Department Details
Centre for Energy Studies
1) | Nilegave, D.S., Sarangi, A., Rondiya, S.R., Shaikh, G.Y., Nasane, M.P., Jathar, S.B., Barma, S.V., Kore, K.B., Ghaisas, S.V., Chakraborty, S., Funde, A.M. (2025). Fabrication of Cu2NiSnS4 Nanoparticles on CdS with a Computationally Predicted Low Lattice Mismatch for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution. ACS Applied Nano Materials,
ISSN(print/online): 2574-0970,
2) | Padalkar, A.B., Chaudhari, M.B., Funde, A.M., Nandi, S. (2025). Effect of various parameters in circumferential fin-based hybrid thermal management for battery packs. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,
47, 50.
ISSN(print/online): 1678-5878/1806-3691,
3) | Adsure, K.T., Jagtap, S.B., Newaskar, S.R., Kore, K.B., Funde, A.M., Patange, S.M., Late, D.J. (2024). Exploring the synthesis, characterization, electrical, and magnetic behavior of crystalline Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
35, 1714.
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
4) | Padalkar, A.B., Chaudhari, M.B., Kore, K.B., Newaskar, S.R., Nilegave, D.S., Funde, A.M. (2024). Effects of circumferential fin on cooling performance improvement of forced air-cooled battery pack. Applied Thermal Engineering,
238, 122013.
ISSN(print/online): 1359-4311/1873-5606,
5) | Girawale, S.S., Nilegave, D.S., Shaikh, G.Y., Nagane, D., Sahu, S.A., Newaskar, S.R., Kore, K.B., Jadhav, V., Funde, A.M., Pathak, A. (2024). Solution-processed, cost-effective synthesis of MOF-199 and its application to aqueous rechargeable aluminum-ion pouch cell battery. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,
28 (9), 3077-3086.
ISSN(print/online): 1432-8488/1433-0768,
6) | Padalkar, A.B., Chaudhari, M.B., Funde, A.M. (2023). Computational investigation for reduction in auxiliary energy consumption with different cell spacing in battery pack. Journal of Energy Storage,
65, 107265.
ISSN(print/online): 2352-152X,
7) | Udawant, R.R., Pathak, A.M., Mohite, N.K., Jadkar, S.R., Takwale, M.G., Mohite, K.C. (2022). Thermal Performance of a Line Focus Fresnel Lens Solar Concentrator System for Generation of Low Pressure Steam. International Journal of Energy Engineering,
12 (1), 15-22.
ISSN(print/online): 2163-1891/2163-1905,
8) | Shaikh, G.Y., Nilegave, D.S., Girawale, S.S., Kore, K.B., Newaskar, S.R., Sahu, S.A., Funde, A.M. (2022). Structural, Optical, Photoelectrochemical, and Electronic Properties of the Photocathode CuS and the Efficient CuS/CdS Heterojunction. ACS Omega,
7 (34), 30233-30240.
ISSN(print/online): 2470-1343,
9) | Marathe, A., Sonde, R.R., Pathak, A. (2021). Thermal Performance enhancement of absorber tube of Parabolic Trough in direct steam generation using passive methods. International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science,
9 (8), 49-59.
ISSN(print/online): 2348-7550,
10) | Bade, B.R., Rondiya, S.R., Kore, K.B., Nilegave, D.S., Nasane, M.P., Jathar, S.B., Barma, S.V., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Room Temperature Synthesis of Formamidinium Lead Iodide (FAPbI3) Perovskite for Low-Cost Absorber in Solar Cells. ES Energy and Environment,
13, 31-36.
ISSN(print/online): 2578-0646/2578-0654,
11) | Bhorde, A., Waykar, R., Rondiya, S.R., Nair, S., Lonkar, G., Funde, A., Dzade, N.Y., Jadkar, S. (2021). Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskite Rb2AgBiI6: A Combined Experimental and DFT Study. ES Materials and Manufacturing,
12 (1), 43-52.
