Teacher Details
Dahiwale Shailendra Satish
Department of Physics
1) | Ghule, P.G., Bholane, G.T., Kumar, R., Joshi, R.P., Dahiwale, S.S., Shelke, P.N., Dhole, S.D. (2024,December, 7-11). Simulation and theoretical evaluation of gamma radiation shielding efficiency of Phthalonitrile /WO3 composites. In A. K. Gupta(Eds.), Proceedings of 68th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physic(pp.1237 -1238). Rorkee, India: Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. | ||
2) | Kumar, R., Bholane, G.T., Ganesapandy, T.S., Dahiwale, S.S., Attar, F.M.D., Dhole, S.D. (2023,December, 9-23). Statistical error analysis of neutron induced activation cross-sections for Bromine. In S. K. Pandit., Proceedings of 67th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.743-744). Indore, India: Cotton University. | ||
3) | Khanzode, P.M., Halge, D.I., Kaawash, N.M., Thabit, M.Y., Narwade, V.N., Dadge, J.W., Dahiwale, S.S. Bogle, K.A. (2023,December, 22-24). Development of a paper-based wearable UV photo-detector device using ZnO nanostructure. In K. Kumar(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Multifunctional Materials(pp.951-954). Hyderabad: Materials Today: Proceedings. ISBN: 2214-7853. | ||
4) | Bharud, V.D., Phatangare, A.B., Thorat, A.B., Patil, B.J., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Cross sections of Indium isotopes through (γ, γ’) reactions induced by bremsstrahlung with an end point energy of 6 MeV. Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics. Assam, India: Cotton University. | ||
5) | Patil, S.H., Bholane, G.T., Ganesapandy, T.S., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Measurement of neutron and bremsstrahlung induced activation cross-section for tantalum with statistical error analysis. In S. K. Pandit(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics. Assam, India: Cotton University. ISBN: 9788195922512. | ||
6) | Ganesapandy, T.S., Bholane, G.T., Patil, S.H., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Measurement of 76Se(n,2n)75Se reaction cross section with detailed uncertainty analysis at 14 MeV neutron energy. In S. K. Pandit(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.605-606). Assam, India: Cotton University. ISBN: 9788195922512. | ||
7) | Bholane, G.T., Ganesapandy, T.S., Patil, S.H., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022,December, 1-5). Measurement of photoneutron flux at the medical LINAC by activation analysis. In S. K. Pandit(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.1260-1261). Assam, India: Cotton University. ISBN: 9788195922512. | ||
8) | Jitkar, N.R., Bagul, P.P., Kakade, P.M., Kachere, A.R., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhosale, S.V., Mandlik, N.T. (2021). Effects of 6 MeV energy electrons on lattice parameters of CaSO4:Eu nanophosphor. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080009). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791. | ||
9) | Mandlik, N.T., Jitkar, N.R., Bagul, P.P., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Sahare, P.D., Kachere, A.R., Kakade, P.M. (2021). Study of luminescence characteristics of K2Ca2(SO4)3:Eu microphosphor by electron and gamma irradiation. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.080014). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791. | ||
10) | Kulkarni, P., Gavhane, K.H., Bhadane, M.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S., Dhole, S.D. (2020,February, 14-15). Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescence studies of β-NaGdF4: Tb 3 phosphor crystals. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-14). Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University. | ||
11) | Walave, P., Phatangare, A.B., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2020,February, 14-15). Development of Schottky junction type betavoltaic nuclear battery using SiC nanowires. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.PP-48). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University. | ||
12) | Bagekari, Y.G., Jadhav, A.P., Thorat, A.B., Yengantiwar, A.P., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2020,February, 14-15). Study of Electrical Properties of Graphitic Carbon Nitride using Low Energy Ion Irradiation Technique. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.77). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University. | ||
13) | Gaikwad, T.T., Jadhav, A.P., Thorat, A.B., Sidhaye, D.S., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S. (2020,February, 14-15). Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and their Size optimization using Low Energy Ar+ Ion Irradiation Technique. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.99). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University. | ||
14) | Phatangare, A.B., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N. (2020,February, 14-15). Study on advance oxidation processes for the degradation of water pollutants using 6 MeV electron irradiation. Proceedings of 26th Raman Memorial Conference “Novel Materials for a sustainable future”(pp.OP-11). Pune; India: Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University. | ||
15) | Gavhane, K.H., Bhadane, M.S., Jadhav, A.P., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S., Dhole, S.D. (2019,December, 18-22). A study on thermoluminescence dosimetric properties of CaMoO4:Cu nanophosphor. Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030177). College Park; Maryland: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735418516. | ||
16) | Thorat, A.B., Sonawane, A., Jadhav, A., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,December, 18-22). Effect of Low Energy Ar+ Ion Irradiation on Polycarbonate. Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030328). College Park; Maryland: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735418516. | ||
17) | Kandare, S.P., Dhole, S.D., Rao, R., Rao, M., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,December, 18-22 ). Synthesis of nano-Cu2CoSnS4 chalcogenide using microwave assist method. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030180). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250. | ||
18) | Thorat, A.B., Taware, M.S., Bharud, V.D., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,December, 18-22). Reduction of graphene oxide using low energy (40 keV) argon ion irradiation. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030293). Jodhpur; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735420250. | ||
