Department Details

Department of Sociology

1)    Ganguly, D. (2023). ‘Death’ of a teacher? Pandemic, pedagogy and virtual classrooms. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-11. ISSN(print/online): 1476-7724/1476-7732, URL/DOI:
2)    Ganguly, D. (2023). Book Review: Organizing Anarchy: Anarchism in Action , written by Shantz, J.. Comparative Sociology, 22 (3), 475–477. ISSN(print/online): 1569-1322/1569-1330, URL/DOI:
3)    Patel, S. (2021). Researching gandhi's ideas on women: Engaging with feminist theories then and now. Economic and Political Weekly, 56 (6), 44-51. ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
4)    Patel, S. (2021). Sociology’s encounter with the decolonial: The problematique of indigenous vs that of coloniality, extraversion and colonial modernity. Current Sociology, 69 (3), 372-388. WoS Citations: 5, ISSN(print/online): 0011-3921/1461-7064, URL/DOI:
5)    Patel, S. (2021). The nationalist-indigenous and colonial modernity: an assessment of two sociologists in India. Journal of Chinese Sociology, 8 (1), 2. ISSN(print/online): 2198-2635, URL/DOI:
6)    Ganguly, D. (2021). Book review: Of Greater Dignity than Riches: Austerity and Housing Design in India. Urban Studies, 58 (13), 2831-2833. ISSN(print/online): 0042-0980/1360-063X, URL/DOI:
7)    Ganguly, D. (2021). Forgotten Founders and Other Neglected Social Theorists. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 50 (4), 317-319. ISSN(print/online): 0094-3061/1939-8638, URL/DOI:
8)    Kolekar, S. (2021). Integration of Excluded: Case Study of Paradhi Tribe in Maharashtra. Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies, 19 (4), 8965-8976. ISSN(print/online): 0973-8444.
9)    Ahankari, A., Hayter, M., Whitfield, C., Ali, P., Giridhari, S., Tambe, S., Kabra, P., Rayamane, K., Ovseiko, P. (2019). ADolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): A study protocol [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research, 8, 958. ISSN(print/online): 2046-1402, URL/DOI:
10)    Tambe, S. (2017). Book Review: Gurpreet Bal (ed.), Contemporary Gender Issues: Identity, Status and Empowerment. Sociological Bulletin, 66 (2), 243-244. ISSN(print/online): 0038-0229/2457-0257, URL/DOI:
11)    Ganguly, D. (2017). Free Nagas and the Indian State: Negotiations between a 'Nation' and a 'Region'. Man and Society: A journal of North East Studies, 14, 82. ISSN(print/online): 2229-4058, URL/DOI:
13)    Tambe, S. (2015). Then They Came For Comrade Pansare.... Economic and Political Weekly, L (8), ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
14)    Tambe, S.S. (2015). Washing the Dirty linen: The Case of Women Domestic Workers. Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology, 36 (1-2), 23-38. ISSN(print/online): 0970-0242.
15)    तांबे, श्रुती (2014). भारतीय समाजातील सीमंतीकरणाच्या चर्चेची गरज संपली आहे काय ?. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
16)    तांबे, श्रुती (2014). समकालीन समाजशात्रीय सिद्धांत: प्रासंगिकता आणि प्रयोजन. विचारशलाका, 166-173. ISSN(print/online): 2229-7901.
17)    Tambe, S. (2014). Bharatatil Vivekvadachi Apoorna Kranti. ANISA, 415-423.
18)    Tambe, A., Tambe, S. (2013). Sexual Incitement, Spectatorship and Economic Liberalization in Contemporary India. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 15 (4), 494-510. Google Scholar Citations: 6, ISSN(print/online): 1369-801X/1469-929X, URL/DOI:
19)    तांबे, श्रुती (2012). नागरी समाजाचे गौडबंगाल. आंदोलन - शाश्वत विकासासाठी, 94-97.
20)    तांबे, श्रुती (2011). नागरी समाजाच्या पुनर्व्याख्येची गरज. परिवर्तनाचा वाटसरू, १३-१७. ISSN(print/online): 2250-3145.
