Teacher Details
Nadaf Altafhusain Balechand
Department of Botany
1) | Chandanshive, S., Shaikh, Y., Raturi, G., Prakash Sathe, A., Sanand, S., Nadaf, A. (2020). Biofortification for Nutrient Content and Aroma Enrichment in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). In Sonah, H.(Eds.), Advances in Agri-Food Biotechnology. Singapore: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9789811528736. | ||
2) | Rashmi, D., Zanan, R., John, S., Khandagale, K., Nadaf, A. (2018). γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Biosynthesis, Role, Commercial Production, and Applications. In Atta-ur-Rahman(Ed.), Studies in Natural Products Chemistry (pp.413-452). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780444640574. | ||
3) | Verma, D.K., Srivastav, P.P., Nadaf, A. (2018). Aromatic Rice from Different Countries: An Overview. In K. V. Deepak(Eds.), Science and Technology of Aroma, Flavor, and Fragrance in Rice (pp.93-140). New York: Apple Academic Press. ISBN: 9780203711453. | ||
Publications Before 2011 |
4) | Bhosale, L.J., Nadaf, A.B., Banik, S. (1998). Response of plant growth to different techniques of biomass generation. In R.K. Trivedy(Eds.), Ecotechnology for Pollution Control and Environmental Management (pp.115-127). Karad, India: Enviro Media Publications. ISBN: 9788186421031. | ||
5) | Nadaf, A.B., Kulkarni, P.K., Bhosale, L.J. (1997). Comparative growth performance of Acacia species during early growth in monoculture plantations. In I.A. Khan(Ed.), Frontiers in Plant Science (pp.57-60). Hyderabad, India: The Book Syndicate. | ||
6) | Nadaf, A.B., Kulkarni, P.K., Bhosale, L.J. (1996). Effect of thinning on growth performance of Acacia auriculiformis. In M.P. Shiva(Eds.), Management of Minor Forest Produce for Sustainability (pp.120-123). New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Ltd. ISBN: 9788132226635. | ||
7) | Nadaf, A.B., Chougale, A.K., Bhosale, L.J. (1996). Studies on fruit fibre in Terminalia arjuna. In M.P. Shiva(Eds.), Management of Minor Forest Produce for Sustainability (pp.264-267). New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Ltd. ISBN: 9788120410343. | ||