Journal Articles

7131)    Panage, B.M. (2012). Retrospective conversion. IFLA Journal, 20 (201), 421-425. ISSN(print/online): 0340-0352/1745-2651.
7132)    Kaur, I., Rajarshi, M.B. (2012). Ridge Regression for Estimation of Transition Probabilities from Aggregate Data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 41 (4), 524-530. Google Scholar Citations: 2, WoS Citations: 3, ISSN(print/online): 0361-0918/1532-4141, URL/DOI:
7133)    Madani, A.H., Dikshit, M., Bhaduri, D. (2012). Risk for oral cancer associated to smoking, smokeless and oral dip products. Indian Journal of Public Health, 56 (1), 57-60. Google Scholar Citations: 24, ISSN(print/online): 0019-557X/2229-7693, URL/DOI:
7134)    Ponnusamy, S., Zinjarde, S., Bhargava, S., Kumar, A.R. (2012). Role of Curcuma longa, a traditional ayurvedic medicinal plant, in diabetes. Tang (Humanitas Medicine), 2 (4), 31.1-31.7. ISSN(print/online): 2233-8985, URL/DOI:
7135)    Kurane, A., Shetty, J. (2012). Role of Mass Media in Women’s Development. Journal of Social Welfare and Management, 4 (3), 133-141. ISSN(print/online): 0975-0231/2456-0871.
7136)    Kaptan, S.S., Thomas, M. (2012). Role of social entrepreneurship in fostering sustainable development through women empowerment. Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, 3, 122-132. ISSN(print/online): 0975-623X/0976-478X, URL/DOI:
7137)    Yadwadkar, A.S. (2012). Rural Economic Development Through Farmers’ Co-operative: Can This Be A Viable Alternative To The Corporate SEZ In Rural India?. Journal of History and Social Sciences, 3 (2), ISSN(print/online): 2229-5798, URL/DOI:
7138)    Kondetti, P., Jawali, N., Apte, S.K., Shitole, M.G. (2012). Salt tolerance in Indian soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) varieties at germination and early seedling growth. Annals of Biological Research, 3 (3), 1489-1498. Google Scholar Citations: 10, ISSN(print/online): 0976-1233, URL/DOI:
7139)    Syamala, G., Ghosh, V (2012). Satisfaction of small car owner in select areas of Aundh, Baner and Pashan in Pune city. International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management, 3 (2), 133-137. ISSN(print/online): 2231-1009, URL/DOI:
7140)    Syamala, G. (2012). Satisfaction of small car owners in Pune city. PMR: Pravarna Management Review, 11 (2), ISSN(print/online): 0975-7201/2278-0165.