Teacher Details

Nadaf Altafhusain Balechand

Department of Botany


1)    Chandanshive, S., Shaikh, Y., Raturi, G., Prakash Sathe, A., Sanand, S., Nadaf, A. (2020). Biofortification for Nutrient Content and Aroma Enrichment in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). In Sonah, H.(Eds.), Advances in Agri-Food Biotechnology. Singapore: Springer Nature. ISBN: 9789811528736.
2)    Rashmi, D., Zanan, R., John, S., Khandagale, K., Nadaf, A. (2018). γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Biosynthesis, Role, Commercial Production, and Applications. In Atta-ur-Rahman(Ed.), Studies in Natural Products Chemistry (pp.413-452). Netherlands: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780444640574.
3)    Verma, D.K., Srivastav, P.P., Nadaf, A. (2018). Aromatic Rice from Different Countries: An Overview. In K. V. Deepak(Eds.), Science and Technology of Aroma, Flavor, and Fragrance in Rice (pp.93-140). New York: Apple Academic Press. ISBN: 9780203711453.

Publications Before 2011

4)    Bhosale, L.J., Nadaf, A.B., Banik, S. (1998). Response of plant growth to different techniques of biomass generation. In R.K. Trivedy(Eds.), Ecotechnology for Pollution Control and Environmental Management (pp.115-127). Karad, India: Enviro Media Publications. ISBN: 9788186421031.
5)    Nadaf, A.B., Kulkarni, P.K., Bhosale, L.J. (1997). Comparative growth performance of Acacia species during early growth in monoculture plantations. In I.A. Khan(Ed.), Frontiers in Plant Science (pp.57-60). Hyderabad, India: The Book Syndicate.
6)    Nadaf, A.B., Kulkarni, P.K., Bhosale, L.J. (1996). Effect of thinning on growth performance of Acacia auriculiformis. In M.P. Shiva(Eds.), Management of Minor Forest Produce for Sustainability (pp.120-123). New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Ltd. ISBN: 9788132226635.
7)    Nadaf, A.B., Chougale, A.K., Bhosale, L.J. (1996). Studies on fruit fibre in Terminalia arjuna. In M.P. Shiva(Eds.), Management of Minor Forest Produce for Sustainability (pp.264-267). New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Ltd. ISBN: 9788120410343.