ISSN(print/online): 2578-0611/2578-062X,
12) | Bade, B.R., Rondiya, S.R., Jadhav, Y.A., Kamble, M.M., Barma, S.V., Jathar, S.B., Nasane, M.P., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M., Dzade, N.Y. (2021). Investigations of the structural, optoelectronic and band alignment properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 prepared by hot-injection method towards low-cost photovoltaic applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
854, 157093. WoS Citations: 7,
ISSN(print/online): 0925-8388/1873-4669,
13) | Nasane, M.P., Rondiya, S.R., Jadhav, C.D., Rahane, G., Cross, R.W., Jathar, S., Jadhav, Y., Barma, S., Nilegave, D., Jadkar, V., Rokade, A., Funde, A. (2021). An Interlinked Computational-Experimental Investigation into SnS Nano-Flakes for Field Emission Application. New Journal of Chemistry,
45 (26), 11768-11779. WoS Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 1144-0546/1369-9261,
14) | Jathar, S.B., Rondiya, S.R., Bade, B.R., Nasane, M.P., Barma, S.V., Jadhav, Y.A., Rokade, A.V., Kore, K.B., Nilegave, D.S., Tandale, P.U., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Facile Method for Synthesis of CsPbBr3 Perovskite at Room Temperature for Solar Cell Applications. ES Materials and Manufacturing,
12 (1), 72-77. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 2578-0611/2578-062X,
15) | Jathar, S.B., Rondiya, S.R., Jadhav, Y.A., Nilegave, D.S., Cross, R.W., Barma, S.V., Nasane, M.P., Gaware, S.A., Bade, B.R., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Ternary Cu2SnS3: Synthesis, Structure, Photoelectrochemical Activity, and Heterojunction Band Offset and Alignment. Chemistry of Materials,
33 (6), 1983-1993. WoS Citations: 8,
ISSN(print/online): 0897-4756/1520-5002,
16) | Aleksandrova, M., Kolev, G., Tomov, R., Singh, A., Mohite, K., Dobrikov, G.H. (2020). Role of the CdS/ZnS core/shell quantum dots in the thin film lead-free perovskite solar cells. Bulgarian Chemical Communications,
52 (C(S)), 65-71). Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 0861-9808/2534-9899.
17) | Kurhe, N., Pathak, A., Deshpande, K., Jadkar, S. (2020). Compound parabolic solar collector – Performance evaluation as per standard test method and actual field conditions for industrial process heat application in Indian context. Energy for Sustainable Development,
57, 98-108.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-0826/2352-4669,
18) | Marathe, A.M., Pathak, A. (2020). Evaluation of snaking issues in 250 KWe power plant based on direct steam generation using parabolic trough collector. Acta Technica Corviniensis - Bulletin of Engineering,
13 (2), 41-46.
ISSN(print/online): 2067-3809,
19) | Kamble, M.M., Rondiya, S.R., Bade, B.R., Kore, K.B., Nasane, M.P., Dzade, N.Y., Funde, A.M., Jadkar, S.R. (2020). Optical, structural and morphological study of CdS nanoparticles: role of sulfur source. Nanomaterials and Energy,
9 (1), 72-81.
ISSN(print/online): 2045-9831/2045-984X,
20) | Bade, B.R., Rondiya, S., Bhopale, S.R., Dzade, N.Y., Kamble, M.M., Rokade, A., Nasane, M.P., More, M.A., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2019). Investigation of growth mechanism for highly oriented TiO2 nanorods: the role of reaction time and annealing temperature. SN Applied Sciences,
1, 1073.
ISSN(print/online): 2523-3963/2523-3971,
21) | Bhorde, A., Bhopale, S., Waykar, R., Nair, S., Borate, H., Pandharkar, S., Funde, A., More, M., Jadkar, S. (2019). Field emission investigations of solvothermal synthesized and soaked rutile-TiO2 nanostructures. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
30 (5), 4920-4930. WoS Citations: 2,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
22) | Bade, B.R., Rondiya, S., Bhopale, S.R., Dzade, N.Y., Kamble, M.M., Rokade, A., Nasane, M.P., More, M.A., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2019). Correction to: Investigation of growth mechanism for highly oriented TiO 2 nanorods: the role of reaction time and annealing temperature. SN Applied Sciences,
1 (10), 1195.