21)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2011). Engendered Capacity Building: A Need for Sustainable Microfinance Initiatives. International Sociological Association e-Forum, 1 (1), 1-8. URL/DOI:

Publications Before 2011

22)    Tambe, S. (2010). Of Discourses and Canons: Marathi Women’s Oral Traditions. Critical Enquiry, 2 (4), 83-99.
23)    Tambe, S. (2010). Cheerleaders in the Indian Premier League. Economic and Political Weekly, 45 (36), 18-21. ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
24)    Tambe, S. (2009). Assimilation to Cultural Identity': Struggles of the De-notified and Nomadic Tribes. Sephis e-Magazine, 5 (1), 32. ISSN(print/online): 2347-8594.
25)    कोलेकर, संजय (2009). पश्चिम भारतातील अभिसरण व पर्यावरण. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, १८५, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
26)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2009). Raising citizenship rights for women through microcredit programmes: An analysis of MASUM, Maharashtra, India’. Community Development Journal, 44 (3), 403-414. Google Scholar Citations: 8, WoS Citations: 7, ISSN(print/online): 0010-3802/1468-2656, URL/DOI:
27)    Kolekar, S. (2008). Violence against Nomadic Tribes. Economic and Political Weekly, 43, 569-571. ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
28)    Kolekar, S. (2008). Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj and Social Justice. Kirloskar, 1026,
29)    तांबे, श्रुती (2007). चिकित्सक क्षेत्राभ्यासाची साधने: तात्त्विक स्थित्यंतरे व अनुभव. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
30)    तांबे, श्रुती (2007). नशीबवान राजकन्येच्या परीकथा. युगवाणी, १९-३०.
31)    तांबे, श्रुती (2007). वैचारिक नियतकालिके: सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रातील बहुजनकेंद्री विविधता. विचारशलाका, 55-56. ISSN(print/online): 2229-7901.
32)    तांबे, श्रुती (2007). भटक्या विमुक्तांच्या आकांक्षाचे प्रतिबिंब. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
33)    तांबे, श्रुती (2007). भारतीय सामाजिक वास्तवावर संकल्पनात्मक द्रीष्टीक्षेप. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
34)    Patel, S. (2007). Sociological Study of Religion, Colonial Modernity, and Nineteenth Century Majoritarianism. Economic and Political Weekly, 42 (13), 1089-1094. Google Scholar Citations: 3, ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
35)    Shirwadkar, S. (2007). Population Decline and Contemporary Durkheimian Theory. Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology, 35 (1), 51-62. URL/DOI:
36)    Patel, S. (2006). Urban Studies: An Exploration in Theory and Practices. Current Sociology, ISSN(print/online): 0011-3921/1461-7064.
37)    Patel, S. (2006). Colonial Modernity, the Sociological Study of Religion, and Nineteenth Century Majoritarianism. International Sociological Association e-Bulletin, 14-27. ISSN(print/online): 0383-8501.
