanan P.R(Eds.), Proceedings of Materials Science Forum-Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Strategic Sector(pp.561-564). Trivandrum; India: Trans Tech Publications Ltd. ISBN: 978303835536.
167)    Shelke, P.N., Khollam, Y.B., Gunjal, S.D., Koinkar, P.M., Jadkar, S.R., Mohite, K.C. (2015,July, 17-20). LPG and NH 3 sensing characteristics of DC electrochemically deposited Co 3 O 4 films. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1540043). Busan, South Korea: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9849.
168)    Thakur, P., Durganandini, P. (2015,December, 21-25). Magnetic and electric order in the spin-1/2 XX model with three-spin interactions . In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.130051). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
169)    Kharat, S.P., Darvade, T.C., Gaikwad, S.K., Baraskar, B.G., Kakade, S.G., Kambale, R.C., Kolekar, Y.D. (2015,December, 21-25). Magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 and ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by novel chemical route. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.130056). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
170)    Harpale, K., More, M.A., Koinkar, P.M., Patil, S.S., Sonawane, K.M., (2015,July, 17-20). Polypyrrole nanostructures and their field emission investigations. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1540035). Busan, South Korea: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9849.
171)    Gaikwad, P.V., Sharma, S.K., Mukherjee, S., Sudarshan, K., Maheshwari, P., Pujari, P.K., Kshirsagar, A. (2015,November, 9-14). Positron annihilation studies in Li-implanted alumina. In Pujari P.K.(Eds.), Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry, PPC 2014(pp.012017). Cidade de Goa; India: Institute of Physics Publishing. ISBN: 1742-6588.
172)    Gunjal, S.D., Khollam, Y.B., Arote, S.A., Jadkar, S.R., Shelke, P.N., Mohite, K.C. (2015,January, 6-8). Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Spray Pyrolysis Deposited CdS Films. In B. Bhattacharya(Ed.), Proceedings of Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Spray Pyrolysis Deposited CdS Films(pp.9-15). Greater Noida, India: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 1022-1360.
173)    Dastan, D., Gosavi, S.W., Chaure, N.B. (2015,January, 6-8). Studies on electrical properties of hybrid polymeric gate dielectrics for field effect transistors. In B. Bhattacharya(Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Engineering(pp.81-86). Greater Noida, India: Wiley-VCH GmbH, Weinheim. ISBN: 1022-1360.
174)    Mahapure, P.D., Gosavi, S.W., Aiyer, R.C. (2015,March, 8-10). Studies on PVP, PVA and their nAg composites based humidity sensors. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS 2015(pp.181-186). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
175)    Dubey, R.S., Rajesh, Y.B.R.D., More, M.A. (2015). Synthesis and Characterization of SiO2 Nanoparticles via Sol-gel Method for Industrial Applications. In S.K. Singh(Ed.), Proceedings of 4th International conference on Materials Processing and Characterzation(pp.3575-3579). Elsevier. ISBN: 2214-7853.
176)    Ramdasi, O.A., Kolekar, Y.D., Kim, D.J., Song, T.K., Kambale, R.C. (2015,December, 21-25). Synthesis mechanism and improved (100) oriented NaNbO3 templates by ultrasonication. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.100015). India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
177)    Pawbake, A.S., Waman, V.S., Waykar, R.G., Mayabadi, A.H., Kulkarni, R.R., Pathan, H.M., Jadkar, S.R. (2015,March, 8-10). Synthesis of nanocrystalline silicon carbide thin films by HW-CVD using ethane carbon precursor for photo detector application. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors, Proceedings(pp.88-93). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
178)    Patil, B.J., Bhadane, M.S., Mandlik, N.T., Dahiwale, S.S., Kulkarni, M.S., Bhatt, B.C., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2015,June, 24). Thermoluminescence response of K2Ca2 (SO4) 3 nanophosphor Co-doped with Eu and Ce for gamma ray dosimetry. Proceedings of SOLID STATE PHYSICS: 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.050109). American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 0094-243X.
179)    Chakravarty, D., More, M.A., Khare, D. (2015,July, 17-20). Transformation of ZnO nanorods into nanotubes and their field emission studies. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.1540044-1540048). Busan, South Korea: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN: 0217-9849.
