Department Details

Skill Development Centre

1)    Kale, B.A., Birajdar, S.N., More, P.U., Adhyapak, P.V. (2024). Comparative optical sensing studies of silver nanowires prepared by different synthetic routes. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 35, 1-14. ISSN(print/online): 0957-4522/1573-482X, URL/DOI:
2)    Walujkar, M.S., More, P., Gadale, S.R., Waghmode, S.A. (2024). Green synthesis of Ag-Fe2O3-CuO-PANI nanocomposite and its application as an Apple Vinegar sensor. Journal of Polymer and Composites, 12 (4), 41-53. ISSN(print/online): 2321-8525/2321-2810, URL/DOI:
3)    Dubash, S. M., Ramteke A. R. (2023). Multiculturalism in Education: Recommended Principles and Practices in NEP 2020. Education and Society, 3 (Sp. 1), 273-279. ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864, URL/DOI:
4)    More, P.U. (2023). Integrating Professional Skills Training for Disabled Soldiers: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Science and Research, 12 (3), 149-152. ISSN(print/online): 2319-7064, URL/DOI:
5)    Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2022). Skill Development Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Title: ―Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: The Real Hero‖. International Journal of Science and Research, 11 (6), 1791-1795. ISSN(print/online): 2319-7064, URL/DOI:
6)    Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2022). Skill Development in Higher Education: A Study with Reference to B.Voc. Degree Programmes in Maharashtra. International Journal of Science and Research, 11 (6), 1605-1607. ISSN(print/online): 2319-7064, URL/DOI:
7)    Bhise, G.D., Karpe, S.B., More, P., Adhyapak, P.V. (2022). Optical fibre based acetone sensor using Pd modified WO3 nanostructures. Optics and Laser Technology, 156, 108566. ISSN(print/online): 0030-3992/1879-2545, URL/DOI:
8)    More, P. (2022). Book Review: “Blended Learning”: A Model for Developing Entrepreneurial Skills, by NavnathTupe, Pune: Universal Prakashan Press, 2022. Indian Journal of Adult Education, 83 (2), 196-199. ISSN(print/online): 0019-5006.
9)    Ahuja, R. (2021). Exploring the Differences Between Business Communication and General Communication: A Potential Key to Successful Accounting and Management Education in a Global World. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2825-2831. ISSN(print/online): 2319-4979.
10)    Ahuja, R. (2021). Impact of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code on Non-Performing Assets. International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary studies, 7 (7), 71-78. ISSN(print/online): 2454-8499.
12)    Ahuja, R. (2019). India Status-Capital Account Convertibility. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6 (1), 1283-1289. ISSN(print/online): 2349-5162, URL/DOI:
13)    Ahuja, R. (2019). Recent Trends of Foreign Direct Investment in India. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6 (2), 36-44. ISSN(print/online): 2349-5162, URL/DOI:
14)    Ahuja, R. (2019). Women Directors a Perspective. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 7 (2), 37-39. ISSN(print/online): 2320-2882, URL/DOI:
15)    Ahuja, R.S. (2018). MOOCs: A Welcome Step Towards Development. University News, 56 (6), 4. ISSN(print/online): 0566-2257.
16)    Adhyapak, P.V., Bang, A.D., More, P., Munirathnam, N.R. (2018). Nanostructured WO3/graphene composites for sensing NOx at room temperature. RSC Advances, 8, 34035-34040. Google Scholar Citations: 15, WoS Citations: 11, ISSN(print/online): 2046-2069, URL/DOI:
17)    Jagtap-Ramteke, A. (2017). Paradigms of Constructivist Approach: Constructivist Teaching and Content Organization. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language, 4 (19), 4325-4333. ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083, URL/DOI:
19)    Ahuja, R. (2017). Impact of Goods and Service Tax on Revenue of Maharashtra: A Review. Royal: An International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journal, 6 (2), 1-12. ISSN(print/online): 2278-8158.
20)    Kshirsagar, V.D., Ahuja, R.S. (2017). Analytical study of draft red herring prospectus-drhp (with reference to DRHP of National stock exchange of India Ltd. dated December 28, 2016). Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 7 (6), 32-40. ISSN(print/online): 2231-5780, URL/DOI:
21)    Ramteke, A. (2016). Scholarly Dynamism of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 4 (26), 2970-2976. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808, URL/DOI:
22)    Singh, N. (2016). XX Logistics- A case study. Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research, 5 (12), 375-377. ISSN(print/online): 2319-5614.
24)    Ahuja, R.S., Nikam, A.A. (2015). A study of regional disparities in growth in the state of Maharashtra. Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research, 5 (1), 64-79. ISSN(print/online): 2249-8826, URL/DOI:
25)    Ahuja, R., Nalawade, R. (2015). A Study of Human Development Index of Maharashtra. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science and English Language, 2 (11), 10-15. ISSN(print/online): 2349-9664/2348-3083, URL/DOI:
26)    Kshirsagar, V., Ahuja, R. (2015). Crowd-Funding and its perspectives. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5 (1), 13-17. ISSN(print/online): 2249-555X, URL/DOI:
27)    Singh, N., Kolekar, B.D. (2015). Testing Reliability of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (OCBS) for Non-Teaching Staff in Academics. International Journal of Management, 6 (9), 55-66. Google Scholar Citations: 1, ISSN(print/online): 0976-6502/0976-6510, URL/DOI:
28)    Singh, N., Kolekar, B. (2015). Measurement of Attributes of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Academicians. International Journal of Management, 6 (3), 24-33. Google Scholar Citations: 1, ISSN(print/online): 0976-6502/0976-6510, URL/DOI:
29)    Adik, B.R., Ahuja, R.S. (2014). Changing Structure of Population in Maharashtra. Indian Streams Research Journal, 4 (9), 10-15. ISSN(print/online): 2230-7850, URL/DOI:
30)    Adik, B.R,, Ahuja, R. (2014). A study of sectoral changes in the state of Maharashtra with reference to period 2001 to 2012. Golden Research Thoughts, 3 (12), 1-8. ISSN(print/online): 2231-5063, URL/DOI:
31)    Singh, N. (2014). Is Language a barrier-A Case Study. Research Revolution, 3 (2), 66-68. ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
32)    Singh, N., Abbas, S. (2014). A study to improve the suggestion scheme at shop floor-assembly shop-tcf 1c with special reference to Tata Motors ltd. of pantnagar plant. Indian Streams Research Journal, 4 (11), 1-9. ISSN(print/online): 2230-7850.
33)    Singh, N., Kolekar, B.D. (2014). Analysis of Literature to Deduce the Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research, 3 (12), 20-30. ISSN(print/online): 2319-4421.
34)    Tagad, C.K., Rajdeo, K.S., Kulkarni, A., More, P., Aiyer, R.C., Sabharwal, S. (2014). Green synthesis of polysaccharide stabilized gold nanoparticles: Chemo catalytic and room temperature operable vapor sensing application. RSC Advances, 4 (46), 24014-24019. Google Scholar Citations: 22, WoS Citations: 31, ISSN(print/online): 2046-2069, URL/DOI:
35)    Singh, N. (2013). Does the use of grapevine communication helps in improving employee relations and increasing business performance-An evidence from education and corporate sector. Research Revolution, 1 (11), 39-42. ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
36)    Singh, N., Dubey, P. (2013). ABC Bank- A Case Study. Research Revolution, 2 (3), 41-42. ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
37)    Singh, N., Rajput, S. (2013). Japanese Language And Collaboration: A Gateway To Growth And International Exposure With Reference To Indian Automobile Industries. Cyber Times International Journal of Technology and Management, 6 (2), ISSN(print/online): 2278-7518.
38)    Singh, N. (2013). The Study of Impact of Training and Development Activities with special Reference to Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pune. Research Revolution, 2 (1), 17-20. ISSN(print/online): 2319-300X.
39)    Tagad, C.K., Kim, H.U., Aiyer, R.C., More, P., Kim, T., Moh, S.H., Kulkarni, A., Sabharwal, S.G. (2013). A sensitive hydrogen peroxide optical sensor based on polysaccharide stabilized silver nanoparticles. RSC Advances, 3 (45), 22940-22943. Google Scholar Citations: 16, WoS Citations: 31, ISSN(print/online): 2046-2069, URL/DOI:
40)    Sane, S., Singh, N. (2012). A study on consumer perception with reference to third party administrators (Tpas). Indian Journal of Marketing, 42 (12), 16-22. ISSN(print/online): 0973-8703, URL/DOI:
41)    Singh, N. (2012). BYOD genie is out of the bottle–“Devil or angel”. Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research, 1 (3), 1-12. Google Scholar Citations: 63, ISSN(print/online): 2319-5614.