Department Details

Department of Education & Extension

1)    Shinde, G.K. (2019,February). Aspects of Educational Research, Approaches & Types of data. In S.B. Desai (Eds.), Proceedings of Educational Research & Innovations in Teaching Learning(pp.89-92). Pune; India: Skncoet Educational Research and Review. ISBN: 2455-6173.
2)    Shinde, G. (2019,July). Comparative Study Of National Policy of Education: In Context Of Inclusive Education. In Dr.Geetha R.M.(Ed.), Proceedings of Scholarly Research Journal For Interdisciplinary studies(pp.309-312). Karanataka, India: Scholarly Research Journal For Interdisciplinary studies. ISBN: 2319-4766.
3)    Shinde, G.K. (2018,January, 10-12). Value Based Universal Education:Foundation For World Peace. Proceedings of National Teacher Congress(pp.106-115). MIT World Peace University: Success Publisher. ISBN: 9789387665996.
4)    Shinde, G., Chakravaty, D. (2016,November, 30). Tragulation between and Across Methods in Education and Social Science Research. In A. Mehra(Ed.), Proceedings of Resent trends in Research And Higher Educatiom(pp.1-6). Bopal; India: Madhya Pradesh Council of Science And Technology.
5)    Jadhav, V.G. (2013). A study of the awareness of value education in female student teacher. Proceedings of New trends in Education and Research. Aurangabad; India: Ajanta Publication. ISBN: 978383587018 .
6)    Sonawane, S.A., Soohee, Cho. (2013). Mind-Body management programe . Proceedings of Educational Tool for self - Development . ISBN: 2278-8808.
7)    Uplane, M.M., Choukade, G.G. (2012,February, 25-26). Scientific Attitude of Adolescent Students In Ahmednagar. Proceedings of State level Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education(pp.269-272). Pune; India: Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Education and Training. ISBN: 2230-7850.
8)    Jadhav, V.G. (2012). Teacher educator: Determinant of entrepreneurship. Proceedings of Entrepreneur ship. Nashik; India: Insight Publication. ISBN: 9789381354094.
9)    Jadhav, V.G. (2012). The Role of Teacher Education for Empowering the Entrepreneurship. Proceedings of Entrepreneur ship. Nashik; India: Insight Publication. ISBN: 9789381354094.
10)    Aher, S., Sonawane, S. (2011). A study of relationship amongst mental health & Obesity of obese boys. Proceedings of Dynamic Facts Health Sciences (pp.167-171). Kerala; India. ISBN: 9788192264790.
11)    Uplane, M.M., Sonawane, S.A., Manyath, P. (2011,March, 7-9). CAI: An effective solution in understanding and retention of science content for secondary school low achievers. In L. G. Chova (Eds.), Proceedings of INTED2011 Proceedings: 5th International Technology, Education and Development Conference(pp.311-321). Spain: IATED. ISBN: 9788461474233.
12)    Jadhav, V.G. (2011). Determinant of social health: Teacher Education. Proceedings of Social Health. Nashik; India: Insight Publication. ISBN: 9789381354094.
13)    Jadhav, V.G. (2011). Forward looking teaching system in Multi-grade setting. Proceedings of Innovation in Teaching, Leveling & Evaluation. Nashik; India: Insight Publication. ISBN: 9789381354094.
14)    Jadhav, V.G. (2011,February, 26-27). Grounded Theory (Approach) as Methodical Exegesis. Proceedings of शैक्षणिक संशोधनातील नव प्रवाह(pp.100-103). Pune, India: शिक्षणशास्त्र महाविद्यालय (बी.एड. व एम.एड).
15)    Wadegaonk, A.S., Uplane, M.M. (2011,September, 24-25 ). Innovative use of word puzzle for Educational Research Methodology. In V.U. Pawar(Ed.), Proceedings of Innovations in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation(pp.204-211). Barshi, India. ISBN: 9789381354094.
16)    Sidhaye, N., Anaspure, A., Kamble-Shinde, G.K. (2011,July, 4-6). Is ICT Being Used Effectivily in Schools in Urbun India. Proceedings of 5th International Technology, Education and Development Conference(pp.5576-5583). Valencia; Spain: IATED Digital Library. ISBN: 9788461504411/2340-1117.
17)    Wadegaonkar, A., Pote, B., Sonawane, S. (2011). Mental health and Teaching Effectiveness of Mail Pre-Service Student Teachers. Proceedings of Mental Health. Role of Education(pp.267-269). Mumbai; India.
18)    Chavan, K., Sonawane, S., Shinde, S. (2011,March, 7-9). Research on Technology for Inclusive Education. Proceedings of 5th International Technology, Education and Development(pp.579-584). Spain: IATED. ISBN: 9788461474233.
19)    Sonawane, S., Tupe, N., Jadhav, V. (2011,March, 7-9). Research scenario based learning for action research. In L.G. Chova(Eds.), Proceedings of 5th International conference on Technology, Education and Development(pp.6372-6378). Spain: IATED. ISBN: 9788461474233.
20)    Valvi, N.J. (2011,September, 17-18). Satatyapurna sarvankash mulyamapan kartana yenari vel vyavsthapanchi adchan vtyasatyi velvyavshtapanachi tantre. In S. Edake(Ed.), Proceedings of State Level Seminar Issue on Current Practices in Educational Evaluation(pp.61-63). Pune; India: Arihant College of Education and Council for Teacher Education Maharastra State.
21)    Jadhav, V.G., Sonawane, S., Tupe, N. (2011,July, 4-6). Scenario Based Learning for Action Research. Proceedings of 3rd International conference on Education and New Learning Technologies(pp.6372-6378). Barcelona; Spain: IATED. ISBN: 9788461504411/2340-1117.
22)    Jadhav, V.G., Salunke, K. (2011,July, 4-6). The means of getting profession pleasure for teacher educator: Work Orientation. Proceedings of 3rd International conference on Education and New Learning Technologies(pp.6379-6385). Barcelona; Spain: IATED. ISBN: 9788461504411/2340-1117.
23)    Chavan, K., Valvi, N.J., Shinde, S. (2011,February, 11-12). The new trends in global education. In C.R. Baviskar(Ed.), Proceedings of Problems of Teacher Educators About New Trends in Globalization(pp.240-245). Osmanabad; India: Vikas Prakashan.
24)    Jadhav, V.G. (2011,February, 11-12). The Teacher Educator's Role in Enhancing Teacher Quality. In C. Baviskar(Eds.), Proceedings of The New Trends in Global Education(pp.254-256). Osmanabad, India: Vikas Prakashan.