180)    Khare, R.T., More, M.A., Late, D.J. (2015,July, 13-17). Transition metal di-chalcogenides and their nanocomposite prospective field emitters . In Q. Zou(Eds.), Proceedings of 28th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2015(pp.98-99). China: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467393577.
181)    Mithun, T., Porsezian, K., Dey, B. (2015,December, 21-25 ). Vortex lattice disorder in pseudorandom potential in rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.030021). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
182)    Dhongade, V., More, P.U., Aiyer, R.C., Bamsaoud, S.F. (2015,March, 8-10). Fe2O3-PdO doped SnO2 based room temperature operable LPG sensor. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors (ISPTS 2015)(pp.35-38). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380195.
183)    Bogle, K.A., Narwade, R.D., Phatangare, A.B., Dahiwale, S.S., Mahabole, M.P., Khairnar, R.S. (2015,October, 30-31). Polycrystalline BiFeO3 thin film synthesized via sol-gel assisted spin coating technique for photosensitive application . In M.S. Shekhawat(Eds.), Proceedings of Condensed Matter and Applied Physics(pp.020318). Bikaner; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413757.
184)    Baraskar, B.G., Kharat, S.P., Kakade, S.G., Kambale, R.C., Kolekar, Y.D., Wada, S. (2015,March, 8-10). Ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of (Ba0.7Ca0.3)(Ti1-xSnx)O3 lead-free ceramics. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors, Proceedings(pp.11-14). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781467380188.
185)    Bansode, S.R., Khare, R.T., More, M.A., Late, D.J. (2015,July, 13-17). One-pot thermal evaporation synthesis of CdS-RGO hetrostructure and its field emission study . In Zou Q(Eds.), Proceedings of 28th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference(pp.82-83). Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou; China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467393560.
186)    Bansode, P.S., Makhija, K., Gangal, S.A., Aiyer, R.C. (2015,March, 7-10). Non-destructive measurement of dielectric constant using a 2.4 GHz microstrip patch antenna. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.219-223 ). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
187)    Baraskar, B.G., Kakade, S.G., James, A.R., Kambale, R.C., Kolekar, Y.D. (2015,December, 21-25). Improved ferroelectric, piezoelectric and electrostrictive properties of dense BaTiO3 ceramic . In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.140066). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
188)    Bhadane, M.S., Patil, B.J., Dahiwale, S.S., Kulkarni, M.S., Bhatt, B.C., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of CaF2:Dy nanophosphor for dosimetric application. Proceedings of AIP Conference Proceeding (pp.0501131-0501133). American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 0094-243X.
189)    Keswani, B.C., Kambale, R.C., Kolekar, Y.D. (2015,March, 8-10). Ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of Fe doped lead free BaTiO3-CaTiO3 electroceramics. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors, Proceedings(pp.102-105). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
190)    Patil, G.P., Bagal, V.S., Chavan, P.G., Suryawanshi, S.R., More, M.A. (2015,July, 13-17). Enhanced field emission study of SnS/TiO2 nanocomposite. In Zou Q(Eds.), Proceedings of 28th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference(pp.116-117). Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou, China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467393560.
191)    Arote, S.A., Tabhane, V., Gunjal, S.D., Mohite, K.C., Pathan, H.M. (2015,January, 6-8). Structural and Optical Properties of Electrodeposited Porous SnO2 Films: Effect of Applied Potential and Post Deposition Annealing Treatment. In B. Bhattacharya, Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Engineering(pp.75-80). Greater Noida, India: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 1022-1360.
192)    Bhandarkar, L.V., Patil, S.I. (2015,October, 30- November, 1). Effect of annealing on the structural and magnetic properties of sol-gel synthesized Co doped ZnO. Proceedings of Energy Systems and Applications(pp.543-545). Pune; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467368179.
193)    Kolhe, P.S., Bankar, P.K., Gavhane, D.S., Sonawane, K.M., Maiti, N., More, M.A. (2015,December, 21-25). Synthesis of bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) nanoflakes and their field emission investigation. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.120029). India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788.
194)    Thakur, A.K., Choudhary, R.B., Sartale, S.D., Desai, M. (2015,October, 30-31). Polythiophene-carbon nanotubes composites as energy storage materials for supercapacitor application. In M.S. Shekhawat(Eds.), Proceedings of Condensed Matter and Applied Physics(pp.020030). Bikaner; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413757.
