Department Details
Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension
1) | Deshmukh, B. (2017,January, 19-20). Adiwasi Vikas : Adiwasincha Drishtikon. In B.V. Bhosale(Eds.), Proceedings of Tribes in Transition(pp.27-28). Mumbai; India: University of Mumbai. | ||
2) | Deshmukh, B. (2017,January, 3-4). Tribal Development :Intervention of BAIF through 'WADI' approach. In V. Adhav(Eds.), Proceedings of Social Transformation towards Inclusive Growth of Marginalised Communities (pp.31). Pune; India: Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, Savitribai Phule Pune University. ISBN: 9789385991233. | ||
3) | Deshmukh, B. (2016,June, 15-18). Empowerment of tribal communities through social action. Proceedings of XXXVIII Annual symposium of International association for Social work with Groups(pp.31). New York; USA: New York University In association With IASWG. | ||
4) | Deshmukh, B. (2014,April, 11-12). Policy intervention through judiciary on the death of tribal children in Ashram schools in Maharashtra. Proceedings of Role of NGOs in Tribal Development(pp.16-25). Dhule; India: Sammyakta Publication. ISBN: 9789383429363. | ||
5) | Deshmukh, B. (2013,December, 26-27). Attitude of tribals towards education with reference to Kokna-Kokni tribe in Maharashtra. In R. Tribhuvan(Ed.), Proceedings of Tribal Development Issues and Challenges (Golden Jubilee Volume)(pp.161-169). Pune; India: Tribal Research and Training Institute. | ||
6) | Tupe, N.B. (2013,April). Major issues of Lifelong Learning among women entrepreneurs in Maharashtra. Proceedings of Extension Education & Rural Communities . Mumbai; India: Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension, Mumbai University in Associations with ICSSR New Delhi, and Amlani College Mumbai. ISBN: 9789383072071. | ||
7) | Deshmukh, B. (2013,March, 4-6). Motivational and attitudinal pattern of Tribals towards education and career: A study of Kokna-Kokni Tribe in Maharashtra (India). Proceedings of International Technology, Education and Development Conference(pp.5193-5202). Valencia; Spain: INTED. ISBN: 9788461626618. | ||
8) | Deshmukh, B. (2012,August ). Lifelong Learning as a Discipline: Possibilities, Prospects and Challenges (An Indian Perspective). Proceedings of Shanghai 2012 International Conference on Social Science(pp.25). Shanghai; China: SICSS, Antiqua, Banking Magazine, Management Research Review, International Journal of Manpower. ISBN: 9789868741720. | ||
9) | Tupe, N.B. (2011,March, 7-9). Education for all in India: Major issues & solution. Proceedings of INTED 2011-International Technology, Education & Development. Spain. ISBN: 98788461474233. | ||
10) | Deshmukh, B. (2011,December, 18). Promotion of social health through school social work practice. In R. Chavan(Ed.), Proceedings of State Conference on Social Health(pp.232-236). Nashik; India: Insight Publication. ISBN: 9789381354209. | ||
11) | Jadhav, V., Sonawane, S., Tupe, N. (2011,July, 4-6 ). Scenario based learning pedagogy for action research. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies(pp.6372-6378). Spain. ISBN: 9788461504411/2340-1117. | ||
12) | Tupe, N.B. (2011,March, 7-9). The impact of technological instructional practices on english listening & speaking achievement in Grade 3 of primary school in Maharashtra . Proceedings of INTED 2011-International Technology Education & Development . Spain. ISBN: 98788461474233. | ||