Department Details

Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension

1)    Deshpande, A., Gupta, P.V. (2024). Breaking Barriers: An analysis of Women’s Participation in Non-Conventional Profession. Third Concept, 38 (499), 33-37. ISSN(print/online): 0970-7247.
2)    Gupta, P.V. (2024). Gandhian Approach To Tribal Development . संशोधक, 10 (2), 144-149. ISSN(print/online): 2394-5990.
3)    Gupta, P.V. (2024). Distance Education and Students Supportive Services. Third Concept, 38 (450), 30-31. ISSN(print/online): 0970-7247.
4)    तुपे, नवनाथ (2023). अजूनही जिवंत आहे गांधी: संभ्रम जणांचा शोध महात्म्याचा. अक्षरगाथा, १३ (), ८६-९०. ISSN(print/online): 0976-2957.
5)    Gupta, P.V. (2023). Centrally sponsored scheme for vocationalisation of secondary and higher secondary education: challenges and issues. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 10 (3), 620-623. ISSN(print/online): 2349-5138/2348-1269, URL/DOI:
6)    जगताप, सुनिता., गुप्ता, पुव्वाडा (2023). व्यावसायिक समाजकार्यकर्त्याला व्यायवसायिक यशासाठी आजीवन अध्ययनाची आवश्यकता. Vidyawarta: International Multilingual Research Journal, (४७), ४-८. ISSN(print/online): 2319-9318.
7)    जगताप, सुनिता., गुप्ता,पुव्वाडा (2023). असरकारी संस्थांमधील व्यायवसायिक समाजकार्यकर्त्यांसाठी अहवाल लेखनाचे महत्व: एक अभ्यास. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, ११ (७७), ३१४-३२२. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808, URL/DOI:
8)    Deshpande, A., Gupta, P.V. (2023). Vulnerability of Women Working in Non-Traditional Occupations: Case Studies. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 12 (78), 24-30. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808, URL/DOI:
10)    तुपे, नवनाथ (2022). भारतीय राज्यसंस्था आणि सामाजिक न्यायाची प्रयोगशील मांडणी . समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ६० (२३८), ८०-८६. ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845, URL/DOI:
11)    तुपे, नवनाथ (2022). समतेचा ध्वज उंचावणरी कविता. महाराष्ट्र साहित्य पत्रिका, ३७९ (), ९२-९६. ISSN(print/online): 2456-656X, URL/DOI:
13)    साबळे, व्ही., गुप्ता, पी. (2022). भारतातील प्रौढ शिक्षण: ऐतिहासिक आढावा. शिक्षण आणि समाज, 45 (2), 07-12. ISSN(print/online): 2278-6864, URL/DOI:
14)    Gupta, P.V. (2022). Adult Education: Heralding a Bright and Prosperous Future . Journal of Adult Education and Development, 38 (3-4), 12-14.
15)    तुपे, नवनाथ (2021). वर्तमानात गांधींचा पराभव आणि विजय जोखणारा ग्रंथ. महाराष्ट्र साहित्य पत्रिका, ६० (२३८), ८०. ISSN(print/online): 2456-656X.
17)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2020). आदिवासींचे शिक्षण : स्थिती आणि आव्हाने. Saksham Samiksha, (), १८-२७. ISSN(print/online): 2231-4377.
18)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2020). आदिवासींमधील आर्थिक विषमता आणि एकात्मिक शेतीचे प्रयोग. सुगावा, , ६-८. ISSN(print/online): 2321-8592.
19)    तुपे, नवनाथ (2020). महारष्ट्र समाजातील पुरुषसत्तेचा त्रिकोण दृष्टीकोन. समाज प्रबोधन पत्रिका, ISSN(print/online): 0973-2845.
20)    Gupta, P.V. (2020). Development of Entrepreneurship among Urban Slum Dwellers: A Case Study of Savitribai Phule University, Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension. GEC's International Journal of Innovation Technology and Management, 6 (1), 70-73. ISSN(print/online): 2394-594X.
21)    Gupta, P.V. (2020). Integration of Pedagogy with Society and Cultivation of Skills and Right Values. Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development, 8 (4), 16-24. ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852, URL/DOI:
22)    तुपे, नवनाथ (2019). वाचन चिकित्सा. महाराष्ट्र साहित्य पत्रिका, ३६७ (११), ४५-४९. ISSN(print/online): 2456-656X.
