Teacher Details

Waphare Balu Nathaji

Department Of Mathematics


1)    Khairnar, A., Waphare, B.N. (2016,December, 14-17). Zero-divisor graphs of Laurent polynomials and Laurent power series. In Rizvi, S.T(Eds.), Proceedings of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics(pp.345-349). Aligarh; India: Springer. ISBN: 9789811016509.
2)    Thakare, N.K., Waphare, B.N., Patil, A. (2016,December, 14-17). Comparability axioms in orthomodular lattices and rings with involution. In Rizvi S.T(Eds.), Proceedings of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics(pp. 241-257). Aligarh; India: Springer. ISBN: 9789811016509.

Publications Before 2011

3)    Waphare, B.N. (2007). Society for special functions and their applications.. Pune; India.