19) | Gavhane, K., Bhadane, M.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2019,December, 18-22). Study of dosimetric properties of Yb and Ce doped BaF2 nanophosphor. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030121). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250. | ||
20) | Bhadane, M.S., Gavhane, K.H., Dahiwale, S.S., Patil, P.S., Dhole, S.D. (2019,December, 18-22). Synthesis and study of kinetic parameters of BaF2:Dy phosphor for dosimetry application. In V. K. Sharma(Eds.), Proceedings of 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019(pp.030174). Jodhpur; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735420250. | ||
21) | Bhadane, M.S., Gavhane, K.H., Jadhav, A.P., Katre, K.T., Dahiwale, S.S., Asokan, K., Kanjilal, D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2018,December, 18-22). Nanoparticles of CaSO4:Dy as a sensitive TL material for 100 MeV O7+ swift heavy ions. In A. Biswas(Eds.), Proceedings of 63rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018(pp.030143). Haryana; India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735418516. | ||
22) | Thorat, A.B., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2017,October, 10-13). Development and characterization of a gaseous ion source (5 keV to 40 keV) for low energy Ion Accelerator System. Proceedings of International conference on high energy radiation and applications(pp.46-47). Vadodara, India: International Atomic Energy Agency. | ||
23) | Bharud, V.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D., Attar, F.M.D., Patil, B.J. (2017,October, 10-13). Measurement of (n, 2n) cross section of metastable state for a short half lived of 140Ce at 14.8 MeV neutron energy. Proceedings of International conference on high energy radiation and applications. Vadodara, India: International Atomic Energy Agency. | ||
24) | Bharud, V.D., Attar, F.M.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2017). Measurement of formation cross-section of 140Pr in 141Pr(n,2n) reaction at 14.8 MeV. In Y. K. Gupta(Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics(pp.496-497). Mumbai, India. | ||
25) | Reddy, P., Bhade, S.P.D., Kolekar, R.V., Singh, R., Pulhani, V., Dhole, S.D., Dahiwale, S.S. (2016,February, 22-25). Selective separation of iron interference from uranium in extractive liquid scintillation analysis. Proceedings of Proceedings of the international conference on radiological safety in workplace, nuclear facilities and environment(pp.83). Kalpakkam; India: Indian Association for Radiation Protection. | ||
26) | Bhadane, M.S., Dahiwale, S.S., Hareesh, K., Gavhane, K.H., Asokan, K., Kanjilal, D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2016,December, 26-30). Structural, morphological, thermal and dosimetric properties of CaF2: Dy nanophosphor for 100 keV Cu− ion irradiation. In S. Singh(Eds.), Proceedings of 61st DAE Solid State Physics Symposium(pp.050124). Odisha; India: American Institute of Physics. ISBN: 9780735415003. | ||
27) | Kandare, S.P., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S. (2015,December, 21-25). Hydrothermally synthesized barium fluoride nanocubes for thermoluminescence dosimetry. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.050149). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788. | ||
28) | Bogle, K.A., Narwade, R.D., Phatangare, A.B., Dahiwale, S.S., Mahabole, M.P., Khairnar, R.S. (2015,October, 30-31). Polycrystalline BiFeO3 thin film synthesized via sol-gel assisted spin coating technique for photosensitive application . In M.S. Shekhawat(Eds.), Proceedings of Condensed Matter and Applied Physics(pp.020318). Bikaner; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413757. | ||
29) | Bhadane, M.S., Patil, B.J., Dahiwale, S.S., Kulkarni, M.S., Bhatt, B.C., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of CaF2:Dy nanophosphor for dosimetric application. Proceedings of AIP Conference Proceeding (pp.0501131-0501133). American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 0094-243X. | ||
30) | Patil, B.J., Bhadane, M.S., Mandlik, N.T., Dahiwale, S.S., Kulkarni, M.S., Bhatt, B.C., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2015,June, 24). Thermoluminescence response of K2Ca2 (SO4) 3 nanophosphor Co-doped with Eu and Ce for gamma ray dosimetry. Proceedings of SOLID STATE PHYSICS: 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014(pp.050109). American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 0094-243X. | ||
31) | Kandare, S.P., Dhole, S.D., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dahiwale, S.S. (2015,December, 21-25). Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoflakes prepared by one step microwave irradiation technique: Effect of Cu concentration. In R. Chitra(Eds.), Proceedings of 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015(pp.050084). Uttar Pradesh; India: American Institute of Physics Inc. ISBN: 9780735413788. | ||
32) | Lee, K.D., Dahiwale, S.S., Kim, Y.D., Kim, S., Bae, S., Park, S., Tark, S.J., Kim, D. (2012,April, 3-5). Influence of gas mixture ratio on properties of SiNx:H films for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics, SiliconPV 2012(pp.419-425). Belgium: Elsevier BV. ISBN: 1876-6102. | ||
33) | Mathakari, N.L., Patil, B.J., Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2011,August, 21-24). 6 MeV electron beam induced diffusion of iodine in isotactic polypropylene. In G.P. Grim(Eds.), Proceedings of Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications XII. United States: SPIE Digital Library. ISBN: 9780819487544/0277-786X. | ||
Publications Before 2011 |
34) | Dahiwale, S.S., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2006,December, 26-30). Single event effects on highly packed memory devices by heavy ion irradiation. In K.G. Bhushan(Eds.), Proceedings of DAE solid state physics symposium(pp.347-348). Bhopal; India: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy. ISBN: 8183720307. | ||
35) | George, G.S., Dahiwale, S.S., Yewale, J.E., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2005,December, 26-30). Comparison of minority carriers lifetime in MeV energy electrons, gamma rays and thermal neutrons irradiated crystalline silicon. In V.K. Aswal(Eds.), Proceedings of DAE solid state physics symposium(pp.673-674). Amritsar; India: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Deppartmnet of Atomic Energy. ISBN: 8183720005. | ||