195)    Janrao, P.S., Maurya, J.C., Bhoraskar, S.V., Mathe, V.L. (2015,March, 8-10). Magnetic field sensor based on Zn doped cobalt ferrites synthesized by chemical co-precipitation route. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors: Dive Deep Into Sensors(pp.159-161). United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467380188.
196)    Suryawanshi, S.R., Late, D.J., More, M.A., Singh, A.K., Sinha, S. (2015,July, 13-15). Synthesis of GdB6 nanostructures using nanosecond (Nd: YAG) laser: Field emission investigation. In Zou Q(Eds.), Proceedings of 28th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference(pp.122-123). Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou; China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467393577.
197)    Godbole, R.V., Godbole, V.P., Rao, P., Alegaokar, P.S., Bhagwat, S. (2015,March, 8-10). Influence of fuel to oxidizer ratio on gas sensing characteristics of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS 2015(pp.147-153). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781467380188.
198)    Mayabadi, A., Pathan, H.M., Jadkar, S.R. (2015,February, 4-6). Structural, electrical and photoelectrochemical properties of calcined SnO2/TiO2 nanocomposite films for solar cell applications. In S. Mande(Eds.), Proceedings of Technologies for Sustainable Development. Mumbai; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781479981878.
199)    Paul, S., Gupta, P., John, R.S., Punjabi, V. (2015,October, 20-23). Uniqueness of galaxy groups in the structural hierarchy from its radio signature. In Isabella Prandoni(Ed.), Proceedings of The Many Facets of Extragalactic Radio Surveys: Towards New Scientific Challenges(pp.65). Italy: Proceedings of Science. ISBN: 1824-8039.
200)    Khanore, M., Dey, B. (2014,December, 16–20). Coexistence of Mott and superfluid domains of bosons confined in optical lattice. Proceedings of Solid State Physics: Proceedings Of The 59th Dae Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.012061). Tamilnadu, India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 1551-7616.
201)    Bansode, S., Khare, R., Harpale, K., Kolhe, P., More, M. (2014,December, 16-20). Direct synthesis of Cu2O-RGO nanocomposite on Cu foil by thermal evaporation method and its field emission study. In D. Bhattacharyya(Eds.), Proceedings of SOLID STATE PHYSICS: Proceedings of the 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.050181). Tamilnadu, India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735413108.
202)    Godse, L.S., Karandikar, P.B., Gosavi, S.W. (2014,August, 23-24). Effect of ball milling on capacitance of electrochemical double layer capacitor. Proceedings of IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference: South Asia Satellite, GHTC-SAS 2013(pp.209-212). Trivandrum; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781479910953.
203)    Mithun, T., Porsezian, K., Dey, B. (2014,December, 16-20). Effect of impurities on the vortex lattice in Bose-Einstein condensates on optical lattice. In D. Bhattacharyya(Eds.), Proceedings of 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.030036). India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413108.
204)    Rupiasih, N.N., Vidyasagar, P.B. (2014,October, 16-17). Effect of UV-C radiation and hypergravity on germination, growth and content of chlorophyll of wheat seedlings. In N.N. Rupiasih(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics(pp.30035). Bali; Indonesia: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413665.
205)    Suryawanshi, S.R., Kolhe, P.S., Gavhane, D.S., Patil, S.S., Chavan, P.G., More, M.A., Late, D.J. (2014,July, 6-10). Enhancement in the field emission behavior of graphene in N2/O2 high vacuum ambience. In T. Feurer(Eds.), Proceedings of 27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2014(pp.155-156). Switzerland: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781479953080.
206)    Khadtare, S.S., Jadkar, S.R., Hui, K.N., Mane, R.S., Pathan, H.M. (2014,October, 17-19). Eosin-Y (EY), rose bengal (RB) and EY-RB sensitized ZnO solar cells. Proceedings of Renewable and Sustainable Energy(pp.97-99). Morocco: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781479973361.
207)    Dharmadhikari, C.V., Kolekar, S.K., Kaushik, V., Vankar, V.D., Patole, S.P., Yoo, J.B. (2014,July, 6-10). Field emission properties of vertically grown Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoflakes and mechanically exfoliated Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite: A comparison. In Braun H.H.(Eds.), Proceedings of 27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2014(pp.40-41). Engelberg; Switzerland: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781479953080.
