Journal Articles

7831)    Bihani, P., Char, P., Bhargava, S. (2011). Transgenic expression of sorghum DREB2 in rice improves tolerance and yield under water limitation. Journal of Agricultural Science, 149 (1), 95-101. Google Scholar Citations: 22, WoS Citations: 42, ISSN(print/online): 0021-8596/1469-5146, URL/DOI:
7832)    Patel, D.A. (2011). Transnational Trade and New Global Economic Constitutionalism: The Gender Perspective in India. Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 8 (7), 8-17. ISSN(print/online): 0973-7480.
7833)    Gramapurohit, N.P., Gosavi, S.M., Phuge, S.K. (2011). Unique courtship and spawning behaviour in the wrinkled frog, Nyctibatrachus humayuni. Amphibia-Reptilia, 32 (3), 333-339. Google Scholar Citations: 2, WoS Citations: 11, ISSN(print/online): 0173-5373/1568-5381, URL/DOI:
7834)    Awatade, N.M., Kate, S.A., Shaligram, A.D. (2011). Use of optical sensor for mill power measurement in sugar factories. International Sugar Journal, 113 (1349), 355-362. ISSN(print/online): 0020-8841.
7835)    Gavanji, P., Salehi, M., Gore, S.D., Khademi, H., Ayoubi, S., Taghipour, M. (2011). Use of post-stratification in composite sampling for estimating mean. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 18 (3), 535-542. Google Scholar Citations: 2, WoS Citations: 2, ISSN(print/online): 1352-8505/1573-3009, URL/DOI:
7836)    Mohanty, D. (2011). VÁa-A Linguistic Analysis. Journal of Vishvabharat, 117-128.
7837)    Patwardhan, B., Joglekar, V., Pathak, N. (2011). Vaidya-scientists: catalysing Ayurveda renaissance. Current Science, 100 (4), 476-483. Google Scholar Citations: 12, WoS Citations: 15, ISSN(print/online): 0011-3891, URL/DOI:
7838)    Patil, D. Y. (2011). Vans Vrudhi and Vans Shuddhi in Indian Scripture. Hi-tech Research Analysis, IV (III), 228-232. ISSN(print/online): 2231-6671.
7839)    Sanap, K.K., Varma, S., Dalavi, D., Patil, P.S., Waghmode, S.B., Bharadwaj, S.R. (2011). Variation in noble metal morphology and its impact on functioning of hydrogen mitigation catalyst. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (17), 10455-10467. Google Scholar Citations: 6, WoS Citations: 13, ISSN(print/online): 0360-3199/1879-3487, URL/DOI:
7840)    Mandal, R., Thanekar, A., Pansare, G.R., Bhoraskar, V.N., Sengupta, D. (2011). Variation of Flux and Energy of 14 MeV Neutrons with Variation of Matrix Around a Sample. Material Science Research India, 8 (2), 349-352. ISSN(print/online): 0973-3469 /2394-0565, URL/DOI: