Teacher Details
Manasi Vilas Gore
Department of Economics
Research Areas : Environmental Economics, Macro Economics, Public Finance
1) | Gore, M., Annachhatre, M., Kandalgaonkar, M.D. (2024). Gig Economy Challenges through the Lens of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science,
07 (05), 80-88.
ISSN(print/online): 2456-0766,
URL/DOI: http://www.ijlrhss.com/paper/volume-7-issue-5/9-HSS-2734.pdf
2) | Gore, M.V., Annachhatre, M. (2023). Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP): Unlocking Potential through Fiscal Federalism. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning,
11 (2a),
ISSN(print/online): 2147-6454,
URL/DOI: https://www.tojdel.net/?pid=showissue&issueid=278
3) | Gore, M.V. (2022). Smart Cities Mission: Disruptive Innovation for Sustainable Development . International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research,
8 (4), 181-184.
ISSN(print/online): 2394-7780.
4) | Gore, M.V. (2022). Efficacy of the SDG India Index: Comparison of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Interlending and Document Supply,
10 (14), 181 – 184.
ISSN(print/online): 0264-1615,
URL/DOI: https://iaraedu.com/about-journal/ijair-volume-8-issue-4-viii-october-december-2021.php
5) | Gore, M. V., Annachhatre, M. P. (2021). Disruptive Innovations in Defence Leading to Disruptive Humanity. International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research,
8 (4), 171-175.
ISSN(print/online): 2394-7780,
URL/DOI: https://iaraedu.com/pdf/ijair-volume-8-issue-4-viii-october-december-2021.pdf
6) | Annachhatre, M., Gore, M. (2020). Rebooting and Rejuvenating India’s External Sector Post-Pandemic. European Journal of Marketing and Economics,
4 (1), 74-87.
ISSN(print/online): 2601-8659/2601-8667,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26417/980idk43a
7) | Gore, M. (2020). Bio Medical Waste Management in Maharashtra : A looming concern. CASPR Economic Review,
8) | Gore, M.V. (2019). Climate refugees/migrants in India: A need for policy. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field ,
ISSN(print/online): 2455-0620.
9) | Gore, M., Korde, R. (2019). How Does India Fare on Global Climate Change Indices?. Economic and Political Weekly,
54 (45), 30-42.
ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846,
URL/DOI: https://www.epw.in/engage/article/how-does-india-fare-global-climate-change-indices
10) | Gore, M., Daptardar, V. (2019). Smart Cities for Sustainable Development in India: opportunities and challenges. European Journal of Sustainable Development,
8 (3 ), 133-144. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 2239-5938/2239-6101,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14207/ejsd.2019.v8n3p133
11) | Gore, M.V., Annachhatre, M. (2019). Trade off between India's trade promotion and its Environmental sustainability. European Journal of Sustainable Development,
8 (3), 405-418.
ISSN(print/online): 2239-5938/2239-6101,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14207/ejsd.2019.v8n3p405
12) | Gore, M., Annachhatre, M. (2019). Environmental Security: A pre-condition for Sustainable Development in India. Our Heritage,
ISSN(print/online): 0474-9030.
13) | Gore, M., Annachhatre, M. (2019). Trade-off between India’s Trade Promotion and its Environmental Sustainability. European Journal of Sustainable Development,
8 (3), 405-417.
ISSN(print/online): 2239-5938/2239-6101,
URL/DOI: https://ecsdev.org/ojs/index.php/ejsd/article/view/890/885
14) | Gore, M., Daptardar, V. (2018). Intertwining Ethics into Climate Change: Issues and Challenges. Business Sciences International Research Journal,
6 (2), 85-90.
ISSN(print/online): 2321-3191.
15) | Gore, M., Annachhatre M. (2018). Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A step towards social accountability. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies,
3 (2), 60-69.
ISSN(print/online): 2414-8377/2414-8385,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26417/ejms.v7i2.p60-69