Teacher Details

Pahurkar Rajesh Narayanrao

Department of Management Sciences


1)    Gidage, M., Bhide, S., Pahurkar, R., Kolte, A. (2024). ESG Performance and Systemic Risk Nexus: Role of Firm-Specific Factors in Indian Companies. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (9), 381. ISSN(print/online): 1911-8066/1911-8074, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jrfm17090381
2)    Muluk, S., Pahurkar, R. (2022). Mapping the Literature on influence of Market Orientation & Marketing Practices on the Performance of SMEs: A Bibliometric review. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 28 (4), 1547-1558. ISSN(print/online): 2204-1990/1323-6903, URL/DOI: https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/2689
3)    Pahurkar, R.N., Jarad, R., Kinikar, Y., Wankhede, V., Bhadade, D. (2022). Reframing the Rules of Business in Indian Hotel and Restaurant Sector Post Pandemic. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (5), 6837-6846. ISSN(print/online): 2717-7564, URL/DOI: https://journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/8218
4)    Muluk, S., Pahurkar, R. (2022). The Implementation Of Marketing Practices Based On Marketing Philosophies In Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (8), 2015-2022. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 2717-7564, URL/DOI: https://mail.journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/10104/6558
5)    Pawar, A., Sangvikar, B., Chintamani, A., Jain, S., Pahurkar, R. (2020). Analyzing the Dynamic Behaviour towards Electronic Goods: The Consumer and Sellers Perspective. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12 (7), 2516-2525. ISSN(print/online): 1943-023X, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202384
6)    Pahurkar, R.N., Jain, S., Sangvikar, B.V. (2020). Sales Training as a Strategic Tool to Control and Improve Performance, Motivation and Retention of Sales Staff . Test Engineering and Management, 83, 18476-18482. ISSN(print/online): 0193-4120, URL/DOI: http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/10320/7910
7)    Pahurkar, R., Kolte, A., Jain, S. (2020). A Study of Perceived Barriers for Entrepreneurship Development among Management Students. Test Engineering and Management, 83, 5607-5620. ISSN(print/online): 0193-4120, URL/DOI: http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/4508/3839
8)    Pahurkar, R.N., Sangvikar, B.V., Khadke, K., Kolte, A. (2020). An exploratory study of important dimensions in strengthening buyer-supplier relationship. International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 11 (2), 803-810. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 0975-8364/2249-3255.
9)    Sangvikar, B., Pawar, A., Pahurkar, R. (2019). Survival from the balance of payment crisis: Implications from the challenges faced by India. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (2), 3769-3775. ISSN(print/online): 2277-3878, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B1489.0982S1119
10)    Pahurkar, R.N., Nair, J., Kolte, A. (2019). Measuring the impact of learning organization on employee retention, competitive advantage and financial performance in the BPO industry. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (3), 546-553. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 2277-3878, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C1112.1083S19
11)    Pahurkar, R.N., Chitale, C.M., Jain, S. (2018). An Entrepreneurship Development Initiative - A Project Designed, Developed and Executed for Indian Army Personnel. Pacific Business Review International, 10 (7), 55-64. ISSN(print/online): 0974-438X, URL/DOI: http://www.pbr.co.in/2018/2018_month/Jan/6.pdf
12)    Pahurkar, R.N. (2015). Creating Entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurial Universities. Management, 5 (2), 48-54. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 2162-9374/2162-8416, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5923/j.mm.20150502.04
13)    Pahurkar, R.N. (2014). The Comprehensive Approach for Creativity and Innovation-Enhancement and Sustainability in Social Enterprises. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 4 (2), 111-125. Google Scholar Citations, ISSN(print/online): 1925-4725/1925-4733, URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jms.v4n2p111
14)    Pahurkar, R.N. (2012). Services Innovation Inside and Outside of the Organization with the Help of ICT. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 2 (5), 133-136. ISSN(print/online): 2231-5756.
15)    Pahurkar, R.N. (2011). Impact of globalization on the management education system: A critical study of consumer satisfaction in Pune city. Uisia, 2, 294-304.
16)    Pahurkar, R.N. (2011). Analytical study of various approaches in service quality, design and developments. International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management, 1 (9), 117-120. ISSN(print/online): 2231-1009, URL/DOI: http://ijrcm.org.in/article_info.php?article_id=988
17)    Chitale, C.M., Pahurkar, R. (2011). The usage of e-Technology in Higher Education in India. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 1 (2), 116-120. ISSN(print/online): 2249-7455.