Teacher Details

Durgambini Arun Patel

Department of Law


1)    Patel, D.A. (2017,March, 25-27). Globalisation and Law of Contract Labour: The Fading Values of Corporate in India. In T.S.N. Sastry(Eds.), Proceedings of National Conference on Law Development and Justice(pp.183-195). Pune, India: Department of Law Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. ISBN: 9789352359783.
2)    Patel, D.A. (2014,May, 20-23). Law and Society at crossroad! Dilemmas in a Digitized Global Economy. Proceedings of Global-Regional- Local, Institutions, Relations, Networks, Past and future of Sociology of law. Spain.
3)    Patel, D.A., Nagarale, S., Nthenge, P.M. (2013,January, 11-13). Men as victims Myths and Realities- a Comparative Relook in the Existing Legal Frame Work of India and Kenya.. Kanyakumari; India: South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) & Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
4)    Patel, D.A. (2012,November, 2-3). Legislative and Judicial Non-Diligence In Forming Educational Policies Regarding Enhancement of Quality Education. Proceedings of Rural Colleges and Necessity of Quality Enhancement(pp.128). Parbhani; India: Shri Shivaji Law College Parbhani. ISBN: 9788192545813.
5)    Patel, D.A. (2012,March). The amendment in cyber laws- a myth or reality. In S. Waval(Ed.), Proceedings of Latest Technologies & their Applications in forensic Science & Digital Forensics(pp.264). Colour publication. ISBN: 9788190259477.
6)    Patel, D.A. (2012,January; 21). Freedom from torture and protection of life and liberty of the accused in the Indian criminal justice system. In A.K.K.New Law Academy(Ed.), Proceedings of UGC Sponsored One Day Seminar On "Life and Personal Liberty Human Rights Perspective"(pp.3). Pune; India: A. K. K. New Law Academy.
7)    Patel, D.A. (2012). Freedom of speech and expression of Media-The Socio-Legal dimension in India. Proceedings of National Conference on Technology Communication And Culture. Pune; India: Department Of Communication Studies, University Of Pune.
8)    Patel, D.A. (2012). Trinity Amidst Human Rights, Development And NGO's- The Need Of Modern Democracie. In V.M. More(Ed.), Proceedings of Two days UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar & Conference on Human Rights And Concept Of The Indian Democracy In The Present Scenario. Parbhani; India: MSP Mandals Shri Shivaji Law College,Parbhani )M.S). ISBN: 9788192241463.
9)    Patel, D.A. (2011,February, 25-26). Globalization and human rights agenda of companies In trasnational trade: Pros and Cons. Proceedings of Human Rights In 21st Century: Chaging Dimensions(pp.82-86). Delhi; India: Faculty of Law University of Delhi.
10)    Patel, D.A. (2011). The Horizons of New Industrial Jurisprudence-The Law and the Reality. In Nalsar Law University(Ed.), Proceedings of Critical Legal Conference(pp.82-86). Hyderabad; India: Nalsar Law University.

Publications Before 2011

11)    Patel, D.A. (2010,May, 28). Caste Discriminations, Affirmation Actions, Transformative Social Movements in Independent India And The Development Of Human Capital In Emerging Economic Order. In S. Mane(Ed.), Proceedings of Equitable Mobilization of Human Capital During the LPG Era In India-The Myths, Reality and The Law(pp.3). Mumbai; India: Aarti Book Co.Fort.