ISSN(print/online): 2523-3963/2523-3971,
23) | Pathak, A., Deshpande, K., Kurhe, N., Baste, P., Jadkar, S. (2018). Comfort Cooling Application Using Fixed Focus Solar Parabolic Dish Concentrator Integrated with Double Effect Vapor Absorption Machine. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology,
5 (3), 1875-1880.
ISSN(print/online): 2395-0072/2395-0056,
24) | Rondiya, S., Rokade, A., Sharma, P., Chaudhary, M., Funde, A., Jadhav, Y., Haram, S., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2018). CZTS/CdS: interface properties and band alignment study towards photovoltaic applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
29 (5), 4201-4210. WoS Citations: 24,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
25) | Diwate, K., Rondia, S., Mayabadi, A., Rokade, A., Waykar, R., Borate, H., Funde, A., Shinde, M., Prasad, M.R., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2018). Chemical spray pyrolysis synthesis of covellite copper sulphide (CuS) thin films for economical counter electrode for DSSCs. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
29 (6), 4940-4947. WoS Citations: 18,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
26) | Bhorde, A., Pawbake, A., Sharma, P., Nair, S., Funde, A., Bankar, P., More, M., Jadkar, S. (2018). Solvothermal synthesis of tin sulfide (SnS) nanorods and investigation of its field emission properties. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing,
124 (2), 133. WoS Citations: 20,
ISSN(print/online): 0947-8396/1432-0630,
27) | Jadkar, S.R., Diwate, K., Pawbake, A., Rondiya, S., Kulkarni, R., Waykar, R., Jadhavar, A., Rokade, A., Funde, A., Mohite, K., Shinde, M., Pathan, H., Devan, R. (2017). Substrate temperature dependent studies on properties of chemical spray pyrolysis deposited CdS thin films for solar cell applications. Journal of Semiconductors,
38 (2), 23001-23010.
ISSN(print/online): 1674-4926,
28) | Rondiya, S., Rokade, A., Jadhavar, A., Nair, S., Chaudhari, M., Kulkarni, R., Mayabadi, A., Funde, A., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2017). Effect of calcination temperature on the properties of CZTS absorber layer prepared by RF sputtering for solar cell applications. Materials For Renewable and Sustainable Energy,
6 (2), 8. WoS Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 2194-1459/2194-1467,
29) | Rondiya, S., Rokade, A., Funde, A., Kartha, M., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2017). Synthesis of CdS thin films at room temperature by RF-magnetron sputtering and study of its structural, electrical, optical and morphology properties. Thin Solid Films,
631, 41-49. WoS Citations: 36,
ISSN(print/online): 0040-6090/1879-2731,
30) | Kamble, M., Waman, V., Mayabadi, A., Funde, A., Sathe, V., Shripathi, T., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2017). Synthesis of Cubic Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide (3C-SiC) Films by HW-CVD Method. Silicon,
9 (3), 421-429. WoS Citations: 7,
ISSN(print/online): 1876-990X/1876-9918,
31) | Sarode, M.T., Khollam, Y.B., Gunjal, S.D., Shelke, P.N., Kale, B.B., Koinkar, P.M., Mohite, K.C. (2016). Structural and Optical Studies of Sol–Gel Dip Coated Nano-Crystalline TiO2 Films. Advanced Science Letters,
22 (4), 1089-1092.
ISSN(print/online): 1936-6612/1936-7317,
32) | Shelke, P.N., Khollam, Y.B., Gunjal, S.D., Sarode, M.T., Koinkar, P.M., Mohite, K.C. (2016). Optical Properties of DC Electrochemically Deposited Co3O4 Thin Films. Advanced Science Letters,
22 (4), 1080-1084.
ISSN(print/online): 1936-6612/1936-7317,
33) | Gunjal, S.D., Khollam, Y.B., Arote, S.A., Sarode, M.T., Koinkar, P.M., Shelke, P.N., Mohite, K.C. (2016). Characterization of Spray Pyrolysis Deposited Hexagonal CdS Films. Advanced Science Letters,
22 (4), 945-949.
