Department Details
Department of Education & Extension
1) | Shirke, P.P., Shinde, G.K. (2023). A Comparative Study of E-assessment Tools within the Reach of Curriculum Designers. Education and Society,
3 (Sp. 1), 11-18.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
2) | Shinde, G., Patil, H. (2023). Bridging Gaps and Empowering Communities: A Conceptual Analysis of need-based Education within the Framework of NEP 2020. Education and Society,
1/Oct (Sp. 1), 55-62.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
3) | Jadhvar, R.G., Uplane, M.M., Shinde, G.K. (2023). Inside The Teacher’s Mind: Exploring Self-perception in Mentorship. Education and Society,
3 (Sp. 1), 184-190.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
4) | Shinde, G.K., Shirke, P., Dubhash, S. (2023). Using Self Assessment Tools to Measure the Development of Hard Skills, Soft Skills and Life Skills Among Teachers Through E-learning Course. The Compass: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Education in Universal Human Values,
15 (2), 47-60.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-9483.
5) | Pandit, P.B., Choukade, G.G. (2023). Promoting Multilingualism in the Pedagogy of Science: Teachers’ Perspective. Education and Society,
3 (Sp. 1), 32-37.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
6) | Waldia, N., Sonawane, S., Mali, M., Jadhav, V. (2023). Microlearning strategies for teacher professional development in the era of fourth industrial revolution in India. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society,
19 (3), 74-81.
ISSN(print/online): 1826-6223/1971-8829,
7) | Pande, K., Jadhav, V., Mali, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Attitude of Secondary Students. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society,
19 (3), 43-48.
ISSN(print/online): 1826-6223/1971-8829,
8) | जाधव, वैभव (2023). कोविड-19 चा अध्ययन, अध्यापन आणि मूल्यमापनावरील प्रभाव: एक अभ्यास. शिक्षण आणि समाज,
१ (३ ), २ १ -२ ६ .
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
9) | Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2022). Skills of Pre-service Teachers Towards Inclusive Education. Education and Society,
45 (4), 12-19.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
10) | Shinde, G., Bhole, D., Pund, S. (2022). Virtual Chemistry Laboratory Solutions for Higher Secondary Students of Rural Maharashtra. Edutracks,
21 (9), 39-45.
ISSN(print/online): 0972-9844.
11) | शिंदे, जी., कदम, आर. (2022). जीवन कौशल्याची शिक्षणातील स्व ची जाणीव आणि ताण तणावाचे समायोजन कौशल्यांचा विथ्यार्थ्यांच्या संपादणुकीशी असलेला सहसंबंधातमक अभ्यास . शिक्षण आणि समाज,
४५ (३), १४-१८.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
12) | Chakravarty, D., Shinde, G. (2022). Inclusive Teaching Competency Model and its Applicability on Elementary School Teachers School Teachers Of Pune District in India. Asian Journal of Inclusive Education,
10 (02), 91-112.
ISSN(print/online): 2304-1188.
13) | Shinde, G.K. (2022). Contribution of NGOs Working In Primary Education In Pune District. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,
10 (8), c610-c624.
ISSN(print/online): 2320-2882.
14) | Pandit, P., Chavan, S., Choukade, G. (2022). Intervention models for Life skill education. Education and Society,
46 (1), 38-41.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
15) | Choukade, G. (2022). Teacher Education & Teacher Development. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
9 ( 69), 16694-16702.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
16) | Gaikwad, R., Choukade, G., Sonawane, S. (2022). Transdisciplinary Learning Approach for Teacher Education Program. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
10 (73), 38-41.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
17) | Gaikwad, R., Choukade, G. Sonawane, S. (2022). Trans-disciplinary Learning: Education of the 21st Century Learners. Education and Society,
46 (1), 72-78.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
18) | Patole, V.S., Uplane, M. (2022). Present status of among B.Ed. students having English as first, Second and third method: A Study. Journal of Research and Development,
13 (6), 50-53.
ISSN(print/online): 2230-9578.
19) | Patole, V.S., Uplane, M. (2022). Development and determine the effectiveness of phonetics programme for pre-Service teachers. Journal of Research and Development,
13 (10), 74-79.
ISSN(print/online): 2230-9578.
20) | Tatpuje, D.U., Kakade, A., Jadhav, V.G., Ganbote, A. (2022). A comparative study on advanced skills of technology and entrepreneurial skills with the awareness and preparedness among the rural youths. Entrepreneurship Education,
5, 21–35.
ISSN(print/online): 2520-8144/2520-8152,
21) | Singh, P., Jadhav, V.G. (2022). Challenges in Higher Education: Students' Perspective . Sarth E-Journal of Research,
7 (1), 1-11.
ISSN(print/online): 2395-339X.
22) | Valvi, N.J., Duangjan, J. (2021). Status of Collaborative and Co-Operative Teaching Arrangements in Inclusive Classroom of Pune City. Education and Society,
44 (3), 97.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
23) | Valvi, N.J., Vijayan, A. (2021). Status of self-Regulated Learning strategy in an Inclusive school and Regular School in Pune City. EduInspire: An international e-Journal,
8 (2), 34-51.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-7076,
24) | Shinde, G., Gaikwad, K. (2021). Exploring Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's Educational Thoughts. EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies,
10 (1), 16-26.
ISSN(print/online): 1979-7877.
25) | Shinde, G. (2021). Multidisciplinary Educational Approaches-NEP 2020. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
8 (64), 106-111.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
26) | Tapsale, S., Shinde, G., Bhise, K. (2021). Use of Inquiry Training Model for Teaching Chemistry. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
8 (65), 14932-14939.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
27) | शिंदे, गीता., वायकोळी, विद्या (2021). सातत्यपूर्ण सर्वंकष मूल्यमापन:सुधारित नोंदतक्त्यांची निर्मिती व परिणामकारकता. शिक्षण आणि समाज,
४५ (१), २०-२९.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
28) | Sonawane, S., Valvi, N.J. (2021). Challenging issues of Tribal students of Savitribai Phule Pune University. EduInspire: An international e-Journal,
8 (8), 2-10.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-7076,
29) | Choukade, G. (2021). Variety of Mathematics Teaching Methods for Math’s teachers. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
9 (66), 15704-15713.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
30) | Ramteke, V., Uplane, M.M (2021). Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s self-actualized persona & vision on education through literature. Gurukul International Multidisciplinary Journal,
10(S) (1), 9-13.
ISSN(print/online): 2394-8426.
31) | Gosh, K., Uplane, M. (2021). Happiness Education and Citizenship Education. EDU CARE: A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal,
10 (1), 39-43.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-5282.
32) | Gosh, K., Uplane, M. (2021). Citizenship Education for School Students. The Compass: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Education in Universal Human Values,
14 (1), 53-62.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-9483.
33) | Patil, P., Uplane, M.M., Belapurkar, A. (2021). Correlation of academic Procrastination and Academic Achievements among Secondary School Students. EDU CARE: A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal,
10 (1), 75-81.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-5282.
34) | उपलाने, एम., ठाकुर, एस. (2021). शाळा व्यवस्थापन समिती सदस्यांच्या शिक्षणावरील सहभागाचा अभ्यास. प्रिंटींग एरिया,
१ (७३), ९९-१०३.
ISSN(print/online): 2394-5303.
35) | उपलाने, एम., ठाकुर, एस. (2021). शाळा व्यवस्थापन समिती सदस्यांचा शाळाभेटींचा अभ्यास. शिक्षणातील मर्मद्रीष्टी,
१२ (४), २२-२९.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0385.
36) | पाटील, डी., उपलाने, एम. (2021). प्राथमिक शिक्षण स्थरावरील शिक्षणाच्या सेवांतर्गत प्रशिक्षणाच्या सद्यस्थितीचा चिकित्सक अभ्यास. शोध समीक्षा और मुल्यांकन,
१ (१०), १०-१५.
ISSN(print/online): 0974-2832/2320-5474.
37) | उपलाने. मेघा (2021). महाराष्ट्रातील प्राथमिक शिक्षणाच्या स्तरावरील सेवांतर्गत प्रशिक्षणाच्या सद्यस्थितिचा ...... शिक्षण आणि समाज,
४४ (३), ५०-५५.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
38) | Vartak, L., Jadhav, V.G. (2021). Classroom Reading Startegies Programme Based on different School Subjects for Pre- Service Teachers . Education and Society,
10 (3),
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
39) | Kedare, S.K., Jadhav, V.G. (2021). Attitude of Human Right Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
8 (63), 14891-14895.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
40) | Tatpuje, D.U., Jadhav, V.G., Ganbote, A. (2021). Comparative Study on Selected Models of Entrepreneurship Education. Small Enterprises development, management and extension journal,
48 (3), 272-284.
ISSN(print/online): 0970-8464/2456-1223,
41) | Kedare, S.K., Jadhav, V.G. (2021). Effectiveness of Human Right Education Program. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
9 (44), 11126-11132.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
42) | Jadhav, V.G. (2021). Micro Learning Startegies for Professional Development of Teachers in Higher Education Institute. Education India: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education,
ISSN(print/online): 2278-2435.
43) | Singh, P., Jadhav, V.G. (2021). Universal Design for Learning & Response to Intervention as Facilitatorsof Inclusive Education. Education and Society,
10 (1), 19-28.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
44) | Jadhav, P., Valvi, N. (2020). An Assessment Tool of Competencies for Inclusive Teachers of Regular Schools. Educational Quest : An international journal of education and applied social sciences,
11 (2), 83-85.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-7258/2230-7311,
45) | शिंदे, गीता., हंबीर, व. (2020). भविष्यात शिक्षाकांची शिक्षणातील समुपदेशनाची भूमिका. Vidyawarta: International Multilingual Research Journal,
ISSN(print/online): 2319-9318.
46) | Shinde, G. (2020). Motives and Obstacles of International Students Studying In Indian University. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,
2 (8), 15-38.
ISSN(print/online): 2360-821X,
47) | Shinde, G., Bhole, D. (2020). Empowerment and inclusion of PWDs – study of Centre for inclusive education and accessibilities. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field ,
6 (4), 91-94.
ISSN(print/online): 2455-0620,
48) | Shinde, G., Gaikwad, K. (2020). Dr. B.R. Ambedkar- The multi dimentional personality of India. Ajanta,
9 (2), 277-286.
ISSN(print/online): 2277-5730.
49) | Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. A., Jadhav, P. (2020). Preparing Inclusive Class for the Children with Special Needs during COVID -19 Crisis. Educational Quest : An international journal of education and applied social sciences,
11 (3), 183-187. Google Scholar Citations: 3,
ISSN(print/online): 0976-7258/2230-7311,
50) | Choukade, G., Ingalagi, N.S. (2020). A study on Role of Teachers in Enhancing and Minimizing factors Affecting Employability skills. Educational Quest : An international journal of education and applied social sciences,
11 (02), 69-74.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-7258/2230-7311,
51) | उपलाने, एम., ठाकूर, एस. (2020). शाळा व्यवस्थापन समितिच्या सदस्यांसाठी आयोजित शिक्षण परिषदेतील सदस्यांच्या अनुभवाचा अभ्यास . शिक्षणातील मर्मद्रीष्टी,
१२ (१), ३०-३६.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0385.
52) | Gosh, K., Uplane, M. (2020). Imparting 21st Century Global Citizenship Skills to Students Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic. Vidyawarta: International Multilingual Research Journal,
ISSN(print/online): 2319-9318.
53) | Jadhav, V., Kakade, Priti. (2020). The Use of Social Media Sources for Education purpose. SKNCOET Educational Research and Review,
ISSN(print/online): 2455-6173.
54) | Jadhav, V., Kakade, Priti. (2020). Digital Citizenship Education-Indian Perspective. SKNCOET Educational Research and Review,
ISSN(print/online): 2455-6173.
55) | Singh, P., Jadhav, V.G. (2020). Equity and Inclusiveness in Science Education for Children with Disabilities. Education and Society,
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
56) | Jadhav, V., Kakade, Priti. (2020). A Concept of Digital Citizenship For Democratic Citizenship Education in the Internet Age. SKNCOET Educational Research and Review,
ISSN(print/online): 2455-6173.
57) | Shinde, G. (2019). Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's Educational Thoughts.. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
6 (54), 147-151.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
58) | Shinde, G. (2019). Comparative Study of NCP: In Context of Inclusive Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
1, 309-312.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
59) | Shinde, G., Gaikwad, V. (2019). Aspects or Educational Research, Approaches & Types of Data Collection. SKNCOET Educational Research and Review,
NA, 89-91.
ISSN(print/online): 2455-6173.
60) | Shinde, G. (2019). Inclusion in higher education: Challenges and Opportunities.. Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal,
8 (2), 432-435.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-5655.
61) | Shinde, G. (2019). Learning styles between International and Indian Students. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,
6 (2), 728-732.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-5138/2348-1269.
62) | Shinde, G. (2019). Theoretical perspective of School discipline. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,
6 (6), 823-830.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-5162.
63) | Shinde, G. (2019). Social factors of School discipline Management :Teachers perspectives. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,
6 (2), 92-97.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-5138/2348-1269.
64) | शिंदे, जी., नाडे, डी. (2019). ग्रामीण भागातील मातंग समाजातील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या शिक्षणातील समस्या. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
७ (५२), १२९७०-१२९८७. WoS Citations: ,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
65) | Pandey , S., Sonawane, S.A. (2019). Relationship between life skills and mental health of adolescent boys. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education,
4 (1), 1190-1192.
ISSN(print/online): 2456-0057,
66) | Choukade, G., Kulkarni, S. (2019). Development of Programme for English Language enhancement for the parents of English Medium. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
7 (35), 9537-9541.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083,
67) | Choukade, G., Uplane, M. (2019). Skills of Teacher Educators to teach in multilingual Classroom. Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal,
3, 296-299.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-5655.
68) | Uplane, M., Dipke, B. (2019). Human Rights Education Through Indian History, Culture and Traditions. Vidyawarta: International Multilingual Research Journal,
ISSN(print/online): 2319-9318.
69) | Kamble, K., Uplane, M. (2019). Assessment Strategies in Multilingual Classroom. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
6/52 (6), 30-35.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
70) | Kambale, K.L., Choukade, G., Uplane, M. (2019). Skill of teacher Educators to Teach in Multilingual Classroom. Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal,
8 (2), 296-299.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-5655.
71) | Jadhav, V.G., Sanaie, K. (2019). Early Childhood Care and Education: Revolutionizing Inclusive Education. Research Journey International E-Research Journal ,
ISSN(print/online): 2348-7143,
72) | Jadhav, V., Awachite, D. (2019). Study of the Learning Barriers Faced by Arab English Learners While Speaking in English Language. EduInspire: An international e-Journal,
6 (2), 58-66.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-7076,
73) | Jadhav, V.G., Singh, P. (2019). Integrated Teacher Education: Prospect Towards Inclusive Education. Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal,
8 (16),
ISSN(print/online): 2278-5655,
74) | Gosavi, A.S., Uplane, M., Sonawane, S. (2018). Teevra te atiteevra shravanrhas vidyarthyanche vidnyan vishyateel Sampadan vaddhavinyasathi aadhyanshaily aadharit karyakramache vikashan va tyachi parinamkarakta. International Inventive Multidisciplinary Journal,
6 (8), 48.
ISSN(print/online): 2348-7135,
URL/DOI: August 2018- Gosavi Archana.pdf
75) | Patil, P., Uplane, M.M. (2018). Academic Procrastination Among Secondary School Students: A Case Study. Education plus,
15 ( 1), 93-97.
ISSN(print/online): 2277-2405.
76) | Uplane, M., Dipke, B. (2018). Early Childhood Care education and human rights. International Journal of Social and Scientific Research,
4 (3), 41-44.
ISSN(print/online): 2454-3187.
77) | खरात, एस.एन., उपलाने, एम. (2018). ॐकार जपाचा अप्रगत विद्यार्थ्यांच्या अभ्यास सवयी व शैक्षणिक संपादन यावर होणाऱ्या परिणामाचा अभ्यास . Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
५ (४३), ९३९९-९४०६.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
78) | Jadhav, V.G. (2018). Educational Management through Differentiating Instructions in Inclusive Classrooms: Theorectical Perspective. Education and Society,
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864.
79) | Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2017). Attitude of Pre-service Teachers Towards Inclusive Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (32), 160-165.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
80) | Bansode, S., Sonawane, S., Valvi, N. (2017). Pedagogy of dance,music,drama for special needs children. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (30), 30.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
81) | शिंदे, जी., इसावे, एम., शिंपे, आय. (2017). आदिवासींच्या जीवन पद्धतीचा सर्वकाश विश्लेषण . Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
४ (२४), ६६०९-६६१२.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083.
82) | इसवे, एम., शिंपे, आय., शिंदे, जी. (2017). नंदुरबार जिल्ह्यातील शिक्षकांची स्वत्वाचे जाणीव-भावनिक व्यवस्थापन. शिक्षणातील मर्मद्रीष्टी,
९ (३), ८-११.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0385.
83) | शिंदे, जी., इसावे, एम., शिंपे, आय. (2017). सातपुड्यातील संस्कृती संघर्षाचे नवे वळण. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
४ (२४), ६६२०-६६२३.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083.
84) | शिंदे, गीता (2017). स्त्री शिक्षण: संघर्षमय दशा आणि दिशा. शिक्षण तरंग,
९ (२), २६-३०.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
85) | Shinde, G. (2017). Life Skill Education:Status,Practice and Policy in India. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
4 (24), 6581-6587.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083,
86) | Shinde, G., Chakravaty, D. (2017). Music: Soul of Learning Skills. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4, 235-240.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
87) | Shinde, G., Chakravaty, D. (2017). Identification And Inclusion of Alienated Pupil in Classroom. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4/33, 1-4.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
88) | गोसावी, ए., तावडे, एस., उपलाने, एम. (2017). विशेष बालकांच्या अध्यापन कार्यनीती यामध्ये समवयस्क गटाचे महत्व. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
४ (३२), ८४२-८५२.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
89) | Uplane, M., (2017). Using ‘Socialization Programme for Visually Impaired students’ (SPVI) to improve their Social Skills. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal,
4 (12), 38-52.
ISSN(print/online): 2055-0286,
90) | Wadegaonkar, A., Uplane, M.M. (2017). Determinants of social inclusion of visually impaired adolescents. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (32), 539-551.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
91) | Mulay, S., Uplane, M. (2017). Use of ICT for Inclusion. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (29), 4377-4381.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
92) | Prabhu, A., Olivier, M., Uplane, M.M. (2017). Use of assistive technology in classroom assessment to achieve inclusive education and the challenges faced therein. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (32), 321-331.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
93) | Mulay, S., Tawade, S., Uplane, M. (2017). Student Teachers Attitude towards Using ICT in Teaching. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (30), 4741-4746.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
94) | Ghosh, M., Uplane, M. (2017). Music As Part Of Teacher Education To Enhance Learning Of Inclusive Classrooms. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
95) | Pawar, M., Uplane, M. (2017). Indicators for the Constructivism Approach. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (31), 103-111.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
96) | Jadhav, V., Awachite, D. (2017). Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning of English Language Speaking Skills in India. EduInspire: An international e-Journal,
4 (2),
ISSN(print/online): 2349-7076,
97) | Borase, J., Jadhav, V.G. (2017). स्पर्धा परिक्षेतील गणिती क्रियांसाठी अभिनव उपक्रमाची (IPFMO) निर्मिती. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (35), 6668-6678.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
98) | Jadhav, V.G., Borse, J. (2017). स्पर्धा परीक्षेतील गणिती क्रिया करतांना येणाऱ्या समस्यांचा अभ्यास. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (35), 6676-6678.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
99) | Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2016). Teachers Role And Inclusive Classroom Skills. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
3 (15), 3753-3763.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083.
100) | Valvi, N., Sonawane, S. (2016). Analysis of Teacher Education Curriculum With Respect to Inclusive Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
3 (16), 3821-3831.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083,
101) | Jadhav, V.G., Pise, S. (2016). Nurturing creativity through science education. EduInspire: An international e-Journal,
3 (2), 1-9.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-7076,
102) | Jadhav, V.G., Sanaie, K. (2016). The Role And Importance of Education From The Baha’i Point of View. Educreator Research Journal,
3 (2), 75-79.
ISSN(print/online): 2455-0515/2394-8450,
103) | Jadhav, V.G., Sanaie, K. (2016). The History of Education In Baha’i Community of Iran And India. Educreator Research Journal,
3 (2), 5-12.
ISSN(print/online): 2455-0515/2394-8450,
104) | Shinde, G. (2015). Learnning Commans:A must for the Indain Universities. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
105) | Shinde, G. (2015). Indian Education2020:Shared Resource Environment-Learning Together. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
106) | Chen, Z., Sonawane, S. (2015). The new understanding and analysis of features and contents of grounded theory. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
3 (19), 344-351.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
107) | Choukade, G.G., Uplane, M.M. (2015). Improving Scientific Attitude through problem solving activities. Research Front,
1 (2), 89-94.
ISSN(print/online): 2320-6446,
108) | Shahabadi, M.M., Uplane, M.M. (2015). Synchronous and Asynchronous e- Learning Styles and Academic Performance of e-learners. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences,
176, 129-138. Google Scholar Citations: 3,
ISSN(print/online): 1877-0428,
109) | Wadegaonkar, A.S., Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M. (2015). Theoretical Framework of Socialization For Inclusion of Visually Impaired. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
1 (1), 28-45.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
110) | Uplane, M.M. (2015). Implementation of Right to Education Act and Research Opportunities. Research Front,
1 (5),
ISSN(print/online): 2320-6446.
111) | Jadhav, V.G., Valvi, N.J., Sonawane, S. (2015). Role of teacher in the implications of constructivist approach on classroom management. Golden Research Thoughts,
ISSN(print/online): 2231-5063.
112) | Jadhav, V., Panda, S., Pitambare, V. (2015). Public and Private Partnership to Enhance Life-Long Learning: Need an Hour. Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development,
3 (1), 51.
ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852.
113) | Rathod, G., Jadhav, V.G. (2015). Factors Affecting Secondary Teachers’ Decision to Integrate ICT in Convent School. International Research Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies,
1 (4), 61-72.
ISSN(print/online): 2394-7950/2394-7969,
114) | जाधव, वैभव (2015). जागतिकीकरण आणि शिक्षक शिक्षण. शिक्षण आणि समाज,
३ ८ (२ ), ४ ७ -५ ० .
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
115) | Jadhav, V.G., Sangale, S. (2015). लमाणी मातृभाषा असणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांना प्रमाणभाषेकडे नेणाऱ्या सेतूकार्यक्रमाची निर्मिती. International Journal for Educational Research Studies,
1 (3), 238-251.
ISSN(print/online): 2454-5554,
116) | Shinde, G. (2014). Use of ICT and Effectiveness in Teaching-Learning. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
117) | Choukade, G.G., Uplane, M. (2014). Improving Scientific Attitude Through Game Based Learning. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
NA , 11-20.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
118) | Uplane, M., Rokade, R. (2014). Effectiveness of Interactive teaching Strategies Based on Learning Style on Science Achievement. International Journal of Science and Research,
3 (10), 768-773.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-7064,
119) | Bansode, M.P., Uplane, M. (2014). A correlational study of Mental Health with Achievement Motivation. International Multidisciplinary e-Journal,
3 (1), 1-4.
ISSN(print/online): 2395-0609/2277-4262 ,
120) | Uplane, M.M., Choukade, G. (2014). Understanding Qualitative Research. Shikshanatil Marmadrishti,
5 (4), 25-27.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0385.
121) | Shahabadi, M.M., Uplane, M.M. (2014). Learning styles and academic performance of synchronous E-learning students. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities,
4 (5), 148-161. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 2250-1665/2249-7315,
122) | Rokade, G., Uplane, M. (2014). Interactive Teaching Strategies for Up gradation of Teacher-Trainees. Research Front,
1 (1), 217-222.
ISSN(print/online): 2320-6446,
123) | उपलाने, एम., पवार, वाय. (2014). माध्यमिक स्तरावरील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या गणितातील संकल्पनांच्या ज्ञानरचना निर्मितीकरिता सहकार्यात्मक अध्ययन अध्यापन कार्यनीतीचे विकसन व त्याच्या परिणामकारकतेचा तुलनात्मक अभ्यास. Review of Research,
१ (१), १-६.
ISSN(print/online): 2249-894X.
124) | Jadhav, V.G. (2014). Professional development of teachers. Global Online Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research Journal,
3 (1),
ISSN(print/online): 2278-5639.
125) | Shinde, G. (2013). Learning Commons: A must for Indian Universites. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
126) | Sonawane, S. A., Soohee Cho (2013). Mind-Body Management Education (MBME) Programme: A Scientific Approach. Teacher Education Browser: A Refereed and Reviewed Journal,
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6708.
127) | Jadhav, V.G., Sonawane, S.A. (2013). Effect of Co-operative Learning on Self-concept in Mathematics of Secondary School Students. Shikshan Tarang,
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
128) | गुजर, आर., उपलाने, एम. (2013). प्राथमिक शिक्षणामध्ये भुगोल विषयाच्या अध्यापनात अध्यापन प्रतिमानाचा वापर. शिक्षण तरंग,
४ (११), १८-२१.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
129) | Hussein, A., Wadegaonkar, A.S., Uplane, M. (2013). Mental Health and Academic Achievement of Secondary school students: A study. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
1/5, 16-29.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
130) | Agam, U.T., Uplane, M.M. (2013). A Study of the Effectiveness of Audio Visual Programme for the Developing English Conversational Skills of IX Standard Students. International Journal of English and Education,
2 (3), 54-66.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-4012,
131) | Nikam, V.B., Uplane, M.M. (2013). Adversity Quotient and Defense Mechanism of Secondary School Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research,
1 (4), 303-308.
ISSN(print/online): 2332-3205/2332-3213,
132) | Belapurkar, A.M., Uplane, M.M., Phatak, S. (2013). Comparing Inclusive Practices in Urban and Rural Schools in Pune. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
1 (4), 813-831.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
133) | Borate, M.K., Uplane, M.M. (2013). Emotional Maturity Development Programme And Its Effect On Student Teacher’s Family Relationship. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
1/5, 1-6.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
134) | Patil, P.S., Uplane, M.M. (2013). Experiences of primary school teachers & challenges before teacher education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
135) | Ranjbar, H.N., Uplane, M.M. (2013). Effect of Video and Computer Games on Behavioral Disorder of Adolescent User: Challenge before Teachers. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
136) | Jadhav, V.G. (2013). Role of Environmental Education In Global Warming. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
2 (7), 1598-1604.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
137) | Kamble, K.L., Bhole, D., Jadhav, V. (2013). Accessible Biology Laboratory for Visually Impaired. Indian Journal of Applied Research,
3 (2), 87-89.
ISSN(print/online): 2249-555X,
138) | Shinde, G. (2012). About Globalization. Indian Streams Research Journal,
ISSN(print/online): 2230-7850.
139) | Pethkar, V., Naik, S., Sonawane, S. (2012). Relationship between students' and teachers' attitude towards physiacl activity and physical fitness. Journal of Physical Education and Sport,
12 (3), 385-390. Google Scholar Citations: 2,
ISSN(print/online): 2247-8051/2247-806X,
140) | Sonawane, S.A., Vartak, L.R., Uplane, M.M. (2012). Project Based Learning (PBL) Approach Training for teaching, learning, assessment and Developing 21st century skills among pupil teachers. Teacher Education Browser: A Refereed and Reviewed Journal,
1 (1), 9-22.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6708.
141) | सोनवणे, संजीव., उपलाने, मेघा (2012). शैक्षणिक संशोधन अर्थसहाय्य. शिक्षक मित्र,
१ (१), ४६-४८.
ISSN(print/online): 2230-8989.
142) | Jadhav, V.G. (2012). A study of self-concept and academic achievement of KendriyaVidyalaya and Missionary School. Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal,
1 (3), 131-142.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-5655,
143) | Jadhav, V.G., Joshi, R. (2012). A study of the awareness of value education in female student teacher. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
144) | Jadhav, V.G. (2012). Effect of Co-Operative Learning on Self-Concept. Shikshan Tarang,
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
145) | Jadhav, V.G. (2012). Study Of Comprehensive Anxiety & Academic Anxiety. Indian Streams Research Journal,
1, 216-220.
ISSN(print/online): 2230-7850.
146) | Jadhav, V.G., Dhamal, V. (2012). Quality of Teacher Education in ODE: Sustain by Technology. International Multidisciplinary e-Journal,
1 (5), 117-126.
ISSN(print/online): 2395-0609/2277-4262 ,
147) | Jadhav, V.G. (2012). Pedagogy: An important aspect of infusing technology in the curriculum. Mansvi- Journal of Education and Research,
148) | Jadhav, V.G. (2012). Value Education and Teacher Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
149) | Chavan, K., Sonawane, S., Valvi, N. (2011). A Journey from Behaviour to Attitude towards Inclusive Education. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
150) | Chavan, K., Sonawane, S., Valvi, N. (2011). Developing Entrepreneurship Teaching Approach Using “Picture” Games for Educational Psychology in B.Ed Classroom. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
(1), 1-6.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
151) | Chavan, K., Sonawane, S.A., Valvi, N.J. (2011). Human Rights, peace and Eduction. Shikshan Tarang,
3, 95-98.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
152) | Valvi, N., Sonawane, S., Chavan, K. (2011). To check the present status of Mental Health of PG teachers. Journal of Mental Health,
ISSN(print/online): 0963-8237/1360-0567.
153) | Isave, M., Uplane, M.M., Isave, S. (2011). Teacher’s awareness about the availability and use of technology for visually impaired : A study. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,
3 (2), 52-57.
ISSN(print/online): 2229-5518,
154) | Wadegaonkar, A., Uplane, M. (2011). Innovative use of word Puzzle for Educational Research Terminology. Journal of All India Association For Educational Research,
23 (1), 204-211.
ISSN(print/online): 0970-9827.
155) | Brukele, A., Wadegaonkar, A.S., Uplane, M.M. (2011). Effectiveness of English songs on English Grammar of M. Ed. Students-A study. Indian Streams Research Journal,
1 (10), 8-13.
ISSN(print/online): 2230-7850.
156) | Wadegaonkar, A., Uplane, M. (2011). Education for Global Peace Role of Teacher for Peace Education. Shikshan Tarang,
3, 86-91.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
157) | Uplane, M.M., Jadhav, V.V. (2011). Importance of Constructivism for enhancement of learning process. Shikshanatil Marmadrishti,
4 (6),
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0385.
158) | Gaikwad, S., Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M. (2011). Enhancing Scientific Attitude of Secondary School Students. National CTE Journal,
IX (1), 54-58.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-4457.
159) | Uplane, M.M., Sonawane, S.A., Padmini, M.S. (2011). CAI: An Effective Instructional Method for Secondary School Low achievers. Edutracks,
10 (7), 25-30.
ISSN(print/online): 0972-9844.
160) | Nikam, V., Uplane, M.M. (2011). Adversity Quotient among Secondary School Students. Edutracks,
10 (6), 41-43.
ISSN(print/online): 0972-9844.
161) | Jadhav, V.G. (2011). ICT and Teacher Education. International Educational E-journal,
1 (1), 64-69.
ISSN(print/online): 2277-2456,
Publications Before 2011 |
162) | Sonawane, S. A. (2010). Search for New Perspective. Variorum,
1 (2), 1-6.
ISSN(print/online): 0976-9714,
163) | Sonawane, S.A., Vartak, L.R., (2010). Peer Tutoring - Using Poster & Computer Presentations. Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemporary Issues,
8 (3), 22-38.
ISSN(print/online): 2229-581X.
164) | Aher, S. S., Sonawane, S. A. (2010). Effect of Physical Activity Programme on Health Related Physical Fitness of Obese Boys. Entire Research,
2 (4), 17-19.
ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
165) | Kale, S., Sonawane, S., (2010). Effectiveness of Activity - Based Teaching Method Used for the Development of Knowledge of Science of Students. Entire Research,
2 (4), 75-77.
ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
166) | Pethkar, V., Naik, S., Sonawane, S. (2010). Attitudes toward Physical Activity & Its Measurements. Journal of Physical Education and Sport,
28 (4), 30-36.
ISSN(print/online): 2247-8051/2247-806X.
167) | Sonawane, S. A. (2010). Analysis of Research Finding of Use of ICT & Effectiveness in T-L. Shikshan Tarang,
ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
168) | Uplane, M. M., Sonawane, S. A., Padmini M. S. (2009). Computer Assisted Instruction for low Achievers In Physics. Entire Research,
1, 30-34.
ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
169) | Sharma, U., Moore, D., Sonawane, S. (2009). Attitudes and concerns of pre-service teachers regarding inclusion of students with disabilities into regular schools in Pune, India. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education,
37 (3), 319-331. Google Scholar Citations: 62, WoS Citations: 75,
ISSN(print/online): 1359-866X/1469-2945,
170) | Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M., Choukade, G.G. (2009). Development of Textbook Based Self Instructional Package to teach Mathematics for the VI Standard students – A study. Entire Research,
1, 20-23.
ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
171) | Sonawane, S.A., Vartak, L.R. (2009). Perceptions of the M.Ed. Students Regarding the Role of The Teacher and the Challenges Faced in Teacher Education. Researching Wholistic Education,
172) | Toka, S.M.S., Rana, M.S., Sonawane, S.A. (2009). Study of Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Components of Tehran University and Pune University Students. Journal of Research Bi- Annual for Movement,
ISSN(print/online): 0973-1989.
173) | Uplane, M.M., Sonawane, S.A., Padmini, M.S. (2009). Use of Computer assisted Instruction for low achievers in Physics. Entire Research,
1 (2), 30-34.
ISSN(print/online): 0975-5020.
174) | Sonawane, S.A., Uplane, M.M., Shinde, M.M. (2009). Study of level of e-culture and integration of ICT in Teacher Education Institutions of Pune city. Journal of Research Studies on the Impact of ICT in Education,
175) | Bera, M., Sonawane, S.A. (2008). Traditional Yoga for Value Education. Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemporary Issues,
ISSN(print/online): 2229-581X.
176) | Sonawane, S.A. (2008). Talent Identification and Development in India: Suggestions for Developing Sports Talent. Journal of Research Bi- Annual for Movement,
25, 23-31.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-1989.
177) | Patankar, P.S., Padmini, M.S., Uplane, M.M. (2007). Indiscipline Among School Students: A Teacher’s Challange. Edutracks,
6 (10), 22-28.
ISSN(print/online): 0972-9844.