Teacher Details

Mokat Digambar Nabhu

Department of Botany


Research Areas : Plant Taxonomy, Medicinal plant Biology, Biodiversity conservation

1)    Mokat, D.N., Yadav, S., Benke, A.P. (2024). Evaluation of Tinospora species: T. cordifolia, T. sinensis and T. crispa with microscopic imaging, physicochemical properties and major compounds profiling for authentic uses. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2 (2), 46-57. ISSN(print/online): 0925-9864/1573-5109, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10722-023-01747-w
2)    Benke, A.P., Mahajan, V., Mokat, D.N. (2024). Morphological and molecular diversity of some locally grown, underutilized and cultivated Allium species from India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, ISSN(print/online): 0925-9864/1573-5109, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10722-024-01965-w
3)    Benke, A.P., Mahajan, V., Manjunathagowda, D.C., Mokat, D.N. (2022). Interspecific hybridization in Allium crops: status and prospectus. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 69 (1), 1-9. ISSN(print/online): 0925-9864/1573-5109, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10722-021-01283-5
4)    Mokat, D.N., Kharat, T.D. (2022). Essential Oil Composition in Leaves of Ocimum Species Found in Western Maharashtra, India. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 25 (1), 1-8. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 0972-060X/0976-5026, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0972060X.2022.2043190
5)    Mokat, D.N., Salvi P P., Kamble, P.N., Awale, M.S., Kharat, T.D., Mahadam, P.D. (2022). Propagation studies on threatened and medicinally important Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz through stem and root cuttings. International Journal of Botany Studies, 7 (6), 69-78. ISSN(print/online): 2455-541X, URL/DOI: https://www.botanyjournals.com/archives/2022/vol7/issue6/7-6-14
6)    Suryawanshi, Y.C., Mokat, D.N. (2021). Morphophysiological Seed Variability in Mahua Trees from Western Ghats and Its Impact on Tribal Life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 91 (1), 227-239. ISSN(print/online): 0369-8211/2250-1746, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40011-020-01223-w
7)    Torawane, S.D., Mokat, D.N. (2021). Allelopathic potential of weed neanotis lancifolia (Hook.f.) w.h. lewis on seed germination and metabolism of mungbean and rice. Allelopathy Journal, 52 (2), 277-290. ISSN(print/online): 0971-4693/0974-1240, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26651/allelo.j/2020-52-2-1322
8)    Torawane, S., Andhale, R., Pandit, R., Mokat, D., Phuge, S. (2021). Screening of some weed extracts for ovicidal and larvicidal activities against dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, 82, 36. ISSN(print/online): 2090-990X, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41936-021-00233-y
9)    Kharat, T.D., Mokat, D.N. (2021). Comparative Study of Essential Oil Found in Roots of Wild and Cultivated Drug Anantmool. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 24 (6), 1227-1234. ISSN(print/online): 0972-060X/0976-5026, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0972060X.2022.2026257
10)    Torawane, S.D., Mokat, D.N. (2020). Allelopathic effects of weed Neanotis montholonii on seed germination and metabolism of mungbean and rice. Allelopathy Journal, 49 (2), 151-163. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 0971-4693/0974-1240, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26651/allelo.j/2020-49-2-1261
12)    Mokat, D.N., Torawane, S.D., Suryawanshi, Y.C. (2020). Chemical profiling of two aromatic weeds, Cyathocline purpurea and Blumea lacera. Current Botany, 11, 205-210. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 2220-4822, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25081/cb.2020.v11.6259
13)    Suryawanshi, Y.C., Mokat, D.N. (2020). Variability studies in Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia flowers from Northern Western Ghats of India. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 33 (2), 261-266. ISSN(print/online): 0970-6429, URL/DOI: https://kiran.nic.in/pdf/IJHF/Vol_33_2/10_compressed.pdf
14)    Mokat, D.N., Madavi, D.G., Suryawanshi, Y.C. (2019). Morpho-physiological and bioprospecting studies of some tree borne oil seeds occurring in the state of Maharashtra. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, 8 (2), 377-385. ISSN(print/online): 2278-3229.
15)    Shaikh, M.N., Suryawanshi, Y.C., Mokat, D.N. (2019). Volatile Profiling and Essential Oil Yield of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Treated with Rhizosphere Fungi and Some Important Fertilizers. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 22 (2), 484-492. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 0972-060X/0976-5026, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0972060X.2019.1613933
17)    Suryawanshi, Y.C., Mokat, D.N. (2019). Chemical Composition of Essential Oil of Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A. Chev. Flowers. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 22 (4), 1034-1039. ISSN(print/online): 0972-060X/0976-5026, URL/DOI: Http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0972060X.2019.1667879
18)    Mokat, D.N., Torawane, S.D. (2019). Morphological, anatomical and phytochemical characterization of Neanotis montholonii (Hook. F.) W.H. Lewis . Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8 (3), 1218-1226 . ISSN(print/online): 2349-8234/2278-4136, URL/DOI: https://www.phytojournal.com/archives?year=2019&vol=8&issue=3&ArticleId=8262