23)    Tupe, N.B. (2019). आजीवन अध्ययन संकल्पना. अक्षरगाथा, 10 (3), 20. ISSN(print/online): 0976-2957.
24)    Tupe, N.B. (2019). Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 1 (2), 75-82. ISSN(print/online): 2687-3788, URL/DOI:
25)    Gupta, P.V. (2019). Motivational strategies for Adult learners: Different approaches . International Journal of Indian Psychology, 7 (3), 645-650. ISSN(print/online): 2349-3429/2348-5396.
26)    Gupta, P.V. (2019). Motivational Strategies for Adult Learners: Some Approaches. Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4 (8), 1-8. ISSN(print/online): 2456-2971.
27)    Gupta, P.V. (2019). Researcher as a Participant Observant: Some Methodological Issues . Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development, 7 (3), 16-24. ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852.
28)    Gupta, P.V. (2019). Department of Adult Continuing Education and Extension: Towards Social Responsibility of the University . Journal of Extension Systems, 35 (1), 25-32. ISSN(print/online): 0970-2989/2582-273X.
29)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2018). आदिवासी संस्कृती . Saksham Samiksha, (), १३-१५. ISSN(print/online): 2231-4377.
30)    Joglekar, M., Deshmukh, B. (2018). Impact of Caregiving On Dementia Caregivers. Manavlok Research Bulletin, (20), 30-36. ISSN(print/online): 2349-3984.
31)    भोसले, सदानंद, तुपे, नवनाथ (2018). अशोक वाजपेयी की कविताओं में अभिव्यक्त मृत्युबोध. शोध दिशा, (40), 167-173. ISSN(print/online): 0975-735X.
32)    Tupe, N.B. (2018). Assesment of the Learning Needs Among Women Entrepreneurs in India With Special Reference to Maharashtra State. Sumerianz Journal of Business Management and Marketing, 1 (1), 18-25. ISSN(print/online): 2617-1724/2617-0175, URL/DOI:
33)    Tupe, N.B. (2018). Blended learning model for enhancing entrepreneurial skills among women. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 1 (2), 30-45. ISSN(print/online): 2602-3717, URL/DOI:
34)    Gupta, P.V. (2018). Forging ahead of life skills for community development: Issues and challenges in Indian Education system. Adult Education and Development,
35)    Gupta, P.V. (2018). Tribal Development in India - Status and Strategies . International Journal of African and Asian Studies, 48 (2), 14-19. ISSN(print/online): 2409-6938.
36)    Gupta, P.V. (2018). Research in Literacy and Adult Education . Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development, 6 (2), 17 – 46. ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852.
37)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2017). जागतिकीकरण आणि आदिवासी समुदाय. परिवर्तनाचा वाटसरू, , ४२-५० . ISSN(print/online): 2250-3145.
38)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2017). आदिवासी अधिकार जाहीरनाम्याचा दशकपूर्ती आणि होरपळणारे आदिवासी. सुगावा, (), ६-१२. ISSN(print/online): 2321-8592.
39)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2017). आदिवासी विकास: औदार्य व व्यावहारिकता यांची सांगड घालण्याची गरज. फडकी मासिक, १५-१६. ISSN(print/online): 2319-6033.
40)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2017). व्यावसायिक समाज कार्य शिक्षण : काही आव्हाने. OBC Prahar, (), ९-१०.
41)    भोसले, सदानंद., तुपे, नवनाथ (2017). अशोक वाजपेयी की कविताओं में अभिव्यक्त संगीतकला. शोध दिशा, (37), 231-235. ISSN(print/online): 0975-735X.
42)    Gupta, P.V. (2017). Political Behaviour of the Tribal Youth: A Study. Journal of Culture, Society and Development, 25, 21-28. ISSN(print/online): 2422-8400.
43)    Gupta, P.V., Valluri, J. (2017). Education and Health Practices of Warli Tribes: A Case Study. Journal of Culture, Society and Development, 37 (11), 29-37. ISSN(print/online): 2422-8400, URL/DOI:
44)    Shirsath, S.K. (2017). Inculcation of lifelong learning in university extension. International Inventive Multidisciplinary Journal, 5 (12), 169-174. ISSN(print/online): 2348-7135, URL/DOI:
45)    Shirsath, S.K. (2017). Personality development program for tribal girl students. International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 6 (11), 25-27. ISSN(print/online): 2395-0609/2277-4262 , URL/DOI:
46)    Shirsath, S.K. (2017). Towards social commitment. International Inventive Multidisciplinary Journal, 3 (5), 32-39. ISSN(print/online): 2348-7135, URL/DOI:
47)    Shirsath, S.K. (2017). The OBCs through India's Social history. International Inventive Multidisciplinary Journal, 5 (10), 122-130. ISSN(print/online): 2348-7135, URL/DOI:
48)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2016). मानवी हक्कांचे संरक्षणकर्ते डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर. सुगावा, (), ४-८. ISSN(print/online): 2321-8592.