ISSN(print/online): 1936-6612/1936-7317,
34) | Pawbake, A., Waman, V., Waykar, R., Jadhavar, A., Bhorde, A., Kulkarni, R., Funde, A., Parmar, J., Bhattacharyya, S., Date, A., Devan, R., Sharma, V., Lonkar, G., Jadkar, S. (2016). Hot wire chemical vapor deposited multiphase silicon carbide (SiC) thin films at various filament temperatures . Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
27 (12), 12340-12350. WoS Citations: 5,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
35) | Shinde, O.S., Funde, A.M., Agarwal, M., Jadkar, S.R., Mahamuni, S.R., Dusane, R.O., Dhere, N.G., Ghaisas, S.V. (2016). Emitter passivation of silicon solar cell via organic coating at room temperature. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
27 (12), 12459-12463. WoS Citations: 2,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
36) | Funde, A.M., Nasibulin, A.G., Syed, H.G., Anisimov, A.S., Tsapenko, A., Lund, P., Santos, J.D., Torres, I., Gandía, J.J., Cárabe, J., Rozenberg, A.D. (2016). Carbon nanotube-amorphous silicon hybrid solar cell with improved conversion efficiency. Nanotechnology,
27 (18), 185401. Google Scholar Citations: 5, WoS Citations: 11,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4484/1361-6528,
37) | Shinde, O.S., Funde, A.M., Kahane, S.V., Agarwal, M., Jadkar, S.R., Mahamuni, S.R., Dusane, R.O., Ghaisas, S.V. (2016). Construing the interaction between solar cell surface and fatty amine for the room temperature passivation. Solar Energy,
135, 359-365. Google Scholar Citations: 2, WoS Citations: 2,
ISSN(print/online): 0038-092X/1471-1257,
38) | Kulkarni, R., Pawbake, A., Waykar, R., Jadhavar, A., Rokade, A., Rondiya, S., Karpe, S., Diwate, K., Funde, A., Sharma, V., Lonkar, G., Jadkar, S.R. (2016). Substrate temperature dependent structural, optical, morphology and electrical properties of RF sputtered CdTe thin films for solar cell application. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
27 (12), 12405-12411. WoS Citations: 8,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
39) | Jadhavar, A., Pawbake, A., Waykar, R., Waman, V., Rondiya, S., Shinde, O., Kulkarni, R., Rokade, A., Bhorde, A., Funde, A., Patil, D., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S. (2016). Influence of RF power on structural optical and electrical properties of hydrogenated nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) thin films deposited by PE-CVD. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
27 (12), 12365-12373. WoS Citations: 4,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
40) | Waykar, R.G., Pawbake, A.S., Kulkarni, R.R., Jadhavar, A.A., Funde, A.M., Waman, V.S., Pathan, H.M., Jadkar, S.R. (2016). Influence of RF power on structural, morphology, electrical, composition and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
27 (2), 1134-1143. Google Scholar Citations: 8, WoS Citations: 29,
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
41) | Waykar, R., Pawbake, A., Kulkarni, R., Jadhavar, A., Funde, A., Waman, V., Dewan, R., Pathan, H.M., Jadkar, S.R. (2016). Low substrate temperature deposition of transparent and conducting ZnO:Al thin films by RF magnetron sputtering. Journal of Semiconductors,
37 (4), 043001. Google Scholar Citations: 2, WoS Citations: 4,
ISSN(print/online): 1674-4926,
42) | Mapara, N., Sharma, M., Shriram, V., Bharadwaj, R., Mohite, K.C., Kumar, V. (2015). Antimicrobial potentials of Helicteres isora silver nanoparticles against extensively drug-resistant (XDR) clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,
99 (24), 10655-10667. Google Scholar Citations: 11, WoS Citations: 36,
ISSN(print/online): 0175-7598/1432-0614,
43) | Nasibulin, A.G., Funde, A.M., Anoshkin, I.V., Levitsky, I.A. (2015). All-carbon nanotube diode and solar cell statistically formed from macroscopic network. Nano Research,
8 (9), 2800-2809. Google Scholar Citations: 1, WoS Citations: 2,
ISSN(print/online): 1998-0124/1998-0000,
44) | Waman, V.S., Mayabadi, A.H., Kamble, M.M., Gabhale, B.B., Funde, A.M., Sathe, V.G., Pathan, H.M., Jadkar, S.R. (2015). Effect of Xe dilution on structural, electrical and optical properties of nanocrystalline Si films deposited by HW-CVD method. Advanced Materials Letters,
6 (9), 795-802. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 0976-3961/0976-397X,
45) | Chaleshtori, S.S.N., Funde, A.M. (2015). Econometric analysis of solar tracker systems in India, a case study. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
10 (44), 31590-31593.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-4562/0973-9769.