19)    Suryawanshi, Y.C., Mokat, D.N. (2019). GCMS and elemental analysis of Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia seeds. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 10 (2), 786-789. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 2320-5148/0975-8232, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.10(2).786-89
20)    Kharat, T.D., Mokat, D.N. (2018). Floristic and Ecological Studiess of Mayureshwar and Rehkuri Wildlife Sancturies. International Journal of Botany Studies, 3 (2), 29-37. ISSN(print/online): 2455-541X, URL/DOI: http://www.botanyjournals.com/download/253/3-1-47-410.pdf
21)    Shaikh, M.N., Mokat, D.N. (2018). Role of Rhizosphere Fungi Associated with Commercially Explored Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: A Review. Current Agriculture Research Journal, 6 (1), 72-77. ISSN(print/online): 2347-4688/2321-9971, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CARJ.6.1.09
22)    Shaikh, M.N., Kasabe, U.I., Mokat, D.N. (2018). Influence of Rhizosphere Fungi on Essential Oil Production and Menthol Content in Mentha arvensis L.. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 21 (4), 1076-1081. ISSN(print/online): 0972-060X/0976-5026, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0972060X.2018.1495579
24)    Shaikh, M.N., Mokat, D.N., (2017). Bioactive metabolites of rhizosphere fungi associated with Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6 (6), 2289-2293. ISSN(print/online): 2349-8234/2278-4136, URL/DOI: http://www.phytojournal.com/archives/2017/vol6issue6/PartAF/6-6-66-502.pdf
25)    Thombre, S.S., Kalamkar, S.S., Shaikh, M.N., Torawane, S.D., Mokat, D.N. (2016). Studies on rhizosphere fungi and allelopathic potential of Santalum album L.. Bioscience Discovery, 7 (2), 158-161. ISSN(print/online): 2229-3469/2231-024X, URL/DOI: http://www.biosciencediscovery.com/Vol%207%20No%202/Thombre158-161.pdf
26)    Musmade, K., Rakshe, A., Mokat, D.N. (2016). Pharmacognostic studies of drug Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. . International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 3 (5), 234-239. ISSN(print/online): 2394-5583/2348-3962, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.IJP.3(5).234-39
27)    Salvi, P.R., Patil, R.R., Mokat, D.N. (2015). Seed Germination Studies in Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 10 (1), 1-7. ISSN(print/online): 2231-0894, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9734/EJMP/2015/15457
28)    Mokat, D.N., Rakshe, A., Pardhi, S. (2015). Albuno mutant in Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R. Br. ex. Roem. and Schult. and Azadirachta indica A.Juss.. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 22 (2), 87-89. ISSN(print/online): 0971-9415, URL/DOI: https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20153340928
29)    Patil, R.R., Khanvilkar, M., Mokat, D.N., Relekar, P.P., Pujari, K.H. (2014). Studies on dehydrated mature jackfruit (artocarpus heterophyllus lam.) Chips for value addition . Life Sciences Leaflets, 52 (2014), 87-93. ISSN(print/online): 2277-4297/0976-1098, URL/DOI: https://petsd.org/ojs/index.php/lifesciencesleaflets/article/view/689
30)    Patil, R.R., Khanvilkar, M., Mokat, D.N., Relekar, P.P., Pujari, K.H. (2014). Effect of pre-treatments on Physico-chemical composition of Dehydrated jackfruit chips during storage at ambient temperature . Life Sciences Leaflets, 54 (2014), 27-35. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 2277-4297/0976-1098, URL/DOI: https://petsd.org/ojs/index.php/lifesciencesleaflets/article/view/707/620
31)    Mokat, D.N. (2014). Growth performance and flowering in planted saplings of saraca asoca (roxb.) De wilde. Life Sciences Leaflets, 56, 9-12. ISSN(print/online): 2277-4297/0976-1098, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1234/lsl.v56i0.156
32)    Mokat, D.N., Samudra, S.M., Bagal, J.G., Deokule, S.S. (2014). ITK's of wild plant resources used as food in Konkan Region of Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Indigenous Medicinal Plants, 47 (1), 1554-1560. ISSN(print/online): 2051-4263.
33)    Mokat, D.N., Maku, H.C., Narkhede,S.S. (2013). Effect of period of bark harvesting and diameter class on qualityparameters of bark of Terminalia cuneata Roth. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 19 (1), 155-157. ISSN(print/online): 0971-765X, URL/DOI: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287318645_Evaluation_of_rate_of_bark_regeneration_in_Terminalia_cuneata_Roth
34)    Donikar, R.P., Patil, V.K., Narkhede, S.S., Rane, A.D., Mokat, D.N., Bhave, S.G. (2011). Circumstantial and response attitudes of people affected with livestock depredation by leopards Panthera pardus Linnaeus in Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 108 (1), 18-23. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 0006-6982, URL/DOI: https://www.bnhsjournal.in/index.php/bnhs/article/view/157518

Publications Before 2011

35)    Mokat, D.N., Deokule, S.S. (2006). Ethno-medico-botanical survey of Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra state. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 30, 140-144. ISSN(print/online): 0250-9768, URL/DOI: https://www.scientificpubonline.com/journaldetails/journal-economic-taxonomic-botany/10/0
36)    Mokat, D.N., Deokule, S.S. (2004). Plants used as veterinary medicine in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra. Ethnobotany, 16, 131-135. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 0971-1252.