49)    Tupe, N.B., Jain, S.N. (2016). Major issues and challenges in teaching learning practices of primary teachers in Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Adult Education, 77 (9), 101-108. ISSN(print/online): 0019-5006.
50)    Gupta, P.V. (2016). Doctors be Aware: A Perspective. Journal of Research in Medical Education and Ethics, 6 (3), 115-120. ISSN(print/online): 2231-671X/2231-6728, URL/DOI:
51)    Gupta, P.V. (2016). Context Consciousness in Health Care: A Study of Pune Urban Slums. Indian Journal of Adult Education, 77 (4), 87-103. ISSN(print/online): 0019-5006.
52)    Gupta, P.V. (2016). Envisaging the Social Responsibility: A Perspective of Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension . Journal of Adult Education and Development, 3 (3-6), 3-8.
53)    Gupta, P.V. (2016). People Education Institutions: Reorienting Implementation Strategy. Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development, 4 (2), 58-72. ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852.
54)    Patil, R., Kumar, P.P. (2016). WRF model sensitivity for simulating intense western disturbances over North West India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2 (2), 82. ISSN(print/online): 2363-6203/2363-6211, URL/DOI:
55)    Deshmukh, B. (2015). Tribal Development:Intervention of BAIF through Wadi approach. Journal of National Development, 28 (2), 69-78. ISSN(print/online): 0972-8309.
56)    Adhav, V. (2015). Phule-Ambedakarite Legacy and Analysis of Problems of Women. Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development, 3 (2), 95-100. ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852.
57)    Tupe, N.B. (2015). Pathway for Transforming Higher Education Into a Socio-Economic Development Force: The Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2011. Samajwadi Adhyapak Sabha, 2 (6), 10-14.
58)    Tupe, N.B. (2015). Multimedia scenario based learning programme for enhancing the English language efficiency among primary school students. International Journal of Instruction, 8 (2), 125-138 . Google Scholar Citations: 1, ISSN(print/online): 1694-609X/1308-1470, URL/DOI:
59)    Tupe, N.B., Chowdhury, R.D. (2015). An Ideation of Blended Learning Design for Lifelong Learning of women. Business and Management Research, 4 (4), 30-42. ISSN(print/online): 1927-6001/1927-601X, URL/DOI:
60)    Gupta, P.V. (2015). Continuing Education Programmes For Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes. Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development, 3 (1), 59-65. ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852.
61)    Gupta, P.V. (2015). Content and delivery dimensions of alternative approaches to literacy: An appraisal. International Research Journal of Trans-Disciplinary Studies, 1 (1),
62)    Shirsath, S.K. (2015). Towards tribal development. International Inventive Multidisciplinary Journal, 3 (12), 22-28. ISSN(print/online): 2348-7135, URL/DOI:
63)    Mahajan, V., Lokhande, D. (2015). Dr. Ambedkar's Work for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment through Constitutional Provisions. Golden Research Thoughts, 1 (1), 1-3. ISSN(print/online): 2231-5063.
64)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2014). धनगड, धनगड आणि धनगर वास्तव. फडकी मासिक, (), ८-११. ISSN(print/online): 2319-6033.
65)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2014). धनगर आरक्षण: वस्तुस्थिती व राजकारण. सत्यशोधक जागर, (७८), ९-११.
66)    Tupe, N.B. (2014). Poulo freiry’s pedagogy of oppressed: Some observations . Samajwadi Adhyapak Sabha, 1 (7),
67)    Tupe, N.B. (2014). Restructuring of higher education for lifelong learning: New direction and challenges . Indian Institute of Education, 37 (3), 21-31.
68)    Tupe, N.B. (2014). Triangular Attitude of Patriarchy: A Major Issue of Lifelong Learning among Women in India. Business and Management Research, 3 (4), 11-25. Google Scholar Citations: 2, ISSN(print/online): 1927-6001/1927-601X, URL/DOI:
69)    Shirsath, S.K. (2014). Contemplations of Extension. International Inventive Multidisciplinary Journal, 2 (04), 45-52. ISSN(print/online): 2348-7135, URL/DOI:
70)    Tupe, N.B., Kamale, J. (2013). Micro finance & micro credit as a solutions for the income, consumption and investment of women through SHG in Maharashtra . Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1 (5), 1581-1590. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808, URL/DOI:
71)    Tupe, N.B. (2013). Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Education Thought for Deprived People . Sugava, 42 (11), 7-8. ISSN(print/online): 2321-8592.
72)    गुप्ता, पुव्वाडा (2013). भारतातील भटक्या जाती-जमाती. सुगावा, ४२ (), ISSN(print/online): 2321-8592.
73)    गुप्ता, पुव्वाडा (2013). भारतातील दलित स्त्रियांचा दर्जा. तिमाही जर्नल, (),
74)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Obstacles to Family Planning in Tribal Areas. Indian Journal of Lifelong Learning and Development, 1 (1), 100-103. ISSN(print/online): 2454-6852.
75)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Inclusion and participation in adult education: Indian experience. Chaitanya International Journal of Management Innovations and Technology, 1 (1), 121–131. ISSN(print/online): 2320-382X.
76)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Influence of attitude, school facilities and teacher characteristics on the performance of secondary school teachers working in rural areas. International Journal of African and Asian Studies, 2, 72-81. Google Scholar Citations: 3, ISSN(print/online): 2409-6938, URL/DOI:
77)    Gupta, P.V. (2013). Social exclusion, inclusion, awareness on HIV/AIDS among the fishing communities: A study in some villages of north coastal Andhra Pradesh. South Asian Anthropologists, 13 (1), 85-93. ISSN(print/online): 0257-7348.
78)    Shirsath, S.K. (2013). Extension in higher Education : Distinctive Features. International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 2 (9), 136-141. ISSN(print/online): 2395-0609/2277-4262 , URL/DOI:
79)    Shirsath, S.K. (2013). A Study of communication Methods deployed by saint Gadgebaba for social Reforms. International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 2 (1), 147-155. ISSN(print/online): 2395-0609/2277-4262 , URL/DOI:
80)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2012). भारतीय आदिवासी समाजाची प्राचीनता. Tribal Research Bulletin, ४६ (), २४-३२.
81)    Deshmukh, B. (2012). Tribal Development Approaches : A Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Community Guidance and Research, 29 (01), 76-78. ISSN(print/online): 0970-1346.
82)    Tupe, N.B. (2012). Literacy concept & lifelong learning . Jeevan Shikshan, 57 (6), 13-15.
83)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Training of functionaries in saakshar bharat Programme: An analysis. International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 1 (4), 90-96. ISSN(print/online): 2395-0609/2277-4262 , URL/DOI:
84)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Nomads in India - 1. Artland, A monthly Journal of Art Features, Articles and News, 21 (7-9), 3-6.
85)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Nomads in India-2. Artland, A monthly Journal of Art Features, Articles and News, 21 (4-6), 14-18.
86)    Gupta, P.V. (2012). Awareness on HIV / AIDS of the Fisher Folk Villages of Coastal Andhra Pradesh. Adult Education and Development, 29 (4-6), 3-11.
87)    Shirsath, S.K. (2012). Skill development for youth: need and modalities. International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 1 (11), 98-101. ISSN(print/online): 2395-0609/2277-4262 , URL/DOI:
88)    Shirsath, S.K. (2012). Literate society: Need of time. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1 (1), 68-73. ISSN(print/online): 2349-4766/2278-8808.
89)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2011). कोकणी आदिवासी बोलीभाषा आणि संस्कृती संक्रमण. शिक्षण तरंग, (), १३-१६. ISSN(print/online): 0976-0636.
90)    Deshmukh, B. (2011). Appoaches of an NGO to Rural-Tribal Development with reference to BAIF Initiatives. New Horizon in University Education - Journal of Development and Social Justice, IV (1), 23-37. ISSN(print/online): 2249-586-X.
91)    Deshmukh, B. (2011). Community Organisation : An Approach of Lifelong Learning. Indian Journal of Adult Education, 72 (02), 80-92. ISSN(print/online): 0019-5006.
92)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2011). भारतातील व्यायसायिक समाज कार्य : काही प्रश्न. शिक्षणातील मर्मद्रीष्टी, (), ३-८. ISSN(print/online): 0976-0385.

Publications Before 2011

93)    Tupe, N.B. (2010). Literacy: status and improvement. Nirantar Shikshan Dhara, 4 (9), 39-43 .