46) | Mayabadi, A.H., Waman, V.S., Funde, A.M., Pathan, H.M., Jadkar, S.R. (2015). Effect of Annealing on Optical and Structural Properties of Rutile TiO2 Nanoarrays. Journal of Nano Research,
34, 23-27.
ISSN(print/online): 1662-5250/1661-9897,
47) | Jadhavar, A., Bhorde, A., Waman, V., Funde, A., Pawbake, A., Waykar, R., Patil, D., Jadkar, S. (2015). Synthesis of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) as a Transparent Conducting Layer for Solar Cells by RF Sputtering. Engineering Sciences International Research Journal,
3 (1), 1-5.
ISSN(print/online): 2320-4338,
48) | Chabukswar, V.V., Horne, A.S., Bhavsar, S.V., Handore, K.N., Chhattise, P.K., Pandule, S.S., Walunj, D.T., Shisodia, S.U., Citterio, A., Dallavalle, S., Mohite, K.C., Gaikwad, V.B. (2014). A Novel Enhancement of Nano Structure by Organic Acid Dopants in Emulsion Polymerization of Poly(o-toluidine). Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry,
51 (5), 435-440. Google Scholar Citations: 1, WoS Citations: 4,
ISSN(print/online): 1060-1325/1520-5738,
49) | Handore, K.N., Bhavsar, S. V., Pande, N., Chhattise, P.K., Sharma, S.B., Dallavalle, S., Gaikwad, V., Mohite, K.C., Chabukswar, V.V. (2014). Polyindole-ZnO Nanocomposite: Synthesis, Characterization and Heterogeneous Catalyst for the 3, 4-Dihydropyrimidinone Synthesis under Solvent-free Conditions. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering,
53 (7), 734-741. Google Scholar Citations: 9, WoS Citations: 25,
ISSN(print/online): 0360-2559/1525-6111,
50) | Gunjal, S.D., Khollam, Y.B., Jadkar, S.R., Shripathi, T., Sathe, V.G., Shelke, P.N., Takwale, M.G., Mohite, K.C. (2014). Spray pyrolysis deposition of p-CdTe films: Structural, optical and electrical properties. Solar Energy,
106, 56-62. Google Scholar Citations: 6, WoS Citations: 31,
ISSN(print/online): 0038-092X/1471-1257,
51) | Gunjal, S.D., Khollam, Y.B., Arote, S.A., Shelke, P.N., Jadkar, S.R., Mohite, K.C. (2014). Spray Pyrolyzed Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide (SnO2: F) Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications. Advanced Science Letters,
20 (5-6), 1050-1055.
ISSN(print/online): 1936-6612/1936-7317,
52) | Gunjal, S.D., Khollam, Y.B., Sarode, M.T., Arote, S.A., Shelke, P.N., Mohite, K.C. (2014). Solar Cell Properties CdS/CdTe Heterojunctions Prepared by using Spray Pyrolysis Technique. International Journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences,
3, 102-108.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-6602,
53) | Handore, K., Bhavsar, S., Horne, A., Chhattise, P., Mohite, K., Ambekar, J., Pande, N., Chabukswar, V. (2014). Novel Green Route of Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles by Using Natural Biodegradable Polymer and Its Application as a Catalyst for Oxidation of Aldehyd. Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry,
51 (12), 941-947. Google Scholar Citations: 1, WoS Citations: 81,
ISSN(print/online): 1060-1325/1520-5738,
54) | Chabukswar, V.V., Bhavsar, S.V., Horne, A.S., Dallavalle, S., Chabukswar, A., Jagdale, S.C., Mohite, K.C. (2014). Study of Biological Activity of Conducting Poly (N-Ethylaniline) Nanoparticles Doped with Organic Acid. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials,
63 (1), 7-10. Google Scholar Citations: 6, WoS Citations: 5,
ISSN(print/online): 0091-4037/1563-535X,
55) | Sarode, M.T., Khollam, Y.B., Jadkar, S.R., Kale, B.B., Mohite, K.C. (2014). Thickness dependent optical and eosin-Y sensitized solar cells characteristics of nc-a TiO 2 films. Solar Energy,
106, 48-55. Google Scholar Citations: 6, WoS Citations: 5,
ISSN(print/online): 0038-092X/1471-1257,
56) | Shelke, P.N., Khollam, Y.B., Hawaldar, R.R., Gunjal, S,D., Udawant, R.R., Sarode, M.T., Takwale, M.G., Mohite, K.C. (2013). Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of selective Co 3 O 4 films 1-D interlinked nanowires prepared by spray pyrolysis technique. Fuel,
112, 542-549. Google Scholar Citations: 12, WoS Citations: 27,
ISSN(print/online): 0016-2361/1873-7153,
57) | Awati, V.V., Rathod, S.M., Mane, M.L., Mohite, K.C. (2013). Influence of Zn2+ doping on the structural and surface morphological properties of nanocrystalline Ni-Cu spinel ferrite. International Nano Letters,
3 (1), 1-8. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 2228-5326,
58) | Chabukswar, V.V., Bhavsar, S.V., Horne, A.S., Handore, K., Gaikwad, V.B., Mohite, K.C. (2013). Conducting Poly(N-propylaniline) Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Detection. Macromolecular Symposia,
327 (1), 39-44.
ISSN(print/online): 1022-1360/1521-3900,
59) | Chabukswar, V.V., Handore, K.N., Bhavsar, S.V., Horne, A.S., Dallavalle, S., Gaikwad, V., Mohite, K.C. (2013). Conducting Polyaniline is an Efficient Catalyst for Synthesis of 3, 4-dihydropyrimidin-2-(1H)-one Derivative Under Solvent-Free Conditions. Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry,
50 (4), 411-415. Google Scholar Citations: 1, WoS Citations: 9,
ISSN(print/online): 1060-1325/1520-5738,
60) | Sarode, M.T., Khollam, Y.B., Jadkar, S.R., Kale, B.B., Mohite, K.C. (2013). Effect of Thickness and Dye on Optical and Photovoltaic Properties of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Thin Film for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Application. Asian Journal of Chemistry,
25, 405-408. WoS Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 0970-7077/0975-427X,
61) | Chabukswar, V., Horne, A., Bhavsar, S., Mohite, K.C. (2012). Studies on Synthesis and Effect of Dopants on Conductivity and Morphology of Organically Soluble Poly (o-anisidine). Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry,
49 (11), 926-930. Google Scholar Citations: 2, WoS Citations: 3,
ISSN(print/online): 1060-1325/1520-5738,
62) | Chabukswar, V., Horne, A., Bhavsar, S., Bhise, A., Mohite, K.C., Gaikwad, V.B. (2012). Synthesis of Nano Conducting Poly (N-ethylaniline) and its Function as Reusable Catalyst for Bis-benzpyrrole Synthesis. Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry,
49 (12), 1035-1040. Google Scholar Citations: 1, WoS Citations: 2,
ISSN(print/online): 1060-1325/1520-5738,
63) | Chabukswar, V.V., Bhavsar, S.V., Mohite, K.C. (2012). Synthesis of poly (N-ethylaniline) nanoparticles synthesis and characterization of organically soluble conducting poly (N-ethylaniline) nanoparticles using acrylic acid as a soft template. Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry,
49 (7), 547-553. Google Scholar Citations: 7, WoS Citations: 14,
ISSN(print/online): 1060-1325/1520-5738,
64) | Ghodke, S., Sonawane, S., Gaikawad, R., Mohite, K.C. (2012). TIO2/Nanoclay nanocomposite for phenol degradation in sonophotocatalytic reactor. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,
90 (5), 1153-1159. Google Scholar Citations: 3, WoS Citations: 15,
ISSN(print/online): 0008-4034/1939-019X,
65) | Pramod, M.R., Kamble, M.M., Waman, V.S., Gore, S.P., Funde, A.M., Sathe, V.G., Patil, K.R., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2012). Boron Doped nc-Si: H Window Layer Prepared by Hw-Cvd for Solar Cell Applications. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series,
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ISSN(print/online): 2010-1945,
66) | Adsool, A., Shelke, P.N., Datir, A.S., Chakane, S., Mohite, K.C. (2011). Synthesis and NH3 Gas Sensing Performance of Cobalt Oxide at Room Temperature. Bionano Frontier,
ISSN(print/online): 0974-0678/2320-9593.
67) | Shelke, P.N., Khollam, Y.B., Patil, K.R., Gunjal, S.D., Jadkar, S.R., Takwale, M.G., Mohite, K.C. (2011). Studies on electrochemical deposition and characterization of Co3O4 films. Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics,
3 (1), 486-496. Google Scholar Citations: 7,
ISSN(print/online): 2077-6772/2306-4277,
68) | Shelke, P.N., Jadkar, S.R., Khollam, Y.B., Chakane, S.D., Adsool, A.D., Mohite, K.C. (2011). Room Temperature Ammonia Gas Sensing Characteristics of Co3O4. Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics,
3 (1), 859-867. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 2077-6772/2306-4277,
69) | Shelke, P.N., Khollam, Y.B., Gunjal, S.D., Sarode, M.T., More, P.S., Jadkar, S.R., Takwale, M.G., Mohite, K.C., Koinkar, P. (2011). Optical properties of electrochemically deposited 1-D interlinked nanowired Co3 O4 thin films. International Journal of Modern Physics B,
25 (31), 4281-4284.
ISSN(print/online): 0217-9792/1793-6578,
70) | Bakr, N.A., Funde, A.M., Waman, V.S., Kamble, M.M., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D.P., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2011). Determination of the optical parameters of a-Si: H thin films deposited by hot wire–chemical vapour deposition technique using transmission spectrum only. Pramana: Journal of Physics,
76 (3), 519-531. Google Scholar Citations: 55, WoS Citations: 114,
ISSN(print/online): 0304-4289/0973-7111,
71) | Waman, V.S., Funde, A.M., Kamble, M.M., Pramod, M.R., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D.P., Sathe, V.G., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2011). Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films prepared by hot-wire method with varied process pressure. Journal of Nanotechnology,
2011, 242398-242407. Google Scholar Citations: 12,
ISSN(print/online): 1687-9503/1687-9511,
72) | Waman, V.S., Kamble, M.M., Pramod, M.R., Funde, A.M., Sathe, V.G., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2011). Nanostructured hydrogenated silicon films by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition: The influence of substrate temperature on material properties. Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics,
3 (1 PART3), 590-600. Google Scholar Citations: 15,
ISSN(print/online): 2077-6772/2306-4277,
73) | Gore, S.P., Funde, A.M., Salve, T.S., Bhave, T.M., Jadkar, S.R., Ghaisas, S.V. (2011). Properties of Silicon Dioxide Films Prepared Using Silane and Oxygen Feeds by PE-CVD at low Power Plasma. Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics,
3 (1), 370-375. Google Scholar Citations: 4,
ISSN(print/online): 2077-6772/2306-4277,
74) | Bakr, N.A., Funde, A.M., Waman, V.S., Kamble, M.M., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D.P., Sathe, V.G., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2011). Role of argon in hot wire chemical vapor deposition of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films. Thin Solid Films,
519 (11), 3501-3508. Google Scholar Citations: 5, WoS Citations: 8,
ISSN(print/online): 0040-6090/1879-2731,
75) | Waman, V.S., Kamble, M.M., Pramod, M.R., Gore, S.P., Funde, A.M., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D.P., Sathe, V.G., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2011). Influence of the deposition parameters on the microstructure and opto-electrical properties of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films by HW-CVD. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,
357 (21), 3616-3622. Google Scholar Citations: 15, WoS Citations: 20,
ISSN(print/online): 0022-3093/1873-4812,
76) | Bakr, N.A., Funde, A.M., Waman, V.S., Kamble, M.M., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D.P., Sathe, V.G., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2011). Influence of deposition pressure on structural, optical and electrical properties of nc-Si: H films deposited by HW-CVD. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,
72 (6), 685-691. Google Scholar Citations: 18, WoS Citations: 18,
ISSN(print/online): 0022-3697/1879-2553,
77) | Funde, A.M., Waman, V.S., Kamble, M.M., Pramod, M.R., Sathe, V.G., Gosavi, S.W., Jadkar, S.R. (2011). Inter-Electrode Separation Induced Amorphous-to-Nanocrystalline Transition of Hydrogenated Silicon Prepared by Capacitively Coupled RF PE-CVD Technique. Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics,
3 (1), 651-662.
ISSN(print/online): 2077-6772/2306-4277,
Publications Before 2011 |
78) | Chabukswar, V., Dhomase, N., Bhavsar,S., Horne, A., Mohite, K., Gaikwad, V. (2010). Studies on Morphology and Conductivity of Poly (N‐methyl aniline) Nanoparticles Prepared in Nonstirred Reaction Medium. Macromolecular Symposia,
298 (1), 43-50. Google Scholar Citations: 8,
ISSN(print/online): 1022-1360/1521-3900,
79) | Nagarhalli, M.V., Nandedkar, V.M., Mohite, K.C. (2010). Emission and performance characteristics of karanja biodiesel and its blends in a CI engine and it’s economics. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
5 (2), 52-56. Google Scholar Citations: 40,
ISSN(print/online): 1819-6608.
80) | Kurkute, S.L., Patil. P.M., Mohite, K.C. (2009). A Digital Power Factor Correction using Floating Point Processor for Pulse Width Modulation Control in Boost Converters . International Journal of Electronics Engineering Research,
1 (2), 135-146. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 0975-6450,
81) | Kurkute, S.L., Patil, P.M., Mohite, K.C. (2009). Mathematical modelling of single phase unity power factor boost converter . International Scholarly and Scientific Research and Innovation,
3 (6), 1148-1151.
82) | Adsool, A., P. N. Shelke, Datir, A.S., Chakane, S., Mohite, K.C. (2009). Use of cobalt oxide in an Ammonia Gas Sensor Operating at room Temperature. Enrich Environment,
2 (2),
ISSN(print/online): 0974-6064.
83) | Funde, A.M., Bakr, N.A., Salve, T.S., Diwate, K.D., Kamble, D.K., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D., Jadkar, S.R. (2009). Influence of Argon Flow on Deposition of Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon (nc-Si: H) Films by Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition. Journal of Nano Research,
5, 185-191. Google Scholar Citations: 1, WoS Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 1662-5250/1661-9897,
84) | Funde, A.M., Bakr, N.A., Kamble, D.K., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D.P., Jadkar, S.R. (2008). Influence of hydrogen dilution on structural, electrical and optical properties of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si: H) thin films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PE-CVD). Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,
92 (10), 1217-1223. Google Scholar Citations: 78, WoS Citations: 84,
ISSN(print/online): 0927-0248/1879-3398,
85) | Jadkar, S.R., Sali, J.V., Funde, A.M., Bakr, N.A., Vidyasagar, P.B., Hawaldar, R.R., Amalnerkar, D.P. (2007). Deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si: H) films by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) method: Role of substrate temperature. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,
91 (8), 714-720. Google Scholar Citations: 22, WoS Citations: 21,
ISSN(print/online): 0927-0248/1879-3398,
86) | Patil, S.J., Mohite, K.C., Mandale, A.B., Takwale, M.G., Gangal, S.A. (2005). Characterization of ‘ARE’ deposited silicon nitride films and their feasibility as antireflection coating. Surface and Coatings Technology,
200 (7), 2058-2064. Google Scholar Citations: 17, WoS Citations: 11,
ISSN(print/online): 0257-8972/1879-3347,
87) | Mohite, K.C., Khollam, Y.B., Mandale, A.B., Patil, K.R., Takwale, M.G. (2003). Characterization of silicon oxynitride thin films deposited by electron beam physical vapor deposition technique. Materials Letters,
57 (26), 4170-4175. Google Scholar Citations: 34, WoS Citations: 28,
ISSN(print/online): 0167-577X/1873-4979,