Conference Proceedings

61)    Chakroborty, G., Ahire, K., Patra, C. (2022,September, 21-23). Evolution of toxicological effect of tributyl phosphate and its metabolites in zebrafish embryogenesis. Proceedings of Indian Zebrafish Investigators Meeting(pp.16). Pune, India: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research.
62)    Datar, S., Kadu, S., Khurpade, P., Nandi, S. (2022,December, 1-2). Experimental Study on Green Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles and Its Utilization for Degradation of Organic Dye. In S. Saxena(Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies, ICWT 2022(pp.115-129). Mumbai, India: Springer. ISBN: 9789819967612.
63)    Aleksandrova, M.P., Kolev, G.D., Pathan, H., Jadkar, S.R., Dobrikov, G.H. (2022,September, 13-15). Fabrication and Study of Infrared Detectors with Lead-Free Perovskite Films at Different Electrode Designs. Proceedings of 2022 XXXI International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET)(pp.1-16). Sozopol, Bulgaria : IEEE.
64)    Kshirsagar, B., Shah, V., Pujari, B., Premkumar, S. (2022,December, 18-22). First principle investigation of pressure dependent structural and electronic properties of Ba0.5Sn0.5TiO3. In A. K. Mishra(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, DAE-SSPS(pp.020095). Ranchi, India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735447646 / 0094-243X.
65)    Deshmukh, A.D., Varma, A.R., Gururajan, M.P., Shah, V. (2022,December, 18-22). First-principles investigation of the solid-solid interface energy of bcc Ti/hcp Ti. In A. K. Mishra(Eds.), Proceedings of 66th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, DAE-SSPS(pp.020080). Ranchi, India: American Institute of Physics Inc.. ISBN: 9780735447646 / 0094-243X.
66)    Gore, M.V., Annachhatre, M.P. (2022,June, 17-18). Formalizing the Informal Sector: A Survey Based Approach. In D. B. Ratnakar(Ed.), Proceedings of International Educational Summit Dubai. Dubai : International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation. ISBN: 9789390146345.
67)    Harshe, S., Jonnalagadda, M., Duraiswami, R., Benoit, M., Grégoire, M., Karmalkar, N. (2022,March, 25). Formation of corona structures from the troctolitic gabbros of Chainigund, Kargil, Ladakh, NW Himalayas, India: Petrological implications. Proceedings of EGU General Assembly 2022(pp.EGU22-3865). Vienna, Austria: Copernicus Meetings.
68)    Bhosale, M.R., Latpate, R., Gitte, S. (2022,April, 14). Fuzzy Supply Chain Newsboy Problem Under Lognormal Distributed Demand for Bakery Products. In D. D. Hanagal(Eds.), Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications(pp.65-79). Singapore: Springer. ISBN: 9789811679315.
69)    Walujkar, M.S., More, P., Gadale, S.R., Waghmode, S.A. (2022,December, 15-17). Green synthesis and Characterization of Ag-PANI (Polyaniline) Nanocomposite and its Application as a Carboxylate Vapour Sensor. Proceedings of IEEE Pune Section International Conference(pp.1-5). Pune, India: IEEE. ISBN: 9781665498975.
70)    Bed, R.K., Ravikumar, A., Kumar, V.R. (2022,May, 1-5). In Situ Direct Transesterification Process Optimization for Biodiesel Production from Aspergillus Terreus Wet Biomass. Proceedings of 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. USA: The American Oil Chemists' Society.