94)    Tupe, N.B. (2010). Reading As a Life Skills. Bhasha Bhan, 1 (2), 22-25. ISSN(print/online): 2229-5704.
95)    Gupta, P.V. (2010). Aged –Problems and strategies. Journal of Adult Education and Development, 26, 21–25.
96)    Gupta, P.V. (2010). Emphasis on Adult Education (Saakshar Bharat Programme): A few issues for consideration at Micro- level. Journal of State Resource Centre for Adult Education, 11 (2), 1-11.
97)    Gupta, P.V. (2010). ICT based literacy camps: perspectives of learners from TCS experience. Saakshar Bharat Newsletter, 6 (9-12), 6-7.
98)    Gupta, P.V. (2010). ICT based Saakshar Bharat Programme: Perspectives of learners. Journal of Adult Education and Development, 26, 11–14.
99)    देशमुख, भौमिक (2009). युवक आणि मानवी हक्क. निरंतर शिक्षण धारा, , २२-२५.
100)    Tupe, N.B. (2009). Research Design. Yojana, 37 (4), 35-39. ISSN(print/online): 0971-8400.
101)    Tupe, N.B. (2009). Situation based learning – A better method of teaching. Indian Journal of Adult Education, 70 (2), 80-89. ISSN(print/online): 0019-5006.
102)    Tupe, N.B. (2009). Changing social reality and problems of senior citizens. Yojana, 37 (7), 45-47. ISSN(print/online): 0971-8400.
103)    Deshmukh, B. (2008). Field Work Practicum in Social Work Education. South Asian Journal of Participative Development, 7 (1-1), 7-18. ISSN(print/online): 0976-2701.
104)    Deshmukh, B. (2008). Problems of Rural Communities: A Social Work Perspective. Vichar Bharati, (1), 47-48.
105)    Tupe, N.B. (2008). Coaching Classes: Horrible Competition. Pudhache Paul, 1 (2), 3-5.
106)    Tupe, N.B. (2008). Right to children: At a glance. Yojana, 35 (6), 85-88. ISSN(print/online): 0971-8400.
107)    Gupta, P.V. (2008). Literacy attainment of continuing education beneficiaries. Journal of Society for Promotion of Adult Continuing Education, 1 (1), 42-54.
108)    Gupta, P.V. (2008). Population education: Perceptions of the rural masses. Journal of Adult Education and Development, 21, 3-13.
109)    Gupta, P.V. (2008). Reproductive health needs of the tribal women. International Research Journal of Social Sciences, 1 (2), 165-175. ISSN(print/online): 2319-3565.
110)    Tupe, N.B. (2007). How to Study?. Sanwad, 12 (10), 15-16.
111)    Tupe, N.B. (2007). Education for all: A Thought of Mahatma Gandhi. Sanwad, 13 (10), 5-6.
112)    Tupe, N.B. (2006). Knowledge based society: New challenges and directions. Lokshikshan, 59 (8), 3-5.
113)    Tupe, N.B. (2006). Marriage registration: A need of times. Lokshikshan, 56 (5), 10-11.
114)    Gupta, P.V. (2006). Low female literacy: Factors and strategies. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 46 (1), 84-95. ISSN(print/online): 1443-1394.
115)    Gupta, P.V. (2006). Impact of the literacy on reproductive health status of rural Women. Indian Journal of Population Education, 2 (32), 14-25.
116)    Gupta, P.V. (2006). Integration of Population and Sex Education in Adult and Continuing Education Curriculum. Journal Adult Education and Development, 19, 18-21.
117)    Gupta, P.V. (2006). Knowledge and Practices of the Rural Women towards Adoption of Family Planning Methods. Journal of Adult and Extension, 2 (2), 1-10.
118)    Gupta, P.V. (2006). A Study of the Functioning of Continuing Education Centres as Perceived by Continuing Education Committee Members. Journal of State Resource Centre for Adult Education, 7 (2), 16-22.
119)    Rao, B.S.V., Gupta, P.V. (2006). A Study on the Mass Media Access, Exposure and Preferences of the Tribes towards Adult Education in Visakhapatnam Tribal Region. Journal of Communication Studies, 5 (1-2), 61-68. ISSN(print/online): 0970-5554/2456-8961.
120)    Rao, B.S.V., Gupta, P.V. (2006). A Study on the opinions of the Volunteers towards Akshara Bharathi: Programme in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Adult Education, 67 (3-4), 9-18. ISSN(print/online): 0019-5006.
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