Publication Before 2011

25)    Chavan, K., Valvi, N.J., Shinde, S., Kuchekar, S. (2010,March, 27-29). English language today. In G.S. Somdev(Ed.), Proceedings of Communicative Approach of English Teaching Globalization(pp.154-158). Latur; India: Rajrshi Shahu Mahavidyala.
26)    Valvi, N.J., Wadegaonkar, A. (2010,March, 12-13). Learning and Learning Resources. In S. Sonawane(Ed.), Proceedings of Design and Development of Learning Resources- Steps and Guidelines(pp.339-345). Department of Education and Education Pune University: The Registrar, University of Pune.
27)    Valvi, N.J. (2010,January, 31). Teacher Eduaction-New challenges in the knowledge age of the 21st century. In S. Patel(Ed.), Proceedings of Integrating Technology in Teacher Education(pp.74-79). Ahmadabad; India: Department of Education Ganapat University.
28)    Uplane, M.M., Sonawane, S.A., Padmini, M.S. (2009). CAI : An Effective Instructional Method for Secondary School Low Achievers.(pp.78-79). Mumbai; India.
29)    Sonawane ,S.A. (2008). Amongst Obesity, Mental Health & Scholastic Achievement of Obese Boys. Proceedings of Stress Management(pp.83). Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education.
30)    Sonawane, S.A., Khetmalis, M.S. (2008). Effect of interval training method and repetition training method on performance of sprint. Proceedings of Sports Medicine, Exercise Science Physical Education & Yogic Science(pp.82). Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education.
31)    Sonawane, S.A. (2006). Deployment of ICT for Examination Reforms : Secured Reote Question paper Delivery for B.Ed. Examination of University of Pune. Proceedings of 3rd Indian Science Congress(pp.2-3). Hyderabad; India: Indian Science Congress .