Teacher Details
Pahurkar Rajesh Narayanrao
Department of Management Sciences
1) | Gidage, M., Bhide, S., Pahurkar, R., Kolte, A. (2024). ESG Performance and Systemic Risk Nexus: Role of Firm-Specific Factors in Indian Companies. Journal of Risk and Financial Management,
17 (9), 381.
ISSN(print/online): 1911-8066/1911-8074,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jrfm17090381
2) | Muluk, S., Pahurkar, R. (2022). Mapping the Literature on influence of Market Orientation & Marketing Practices on the Performance of SMEs: A Bibliometric review. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government,
28 (4), 1547-1558.
ISSN(print/online): 2204-1990/1323-6903,
URL/DOI: https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/2689
3) | Pahurkar, R.N., Jarad, R., Kinikar, Y., Wankhede, V., Bhadade, D. (2022). Reframing the Rules of Business in Indian Hotel and Restaurant Sector Post Pandemic. Journal of Positive School Psychology,
6 (5), 6837-6846.
ISSN(print/online): 2717-7564,
URL/DOI: https://journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/8218
4) | Muluk, S., Pahurkar, R. (2022). The Implementation Of Marketing Practices Based On Marketing Philosophies In Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of Positive School Psychology,
6 (8), 2015-2022. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 2717-7564,
URL/DOI: https://mail.journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/10104/6558
5) | Pawar, A., Sangvikar, B., Chintamani, A., Jain, S., Pahurkar, R. (2020). Analyzing the Dynamic Behaviour towards Electronic Goods: The Consumer and Sellers Perspective. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems,
12 (7), 2516-2525.
ISSN(print/online): 1943-023X,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202384
6) | Pahurkar, R.N., Jain, S., Sangvikar, B.V. (2020). Sales Training as a Strategic Tool to Control and Improve Performance, Motivation and Retention of Sales Staff . Test Engineering and Management,
83, 18476-18482.
ISSN(print/online): 0193-4120,
URL/DOI: http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/10320/7910
7) | Pahurkar, R., Kolte, A., Jain, S. (2020). A Study of Perceived Barriers for Entrepreneurship Development among Management Students. Test Engineering and Management,
83, 5607-5620.
ISSN(print/online): 0193-4120,
URL/DOI: http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/4508/3839
8) | Pahurkar, R.N., Sangvikar, B.V., Khadke, K., Kolte, A. (2020). An exploratory study of important dimensions in strengthening buyer-supplier relationship. International Journal on Emerging Technologies,
11 (2), 803-810. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 0975-8364/2249-3255.
9) | Sangvikar, B., Pawar, A., Pahurkar, R. (2019). Survival from the balance of payment crisis: Implications from the challenges faced by India. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,
8 (2), 3769-3775.
ISSN(print/online): 2277-3878,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B1489.0982S1119
10) | Pahurkar, R.N., Nair, J., Kolte, A. (2019). Measuring the impact of learning organization on employee retention, competitive advantage and financial performance in the BPO industry. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,
8 (3), 546-553. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 2277-3878,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C1112.1083S19
11) | Pahurkar, R.N., Chitale, C.M., Jain, S. (2018). An Entrepreneurship Development Initiative - A Project Designed, Developed and Executed for Indian Army Personnel. Pacific Business Review International,
10 (7), 55-64.
ISSN(print/online): 0974-438X,
URL/DOI: http://www.pbr.co.in/2018/2018_month/Jan/6.pdf
12) | Pahurkar, R.N. (2015). Creating Entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurial Universities. Management,
5 (2), 48-54. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 2162-9374/2162-8416,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5923/j.mm.20150502.04
13) | Pahurkar, R.N. (2014). The Comprehensive Approach for Creativity and Innovation-Enhancement and Sustainability in Social Enterprises. Journal of Management and Sustainability,
4 (2), 111-125. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 1925-4725/1925-4733,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jms.v4n2p111
14) | Pahurkar, R.N. (2012). Services Innovation Inside and Outside of the Organization with the Help of ICT. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management,
2 (5), 133-136.
ISSN(print/online): 2231-5756.
15) | Pahurkar, R.N. (2011). Impact of globalization on the management education system: A critical study of consumer satisfaction in Pune city. Uisia,
2, 294-304.
16) | Pahurkar, R.N. (2011). Analytical study of various approaches in service quality, design and developments. International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management,
1 (9), 117-120.
ISSN(print/online): 2231-1009,
URL/DOI: http://ijrcm.org.in/article_info.php?article_id=988
17) | Chitale, C.M., Pahurkar, R. (2011). The usage of e-Technology in Higher Education in India. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering,
1 (2), 116-120.
ISSN(print/online): 2249-7455.