Conference Proceedings

91)    Nair, V., Joy, J., Paul, J., Ranjith, A., Francis, J., Kakre, M., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). A novel fast charging technique using supercapacitors. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040007). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
92)    Suryawanshi, N.R., Martin, S.S., Dahatonde, A.D., Deshmane, K.S., Kakre, M.T., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). An innovative approach for waste heat utilization from municipal biogas plant. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040011). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
93)    Gaikwad, H., Umrikar, B., Majumdar, M., Krishnaiah, C. (2021,March, 26-28). Appraising Prolific Zones of Groundwater in hard rock phreatic aquifers from sub-watersheds of Upper Bhima Basin, Western India using Geospatial and MIF techniques . In K. Khatua (Eds.), Proceedings of 25th Hydro 2020 International Conference(pp.1246). Rourkela; India: Paramount Publishing House. ISBN: 9789390631568.
94)    Gupta, N., Punamiya, Z.S., Salve, P., Sakpal, N., Desai, K., Tomar, G. (2021,November, 29-30). Are Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Effective In Patients With COVID-19 Cytokine Storm: A Review. In A. Khosla (Eds.), Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society 2021(pp.9873). ECS Transactions - Institute of Physics. ISBN: 9781607685395.
95)    Bhosale, J.B., Shaligram, A.D. (2021). Audio transmission over SDR/cognitive radio using USRP and labVIEW for disaster response. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.050005). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
96)    Katti, S., Kulkarni, N., Shaligram, A.D. (2021). Automated sorting of used electronic components. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.050004). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
97)    Annachhatre, M., Gore, M. (2021,March, 5-6). Bio-Fuels: Testimony To Sustainable Future?. Proceedings of International Conference on Agriculture, Climate Change & Life Sciences. India: International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation. ISBN: 9789390146154 .
98)    Bansode, P., Gharpure, D.C. (2021). C-band aperture coupled microstrip patch array antenna. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.030003). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
99)    Kore, K.B., Tandale, P.U., Rondiya, S.R., Jathar, S.B., Bade, B.R., Nasane, M.P., Barma, S.V., Nilegave, D.S., Kurhe, N.V., Jadkar, S.R., Funde, A.M. (2021). Charge - discharge cycle performance of lead acid battery for energy storage application. In A. Shaligram(Eds.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMM-2019)(pp.040002). Pune; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735440791.
100)    Mal, H., Varma, M., Chellappan, P., Singh, R. (2021,June, 11-12). Comparative analysis of piped natural gas with liquified petroleum gas with regards to safety and environment. In A. Haldorai (Eds.), Proceedings of Proceedings of The 2021 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Materials and Technologies: ICSMMT(pp. 020004). Coimbatore; India: AIP Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 9780735441491.