Teacher Details
Swapnil Sunil Vyas
Department of Geography
Research Areas : Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Agriculture Monitoring, Drought, WebGIS
1) | Kalra, H., Dongre, A., Vyas, S. (2024). On the possible primary sources of Koh-i-Noor and other Golkonda diamonds. Journal of Earth System Science,
133, 51.
ISSN(print/online): 0253-4126/0973-774X,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12040-024-02260-z
2) | Dsouza, M., Phadtare, A., Vyas, S.S., Shinde, Y., Jadhav, A. (2024). Toward resilient development in rural area: some strategic recommendations based on contextual findings in Bhokardan Taluka, Jalna. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment,
15 (4), 699-727.
ISSN(print/online): 1759-5908/1759-5916,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJDRBE-02-2023-0045
3) | Sawant, S., Bonala, P., Joshi, A., Shindikar, M., Patil, A., Vyas, S., Deobagkar, D. (2024). Integration of machine learning and remote sensing for assessing the change detection of mangrove forests along the Mumbai coast. Journal of Earth System Science,
133, 186.
ISSN(print/online): 0253-4126/0973-774X,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12040-024-02378-0
4) | Phadtare, A., Vyas, S., Jadhav, A., Yadav, A., Gholkar, M. (2022). Drawdown area farming: a sustainable agriculture approach and its social impacts on the rural population in Jalna district, Maharashtra. Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers,
44 (2), 243-258.
ISSN(print/online): 0970-9851,
URL/DOI: https://iigeo.org/transaction-contents-vol-44-2/
5) | Vyas, S.S., Bhattacharya, B.K. (2020). Agricultural drought early warning from geostationary meteorological satellites: concept and demonstration over semi-arid tract in India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,
192 (5), 311. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 0167-6369/1573-2959,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-08272-8
6) | Dhangar, N., Vyas, S., Guhathakurta, P., Mukim, S., Tidke, N., Balasubramanian, R., Chattopadhyay, N. (2019). Drought monitoring over India using multi-scalar standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index. Mausam,
70 (4), 833-840.
ISSN(print/online): 0252-9416,
URL/DOI: https://metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/570415.pdf
7) | Chattopadhyay, N., Vyas, S.S., Bhattacharya, B.K., Tidke, N.S., Dhangar, N.G. (2017). Validation of soil moisture derived from water balance method and satellite observation. Mausam,
68 (2), 279-286. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 0252-9416,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.54302/mausam.v68i2.630
8) | Nigam, R., Vyas, S.S., Bhattacharya, B.K., Oza, M.P., Manjunath, K.R. (2017). Retrieval of regional LAI over agricultural land from an Indian geostationary satellite and its application for crop yield estimation. Journal of Spatial Science,
62 (1), 103-125. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 1449-8596/1836-5655,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14498596.2016.1220872
9) | Vyas, S.S., Nigam, R., Bhattacharya, B.K., Kumar, P. (2016). Development of real-time reference evapotranspiration at the regional scale using satellite-based observations. International Journal of Remote Sensing,
37 (24), 6108-6126. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 0143-1161/1366-5901,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2016.1253895
10) | Vyas, S.S., Bhattacharya, B.K., Nigam, R., Guhathakurta, P., Ghosh, K., Chattopadhyay, N., Gairola, R.M. (2015). A combined deficit index for regional agricultural drought assessment over semi-arid tract of India using geostationary meteorological satellite data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,
39, 28-39. Google Scholar Citations,
ISSN(print/online): 1569-8432/1872-826X,
URL/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2015.02.009