Department Details

Department of Environmental Sciences

1)    Chaudhary, I.J., Aher, V., Supekar, A., Chauhan, R., Kale, S.S., Gosavi, S.W. (2024). Dynamic interaction of heavy metals and mineralogical shifts in stream sediments exposed to MSW landfill leachate in a semi-arid basaltic terrain. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 26, 101282. ISSN(print/online): 2352-801X, URL/DOI:
2)    Kale, S.S., Chauhan, R., Nigam, B., Gosavi, S., Chaudhary, I.J. (2024). Effectiveness of nanoparticles in improving soil fertility and eco-friendly crop resistance: A comprehensive review. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 56, 103066. ISSN(print/online): 1878-8181, URL/DOI:
3)    Padwal, Y., Chauhan, R., Panchang, R., Fouad, H., Gosavi, S.W. (2024). Exploring Mo-ZnO@NF for hydrogen generation and methylene blue remediation: sunlight-driven catalysis. Frontiers in Physics, 12, 1416563. ISSN(print/online): 2296-424X, URL/DOI:
4)    Khan, H., Govil, P., Panchang, R., Agrawal, S., Kumar, P., Kumar, B., Verma, D. (2024). Abrupt intensification of AMOC and monsoonal winds during mid-MIS4 (Heinrich Event 6) in the western Arabian Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 235, ISSN(print/online): 0921-8181/1872-6364, URL/DOI:
5)    Patil, R.S., Nandre, V.S., Mhetre, S.N., Mhetre, N.B., Sutar, A.P., Jadhav, K.K., Mahajan, D.M., Hase, C.P., Kamble, P.N. (2023). Extraction of Nitrate from Grapevine Petiole and its Determination by Using UV-Spectrometric Screening Method: a Comparative Study. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 78 (3), 330-336. ISSN(print/online): 1061-9348/1608-3199, URL/DOI:
6)    Ambokar, M., Panchang, R., Govil, P., Azharuddin, S. (2023). A first account of pteropod taxa from off Saurashtra, western offshore of India: Implications for palaeohydrological studies. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 68 (2), 243-249. ISSN(print/online): 0552-9360, URL/DOI:
7)    Dutta, U., Singh, Y., Panchang, R. (2023). Coping With Flood Hazards In Urban Areas: Community-Centered Strategies. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 11 (9), d338-d344. ISSN(print/online): 2320-2882, URL/DOI:
8)    Panchang, R. (2023). Editorial. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 68 (2), 145-146. ISSN(print/online): 0552-9360, URL/DOI:
9)    Panchang, R., N, L.V., Padate, V., Nigam, R. (2023). Environmental monitoring of the Kavaratti lagoon, Lakshadweep Islands, Arabian Sea using larger foraminiferal distribution. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 68 (2), 303-312. ISSN(print/online): 0552-9360, URL/DOI:
10)    Padwal, Y., Panchang, R., Fouad, H., Terashima, C., Chauhan, R., Gosavi, S.W. (2023). Unveiling the mechanism of enhanced methylene blue degradation using chromium-TiO2/carbon nanocomposite photocatalyst. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 27 (12), 3557-3568. ISSN(print/online): 1432-8488/1433-0768, URL/DOI:
11)    Panchang, R., Nigam, R., Ambokar, M. (2023). Spatial distribution of pteropods from North Andaman Sea: Insights into aragonite supply and deposition in low saline, delta shelf regimes. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 68 (2), 207-216. ISSN(print/online): 0552-9360, URL/DOI:
12)    Khan, H., Govil, P., Panchang, R., Agrawal, S., Kumar, P., Kumar, B., Verma, D. (2023). Surface and thermocline ocean circulation intensity changes in the western Arabian Sea during ∼172 kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews, 311, 108133. ISSN(print/online): 0277-3791/1873-457X, URL/DOI:
13)    Nandusekar, P.P., Mukkannawar, U.S., Jaybhaye, R.G., Kulkarni, U.D., Kamble, P.N. (2022). Evaluation of Source Emissions Dispersion Potential Near a Coastal Village of Maharashtra, India. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 21 (3), 981-992. ISSN(print/online): 0972-6268/2395-3454, URL/DOI:
14)    Kalekar, P., Kamble, P.N., Chakraborti, S., Dev, P., Alvarez, E., Laware, S. (2022). Heavy metal contamination in surface sediments of the Upper Bhima Basin, Maharashtra, India. Environmental Sustainability, 5, 507–531. ISSN(print/online): 2523-8922, URL/DOI:
15)    Gawari, D., Pandit, V., Jawale, N., Kamble, P. (2022). Layered MoS2 for photocatalytic dye degradation. Materials Today: Proceedings, 53 (1), 10-14. ISSN(print/online): 2214-7853, URL/DOI:
16)    Jaybhaye, R., Nandusekar, P., Awale, M., Paul, D., Kulkarni, U., Jadhav, J., Mukkannawar, U., Kamble, P. (2022). Analysis of seasonal variation in surface water quality and water quality index (WQI) of Amba River from Dolvi Region, Maharashtra, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15, 1261. ISSN(print/online): 1866-7511/1866-7538, URL/DOI:
17)    Mokat, D.N., Salvi P P., Kamble, P.N., Awale, M.S., Kharat, T.D., Mahadam, P.D. (2022). Propagation studies on threatened and medicinally important Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz through stem and root cuttings. International Journal of Botany Studies, 7 (6), 69-78. ISSN(print/online): 2455-541X, URL/DOI:
18)    Jadhav, A.P., Phatangare, A.B., Ganesapandy, T.S., Bholane, G.T., Sonawane, A.M., Khantwal, N., Kamble, P.N., Mondal, P., Dhamgaye, V.P., Dahiwale, S.S., Phase, D.M., Bhoraskar, V.N., Dhole, S.D. (2022). Synchrotron X-ray assisted degradation of industrial wastewater by advanced oxidation process. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 197, 110161. ISSN(print/online): 0969-806X/1879-0895, URL/DOI:
19)    Kadam, A.K., Kale, S.S., Umrikar, B.N., Sankhua, R.N., Pawar, N.J. (2022). Assessing site suitability potential for soil and water conservation structures by using modified micro-watershed prioritization method: geomorphometric and geomatic approach. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24 (4), 4659-4683. ISSN(print/online): 1387-585X/1573-2975, URL/DOI:
20)    Khan, H., Govil, P., Panchang, R., Kumar, P., Agrawal, S. (2022). Surface hydrographic variations in the western Arabian Sea through the last 172 kyr. Geo-Marine Letters, 42 (2), 10. ISSN(print/online): 0276-0460/1432-1157, URL/DOI:
21)    वाघ, एस., पंचांग, आर. (2022). सिंधू संस्कृती चा वारसा: धोलावीरा. मराठी विज्ञान परिषद पत्रिका, 584 (12), 7-10.
22)    Panchang, R. (2022). A Report on the 28 th Indian Colloquium on Micropalaeontology & Stratigraphy (4th to 6th May 2022). Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 67 (2), 369-371. ISSN(print/online): 0552-9360, URL/DOI:
23)    Ambokar, M., Panchang, R., Govil, P., Azharuddin, S. (2022). Implications of finding Peraclis spp. in the Holocene sediments of the northeastern Arabian Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 177, 102182. ISSN(print/online): 0377-8398/1872-6186, URL/DOI:
24)    Samanta, A., Tripathy, G.R., Nath, B.N., Bhushan, R., Panchang, R., Bharti, N., Shrivastava, A. (2022). Holocene variability in chemical weathering and ocean redox state: A reconstruction using sediment geochemistry of the Arabian Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 224, 105029. ISSN(print/online): 1367-9120/1878-5786, URL/DOI:
25)    Patil, R.S., Patil, V.N., Nalavade, P.M., Kamble, P.N (2021). Environmental and Civil Prospects of Geotextile: A Review. International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 8 (11), 50-52. ISSN(print/online): 2321-0613, URL/DOI:
26)    Kamble, P., Bodane, P.S., Beig, G., Awale, M., Mane, U.M.A.V., Mujumdar, M., Kuchekar, S.R., Patil, V.N. (2021). Impact of transport sector emissions on biochemical characteristics of plants and mitigation strategy in Pune, India. Environmental Challenges, 4 (1), 100081. ISSN(print/online): 2667-0100, URL/DOI:
27)    Shaikh, M., Mandy, J., Umrikar, B.N., Kamble, P., Herlekar, M.A., Kamble, P.B. (2021). Identification of Suitable Sites for Plant Growth Using Multicriteria Technique and Physico-chemical Properties of Soils from Yerala River Catchment area, Western India. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology, 40 (2), 271-287. ISSN(print/online): 0970-4639/2320-3234, URL/DOI:
28)    Nigam, R., Kathal, P.K., Talib, A., Panchang, R. (2021). OBITUARY Satyendra Nath Bhalla (01/07/1940-10/05/2021). Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 66 (1), 105. ISSN(print/online): 0552-9360, URL/DOI:
29)    Panchang, R., Ambokar, M. (2021). Ocean acidification in the Northern Indian ocean : A review. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 219, 104904. WoS Citations: 1, ISSN(print/online): 1367-9120/1878-5786, URL/DOI:
30)    Shinde, D., Kamble, P., Mahajan, D.M., Devkar, V., Chakane, S. (2020). Analysis of Accumulated Heavy Metal Concentrations in Various Body Parts of Chillapi (Oreochromis mossambicus) Fish from Ujjani Reservoir of Maharashtra, India. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 8 (2), 37-44. ISSN(print/online): 2331-5083/2331-5091, URL/DOI:
31)    Patil R.S., Patil V.N., Nalawade P.M., Kamble P.N. (2020). Application of Geobags for control of soil erosion in Panchanganga river basin area: An eco friendly defense. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 7 (8), 2216-2221. ISSN(print/online): 2349-5162, URL/DOI:
32)    Mawal, S., Kamble, P.N. (2020). Isolation, Screening and Biochemical Characterization of Effective Microorganism for Bioremediation from Surface Water in a Mula-Mutha River, Pune – India. Journal of Agroecology and Natural Resource Management, 7 (1), 41-45. ISSN(print/online): 2394-0786/2394-0794, URL/DOI:
33)    Shah, B., Panchang, R. (2020). Foraminifera – A biological tool in a geologist’s hand. International Journal for Interdisciplinary Knowledge, 1 (7), 67-72. ISSN(print/online): 2394-0018.