38)    Patel, S. (2006). Challenges to Sociological Practices in India Today. International Sociological Association e-Bulletin, 51-54. ISSN(print/online): 0383-8501, URL/DOI:
39)    Patel, S. (2006). Employment Guarantee Scheme as an Instrument of Social Change. Samaj Prabodhan Patrika, 1-13. ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845, URL/DOI:
40)    Patel, S. (2006). Empowerment, Co-option, and Domination:Politics of Maharashtra's Employment Guarantee Scheme. Economic and Political Weekly, 41 (50), 5126-5133. Google Scholar Citations: 19, ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
41)    Patel, S. (2006). Beyond Binaries A Case for Self-Reflexive Sociologies. Current Sociology, 54 (3), 381-395. Google Scholar Citations: 37, ISSN(print/online): 0011-3921/1461-7064, URL/DOI:
42)    Kolekar, S. (2006). Political Rights of Converted Buddhist and Quest for Cast Annihilation. Samaj Prabodhan Patrika, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
43)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2006). Guaranteed Employment and Gender Construction: Women's Mobilisation in Maharashtra . Economic and Political Weekly, 41 (50), 16-22. Google Scholar Citations: 6, ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
44)    चारी-वाघ, अनुरेखा (2006). रोहयो व जनसंघटनाची स्त्रीवादी कृतिशीलता : श्रम, मताधिकार व हिंसा संधर्भात. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ४४ (१७६), ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
45)    तांबे, श्रुती (2005). आंतरराष्ट्रीय समाजशास्त्रातील प्रवाह. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
46)    Patel, S. (2005). Review: On Srinivas's 'Sociology. Sociological Bulletin, 54 (1), 101-111 . ISSN(print/online): 0038-0229/2457-0257, URL/DOI:
47)    Tambe, S. (2004). Collective Subjectivity, Domination and Democracy: The case of MJVA, Marathwada, India. Current Sociology, 52 (4), 671-691. Google Scholar Citations: 3, ISSN(print/online): 0011-3921/1461-7064, URL/DOI:
48)    Patel, S. (2004). Higher Education at Crossroads. Economic and Political Weekly, 39 (21), 2151-2154. ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
49)    Shirwadkar, S. (2004). Prevalence of Violence against Dating Partners by Male and Female University Students Worldwide. Violence Against Women, 10 (7), 790–811. WoS Citations: 407, ISSN(print/online): 1077-8012/1552-8448, URL/DOI:
50)    Shirwadkar, S. (2004). Canadian Domestic Violence Policy and Indian Immigrant Women. Violence Against Women, 10 (8), 860-879. Google Scholar Citations: 109, WoS Citations: 43, ISSN(print/online): 1077-8012/1552-8448, URL/DOI:
51)    तांबे, श्रुती (2003). महाराष्ट्रातील महिला धोरणे. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
52)    Harsh, R., Patel, S. (2003). Identity Politicss and Crisis of Social Sciences. Economic and Political Weekly, 38 (7), 525-527. Google Scholar Citations: 4, ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846, URL/DOI:
53)    Patel, S. (2002). The Profession and Its Association: Five Decades of the Indian Sociological Society. International Sociology, 17 (2), 269-284 . Google Scholar Citations: 9, WoS Citations: 5, ISSN(print/online): 0268-5809/1461-7242, URL/DOI:
54)    Shirwadkar, S., Seth, M. (2002). Women in Development: The Indian experience. Economic and Political Weekly, XXXVII (33), 17-23. ISSN(print/online): 0012-9976/2349-8846.
55)    Chari-Wagh, A. (2002). Women as Migrants: Inadequacy of Law. Journal of Symbiosis Law College, 2, 10-15.
56)    Patel, S. (2000). Mega Cities: A suggested research agenda. Working paper, Indo Dutch program for alternatives of development. Indian Council of Social Science Research,
57)    Patel, S. (2000). Modernity: Sociological Categories and Identities. Current Sociology, 48 (3), 1-5. ISSN(print/online): 0011-3921/1461-7064, URL/DOI:
58)    Shirwadkar, S. (1993). Education for Equality- Caste and gender. Journal of MIT, 2,
59)    Tambe, S.S. (1990). Streevishayak Abhyas Kendranchi Garaj. Smrutipushpa,
60)    Shirwadkar, S. (1990). Education and Development of Women in Marathwada. Social Change, 20 (2), ISSN(print/online): 0049-0857/0976-3538.
61)    Shirwadkar, S. (1990). Social Context of Educational Planning. Education and Society, ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
62)    Tambe, S.S. (1988). Roopakanwar: Jwalani Na Jalalela Ashroo. साधना,
63)    Shirwadkar, S., Dhagamwar, V. (1988). Women and Divorce. Journal of Education and Social Change, ISSN(print/online): 0970-3500.
64)    Shirwadkar, S. (1988). Status of Women in Islam. Journal of Education and Social Change, 2 (3), ISSN(print/online): 0970-3500.