208)    Ghodake, U.R., Chaudhari, N.D., Kambale, R.C., Suryawanshi, S.S. (2014,December, 5-7). Initial permeability studies of Mn substituted Mg-Zn ferrites synthesized by oxalate precursors . In S. Pandian(Eds.), Proceedings of Magnetic Materials and Applications(pp.152-158). Assam; India: Elsevier. ISBN: 1875-3884.
209)    Thakur, P., Durganandini, P. (2014,December, 16–20). Magnetoelectric effects in the spin-1/2 XXZ model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. In D. Bhattacharyya(Eds.), Proceedings of Solid State Physics: Proceedings Of The 59th Dae Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.130051). Tamilnadu, India: AIP Publishing. ISBN: 9780735413108.
210)    Mulik, V.K., Mulik, V.K., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Naik, H. (2014,December, 8-12). Measurement of 107 Ag (n, 2n) 106 Ag g reaction cross-section at 14.8 MeV neutron energy. In B.K. Nayak(Eds.), Proceedings of DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics(pp.518-519). India.
211)    Patil, S.S., Harpale, K., More, M.A., Kulkarni, A., Sonawane, K. (2014,July, 6-10). Morphology dependent field emission characteristics of polypyrrole thin film emitters. In H.-H. Braun(Eds.), Proceedings of 27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2014(pp.239-240). Switzerland: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781479953080.
212)    Bansode, S.R., Khare, R.T., Suryawanshi, S.R., Patil, S.S., More, M.A. (2014,July, 6-10). One step synthesis of SnO2-RGO nanocomposite by thermal evaporation and its field emission study. In H.-H. Braun(Eds.), Proceedings of 27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2014(pp.81-82). Switzerland: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781479953080.
213)    Chavan, P.G., More, M.A., Joag, D.S., Badadhe, S.S., Mulla, I.S. (2014,July, 6-10). Photo-enhanced field emission studies of tapered CdS nanobelts. In H.-H. Braun(Eds.), Proceedings of 27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2014(pp.83-84). Switzerland: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781479953080.
214)    Kharat, S.P., Kakade, S.G., Kambale, R.C., Kolekar, Y.D. (2014,December, 16–20). Studies on structural and magnetic properties of Gd3+ substituted CoFe2O4 nanoparticles with emphasis on Mössbauer spectroscopy . Proceedings of Solid State Physics: Proceedings Of The 59th Dae Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.130058). Tamilnadu, India: AIP Publishing. ISBN: 9780735413108.
215)    Mandlik, N., Varma, V., Bhoraskar, V.N., Mathe, V.L., Bhoraskar, S.V., Dhole, S.D., Kulkarni, M.S., Bhatt, B.C., Sahare, P.D. (2014). Study of dosimetric characteristics of nanocrystalline Al O3: C synthesized by thermal plasma reactor. In D.D. Rao(Eds.), Proceedings of Thirty first IARP national conference on advances in radiation measurement systems and techniques(pp.157). India.
216)    Kolhe, P.S., Suryawanshi, S.R., Shisode, R.T., More, M.A. (2014,December, 16–20). Synthesis and field emission behaviour of well faceted In2Se3 micro-crystals. In D. Bhattacharyya(Eds.), Proceedings of SOLID STATE PHYSICS: Proceedings of the 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.050176). Tamilnadu, India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735413108.
217)    Mandlik,N., Dahiwale, S.S., Patil, B.J., Bhadane, M.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Sahare, P.D. (2014,March, 19-21). Thermoluminescence characteristic and phase transition of K 2 Ca 2 (SO 4) 3: Eu nanophosphor at different annealing temperatures. In D.D. Rao(Eds.), Proceedings of Thirty first IARP national conference on advances in radiation measurement systems and techniques(pp.158). India.
218)    Mandal, R., Sengupta, D., Mulik, V., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2014,May, 8-10). Trend of variation of cross-section of fission in nuclei from mass region A= 120 to A= 250 with 14 MeV neutrons. In D.C.Biswas(Eds.), Proceedings of 75-years of nuclear fission: present status and future perspectives. India.
219)    Khadtare, S.S., Ansari, A.S.A., Sartale, S.D., Jadkar, S.R., Pathan, H.M. (2014,October, 17-19). ZnO nanocactus loaded with gold nanoparticles for dye sensitized solar cells. Proceedings of Renewable and Sustainable Energy(pp.94-96). Morocco: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781479973361.
220)    Pawar, C.S., Gujar, M.P., Mathe, V.L. (2014,December, 16–20). Synthesis and characterization of nano crystalline nickel zinc ferrite for chlorine gas sensor at room temperature . In D. Bhattacharyya(Eds.), Proceedings of SOLID STATE PHYSICS: Proceedings of the 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.050060). Tamilnadu, India: SPIE. ISBN: 9780735413108.
221)    Maurya, J.C., Karmakar, S., Barve, S., Bhoraskar, S.V., Das, A.K., Mathe, V.L. (2013,December, 17-21). Assessing the purity of CNT from its composite with polymer - A new approach. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.534-536). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
222)    Mithun, T., Porsezian, K., Dey, B. (2013,December, 17-21). Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating double-well potential: Hidden vortices and Feynman rule. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.104-106). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/ 094-243X.
223)    Kahane, S.V., Sasikala, R., Sudarsan, V., Mahamuni, S. (2013,December, 17-21). CdO-CdS nano-composites as improved photo-catalysts for the generation of hydrogen from water. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.279-281). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
224)    Shahzad, A.A., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2013,November, 19-22). Design of electron beam bending magnet system using three sector magnets for electron and photon therapy: a simulation approach. In V.S. Pandit(Ed.), Proceedings of Indian particle accelerator conference(pp.463-465). India.
225)    Kashid, R.V., Dhole, S.D., More, M.A., Panchakarla, L.S. (2013,July, 8-12). Effect of 6 MeV electron beam irradiation on the field emission current noise behavior of graphene. Proceedings of 26th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2013. United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467359931.
226)    Janrao, P., Mathe, V.L. (2013,December, 17-21). Effect of sintering on structural and dielectric properties of PLZT ferroelectrics. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.1781-1783). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
227)    Devan, R.S., Lin, C.L., Lin, J.H., Wen, T.K., Patil, R.A., Ma, Y.R. (2013,September, 7-9). Effective photoluminescence in a large-area array of Ta2O 5 nanodots. Proceedings of International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology(pp.1001-1005). Beijing, China: American Scientific Publishers. ISBN: 1533-4880.
228)    Chaure, N.B. (2013,December, 19-20). Electrodeposited CuIn1-xGaxSe2 thin films from non-aqueous medium for solar cell applications. Proceedings of International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaic(pp.031604). Bhubaneswar, India: AIP Publishing. ISBN: 1941-7012.
229)    Londhe, P.U., More, M., Chaure, N.B. (2013,July, 24-26). Influence of capping agents on the growth of gold nanoparticles from aqueous and non-aqueous medium. Proceedings of Advanced Nanomaterials and Emerging Engineering Technologies(pp.317-319). Chennai; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781479913794.
230)    Kanhe, N.S., Nawale, A.B., Bhoraskar, S.V., Das, A.K., Mathe, V.L. (2013,December, 17-21). Mass production of magnetic nickel nanoparticle in thermal plasma reactor. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.603-304). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
231)    Vyas, A.N., Sartale, S.D. (2013,December, 17-21). Modified chemical route for deposition of molybdenum disulphide thin films. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.935-937). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
232)    Gunjal, S.D., Khollam, Y.B., Udawant, R.R., Jadkar, S.R., Shelke, P.N., Sali, J.V., Mohite, K.C. (2013,July, 24-26). Optical and electrical properties of ultrasonic spray pyrolysized p-CdTe films. Proceedings of Advanced Nanomaterials and Emerging Engineering Technologies(pp.360-362). Chennai; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781479913770.
233)    Suryawanshi, S.R., Warule, S.S., Chaudhari, N.S., Ogale, S.B., More, M.A. (2013,December, 17-21). Photo-enhanced field emission characteristics of SnS2 nanosheets. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.342-344). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
234)    Ansari, A.A., Sartale, S.D. (2013,December, 17-21). Spin coating of Ag nanoparticles: Effect of reduction. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.345-347). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255.
235)    Ghate, E., Bhoraskar, S.V., Kulkarni, G.R. (2013,February, 2-3). Study of nano-architecture of the wings of Paris peacock butterfly. In L.P. Lee(Eds.), Proceedings of Biomedical Optics and Imaging. California; United State: SPIE Digital Library. ISBN: 9780819493675/1605-7422.
236)    Arote, S.A., Tamhane, V.A., Pathan, H.M. (2013,February, 1-2). The effect of the post-annealing on the nanostructure and optical properties of SnO2 . In S. Bhardwaj(Eds.), Proceedings of Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Material Science(pp.145-146). Rajasthan; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735411609.
237)    Mandlik, N., Patil, B.J., Bhoraskar, V.N., Sahare, P.D., Dhole, S.D. (2013,December, 17-21). Thermoluminescence of nanocrystalline CaSO4: Dy for gamma dosimetry and calculation of trapping parameters using deconvolution method. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.369-371). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
238)    Desai, M.A., Sartale, S.D. (2013,December, 17-21). ZnS nanoflakes deposition by modified chemical method . In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.1763-1765). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255.
239)    Khanore, M., Dey, B. (2013,December, 17-21). Bose-Hubbard model with attractive interactions and inhomogeneous lattice potential. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.139-141). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
240)    Bansode, A.S., Beg, A., Pote, S., Khan, B., Bhadekar, R., Patel, A., Bhoraskar, S.V., Mathe, V.L. (2013,February, 11-14). Non-thermal atmospheric plasma for endodontic treatment . Proceedings of Biomedical Electronics and Devices(pp.73-77). Spain. ISBN: 9789898565341.
241)    Sonwane, S., Chaure, N.B. (2013,December, 19-21). Studies on antimony telluride thin films as buffer layer for solar cell applications. Proceedings of International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaic(pp.031612 ). Bhubaneswar, India: AIP Publishing. ISBN: 1941-7012.
242)    Bansode, S.B., Kapadnis, R.S., Wagh, V.G., Kale, S.S., Pathan, H.M. (2013,February, 1-2). Transport properties of indium sulfide thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition. In S. Bhardwaj(Eds.), Proceedings of Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Material Science(pp.455-456). Rajasthan; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735411609.
243)    Chavan, P.G., Kashid, R.V., More, M.A., Joag, D.S., Bhadade, S.S., Mulla, I.S. (2013,July, 8-12). Photo-assisted field emission and current noise analysis from single submicron CdS wire. Proceedings of 26th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2013. United States: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467359931.
244)    Raut, S.A., Kanhe, N.S., Bhoraskar, S.V., Das, A.K., Mathe, V.L. (2013,December, 17-21). Thermal plasma synthesis of Fe1-xNix alloy nanoparticles. In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.597-599). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255/0094-243X.
245)    Mandal, A., Adhi, S.K., Shinde, S.D., Adhi, K.P. (2013,November, 14-16). Effect of ambient oxygen pressure on the structural, electrical and optical properties of pulsed laser deposited Eu doped ZnO thin films. Proceedings of DAE-BRNS seventh national symposium on pulsed laser deposition of thin films and nanostructured materials(pp.21-37 ). IIT Kharagpur; India.
246)    Nyoman Rupiasih, N., Aher, A., Gosavi, S., Vidyasagar, P.B. (2013,January, 24-25). Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using latex extract of Thevetia peruviana: A novel approach towards poisonous plant utilization. Proceedings of Science and Engineering in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, ScieTech 2013. Jakarta; Indonesia: Institute of Physics Publishing. ISBN: 1742-6588.
247)    Kapadnis, R.S., Bansode, S.B., Kale, S.S., Pathan, H.M. (2013,February, 1-2). Growth of polycrystalline oxygenated three dimensional cadmium telluride thin films by chemical synthesis. In S. Bhardwaj(Eds.), Proceedings of Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Material Science(pp.451-452). Rajasthan; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735411609/0094-243X.
248)    Rohom, A.B., Lande, A.R., Patil, S.I., Chaure, N.B. (2013,July, 24-26). One step colloidal route for the preparation of lead sulfide nanoparticles using thiol. Proceedings of Advanced Nanomaterials and Emerging Engineering Technologies(pp.46-48). Chennai; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781479913794.