34)    Kamble, P., Landge, R.H., Lande, A.N., Dhulap, V.P. (2019). A novel porous activated carbon compound prepared for adsorption of cobalt (co (ii)) from aqueous solution for environmental pollution mitigation. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 12 (4), 1864-1871. ISSN(print/online): 0974-1496/0976-0083, URL/DOI:
35)    Mawal, S., Kamble, P., Mokat, D.N. (2019). Assessment of Plant Diversity and Soil Carbon Sequestration of Alice garden and Department of Environmental Sciences in Savitribai Phule Pune University campus. International Journal of Botany, 4 (4), 6-13. ISSN(print/online): 1811-9700/1811-9719.
36)    Kadam, A.K, Jaweed, T.H., Kale, S., Umrikar, B.N., Sankhua, R.N. (2019). Identification of erosion-prone areas using modified morphometric prioritization method and sediment production rate: a remote sensing and GIS approach. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10 (1), 986-1006. WoS Citations: 24, ISSN(print/online): 1947-5705/1947-5713, URL/DOI:
37)    Danish, M., Tripathy, G.R., Panchang, R., Gandhi, N., Prakash, S (2019). Dissolved boron in a brackish-water lagoon system (Chilika lagoon, India): Spatial distribution and coastal behavior. Marine Chemistry, 214, 103663. Google Scholar Citations: 9, WoS Citations: 8, ISSN(print/online): 0304-4203/1872-7581, URL/DOI:
38)    Kamble, P.N., Baath, E. (2018). Carbon and Nitrogen Amendments Lead to Differential Growth of Bacterial and Fungal Communities in a High-pH Soil. Pedosphere, 28 (2), 255-260. WoS Citations: 10, ISSN(print/online): 1002-0160/2210-5107, URL/DOI:
39)    Kamble, P.N., Bodade, R.G., Sagar, A.K., Pondhe, G.M., Gaikwad, V.B., Mane, A.V. (2018). Removal of Copper (II) Using Bio- adsorbents from Prepared Aqueous Solution. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 17 (1), 215-222. ISSN(print/online): 0972-6268/2395-3454, URL/DOI:
40)    Shriram, V., Khare, T., Bhagwat, R., Shukla, R., Kumar, V. (2018). Inhibiting bacterial drug efflux pumps via phyto-therapeutics to combat threatening antimicrobial resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2990. Google Scholar Citations: 156, WoS Citations: 55, ISSN(print/online): 1664-302X, URL/DOI:
41)    Kadam, A.K., Kale, S.S., Umrikar, B.N., Sankhua, R.N., Pawar, N.J. (2017). Identifying Possible Locations to Construct Soil-Water Conservation Structures by Using Hydro-geological and Geospatial Analysis. Hydrospatial Analysis, 1 (1), 18-27. Google Scholar Citations: 13, ISSN(print/online): 2582-2969, URL/DOI:
42)    Patil, S.S., Shedbalkar, U.U., Truskewycz, A., Chopade, B.A., Ball, A.S. (2016). Nanoparticles for environmental clean-up: A review of potential risks and emerging solutions. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 5, 10-21. Google Scholar Citations: 11, WoS Citations: 118, ISSN(print/online): 2352-1864, URL/DOI:
43)    Kale, S.S., Ghole, V.S., Pawar, N.J., Jagtap, D.V. (2014). Inter- annual variability of urolithiasis epidemic from semi- arid part of Deccan Volcanic Province, India: climatic and hydrogeochemical perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 24 (3), 278-289. WoS Citations: 10, ISSN(print/online): 0960-3123/1369-1619, URL/DOI:
45)    Kadam, A.K., Kale, S.S., Pande, N.N., Pawar, N.J., Sankhua, R.N. (2012). Identifying potential rainwater harvesting sites of a semi-arid, basaltic region of western India, using SCS-CN method. Water Resources Management, 26 (9), 2537-2554. Google Scholar Citations: 32, WoS Citations: 88, ISSN(print/online): 0920-4741/1573-1650, URL/DOI:
46)    Kale, S.S., Pawar, N.J., Wagholikar, D.S., Achyuthan, H. (2011). Microstructure and growth band studies of uroliths using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Current Science, 100 (2), 225-229. Google Scholar Citations: 1, WoS Citations: 2, ISSN(print/online): 0011-3891, URL/DOI:

Publications Before 2011

47)    Kale, S.S., Kadam, A.K., Kumar, S., Pawar, N.J. (2010). Evaluating pollution potential of leachate from landfill site, from the Pune metropolitan city and its impact on shallow basaltic aquifers. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 162 (1-4), 327-346. Google Scholar Citations: 54, WoS Citations: 76, ISSN(print/online): 0167-6369/1573-2959, URL/DOI: