Department Details
Skill Development Centre
1) | Kale, B.A., Birajdar, S.N., More, P.U., Adhyapak, P.V. (2024). Comparative optical sensing studies of silver nanowires prepared by different synthetic routes. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,
35, 1-14.
ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X,
2) | Walujkar, M.S., More, P., Gadale, S.R., Waghmode, S.A. (2024). Green synthesis of Ag-Fe2O3-CuO-PANI nanocomposite and its application as an Apple Vinegar sensor. Journal of Polymer and Composites,
12 (4), 41-53.
ISSN(print/online): 2321-8525/2321-2810,
3) | Dubash, S. M., Ramteke A. R. (2023). Multiculturalism in Education: Recommended Principles and Practices in NEP 2020. Education and Society,
3 (Sp. 1), 273-279.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864,
4) | More, P.U. (2023). Integrating Professional Skills Training for Disabled Soldiers: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Science and Research,
12 (3), 149-152.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-7064,
5) | Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2022). Skill Development Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Title: ―Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: The Real Hero‖. International Journal of Science and Research,
11 (6), 1791-1795.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-7064,
6) | Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2022). Skill Development in Higher Education: A Study with Reference to B.Voc. Degree Programmes in Maharashtra. International Journal of Science and Research,
11 (6), 1605-1607.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-7064,
7) | Bhise, G.D., Karpe, S.B., More, P., Adhyapak, P.V. (2022). Optical fibre based acetone sensor using Pd modified WO3 nanostructures. Optics and Laser Technology,
156, 108566.
ISSN(print/online): 0030-3992/1879-2545,
8) | More, P. (2022). Book Review: “Blended Learning”: A Model for Developing Entrepreneurial Skills, by NavnathTupe, Pune: Universal Prakashan Press, 2022. Indian Journal of Adult Education,
83 (2), 196-199.
ISSN(print/online): 0019-5006.
9) | Ahuja, R. (2021). Exploring the Differences Between Business Communication and General Communication: A Potential Key to Successful Accounting and Management Education in a Global World. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal,
ISSN(print/online): 2319-4979.
10) | Ahuja, R. (2021). Impact of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code on Non-Performing Assets. International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary studies,
7 (7), 71-78.
ISSN(print/online): 2454-8499.
11) | More, P. (2021). Technological tools and Biosensors for detection and diagnosis of COVID-19. Research Journal of BioTechnology,
16 (10), 163-170.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-6263/2278-4535,
12) | Ahuja, R. (2019). India Status-Capital Account Convertibility. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,
6 (1), 1283-1289.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-5162,
13) | Ahuja, R. (2019). Recent Trends of Foreign Direct Investment in India. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,
6 (2), 36-44.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-5162,
14) | Ahuja, R. (2019). Women Directors a Perspective. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,
7 (2), 37-39.
ISSN(print/online): 2320-2882,
15) | Ahuja, R.S. (2018). MOOCs: A Welcome Step Towards Development. University News,
56 (6), 4.
ISSN(print/online): 0566-2257.
16) | Adhyapak, P.V., Bang, A.D., More, P., Munirathnam, N.R. (2018). Nanostructured WO3/graphene composites for sensing NOx at room temperature. RSC Advances,
8, 34035-34040. Google Scholar Citations: 15, WoS Citations: 11,
ISSN(print/online): 2046-2069,
17) | Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2017). Paradigms of Constructivist Approach: Constructivist Teaching and Content Organization. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
4 (19), 4325-4333.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083,
18) | Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2017). Questionnaire for Accesibility Audit of College/University Campus To Assess its Accesibility to the Students with Disabilities pursuing Higher Education. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies,
6 (3), 24-30.
ISSN(print/online): 2348-0459,
19) | Ahuja, R. (2017). Impact of Goods and Service Tax on Revenue of Maharashtra: A Review. Royal: An International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journal,
6 (2), 1-12.
ISSN(print/online): 2278-8158.
20) | Kshirsagar, V.D., Ahuja, R.S. (2017). Analytical study of draft red herring prospectus-drhp (with reference to DRHP of National stock exchange of India Ltd. dated December 28, 2016). Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,
7 (6), 32-40.
ISSN(print/online): 2231-5780,
21) | Ramteke, A. (2016). Scholarly Dynamism of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,
4 (26), 2970-2976.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808,
22) | Singh, N. (2016). XX Logistics- A case study. Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research,
5 (12), 375-377.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-5614.
23) | Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2015). Need for spiritual Development of students in higher education. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies,
4 (6), 135-137.
ISSN(print/online): 2348-0459,
24) | Ahuja, R.S., Nikam, A.A. (2015). A study of regional disparities in growth in the state of Maharashtra. Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research,
5 (1), 64-79.
ISSN(print/online): 2249-8826,
25) | Ahuja, R., Nalawade, R. (2015). A Study of Human Development Index of Maharashtra. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language,
2 (11), 10-15.
ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083,
26) | Kshirsagar, V., Ahuja, R. (2015). Crowd-Funding and its perspectives. Indian Journal of Applied Research,
5 (1), 13-17.
ISSN(print/online): 2249-555X,
27) | Singh, N., Kolekar, B.D. (2015). Testing Reliability of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (OCBS) for Non-Teaching Staff in Academics. International Journal of Management,
6 (9), 55-66. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 0976-6502/0976-6510,
28) | Singh, N., Kolekar, B. (2015). Measurement of Attributes of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Academicians. International Journal of Management,
6 (3), 24-33. Google Scholar Citations: 1,
ISSN(print/online): 0976-6502/0976-6510,
29) | Adik, B.R., Ahuja, R.S. (2014). Changing Structure of Population in Maharashtra. Indian Streams Research Journal,
4 (9), 10-15.
ISSN(print/online): 2230-7850,
30) | Adik, B.R,, Ahuja, R. (2014). A study of sectoral changes in the state of Maharashtra with reference to period 2001 to 2012. Golden Research Thoughts,
3 (12), 1-8.
ISSN(print/online): 2231-5063,
31) | Singh, N. (2014). Is Language a barrier-A Case Study. Research Revolution,
3 (2), 66-68.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
32) | Singh, N., Abbas, S. (2014). A study to improve the suggestion scheme at shop floor-assembly shop-tcf 1c with special reference to Tata Motors ltd. of pantnagar plant. Indian Streams Research Journal,
4 (11), 1-9.
ISSN(print/online): 2230-7850.
33) | Singh, N., Kolekar, B.D. (2014). Analysis of Literature to Deduce the Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research,
3 (12), 20-30.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-4421.
34) | Tagad, C.K., Rajdeo, K.S., Kulkarni, A., More, P., Aiyer, R.C., Sabharwal, S. (2014). Green synthesis of polysaccharide stabilized gold nanoparticles: Chemo catalytic and room temperature operable vapor sensing application. RSC Advances,
4 (46), 24014-24019. Google Scholar Citations: 22, WoS Citations: 31,
ISSN(print/online): 2046-2069,
35) | Singh, N. (2013). Does the use of grapevine communication helps in improving employee relations and increasing business performance-An evidence from education and corporate sector. Research Revolution,
1 (11), 39-42.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
36) | Singh, N., Dubey, P. (2013). ABC Bank- A Case Study. Research Revolution,
2 (3), 41-42.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
37) | Singh, N., Rajput, S. (2013). Japanese Language And Collaboration: A Gateway To Growth And International Exposure With Reference To Indian Automobile Industries. Cyber Times International Journal of Technology and Management,
6 (2),
ISSN(print/online): 2278-7518.
38) | Singh, N. (2013). The Study of Impact of Training and Development Activities with special Reference to Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pune. Research Revolution,
2 (1), 17-20.
ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
39) | Tagad, C.K., Kim, H.U., Aiyer, R.C., More, P., Kim, T., Moh, S.H., Kulkarni, A., Sabharwal, S.G. (2013). A sensitive hydrogen peroxide optical sensor based on polysaccharide stabilized silver nanoparticles. RSC Advances,
3 (45), 22940-22943. Google Scholar Citations: 16, WoS Citations: 31,
ISSN(print/online): 2046-2069,
40) | Sane, S., Singh, N. (2012). A study on consumer perception with reference to third party administrators (Tpas). Indian Journal of Marketing,
42 (12), 16-22.
ISSN(print/online): 0973-8703,
41) | Singh, N. (2012). BYOD genie is out of the bottle–“Devil or angel”. Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research,
1 (3), 1-12. Google Scholar Citations: 63,
ISSN(print/online): 2319-5614.