249)    Bhosale, S.V., Mhaske, P., Kanhe, N., Navale, A.B., Bhoraskar, S.V., Mathe, V.L., Bhatt, S.K. (2013,December, 17-21). Electrokinetic properties of PMAA functionalized NiFe2O 4 nanoparticles synthesized by thermal plasma route . In C. Murli(Eds.), Proceedings of 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013(pp.1694-1695). Patiala; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735412255.
250)    Rajendra Prasad, M.B., Deena, S., Rajesh, C., Pandit, V.K., Pathan, H.M. (2013,December, 19-21). Employing green synthesized silver nanoparticles as light harvesters in nanostructured solar cells. Proceedings of International Conference on Solar Energy Photovoltaic(pp.031615). Bhubaneswar, India: AIP Publishing. ISBN: 1941-7012.
251)    Bansode, A.S., Bhoraskar, S.V., Mathe, V.L., Beg, A., Khan, B., Patel, A., Pote, S., Bhadekar, R. (2013,February, 11-14). Dielectric barrier discharge plasma for endodontic treatment. In A. Fred(Eds.), Proceedings of 6th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2013(pp.89-97). Spain: Springer Verlag. ISBN: 9783662444849.
252)    Patil, S.S., Shinde, A.D., Khare, R.T., More, M.A. (2013,May, 21-23). Enhanced field emission from chemically synthesized cadmium sulphide-polyaniline (CdS-PANI) nanotube composite. Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2013. France: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467359757.
253)    Kulkarni, S.G., Korde, P.D., Dhole, S.D., Kale, S.N. (2012,March, 8-10). Effect of doping concentration of CaCl 2 and Zn content on the Cu - Zn humidity sensor. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS-1(pp.137-140). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467310437.
254)    Varma, V.B., Tank, C.M., Nandi, A., Pant, A., Prashant, H., Pandey, R.K., Das, A.K., Bhoraskar, S.V., Mathe, V.L. (2012,December, 3-7). Effect of shield gas on the size distribution of aluminum nanoparticles synthesized in thermal plasma reactor. In A.K. Chauhan(Eds.), Proceedings of 57th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2012(pp.436-437). Mumbai; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735411333/0094-243X.
255)    Lee, K.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Kim, Y.D., Kim, S., Bae, S., Park, S., Tark, S.J., Kim, D. (2012,April, 3-5). Influence of gas mixture ratio on properties of SiNx:H films for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics, SiliconPV 2012(pp.419-425). Belgium: Elsevier BV. ISBN: 1876-6102.
256)    Tagad, C.K., Brahmankar, P., Aiyer, R.C., Sabharwal, S.G. (2012,March, 8-10). Macrotyloma uniflorum proteins as humidity sensing mater. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.232-235). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467310406.
257)    Bute, M.G., Sheikh, A., Mathe, V.L., Bodas, D., Karekar, R.N., Gosavi, S.W. (2012,March, 8-10). Magnetically controlled flexible valve for flow manipulation in polymer microfluidic devices. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS-1(pp.357-360). Pune; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467310437.
258)    Patil, B.J., Akhter, S., Shinde, N.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2012,October, 1-4). Pulsed Electron Beam Current And Flux Monitor For The Race-track Microtron. Proceedings of Proceedings of IBIC2012, Tsukuba, Japan. Japan: SPIE. ISBN: 9783954501199.
259)    Bhise, A.B., More, M.A., Joag, D.S. (2012,July, 9-13). RuO 2 doped SnO 2 thin film on tungsten tip and its field emission. Proceedings of 25th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2012(pp.152-153). South Korea: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467319812.
260)    Mahapure, P.D., Mathe, V.L., Aiyer, R.C., Gosavi, S.W., Adhyapak, P.V., Amalnerkar, D.P. (2012,March, 8-10). Size dependent relative humidity sensing of Ag/PVP nanocomposites by direct optical transmission method. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS-1(pp.240-243). Pune; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467310437.
261)    Sarode, M.T., Gosavi, S.W., Khollam, Y.B., Kale, B.B., Jadkar, S.R., Mohite, K.C. (2012,March, 8-10). Sol-gel deposition of nanocrystalline TiO 2 thin films useful for hydrogen gas sensing application. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS-1(pp.169-172). Pune; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467310437/9781467310406 .
