Teacher Details

Manasi Vilas Gore

Department of Economics


Research Areas : Environmental Economics, Macro Economics, Public Finance

Google Scholar Profile | ResearchGate Profile

1)    Gore, M.V. (2022). Environmental Crisis of Today: Solutions in Indian Indigenous thoughts. In V. Daptardar(Ed.), Rejuvenating Indian thought Process (pp.211-221). Nasik, Maharashtra: Creative Pens. ISBN: 9798886674958.
2)    गोरे, मानसी (2021). उर्जेचे अर्थशास्त्र. In रा. देशपांडे(संपा.), मराठी अर्थशास्त्र विश्वकोश (pp.2). वाई, भारत: मराठी अर्थशास्त्र विश्वकोश मंडळ.
3)    गोरे, मानसी (2021). पी. बी. पाटील समिती. मराठीअर्थशास्त्र विश्वकोश. वाई: मराठीअर्थशास्त्र विश्वकोश मंडळ.
4)    Gore, M. (2021). Quantity or Quality of Livestock in India: A Rational solution by Prof. V. M. Dandekar. In V. Adhav(Eds.), An Unparalleled Economist: Professor V. M. Dandekar (pp.11). Pune, India: University Press, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
5)    Gore, M. V. (2021). Digital Green Finance and Sustainable Development. In A. Aziz(Ed.), Digital Finance and Literacy in India. New Delhi: New Century Publications. ISBN: 9788177085266.
6)    Gore, M., Korde, R. (2012). Comparative Analysis of Gender Gap in India and Canada: Retrospect and Prospects. In S. Joshi(Eds.), Changing Economic Environment and Performance of the Nations: Canada and India (pp.219-237). Delhi, India: Excel India publishers. ISBN: 9789381361832.

Publications Before 2011

7)    Gore, M., Korde, R. (2010). Multi-dimensional Analysis of Social Exclusion with reference to Disability and Gende. In S.N. Tripathy(Ed.), Inclusive Policies and Removal of Social Disadvantage (pp.37-56). Delhi, India: Abhijeet Publications. ISBN: 9789380031958.