Department Details

Department of Political Science

1)    Palshikar, S. (2014). BJP’s Rise to Power: Meanings and Implications. Proceedings of The 2014 Indian elections: Implications for domestic politics and Indo-Pakistan relations. Lahore; Pakistan: Lahore University of Management Sciences.
2)    Palshikar, S. (2014). South Asia’s Democratic Deficit: Lessons from India. Proceedings of Democracy and State in South Asia. New Delhi; India: Department of Political Science, Delhi University.
3)    Palshikar, S. (2014). Political economy of a dominant caste. Proceedings of Political Economy of Indian Development. Mumbai; India: King’s College London and University of California at Berkeley and jointly organized by IGIDR, Mumbai.
4)    Palshikar, S. (2014). Changing dynamics of Maharashtra politics.. Singapore: Institute of South Asian Studies.
5)    Panadit, S.D. (2013). International Non-Violent Protest Movement- Aung Sang Sui Kyi. Proceedings of Non-Violent Protest Movement: Forms, Techniques and Relevance. Jaipur; India: SS Jain Subodh P.G.College.
6)    Palshikar, S. (2013). Discussant and Participation in Round table. Proceedings of Subnational research Comparative politics. United State: Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS).
7)    Jagzap, H. L. (2013,March, 14-16 ). Challenging The Castist Domination: The Mahar/ Buddhists in Maharashtra.. In H.L. Jagzap(Ed.), Proceedings of Caste in contemporary Indian politics(pp.144-160). Pune; India: Department of Politics and Public Administration, Pune University, Pune, .
8)    Palshikar, S. (2012). Targeting the outsider: Two moments of anti-migrant politics. Proceedings of Maharashtra Culture and Society. Mumbai; India: Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai.
9)    Panadit, S.D. (2012). Post Conflict Peace building in Asia: Indo- US Partnership. Proceedings of India and US Relations in the 21st century: Building Global Partnerships. Hyderabad; India: American Studies, Osmania University.
10)    Panadit, S.D. (2012). Dr. Ambedkar’s philosophy and social movements in Asia.. Pune; India: MES Garware College.
11)    Deshpande, R. (2012). Getting Elected: New Institutional mechanisms and Issues related to Women’s Representation in Indian Federalism. In S. Haulin(Ed.), Proceedings of Diversity and Equality and Unity in Diversity for Development. Quebec; Canada: Forum of Federations.
12)    Palshikar, S. (2012). Convenor, panel on diversifying the Idea of democracy. Proceedings of International conference on World Sociology Congress. Delhi; India.
13)    Palshikar, S. (2011). Language as Basis of Politics. Proceedings of Multiligualism. Pune; India: Department of Foreign Languages, University of Pune.

Publication Before 2011

14)    Jagzap, H.L. (2010,February, 23-24). Ambedkari bouddhancha dharmik avishkar . Proceedings of New trends of backward caste assertion in Maharashtra (with special reference to scheduled caste) (pp.107-111). Pune; India: Department of Politics and Public Administration.
15)    Pandit, S.D. (2010). South Asia 2020: Towards a greater unity and interdependence.. Pondicherry; India: Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation [MISARC].
16)    Palshikar, S. (2010). How Far does Study of ‘All-India’ help understand Maharashtra?. Proceedings of 13th International conference on Maharashtra Culture and Society. Bratislava, Slovakia: University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava.
17)    Deshpande, R. (2009,September). Breaking free of the post-Mandal deadlock. In R. Thapar(Eds.), Proceedings of The Republic of Ideas: A Symposium on Some Concerns and Concepts Engaging our Society(pp.76-80). New Delhi; India: Seminar Publications.
18)    Palshikar, S. (2009). Political strategies of two dominant castes—Comparison of Lingayat and Maratha caste politics. Proceedings of Maharashtra Contextualized. Pune; India: Department of Politics & Public Administration University of Pune.
19)    Kulkarni, M. (2009). Lexicography and Linguistic identity in colonial Maharashtra. Proceedings of Language and Identity. Pune; India: University of Pune.
20)    Palshikar, S. (2009). Contextualizing Maharashtra: Comparisons across States.. Pune; India: Diamond Jubilee Fund of the University and Unassigned Grant from University of Pune.
21)    Palshikar, S. (2007). Uthal Paanyaalaa Khalkhalaat phaar: Shallow public sphere in Marathi. Proceedings of 12th International Maharashtra Conference. Pune; India.
22)    Panadit, S.D. (2006). Imagining communities, migration and identity in India. Proceedings of Asian Politics-Shaping Asian Security and Foreign Policy SIS. Delhi University; India: JNU and Department of East Asian Studies.
23)    Palshikar, S. (2004). A majoritarian middle ground?. Proceedings of NETSAPPE. CERI; Paris.
24)    Palshikar, S. (2003). The Artha of Caste. Proceedings of 10th International conference on Money in Modern Maharashtra. Pune; India: Departent of Politics, University of Pune.
25)    Palshikar, S. (2003). Democracy in East Asia.. Taipei; Tiawan : Taiwan National University.
26)    Palshikar, S. (2002). Political economy of humiliation: Case of a failed strike. Proceedings of Humiliation. Ranikhet; India: CSDS.
27)    Panadit, S.D. (2001). Asian Security in the 21st Century.. Marina Mandrin; Singapore.
28)    Palshikar, S. (2001). Caste through the prism of region. Proceedings of Region. Pune; India: University of Arizona and University of Pune.
29)    Palshikar, S. (2001). Indian State: Constitution and Beyond. Proceedings of Indian Constitution. Goa; India: Centre for the Study of Developing Societies.
30)    Panadit, S.D. (2001). Globalization of culture and communication: Effects on the region. Proceedings of The place of the Persian Gulf in the new global arrangements. Tehran; Iran: IPIS.
31)    Panadit, S.D. (2000). The Construction of identity and the outsider by the Shiv Sena. Proceedings of Forced migration in South Asian Region: Displacement, Human rights and conflict resolution. Kolkata; India: Jadhavpur University and UNHCR .
32)    Panadit, S.D. (2000). Conflict and cooperation in the caucasus- The case of Karabakh. Proceedings of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Tehran; Iran: IIPS.
33)    Sumant, Y. (1998). Reconstructing the World: Dr. Ambedkar’s understanding of the world. Proceedings of Situating Religion in Ambedkar’s Political Discourse. Pune; India: Departent of Politics, University of Pune.
34)    Pandit, S.D. (1997). Political Development and Ethics: The contribution of V.S. Srinivasa Sastri. Proceedings of Ethics and Development. New York; United State: CreNIEO, Madras and IDEA.
35)    Panadit, S.D. (1995). International political Economy in the Post cold War era. In G.R. Reddy(Ed.), Proceedings of 49th All India Political Science Conference. Andhra Pradesh; India.