262)    Kashid, R.V., Chavan, P.G., Mulla, I.S., Joag, D.S., More, M.A. (2012,April, 24-26). Spectral analysis of current fluctuations in CdS nanocombs and nanowires array. Proceedings of IEEE 13th International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2012(pp.137-138). United States: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467301879.
263)    Mahapure, P.D., Aiyer, R.C., Gosavi, S.W., Adhyapaka, P.V., Amalnerkara, D.P. (2012,March, 8-10). Studies on self supported film of PMMA, PMMA-PVA and PMMA-(PVAAg) nano composite for highly linear response over wide range of humidity. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.244-248). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467310437.
264)    Mandlik, N.T., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Sahare, P.D., Kulkarni, M.S. (2012,March, 15-17). Thermoluminescence study of CaSO 4: Dy nanophosphors for 6 MeV energy electron dosimetry. In D.N. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of Thirtieth IARP conference on radiological protection and safety in nuclear reactors and radiation installations(pp.64). Mangalore; India.
265)    Rane, S., Rane, S., Tatkare, S., Gosavi, S. (2012,March, 8-10). Thick film hydrogen sensor based on nanocrystalline nickel ferrite prepared using simple microwave oven. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS-1(pp.212-215). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467310437.
266)    Kolhe, R.K., Kulkarni, K.D., Sonawane, K.M., More, M.A., Gosavi, S.W. (2012,March, 8-10). Synthesis and characterization of In doped ZnO thin films for LPG sensing . Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, ISPTS-1(pp.346-348). Pune; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467310437.
267)    Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, S.V., Shinde, N.S., Patil, B.J. (2012,October, 1-4). An Electron Beam Profile Monitor For The Race-track Microtron. Proceedings of Proceedings of IBIC2012, Tsukuba, Japan. Japan: Beam charge and current monitors. ISBN: 9783954501199.
268)    Akhter, S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2012,October, 1-4). 270° Electron Beam Bending System Using Two Sector Magnets For Therapy Application. Proceedings of Proceedings of IBIC2012, Tsukuba, Japan. Japan: SPIE. ISBN: 9783954501199.
269)    Orpe, P.B., Shinde, A.D., Gosavi, S.W., Aiyer, R.C., Sathe, V. (2012,March, 8-10). Single step synthesis of ZnO nanostructure thick films and its application as CO gas sensor. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.361-364). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISBN: 9781467310437.
270)    Deshpande, J., Kshirsagar, A., Bodas, D., Gosavi, S.W., Gangal, S.A. (2012,March, 8-10). Relative humidity sensor using plasma polymerized methyl methacrylate (PPMMA). Proceedings of 1st International symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.253-256). Pune; India: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467310437.
271)    More, M.A., Kashid, R.V., Patil, S.S., Shinde, D.R., Joag, D.S. (2012,July, 9-13). Field emission current noise analysis of carbon based materials. Proceedings of 25th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, IVNC 2012(pp.28-29). South Korea: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISBN: 9781467319812.
272)    Surayanarayana, S.V., Mulik, V.K., Mukerji, S., Naik, H., Prajapati, P.M., Sivashankar, B.S., Mohanty, A.K., Goswami, A., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2012). The (n, γ) and (n, 2n) cross-sections for 238 U at neutron energy of 15.5 MeV. Proceedings of DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.566-567).
273)    Sarode, M.T., Shelke, P.N., Gunjal, S.D., Khollam, Y.B., Takwale, M.G., Jadkar, S.R., Kale, B.B., Mohite, K.C., Koinkar, P. (2012,July, 15-18). Effect of annealing temperature on optical properties of titanium dioxide thin films prepared by sol-gel method. Proceedings of Advanced Materials Development and Performance(pp.13-18). Tokushima, Japan: World Scientific Publishing Company. ISBN: 0217-9792.
274)    Sharma, G., Bute, M.G., Jadkar, S., Gosavi, S. (2012,March, 8-10). Development of alkaline earth sulphide based nanophosphors embedded in PDMS polymer matrix for UV sensor applications. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors(pp.236-239). Pune; India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISBN: 9781467310437.
275)    Barough, M.S., Bharud, V.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2012,March, 2-3). Detection of uranium from the sedimentary rocks. Proceedings of Seventeenth Raman memorial conference(pp.44). Pune; India: Indian Physics Association . ISBN: 9789382062011.